Disclaimer:   I own nothing belonging to J.K. Rowling and Sleeping Beauty is not mine either.  She belongs to the Grimm Brothers, I believe.  The plot, however, belongs solely to me.  I hope you enjoy.

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Sleeping Beauties and Sewing Machines

            Ginny Weasley grabbed the instruction manual and pushed back the red strands of hair that lay straggling on her perspiring forehead.  How many times had she picked up this stupid book of useless help, only to put it down and groan in frustration?  At least a million times, she reasoned.  So she tipped her head back and groaned in frustration, true to the routine that had just recently set itself.

            "Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!" she wailed loudly to the Gryffindor common room.  Several first years' heads swiveled to stare at her in innocent inquisitiveness.  She growled at them and shot several menacing glares at them.  Curiosity melted into fright, and the kids immediately turned back, whispering frantically back and forth to each other.

            Ginny needed help desperately.  Why, oh why, had she consented to take Muggle Studies?  Confusing it was, and Ginny was not a stupid person.  Muggles, she thought, and then realization dawned.  I need a Muggle, and then scoffing at her idiocy, changed her wording; I need someone who's lived as a Muggle.  Hermione would know!  She threw back her head and shouted at the top of her lungs.

            "HERMIONEEEEE!!!!" Ginny cried, letting urgency show in her voice.  No answer.  Ginny pushed back her chair, sprinted across the room, and tore wildly upstairs to the 6th years' dormitory.

            "Hermione!  HERMIONE!!" she bellowed.  It was all in vain, the room was empty and there was no answering voice.  A low whirring behind her indicated that a male had attempted to climb the stairs to the girls' dormitory.  She reached the top of the stairs-turned-slide and seated herself.  Pushing off with her legs, she sailed around the curve of the wall and ran smack-dab into somebody's long legs.

            "You all right there, Ginny?" a familiar voice asked gently.  Oh no, Ginny moaned inwardly, not him.  She prayed fervently that it was anybody but him.  Her old feelings for the Gryffindor Seeker had returned with a vengeance, just when she had thought she had overcome them.

            "Oh hello," Ginny said amiably, struggling to hold back the flush that was slowly creeping across her cheeks, much to her absolute horror.  Harry grasped her hands and pulled her to her feet.

            "You okay?  You're scaring the firsties with all your screaming!"  Harry inquired.  Ginny tried to direct the conversation away from her so that he couldn't possibly focus on the growing red in her face.

            "Me?  What do you think you were doing trying to get up there?" Ginny wagged her finger, chastising him as if he was a little boy that had been caught sneaking cookies out of the forbidden jar.

            "Well, I came and I heard you yelling, so I thought you were hurt and I guess I just forgot…" Harry said, motioning towards the slide that had transfigured itself back into stairs.  Ginny blushed harder.

            "Oh, well that was sweet of you, but I assure you I'm fine," Ginny said, wanting immediately to take back the 'sweet.'  "Have you seen Hermione?  I really need her help on something."

            Harry shrugged. "Sorry.  Haven't seen her or Ron since Quidditch practice."  He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.  Ginny shuddered and covered her ears and Harry laughed.

            "I am perfectly content with the idea that Hermione is in love, but I cannot comprehend why she would choose my brother to be the object of her affections.  Ron, whose socks smell like cheese, Ron who belches, Ron, who used to avoid bathing like the plague, and now can't have enough showers, Ron, whose closet smells like the fiery deep?  That Ron?  Yuurrrckkk!" Ginny grimaced, shivering with disgust.  Harry slung his arm around her shoulder and laughed again.  Must…Stay…Calm…

            "Ah, he can't be that bad, is he?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.  Ginny sighed.

            "Oh, but he is," she said, pitifully.  Do you really have no idea?

            "Since Hermione isn't here, is there anything I can help you with?" Harry asked, removing his arm.  Nooo…Put it back…Bad Ginny…

            "Not unless you know how to work one of these bloody machines," Ginny grumbled, plopping herself back in her chair.  Harry summoned a chair and seated himself next to her.  Hmmm…He smells really nice…STOP!

            "I could try.  I watched Aunt Petunia use one several times before I found out I was a wizard," Harry said, gazing interestedly at the bundle of dark green material that lay in a heap at her feet.

            "I thought she hated you," Ginny said, casting a quizzical look at him. "What would make her consent to have you near her?"

            "Oh she hated me, no doubt about it, but she adored Duddykins," he said, wrinkling his nose.  Ginny melted at the adorableness of it. "Dudley was in his cowboy phase and wanted his room decorated entirely with that, but Aunt Petunia couldn't find a quilt with what he wanted on it."

            "I bet he threw a tantrum," Ginny mused out loud.  Harry chuckled.

            "You have no idea.  It was unbelievable.  While he and Uncle Vernon were out, she sewed a quilt, cut out boots and hats and everything. She forced me to sit with her, because she didn't trust me to be by myself," Harry finished.

            "Great!  So what do I do?" Ginny asked. Harry leaned over her and examined the machine.  Ginny promptly blushed again.  This is ridiculous... Maintain some control, for the sake of posterity...

            "Well, for one thing," he stated, his eyes twinkling. "You've got to thread it first."

            "Thread it?  How are you supposed to do that?" she demanded.

            "Gin, didn't you pay any attention at all in your class?" Harry asked, amusement evident in his voice.

            "Well… Not really; I sorta, well, I was daydreaming," Ginny said honestly.  Dreaming about you, that's what…Harry shook his head.

            "Ginny, I'm ashamed of you," Harry said, smiling.

            "Just tell me what to do," Ginny said impatiently.  If she didn't get the damn project sewn, well, life would not be quite so pleasant.

            "All right, all right, hand me that book," Harry said.  He thumbed through it for a minute and landed on a diagram.

            "Okay.  Take that thread… No, not that one, the top one… Right, now bring it around the back, and then down through the slot…" Harry paused.  What a nice voice he has... Good grief, focus on something else...

            "Merlin, this is difficult," Ginny grunted, struggling to guide the thread.  His eyes... Don't you think they are really quite extraordinary?

            "We haven't even got halfway through, Gin," Harry smirked.

            "Ah, shut up!  Keep reading," she ordered.  He lowered his head obediently.

            "Okay, now bring it back up so it catches… Right, now back down again…" Harry continued, tracing his finger over the diagram.  His hands are quite shapely, don't you agree?  CAN IT!

            "Up, down, around!  It's a miracle how Muggles get along without magic," Ginny wiped her forehead again.  Curses!  She gazed longingly at the blue sky out the window, which was slowly getting away from her. 

            "One more step… Now thread it through the needle… Lick the end if you have to.  That's what Aunt Petunia did," Harry instructed.  He flipped to another page.

            "Now what?" Ginny asked.  Her stomach growled.  This boy was being much too slow.  Face it, you love him being here…Shut it, you…

            "Now you put that little wheel of thread, it's uh—called a 'bobbin' and put in that little silver case thingy.  Okay, now put it in the little space under the needle.  No, not there, down there… yeah," Harry said, correcting her clumsy movements.

            "Are we done yet?" Ginny pleaded hopefully.  She didn't know if she could take much more of this torture.

            "Nah, you still haven't sewn anything yet," Harry said, grinning.  "Just put the cloth under the foot… No, not your foot, the machine's foot… yeah, that thing, hold on, I need to read something… um, okay, now push that little lever in the back down… right, okay, push the pedal down slowly."

            Ginny tentatively lowered her foot and shrieked in surprise when the cloth moved right under her hands and was feeding through and a neat line of stitches emerged.  "Harry!  I did it!  Look!"  She looked over to see Harry gazing at her with a strangely intent look in his eyes that unnerved her.  What's that supposed to mean? She quickly turned her head back to her work.

            "It's great, Ginny," Harry told her.  He watched for a little while as she slowly worked up and down the garment, sewing all of the seams with child-like excitement.  Ginny was so engrossed in her work, she didn't notice Harry drift off to sleep next to her in his chair.

            One hour later…

            "Harry!  Wake up!" Ginny called quietly.  He jerked upright.

            "Lemme alone, Ron!" he grumbled, rubbing his eyes. He focused on her and blushed. "Sorry.  Bad dream."  Ginny smirked.  I'm sure it was considering who was involved...

            "What do you think?" she inquired, holding her project up against her.  He stared at it for a long moment, and then tilted his head sideways and looked at it again.  He looked up at her questioningly.

            "Er—What's it supposed to be?" he asked carefully.  Ginny sighed impatiently.

            "It's a dress, silly.  I'm sewing my costume for Halloween.  I'm going to be that princess from the Muggle fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty.  I saw a picture once, but I can't remember the story.  Can't you tell?" she asked.  Boys, really.

            "Uh—Ginny?  I don't think you're supposed to sew the bottom, the collar and the sleeves closed," Harry said, fearful of her reaction.  Ginny was mortified.

            "Did I really?  Oh no," she wailed, dropping the dress and burying her head in her arms.  She felt like bursting into tears. "I have to get this done today and I can't find Hermione!  I've ruined it and now what?  I'll fail and then I won't graduate.  Can you imagine the Howler I'd get from Mum?" 

            To her horror, a tear leaked out the corner of one eye.  She swiped it angrily off her cheek.  This did not go unnoticed.  Harry immediately got up and wrapped his arm around her.  I don't believe this…The boy I've been in love with since I can remember, has got his arms around me because I'm crying over a ruined project…I might as well die right now…At least I'd die in his arms…SHUT UP!

            "Hey, don't cry.  I'll go find Hermione for you.  She and Ron are probably at dinner," he said, checking the large clock that hung over the mantel above the fire.  "Do you want to come get some food?"

            "Food?!  What good is food at a time like this?" Ginny ranted. "Do you really think food is going to fix this mess?"

            "No, but it can't hurt," Harry said, helpfully.  Good heavens…

            "You and Ron and food!" Ginny groaned. "Go ahead and eat, Harry.  I have to finish this."  She bent her head and did a Severing Charm on the offending threads.  Harry glanced back as he headed through the portrait hole.

            "Okay.  Are you sure you don't want me to bring you something?" Harry asked, a concerned tone in his words.  Ginny was startled at the tone in his voice, unaccustomed to his worry being directed at her.  She didn't know quite what to make of it.

            "I'm fine, Harry," was all she said.  She heard the portrait close behind her.  She mentally kicked herself.  All he was trying to do was help, and you sneer at him as though he was one of Ron's socks...

            Ginny sighed and began picking out all the threads that held the collar, sleeves, and bottom shut.  She yawned widely and her eyes watered from straining to see all the threads.

            "Bloody professors.  Everything has to be complicated," she complained. "Why couldn't we make a hot pad or something?"  Everything in front of her eyes began to blur and her head started to nod.

            "I'm sooo tired," she mumbled sleepily to herself. "Just a little nap."  She leaned forward and rested her head on her arms and closed her eyes.  She was gone in a couple of seconds.

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            She was walking through a Great Hall paved in flat stones.  Large windows adorned with colored glass let late sunshine in.  The light streamed in and cast shadows on every surface, reflecting off the particles of dust floating in the air, making it seem as though she was bathed in fairy dust.

            An urgent need to complete something swept through her body and mind.  She looked down and saw a bundle of dark green material in her arms.  The material was silky and shiny and had pins stuck all through it.

            A voice called her, "Your Highness?"  She turned to see a portly woman hurrying towards her.  She was wearing a blue dress that covered her completely and a white ruffled pinafore.  That's a funny outfit…

            "Er--Yes?" Ginny asked, confused.  Where am I?  Who is that woman?

            "Have you finished your lessons, Your Highness?" the woman asked. "Your father wishes to take you riding this afternoon."

            "Pardon me, but why are you calling me 'Your Highness?'" Ginny asked, more confused than ever.  The woman chuckled.

            "Don't be silly, dear. Have you finished?" the woman repeated.

            "Who are you?" Ginny wondered out loud.

            "Goodness gracious... Do quit your silly teasing... I am Nurse Anna, and I have been since you were a wee babe," Nurse Anna scolded gently.  What the--I'm a princess?  And I have a nurse?  Whatever.  I have to get this dress sewn.  Remember the Howler...

            "I just need to finish this bloody dress for Muggle Studies," Ginny said impatiently.  "It's taking too damn long!"

            "Your Highness!" Nurse Anna gasped in horror.  "If your father had heard you. Never let me hear those words escape your mouth again!"  Gee, okay, hold your horses.

            "Your stitching is horrendous!" Nurse Anna ejaculated, snatching the dress out of Ginny's arms and examining it closely. "Have I taught you nothing?"  Obviously, she's mistaken me for somebody else.  Just play along like the good girl you must be…

            "I've been awf-- so terribly tired," Ginny attempted to sound prim and proper like Nurse Anna.  "I don't suppose you'd have a gadget around here that could sew it for me?"   I sound like my great-grandmother.

            "You know you mustn't mention that!" Nurse Anna whispered in terror.

            "Who's mentioning anything?" Ginny asked. "All I need is a sewing machine.  It'll finish it so much faster!"  Nurse Anna sat down heavily on a nearby rough-hewn stool.

            "My dear, have you hit your head lately?" Nurse asked.  Eh?

            "No, of course not," Ginny snapped.  What on earth is she babbling on about?

            "For the last time, darling, sewing machines are forbidden for everyone in the kingdom.  Not even the Queen is allowed to touch one.  You know that," Nurse sighed, exasperatedly.  For Merlin's sake!

            "Tell me why again?" Ginny pleaded convincingly.  Explain, please...

            "I don't know why I bother, I've only told you the story of your curse so many times," Nurse sniffed.  Ginny trained wide brown eyes on the kindly looking woman.  Come on, this never failed before..

            "Very well, just this one last time," Nurse Anna gave in. "When it came time for your christening, the entire kingdom was invited to witness, including all the fairies."  Fairies?  Beyond cool...

            "But your parents, bless their Royal hearts, when they invited all the guests, they overlooked the most important fairy:  the Evil Fairy Queen, Severity.  Known for her punishments doled out to those who displeased her, this beyond no doubt infuriated her," Nurse Anna related luxuriously, illustrating her words with large gestures.  Ginny snickered to herself.  Sounds like this Evil Fairy Queen is perfect for Snape... 

            "Do go on," Ginny encouraged.  I'm really getting the hang of this old-fashioned lingo...

            "The night of your christening, Lord it was a sight to behold!  Candles were everywhere, the most beautiful gowns, and you had the loveliest pink dress in the kingdom.  I sewed it myself, I did, on one of those cursed machines.  Lace ruffles and..." Nurse stopped when Ginny cleared her throat imperiously. "Ah yes, the fairies had arrived and were bestowing their gifts upon you." 

            "Gifts?  What gifts?" Ginny asked.  This should be interesting...

            "Darling, you know what they were, grace, beauty, voice like a lark, cleverness and wittiness, all of the most desirable traits," Nurse Anna reminisced.  I most definitely do not have grace, I am the clumsiest person I know, except for maybe Tonks...

            "What happened then?" Ginny asked.

            "Just before the last fairy could bless you with her gift, a crack of thunder like I never heard before, rolled through the castle.  The Evil Fairy Queen Severity stood before us, rage kindled in her eyes.  Lord love you, my bones still quake at the memory," Nurse exclaimed, placing a hand delicately over her heart.  Ginny gazed up at the dozens of colorful banners that hung on the ceiling of the vast chamber.  I wonder what they're for…

            "Yes, then what?" Ginny demanded, tapping her foot impatiently.  This is a pretty good story...

            "Her voice was a whisper, yet deadly and as understandable as if she were speaking at the top of her lungs.  'Why was an invitation not extended to me?  Am I not wealthy or powerful enough to merit an invitation?  You will rue the day you ignored Queen Severity!'  Ah me!  'Twas a dreadful day, indeed," Nurse Anna moaned.  Ginny examined the cracks in the table they were sitting at as she listened intently.

            "She floated above your cradle, a nightmare dressed in black, your dear mother nearly died of fright.  'I shall forgive you for your misdeeds, and I shall give this child a gift of my own.'  Cupid's wings, I was ready to whip that fairy away from you.  'Silence!' Queen Severity roared at the gasps."

            Ginny was rocking back and forth in anticipation. "Yes, yes? Do continue!"  I sound just like those old movies Hermione told me about!

            "Your Highness, I shall never forget what happened next.  Severity raised her staff over your dear little head and pronounced a curse.  'When the child reaches her sixteenth year, she will prick her finger on the needle of a sewing machine and DIE!'  You can imagine the horror of your mother, bless her Royal heart.  Faint she did, and no wonder.  An evil laugh like no other echoed throughout the room and Queen Severity disappeared."  You're kidding... This princess, whoever she is, is going to die if she pokes her finger on a sewing machine needle? 

            "We revived the Queen promptly and the last fairy stepped forward. 'My lord and lady, we cannot remove the curse, but I, since I have not yet bestowed my gift, can soften the blow.'  The fairy, bless her Magical heart, floated above your head and said, 'My dear child, when your sixteenth year comes to pass, you shall indeed prick your finger.  You shall not die, but fall into a deep sleep that cannot be broken for a hundred years, unless you are wakened by True Love's kiss."  Somebody named their kid 'True Love?'  And I thought my parents were bad!

            "Your father, the King, rather than risk a deep sleep, issued a proclamation banning all sewing machines on pain of death.  The machines were collected and burned over on that hill yonder.  A bonfire like that, I shall never see again.  And that, my dear, is why we must sew by hand once again," finished Nurse Anna with a flourish.

            "Well, I thank you for that marvelous tale," Ginny said.  You pulled that one off grandly, Ginny Weasley... You sound just like a princess.  "But I must finish this immediately.  Please inform my father that I am most grateful for his attentions, but I must complete my studies before pleasure."  Wow, that ought to impress him!  I just don't want a Howler from Mum...

            "As you wish, milady," Nurse Anna curtsied and hurried away.

            "Well, not much to do but explore," Ginny said out loud, once Nurse Anna was gone.  She picked up the green material from where she had dropped it on the table where Nurse was telling her the story of her supposed curse.  Don't castles like these have hidden passageways or something?

            Ginny immediately began to lift up all the tapestries on the walls to see if there were hidden doors behind them, like there were at Hogwarts.  Bingo!  Here's one right here... Hmm... I wonder what I'll find.

            "My lady!" Ginny jumped at the sound of Nurse Anna's voice. "Your mother has sent for you!"  Nooo... Not now....

            "Er--yes, of course, I'll be right there," Ginny said, impatiently.  Nurse Anna glared at her, as though she knew Ginny was hiding something, and she was.

            "Don't be going into that passage there now, remember what you father told you would happen if he caught you in there again," Nurse warned.

            "Oh yes, I forgot.  You are dismissed," Ginny said.  Nurse Anna curtsied obediently and left.  Cool... I don't approve of servants, but that's neat anyway...

            Ginny lifted up the corner of the tapestry carefully, trying not to make a noise, and crept behind it.  She opened the small door and slipped through it to find a set of small, stone, winding stairs leading upwards.  A chilly draft swept upward, compelling her to follow.  The air was damp and cold, but she was determined to make it to the top.

            Ginny draped the dress around her shoulders and rubbed her arms vigorously.  It seemed to be getting colder and colder… She came to an abrupt stop in front of a worn wooden door, bound with iron bands and an old-fashioned handle.  She placed her hand on the door and it slowly creaked open.

            To her amazement, a small fire was burning in the grate, a small rug in front of it.  A tiny window looked out on a large, sweeping meadow.  To her delight, several horses were pastured outside.  She turned around to see a small sewing machine bolted onto a rustic table behind the door.

            "I thought they were banned… What person would go against the king's wishes?" Ginny wondered. "Probably someone who knew this curse thing was completely ridiculous."  Great, I can finish this dress, and then I'll go back downstairs and find some food.  Her stomach was growling again.

            Ginny seated herself in front of the small sewing table, and to her advantage, the machine was already threaded and ready.  Remembering the little of what she knew of these complicated monsters, she carefully placed the fabric under the foot of the machine and pumped the manual pedal attached to the bottom of the table. 

            "Tiring, yes, but definitely faster than sewing it by hand," she muttered.  Her neck was starting to ache from being hunched over so long over the blasted dress.  Professor Berg had better be pleased with the results.  She carefully stitched the remaining seams, watching to make sure she didn't sew the collar closed again. 

            Ginny clipped the last thread triumphantly.  She leaped out of her chair and held it up, dancing wildly around the room.  "Yes!!! Wahooo!"  She laughed crazily.

            "I'm done, I'm done!" she shouted happily.  Suddenly a gust of wind swept under the door and the tiny fire blew out, engulfing the room in darkness and chilly air.  Ginny cowered, clutching the dress to her.  Oh no, this cannot be good…

            "Hello?" she whispered fearfully.  A second gust of wind blew the dress out of her hands, and she sprinted towards the door and struggled to pull it open.  The door wouldn't budge, no matter how hard she yanked on it.  Oh please no…

            An eerie simpering giggle filled the room. "Hem, hem…"  Her lovely dress had materialized into a tiny broad-faced, flabby creature with a preposterous bow perched on her curly hair.  You're joking… What a nightmare!  Somebody save me, please!

            "Queen Severity?" Ginny asked timidly, shaking from fright.

            "Quite right, my dear," Queen Severity simpered. "No doubt you're here to pay for your parents' grievous mistakes."  It was not a question.  Good lord, I wouldn't wish this woman on Snape, no matter how much I hate him…  Evil Queen Severity started to glide threateningly closer.  Ginny backed up towards the wall.  Stall, say something…

            "I'm sure they didn't mean it, Your Fairyness," Ginny pleaded.  Severity came closer.  An unearthly green glow began to emanate from the walls.

            "They certainly did not mean well, or they would have invited me, don't you think?" snarled Severity, the bow on her hair quivering dangerously.  Ginny backed up further.  Say something else…

            "Don't you think this is taking it a bit fa--" Ginny was interrupted by Severity.

            "Hem, hem—I believe it is time for you to shut your mouth," Queen Severity lunged at her.  Ginny screamed shrilly and fell backwards, flailing her hands around to find purchase.  Her hand caught on the machine behind her and she felt her fingertip snag on the needle.  She brought her hand in front of her and watched in a daze, as a large drop of blood rolled off the tip of her finger.  A strange heaviness began to course through her veins, weighing her down, dragging her to the floor.  I don't want to sleep for a hundred years… Besides no one's going to want me enough to kiss me…

            The loud, simpering giggle filled the room once more, and the Evil Queen disappeared.  Through blurred eyes, Ginny could see the green glow fade away and the fire returned to the grate.  The last thing she saw was Nurse Anna, and whom she would presume to be the monarchs of the kingdom, rush in and kneel next to her.  She couldn't say a word and she couldn't move.  The floor started to shake unnaturally beneath her…

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            "Ginny, Ginny, wake up!" the voice insisted, shaking her gently.  Ginny awoke with a yelp and threw herself into the voice's arms.

            "Whoa, there," Harry chuckled.  Harry?  Ohhh nooo… "You all right?  You look scared."  How is it that he is always present during my embarrassing moments?  Stupid, it's embarrassing because he is here… Oh, right…

            "Uh, sorry, really, really bad dream," Ginny apologized, and looked up at Harry's face.  That strange look she had seen earlier was back in his eyes, and he was staring at her again.

            "Harry?" Ginny asked, waving her hand in front of his eyes.  He snapped back to attention.

            "I'm sorry.  Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, sitting down next to her on the couch.  The couch?

            "How did I get over here?" Ginny asked, confused once more.  Harry grinned sheepishly.

            "I carried you?" he said.  He WHAT?  The Weasley red was at its best.  Ginny couldn't remember a time when her face burned so brightly.

            "Why?" she asked bluntly.  She avoided looking at him and pretended to be fascinated with tracing patterns in the plush of the cushions.

            "We came back from dinner and you looked so tired, so I brought you over here.  Ron would've helped, but he was too busy making eyes at Hermione to notice.  I brought you a snack too, but Ron ate that," he said apologetically. "I know it's late, but do you wanna come down to the kitchens with me?  I'm hungry again."  Ginny glanced at the clock, it was nearly midnight.

            "Thanks again, Harry, but I have to finish this," she said, glaring at the offending cloth that had caused such a nightmare.  I hate you, you stupid dress…Look what you've done to me…

            "Okay, if you're sure," Harry said, drawing his invisibility cloak out from under his sweater.  "Say, what did you say your nightmare was about?"

            Ginny moaned.  "It was horrible, Harry.  I was the princess in Sleeping Beauty, Madam Pomfrey was my nurse, now that I think about it.  And most horrible of all, Umbridge was the Evil Fairy.  I had just been pricked on a sewing machine needle and was about to fall into a hundred-year sleep when you woke me up."

            Harry burst out laughing.  "Sewing machine needle?  That's hilarious, Ginny!"  Ginny reached over and slugged him on the arm.

            "You wouldn't think it so funny, if you had been there," she said indignantly.  Harry couldn't stop laughing.

            "Go get your food, you stupid git," she ordered.  Harry got up obediently and headed toward the door, still laughing.  She watched him climb through the portrait hole and called after him.

            "It wasn't funny, Harry, it was so real," Ginny protested. "I really was scared."  Harry stopped laughing at the serious tone in her voice and stuck his head around the edge of the portrait and looked straight at her.

            "Well, if anything like that happens, Ginny," he said quietly. "I'll be here to wake you up."  He pulled his head back and was gone.  Ginny stuck her tongue out at him, not really understanding his statement.  Fat lot of help, he is… Wake me up my—

            Realization dawned.  ...Fall into a deep sleep that cannot be broken for a hundred years, unless you are wakened by True Love's kiss…  Ginny's mouth dropped open.

            "Wait a second," she breathed. "Harry!  Wait up!"

The End (Or should I tell you what happens? Perhaps I'll just leave you to your imaginations…)

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A/N-  Evil I am cutting it off like that… If you want me to finish it, review… If you liked it review…  If you appreciated me writing a 12-page story on Microsoft Word containing 5263 words, review… 

And if you have any semblance of kindness, you will review and then you will go to my bio and read Hello, Again.  I updated it a few days ago and the chapter is really good, but no one reviewed it except for Hermione30. 

I am feeling quite depressed, because of the fact that I worked so hard on it and nobody has read it.  ::wails loudly::  Please review it if nothing else.  It has blatant R/Hr and H/G.  I promise that it is good.

There, I am done with my ranting.  Please push the purple button down yonder and drop me a line or two... I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!