
This chapter is in Lily and James' time, just at the end of seventh year.



Lily sat by the edge of the lake, looking out at the horizon.

She was supposed to be doing her homework; she'd left the confines of the common room to find a quiet place to do so. It was as she sat under her favorite tree that she let her mind wander onto other topics besides charms.

She thought of how her best friend, Ali, was going out with Sirius Black. They did seem a good match, though neither was very good at staying in a relationship. Sirius had the reputation of a man whore, and Ali was just too fickle.

Vera and Remus were as funny as ever. Neither of them seemed to want to let the other know what they thought of them. Watching them was almost hilarious, but a little pathetic nonetheless.

And here sat Lily, recently out of her one (and only) serious relationship. She had left him only two weeks ago, and her life had gotten back to normal. Well, for the most part.

Lily was oblivious to the fact that a certain black-haired Quidditch player was creeping up behind her at this very moment. James was planning a sneak attack, hoping to catch her off-guard.

She sighed as she pondered further, and James saw his opportunity.

He made a loud growling noise and grabbed her by the shoulders. Lily screamed especially loudly and jumped nearly three inches into the air.


"Yes?" he said sweetly. He had now taken the seat next to her on the grass.

"WHAT the HELL did you think you are doing?"

"Well, sitting, naturally," he said, indicating the ground beside him.

"I knew that," Lily said bitterly.

"Could've fooled me," came the reply, mirroring her hostility.

"So, why are you here?"

"Why are YOU here?"

"Don't wanna talk about it," she said deferring him.

"Me neither."

Lily and James were both unaware that an old man was watching them from a fourth story window.


"They look so peaceful, Minerva."

She looked at the old man, shocked.

"You have to tell them, Albus."

"I know. I will when the timing's right."

"We can't wait forever, you know. The proph--"

"I would thank you not to talk about it more often than absolutely necessary, Minerva. We never know who could be listening....


Lily and James lay on their backs, still gazing at the sunset.

"So, Lily."

"You know I hate you," Lily said out of nowhere.

"That was a little random, but thank you?"

"No problem."

James looked over to her. She lay to his right, hands behind her head and looking up at the sky. The waning sunlight barely touched her face, and it was starting to get dark.

"We should probably head in," James said carefully.

"Not just yet. I'm gonna stay out here a bit."

To her surprise, James shrugged and once again hit the grass. It was incredibly awkward for her. She wondered why he wasn't just LEAVING. The two of them lay in silence for the next few minutes, and when they were sure that they would be needed inside soon, they both stood up.

"C'm'ere," said James, offering his hand to help her stand up.

Lily brushed him off and got up on her own accord.

"Well," he said, trying to cover up.

"Let's just go," Lily replied, putting emphasis on the 'go.'

The two of them reached the castle just as the last sunlight fell behind the horizon, casting the entire campus in shadow. They were walking side by side, much to Lily's dismay. She kept walking faster in an attempt to lose him, but he just kept matching her pace. Lily knew he could outrun her, so she gave up.

The sudden loss of speed caught James by surprise, and he nearly jumped to a stop beside her. Lily was getting more and more annoyed by him.

"Can't you tell when someone wants to be left alone?" she asked in a loud voice.

"Why do you hate me, Evans? What did I ever do to you?"

"Well, it's more of the fact that you EXIST, really," she replied, mirroring his comment of a few days ago. Except his had been aimed at Snape, a much more worthy candidate for venom filled insults.

"Oh that's nice, Evans. What would everyone think of the head girl if they caught her being so hostile?"

"Fuck you, Potter," she said under her breath.

"Oh, I really wish you would."

Lily would have lost it there if they had not arrived at the portrait hole. James said the password quickly and offered to let her enter first. She was about to climb through when she shot at him, "And what would everyone think of their head boy if they heard how immature you're being?"

James gave her a look of mixed amusement and anger. Well, he showed much more amusement than anger.

"You win," he said, holding up his hands.


She heard her good friend and roommate, Vera Sauniere, come rushing towards her.


"Surprise end of year Hogsmeade visit! Just posted on the bulletin board!"

"That's great," Lily said; trying her best to sound enthused.

"That's not even the best part!"

She waited for the small blonde girl to continue.


Vera had yelled this so loudly that the entire room had gone quite, and a very embarrassed Remus Lupin sat in the corner, face reddening. Lily was caught off guard by the large hug that her friend gave her, and let out a small 'Oomph.'

"Really? That's great, Vera. Congratulations," Lily replied, still not quite in the mood. James had gotten her extremely pissed off.

"Yeah, I know," she said casually, "Who are you gonna go with?"

"Well, me, naturally."

They both spun around to see a very smug Potter, smiling at them both.

"So, what do you say, Evans? I've gotten a lot of offers, but if you beg, I might just let you--"

"No way in hell, Potter."

"Well, that puts it in perspective. But if you change your mind,...."

He wandered off slowly, heading for the table in the corner to join his friends. Sirius Black sat with his back to the wall, surveying the common room. Remus had resumed his homework, and Peter Pettigrew was eagerly eyeing them all. Lily had never really liked that boy. Of course, he'd never been deliberately mean to her, but he definitely hadn't gone out of his way to be kind.

"Anyways," Vera said, bringing her back down to earth, "I have a ton of homework to do, and I need your help."

Lily laughed and said, "No problem. I've got a ton myself."

They were walking up towards their dorm, and Lily continued to talk.

"I mean, these Head Girl duties really take up a lot of time, I hardly have any left over for schoolwork and everything else."

"Yeah, it must be hard, being paired with Potter. But hey, you still have that private room, right?"

"Yeah, but I haven't really been in there much. Why?"

"Well, why don't you ever work in there?" Vera asked.

Lily had never really considered this as an option, and smiled at her friend.

"Hey, why don't we go and check it out? We can work in there, too."

So the two girls went up to their room, and gathered their books.

When they re-entered the common room, it was suspiciously quiet. Lily scanned the room, and noted that James Potter was conspicuously absent. As was his best friend, Sirius.

But they couldn't have been together, as Lily saw Sirius enter the room at that moment.

He made his way over to Lupin and Pettigrew, and started to laugh with them. Lily brought Vera over to talk to him.

"Black, where were you just now?"

"Now, Lily, you can use my first name."

"Okay, Sirius, where were you?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business."

"C'mon," Vera said carefully, "Let's go."

She had never really been comfortable speaking with boys, even ones as laughable as Sirius Black. Sure, half the school was after him and he was repeatedly voted best looking boy at Hogwarts, but that only seemed to make his head infinitely bigger. At least he was less arrogant than Potter....

"Where're you going?" asked Remus.

Vera replied, "Head's room. Gotta get some quiet to study."

Sirius suddenly snorted loudly and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" the girls asked in unison.

Lupin started to say something before Sirius cut him off and started talking to Lily.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Have fun."

"Sirius Black, if you're planning anything,...."

"No! I swear! Really, just go."

But Lily couldn't leave, seeing as Vera was now deep in conversation with Remus.

It was another ten minutes before she finally managed to pull her away and out of the room.

They walked in silence for the first few corridors, until Vera started talking about her Muggle Studies paper.

"....and they have these things they call blunders, wait no, blenders. They mix all the food...."

Lily wasn't really listening. She was too worried about what Sirius was planning.

She was no stranger to the Marauders' pranks, being victim of more than one herself. Lucky for her, James, the mastermind of their plotting, was generally not behind the ones they pulled on her, for obvious reasons.

They reached the tapestry of the duck pond on the fourth floor. Lily placed her hand against the beak of a small duckling, whispering, "Slytherins suck."

"Slytherins suck?" questioned Vera, "That's your password?"

"James thought it up," said Lily, explaining in one sentence.

"I see."

Both of the girls brought their supplies to the middle of the large sitting room. On the right wall was a massive fireplace, logs still burning. A three-piece living room set was put up around an oriental rug in front of the fire. The ceiling went up in a dome shape, with a large, circular, wooden table directly beneath it. The floor was made of white marble, and there was an abundance of old paintings on the wall. Opposite the door were two large mirrors. Lily and James knew these as the secret entrances to their sleeping quarters.

"It's exquisite," Vera breathed.

Lily simply nodded and said, "Let's get to work, then."

They walked to the small table in front of the fire and sat around it. Lily pulled out her Arithmancy text while Vera dipped her quill in ink to finish writing her Muggle Studies essay.

Every so often, Vera would ask her questions such as, "What's a toaster?" and "What's the theory behind microwaveable popcorn?"

Lily was about to tell her how to spell superglue when something happened.


"Lils? What's the next letter? LILS!"

But suddenly, Vera knew why Lily had frozen.

Standing dumbstruck in front of one of the mirrors was James Potter, wearing nothing but his boxers. His left hand was full of his robes, which he had been intending to put on that moment. He just stood there, however, horror evident on his face.

"Potter?" they asked.

"Erm, Good evening, Sauniere. Evans."

"What are you--"

But the girls got their answer when a skinny, brown-haired girl pushed the mirror aside and stepped out of the small, attached bedroom.

"James, what..." she said, "....oh."

The girls stared at the two of them, totally bewildered.

"Were you two just--"

"That's none of your business," shot James.

Vera recognized the girl. Her last name was Speare, but she didn't know her first.

"Well, this is awkward," the Speare girl tried to end the silence, "I'll just be going, then."

She looked directly at James, as if waiting for something.

"Oh, right. Bye, Robyn."

"Bye bye, sweetie," she said, before kissing him on the cheek.

All three of them watched her walk out of the room in her crumpled clothes.

"Would you mind explaining yourself, then?" Lily said faintly. She knew that James often did....this sort of thing....but that girl looked hardly older than fifth year.

"I don't think that's necessary," he said briskly, walking towards the exit.

"How old was she, Potter? I would think at least thirteen, but correct me if I'm wrong."

"She's a sixth year, for your information. In Ravenclaw."

"Is she now," Lily said thoughtfully, "Well, that doesn't seem right. That whole lot's supposed to be really bright, but if she's sleeping with YOU, then...."

"Oh, just shut it, Evans."

"Fine by me."




James got the last word as he stepped out of the room, pulling on his robes.

"Well," said Vera, trying to lighten the mood.

They both went back to doing their homework, but Lily couldn't concentrate. After what seemed like ages, she looked at the large wooden clock in the corner.

"Damn, it's nearly midnight. What're we supposed to do, it's past curfew!"

"We could always stay here," Vera chanced.

The two of them looked at the double mirrors and thought again.

Who knew how many girls James had taken here?

"On second thought," Lily said, "Let's take our chances."

"Yeah," agreed Vera. "I'd rather get caught being out of bed than sleep in THAT."

"My thinking exactly."

They hurried out of the room and towards the Gryffindor Tower. Lily supposed if the caretaker did catch them, her position as Head Girl would have some swaying power.

But she didn't want to test it.

After darting through the shadows for fifteen minutes, they finally reached the portrait of the fat lady.

Vera whispered the password and they crept in. The fire was dwindling in the hearth, and there were hardly any students left awake.

That is, of course, except for the Marauders.

"Well, well, well," came an ominous voice, "If it isn't Evans and Vera. Do tell me, where were you just now?"

"The Head room," Lily said to Sirius, "But you already know that, don't you? Just ask Potter over there,...."

The three boys turned to their friend and made ooohing noises.

James' face grew red in embarrassment as he shot back at her, "Well, maybe if she'd given me some privacy,...."

"I have just as much a right to be in there as you do, Potter."

"Well, you hardly ever use it, how was I supposed to know--"

By this time, everyone but James and Lily was watching the argument. Their heads snapped back and forth as if they were attending an exciting Quidditch match.



"Don't say it, mate!" interrupted Sirius.

They both looked at him, hate in their eyes.

"Never mind, carry on."

"No, I'm finished here," Lily said haughtily.

She stormed up to her dorm, Vera in tow. They were just at the bottom of the staircase when they heard, "Thank GOD!"


Vera turned around to give him a look of apology and raced after her friend.






Lily rolled over to see the entire seventh year girl's dorm looking down at her.

"Get up!" came an annoyed voice.

Lily glared up at Madeline, wishing secretly that she could have another hour or two of sleep.

"I'm moving, hold on."

Lily sat up and made to grab a towel, but Holly stopped her.

"No time to shower, Lils. Just grab your clothes and let's go."

This made Lily extremely mad, but she wasn't about to test her friends. She threw on some robes and a cloak.

The five of them made their way downstairs.

"Where are we going, by the way?" Lily asked.

"Dumbass," said Ali, "Hogsmeade. God, did you really forget that fast?"

"Well, she's had some pretty, well, INTERESTING things on her mind," said Vera.

"Shut it, Vera."

"What are you talking about?" asked Madeline, always one for gossip.

Vera quickly relayed the night's events and soon the other girls were bombarding Lily with questions.

"What? Who was she?" asked Ali.

"Some Ravenclaw, Robyn something, I dunno,...."

"You saw James Potter in his boxers?"

"Well, yes,...."


Suddenly, a deep voice was heard from behind them.

"Well, Holly dear, you could too if you want...."

James and Sirius were standing behind them, looking well rested and gorgeous.

"Who'd wanna see that, Prongs?" asked Sirius playfully.

"What are you both doing here?" Lily asked.

They were all now nearly at the edge of the castle grounds, coming up on Hogsmeade.

"Well, walking Remus down, of course."

Lily scolded herself for not realizing the other two Marauders. They were walking behind James and Sirius, although only Remus was in view.

"Oh, hello."


Vera started to blush as they all arrived at the village.

Remus said, "Well, I guess we'll be seeing you later."

He and Vera took off towards some teashop farther down the road, leaving the rest of the group.

"I....also.....have to go.....bye."

Peter stumbled out of the group and went up the road.

"Where's he going?" asked Ali.

"Dunno," said James and Sirius in unison.

"Well, he can't be meeting a girl...."

Everyone turned to each other, realizing that they had all said that together. Both boys and the girls started to laugh, and finally James sputtered out, "Let's just hope he's not meeting a GUY...."

That was all it took to have everyone off and laughing again.

"James....Potter....you are....so....immature!" Lily managed through a fit of giggles.

"Why, thank you."

But James stopped laughing immediately when he saw someone approaching from down the road.


His eyes widened in fear as he watched the girl approach.

Lily nudged Holly in the side and indicated the girl.

'That's her,' she mouthed.

Comprehension dawned on both Ali and Holly. Madeline was too busy inspecting her cuticles to care.

"Erm, guys, this is Robyn," said James uncomfortably, "You already know Sirius. This is Holly, Madeline, Ali, and--"

"I'm Lily. I believe we've met before."

She held out her hand for the Ravenclaw to shake, which she did not.

"Yes, I believe we have. Well, James, we really must be going. LOTS of stuff to do, you know,...."

Strangely enough, this last comment seemed to be directed at Lily, and not the tall boy to her left.

"Right," he said, "Let's go."

They watched the pair of dark-haired students walk off into the distance. Lily found herself trying to pierce Robyn with her gaze.

"Well," said Sirius, breaking the silence as always.

"As much as I love staying the company of so many fine young women, we really must be going," he said, offering his arm to Ali.

She stifled a giggle and nodded, mumbling something about seeing the rest of them later that night.

The remaining three girls started to laugh and turned towards the village.

"So, where first?" Madeline asked.

"Honeydukes!" cried both Lily and Holly.

"Honestly, you two, grow up!"

But seeing as she had been outvoted, the three of them went to buy their candies. They continued on with their sweets to Dervish and Bangs and then to the Three Broomsticks.

"Ah," sighed Holly, sitting down at a small table, "that's better."

"My feet hurt like none other," said Madeline.

Lily just laughed and motioned for the Madame Rosmerta to bring them three butterbeers.

When the drinks arrived, Lily handed him a single gold coin and held up her glass.

"To the year being nearly done with," she said.

"To leaving this dump behind," added Madeline.

Holly frowned and said, "To nearly being adults!"

"Here here!" they all shouted.

As they hit their mugs together, a loud scream broke out.

They didn't notice it at first, but it kept getting louder and there was suddenly a mass movement of students towards the exit of the pub.

Lily jumped up and ran through the throng of panicking kids.

"Hold on there, Head Girl coming through, just wait a minute, what--"

Lily stopped short at the door and looked out into the street.

Half the shops were in complete ruins, some still burning. Villagers and students alike were running along the cobblestone, screaming loudly. It was not until Lily saw what they were afraid of that her heart stopped.

Death Eaters. More than she'd ever seen.

"Lily!" Holly shouted from inside, "What's going on?"

She turned back to the crowd inside the Three Broomsticks. Her voice faltered at first, but she regained her composure quickly. Lily Evans did not slip up. She performed excellently under pressure and was always on top of things. She wasn't about to let this be an exception.


They all became silent at once. Her voice seemed to have the same effect as Dumbledore's.

"Now, Listen! All of you, just stay here! I'll be right back."

Lily ran out into the street, leaving her friends and the rest of the crowd speechless.

She stumbled across the uneven pavement, wondering what on earth she was supposed to do. Lily scanned the scene and saw a Death Eater leaning over a group of students, preparing to perform a deadly spell.


"STUPEFY!" she shouted.

A jet of red light deflected a green one as it hit him in the pit of his stomach.

"Go," she said to the terrified group of second years, "Go up there to the pub."

When none of them moved, she yelled, "NOW!"

They seemed to get the message and scurried off.

Lily once again turned on the village, trying to see where to help.

"EVANS!" she heard.

Lily spun on her heels and saw James standing there, breathing hard.

"Death Eaters,...tons of them,...gotta help...."

"I noticed, you prat."

Just then a cloaked man ran up behind him and put hi arm around James' neck.


The Death Eater was caught off guard when James stomped fiercely on his toes, and emitted a small whimper. This allowed them enough time for James to break free and Lily to aim a curse directly at his breastbone.

"Nice one," James breathed, rubbing his neck.

"It was nothing." She demurred, her concentration centered on the chaos surrounding them.

"Where are the students?" James ran his fingers through his hair distractedly, craning his neck to look up and down the road.

"I have them all in the Three Broomsticks," Lily managed to say as she dodged a ray of purple light and shot one back herself, "Why?"

"We have to get them all to Honeydukes," he shouted, running to the drink shop.

The two of them fought their way through the mangled bodies and screaming people, trying to help as much as possible on their way.

"Why the candy shop?" screamed Lily, but he didn't hear. James had just barely avoided a stunning spell and was running flat out. It was lucky that Lily was athletic as well.

The Head Boy and Girl reached the pub and threw open the door. A mass amount of people stood there, half students.

"Quick," Lily said, "Follow us."

She and James took off, sprinting to their destination. When they reached the large wooden door, James turned back and Lily said in dismay, "DAMNIT!"

"Bloody hell!" shouted James.

Lily made to go back to the Three Broomsticks, but James stopped her.

"They'll be safe," he said.

Lily only nodded at him.

Suddenly James' face fell. Lily turned to look where his gaze led him, and saw what had frightened him so.

A long trail of Death Eaters was headed towards the castle, some thirty people long.

"C'mon!" he said, using his grip on her arm to drag her into the candy store.

"Why the hell are we in here, we need to get up to the castle--"

James was headed into the basement, apparently not hearing a word she said.


But he wasn't paying her any attention. He was rummaging around under storage boxes until he apparently found what he was looking for.

James opened a small trapdoor in the floor and motioned for Lily to follow him.

She raced down the steps and to the underground room of Honeydukes. It looked like this was where they kept all the extra supplies.

"Where does this go?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

James grabbed her hand and nearly made her tumble down even more steps, these ones under the trapdoor.

They jogged down the steps for a couple minutes and Lily was surprised when her feet hit solid ground. She tripped up a bit, but then ran flat out to reach the boy in front of her.

They sprinted through the underground tunnel, breathing loudly. Her legs ached, but there was no way she was about to give up.

"Lumos," she managed to say, holding her wand while running.

She knew that under different circumstances, Potter would have thanked her for the light.

It was about ten more minutes before they reached a stone slide at the end of the corridor. Lily noted the empty candy wrappers and saw that James and his friends must use this passageway often.

He started to climb up the slide and stopped at the top, holding his hand out to assist her. She took it without noticing and finally reached him, her feet having slipped numerous times in her attempt to reach him quickly, James took out his wand and mumbled something while tapping the stone three times.

The stone started to quiver and almost seemed to melt away, leaving a small exit at the end.

James climbed up and then helped Lily hop out. When her feet once again hit the ground, it was on the stone floor of a corridor just off the Charms wing.

Lily recognized the spot instantly, seeing where they had just come out of. Standing in an indentation in the wall was a statue of a hump-backed witch.

She paused to examine the carving when she heard footsteps.

"Shhh," James said, putting his forefinger against his mouth, indicating silence.

Lily nodded and followed him into a nearby broom cupboard.

Under different circumstances, James would have paid a large amount of money to be found in this situation with Lily Evans. Unfortunately, there was a mass amount of Voldemort's followers just outside in the hallway, and their lives were in grave danger.

"I only hope no one's here," whispered Lily.

"Just Dumbledore," James reassured.

Both of their faces fell, suddenly realizing why all the Death Eaters were there.

"Dumbledore," they whispered together.

Of course, Albus Dumbledore was a very talented wizard. But he was old and his odds didn't seem very good against thirty men in their prime.

"Shit," said James.

They looked at each other and saw worry on both faces.

"Do they know where to find him?" she asked fearfully.

"No, but I do. C'mon."

James grabbed his wand and held it out. Lily decided to follow suit. The pair of them crept down the corridor, hiding in the shadows. They reached the top of the Grand Staircase and looked around.

"We lost them," said James in despair.

Lily scanned the entrance hall, and grabbed his arm.

"There! Look!" she whispered.

James turned his head just in time to see the last of the men descend into the stone hallway that led to the dungeons.

"Where are they going?"

Neither of them knew the answer, but they decided to find out. After all, as Head Boy and Girl, it was their duty.

Lily scrambled down the stairs as James slid down the banister. She was about to scold him for being childish, but now was not the time.

They reached the archway that was above the start of the stairs. These stairs led down to the dungeons and less favorable classes, like Potions.

Lily took a deep breath and James puffed out his chest slightly.

"Let's go," he whispered.

They ambled down the narrow staircase, James leading. After what seemed like ages, the ground leveled off and they were in a narrow corridor. The torches had been extinguished and it was very cold. An eerie blue light shone from the end of the hallway, and they looked at each other for reassurance before heading after it.

Lily and James tiptoed through the winding passageways, the light getting brighter with every step.

"Here," said Lily as they rounded the last corner.

They gaped in horror as they saw a large circle of Death Eaters, standing around someone who was highlighted in a strange bluish mist.

The men were chanting something, and the blue light was growing. James nearly fell over when he realized that there was a man inside the fog.

Suddenly, both students got a horrible feeling in their stomachs. A feeling of dread. The kind of feeling one gets in the presence of pure evil.

Lily attempted to grab at her stomach, but as she lifted her hands to do so, she accidentally dropped her wand.

If the loud noise it made when it hit the floor wasn't enough, it shot out a burst of yellow sparks. A loud whistling noise filled the room, and she heard shouts of, "Grab them!" and, "Hurry, get them!"

James bent down, picked up Lily's wand, and ran with her. They wound around so many bends and side passages that they started to get dizzy.

"Here," he said, thrusting her wand into her hands, "Take it."

"Potter, what're we gonna do, they're--"

"We're gonna get outta here. Don't be afraid to hurt them, alright? I'll go and make a distraction, you run up there and get the first teacher you can find. Okay?"

"James Potter, I am NOT about to leave you here by yourself, I--"

"Evans! Shush!," he said. The sound of footsteps was growing closer, and he leaned in close.

"Do you know how to get out of here?"

"Why yes, of course, why--"

"Then go. NOW."

"POTTER!" she cried disdainfully, but to no avail. He had already gone around the corner and could be heard running towards them.

Well, if he was going to fight, so was she. Lily Evans was no coward.

She carefully sneaked to the edge of the wall, pressing herself flat.

Lily was forcibly reminded of the secret agent movies she had watched as a child. But now was not the time to think of televisions.

She heard a loud yell from somewhere far off in the distance, and gave up all hope of a sneak attack. Lily Evans knew that voice, and she wasn't about to leave James in such a situation for more than necessary.

Her feet hit against the ground, echoes bouncing off the walls. If those people didn't hear her approaching, they were crazy.

As Lily got closer, she saw several crumpled Death Eaters on the floor. There were Five,....Seven,....Ten,....James had done well.

Suddenly, a dark figure rounded the bend in the hallway and aimed his wand at her.


"EXPELLIARMUS!" she yelled.

The man's wand flew from his hand and landed at her feet. Lily flashed him an amused smile before stunning him. Twice.

She was in the middle of a very dark corridor when she heard someone walking ahead of her.

"Lumos," she whispered.

Lily raised her beam of light, prepared to attack.

And then she saw,....


"POTTER!" she whispered urgently.

His head snapped up and he tried to wave her off. He was hurt badly, but still motioning for her to get out of there. Well, he must have been delirious. Why would she just run back when he was standing there, obviously injured?

"James Potter, I cannot believe you, where are they--" she said as she came up to him.

But her face froze in horror when she saw what was beyond him.

In a split second decision, Lily fired a stunning spell at the nearest Death Eater, sending him flying to the ground. There were still a few of them standing there, and they started toward her.

Then she grabbed James by the arm and flung him behind a statue of an enlarged pixie of some sort that was placed in a niche, just like the hump- backed woman. Lily soon raced behind the marble figure after him, throwing any spell she could think of behind her.


Lily abruptly turned to face them, finishing with, "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA! FLIPENDO! INCENDIO!"

Much to her astonishment, four Death Eaters lay helpless on the ground, two of which were twitching unpleasantly.

"Tried to warn you," James started, but Lily stopped him.

"No time, let's get out of here."

He merely nodded and tried to hobble out. It seems he had hurt his ankle.

"Potter, your foot okay?"

"Yeah," he said, turning pale, "Got hit with some strange spell, hurts like a--"

"Well, what do we have here?"

The hair on the back of Lily's neck pricked when she heard that voice. It resounded through the newly silent hallways, reverberating off of everything.

She slowly lifted her head to see one man standing in front of them.

"I knew I could count on you to save him," he said directly at Lily, "Even your mudblood heritage doesn't stop you from being a noble friend. I applaud you."

What was he playing at?

"However, it is also that care for others that will kill you. The thought that you would sacrifice your own life for that of another's.....I shudder at the thought."

Hate was building inside of her, and she could feel anger radiating from the boy in her arms.

"Only because you're too cowardly to risk something for those you care for."

The words slipped out of James' mouth before he could stop them.

"Tut, tut, that won't do, now will it? You really must learn how to control that tongue, Potter. Perhaps,.... I could help teach you?"

Neither of the students knew what was happening until it was too late. Voldemort raised his wand and yelled, "CRUCIO!"

"NO!" screamed Lily as she watched him be hit by the spell. She knew what was going to happen. Lily was living in the time where seeing someone practicing Crucio was not unusual. First, James would fall to the ground, shrivel up and then start to scream. He would let out an unbearable sound,....

Lily didn't realize that she'd had her eyes closed, but she soon opened them. James wasn't making a noise. Did he miss the curse?

No, he'd been hit straight on. But something was happening to him. He stood tall on his injured ankle, looking straight into Voldemort's eyes. Small beads of sweat started to form on his temples, and his face was concentrated. His eyes squinted as he screwed up his mouth, emitting a small whimper.

That small noise was even worse than the screaming both Lily and Lord Voldemort had expected. Before she knew what she was doing, Lily threw herself in between them and yelled, "ENOUGH! YOU BASTARD! STOP IT!"

"Stop, you say? Very well."

Voldemort withdrew his wand from pointing it at James, and held it directly at her.

"Say goodbye, mudblood. I doubt anyone here will miss you, filthy scum. You're a disgrace to the name of wizard. Then again, so is he," Voldemort said, indicating Potter, "But at least he's got wizarding blood."

James was seething with rage as he shouted, "YOU'RE NOT EVEN PURE-BLOOD! YOUR DAD WAS A MUGGLE!"

Voldemort stopped short and looked at the boy. There was such a difference in age and power, but it was evident that Potter wasn't about to back down.

"If that's how you play,....CRUCIO!"

Voldemort directed his wand at Lily, and she felt her knees hit the hard ground. Her arms flew up to her face, which was making strange expressions.

'Be strong,' she told herself, 'Be strong like Potter.'

But it was just too hard. Lily lay writhing on the floor, completely unaware of what was going on around her.

James had lunged at Voldemort, threatening to strangle him. The walls magnified the sound of Lily's screams, and he needed to make it stop. James, favoring muggle fighting strategies, full out punched Lord Voldemort in the jaw.

The grown man shook off the boy and stood up. With a flick of his wand, he lifted the curse he'd placed on Lily.

"Evans..." he said in a squeaky voice, dropping to her side. She was still shaking, after being under the curse for so long, "Evans, are you okay?"

"Most likely not," came the reply from Lord Voldemort, "I added a little something extra to that one. Too bad you'll never find out what it is...."

But James had had enough. He grabbed his wand and interrupted Voldemort's high-pitched cry.



Voldemort went flying back into the wall, having been hit hard with James' spell.

Potter grabbed Lily and picked her up. He started to run towards the stairs, hoping with every ounce of his being that they would make it out alive. His legs felt like they would fall off any second, but if he stopped running, they would die.

He could hear the screams from behind him, cursing, hexing, and talking in gibberish.

James felt a hot sensation across his back as Voldemort let out an indistinguishable phrase, but he kept running.

Lily seemed to be coming to her senses, as she used the arm propped up on James' shoulder to fire back at him.

"Stupefy," she murmured, thinking of anything she knew, "Petrificus Totalus, Impedimenta, Transformimagus, Imperio, Flipendo,...."

Jets of multicolored light erupted from her wand tip, throwing the enemy off slightly. Lily seemed to be losing energy fast, however, and was slipping into unconsciousness.

"C'mon, Evans, just a little longer," he muttered, more for his sake than hers.

Voldemort was closing in fast on the two students, throwing more and more advanced hexes at them.

In a spur of genius, James turned the wrong way at the end of one corridor and hid behind a suit of armor.

Being as it was so dark in the halls, Voldemort did not notice the two as he passed and continued on, throwing spells into nothing.

James quickly picked up Lily and ran flat out towards the steps. He knew Voldemort had heard him running, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was to get out of there....

And finally he saw them. The staircase that led to the Great Hall. He saw the light pouring in from the entryway, and used every last bit of strength he had to reach it.

Unfortunately for him, it is easy to forget simple details when you are in mortal peril.

James had reached the three quarter mark of the stairs when his foot plunged into the staircase.

"SHIT!" he cursed with barely enough breath.

He tried to wriggle free, but he kept sinking deeper. Then, he saw the dreaded figure at the bottom of the stairs.

Voldemort stopped suddenly, and started up the stairs at a very leisurely pace. When he was nearly three feet from the pair of students, he gave them a maniac grin and raised his wand for the final time.

"Avis," came a weak voice.

Both of the men looked down at a frail Lily, who was still holding her wand, giving way to a small smile herself. A flock of small, twittering birds erupted from the tip, flying straight for Voldemort's calves.

They didn't hit him with much force, but he was taken by surprise. As if in slow motion, he started to fall backwards, down the stairs.

James was about to watch the sure-to-be-spectacular landing, but Lily brought him back to focus. He reached up, and with Lily's help, grabbed a hold of the banister.

He pulled himself up, and then grabbed Lily once again.

James raced up to the Great Hall, Lily still in his arms. When he reached the top, no one was in sight.

"HELP!" he yelled, "HELP! DOWN HERE!"

He started to stagger around the Great Hall, and was about to fall over when Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Morris, with Flitwick close behind, came flying into view.

"What's happened?" screamed Mcgonagall, nearly flying down the Grand Staircase.

"Voldemort.....in the dungeons...." was all James could manage to get out.

A look of horror came over her face as the other teachers reached them.

James looked down at Lily and said playfully, "You're lucky you don't weigh much, Evans."

Then he collapsed on the floor.


That was the first time that Lily and James defied Lord Voldemort.



Lily awoke in an uncomfortable white bed. She tried to open her eyes, but everything was too bright. Her eyelashes fluttered as she tried to adjust, and sat up. There were voices all around her, talking to her.


She jumped at the loud use of her name so early in the morning. Or was it afternoon?

Lily started to yawn and looked around her. There were about six or seven students sitting around her bed, and as she realized this, Lily shot up and clutched the blankets to her chest.

"Where am I?" she asked hurriedly. Then she remembered the events in the dungeons, and nearly shouted, "Where's Potter?"

Holly laughed and said, "Should've known her first few words would be about that boy. You're in the hospital wing, sweets. You've been out cold for near three days, now."

The others mumbled their agreements as Lily processed this.

"Where's Voldemort? Did they catch him? Where's Potter?"

Vera smiled kindly and patted her arm, saying soothingly, "Dumbledore'll be here in a while to explain everything, but no, they didn't catch him."

"And James is over in that bed," Remus said, pointing to the cot on her right.

Lily glanced over to see a very cheery James Potter.

"Well, G'morning sunshine," he said jokingly.

"What time is it?" Lily asked, just as the Headmaster walked in.

"It's nearly lunchtime, Lils," said Ali.

Dumbledore swept over to the students in his long, midnight blue robes. He looked very old and tired, but happy at the same time.

"I'm sure that Mrs. Evans and Mr. Potter would be very grateful if you could all save them a couple seats?" asked Dumbledore, in a polite way of telling them to go to lunch and leave the three of them alone.

"No problem, Albus," said Sirius, smiling brilliantly.

"Thank you, Sirius."

The rest of the group filed out of the room, quietly laughing at Sirius' lack of respect.

Dumbledore pulled up a chair between the beds and sat equidistant from both of the patients.

"So," he began, "I presume you both have quite a few questions."

"That would be correct, Albus ol'boy," said James, still trying to get a laugh.

Dumbledore smiled at him. "I have no problem with you using my first name, James," he said, putting emphasis on James, "But I would wager that the other professors do. So, if you would kindly put an end to that habit as soon as we are done with our little chat, I would be much obliged."

James smiled and said, "Gotchya."

Lily was growing sick of his childish attitude towards the whole thing, and decided to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"What happened to Voldemort?"

Dumbledore sighed and gave her a weak smile.

"You don't miss a beat, do you, Miss Evans? No, you don't," He immediately answered his own question. "Well, unfortunately, we did not catch Lord Voldemort this time. We did, however, apprehend a multitude of Death Eaters, thanks to you both."

"How did he get out?" she replied urgently.

Dumbledore's face fell as he said, "That we do not know."

"Oh," she said in disappointment.

"Any other questions?" Dumbledore asked briskly.

"Yeah, I got one for you," James said casually, "What kind of award are we getting for this?"

Lily could tell that he was only pretending to be like this, but it was still immature.

Dumbledore laughed and responded, "You will both receive Special Awards for Services to the School."

The man looked between Lily and James and said, "Well, now that there are no more questions, there is something I must show you. I warn you, however. This is not to be taken lightly, and will most likely result in lots of tears and arguments. Are you prepared?"

"Bring it on," laughed James.

Dumbledore fumbled in his robe pockets, finally taking out something that resembled a pocket mirror. It was a light green color and folded in half. When the professor opened it, instead of a small reflective surface to aid in the reapplication of makeup, there was something that looked like a miniature television screen.

The screen turned black, and green words started to form across it.

*There is but one way to vanquish the dark lord....Two young enemies, black- haired more eager than red, must join together after a dangerous adventure to create a mix of both....It is this first child who shall have the power to conquer all....He must then follow in the footsteps of his predecessors, choosing the flaming-haired whole blood....It is their child who will enable the one to prevail....*

"Professor....," Lily stuttered, "W-what does that m-mean?"

"It means," he began solemnly, "Exactly what it says."

"Two young enemies, black haired and red," he motioned to the two of them, "Must join together to bring about the child who will set about a chain of events that will end in the defeat of Lord Voldemort."

"WHAT?" yelled the young girl.

'Yes!' James thought to himself.

"I know it's a lot to ask,--"


"Miss Evans, I would appreciate it if you didn't—"

"ARE YOU SAYING I HAVE TO-----WITH HIM?" she screamed, stretching the 'him.'

"Hey!" refuted James, "You'd be lucky to have me!"

"Oh, sure, I'll keep that in mind when I'm--"


Both students looked at their headmaster, all three out of breath.



(Forward in time)


Albus Dumbledore gazed out his office window at the two figures sitting by the lakeshore. They were situated just beneath an old, crooked tree. A pained smile found its way to the headmaster's face as he turned towards his deputy headmistress.

"Albus, you really need to tell them."

"Minerva, as I have told you before, I will let them know when the time is right."

Dumbledore faced the large window once more, leaving the Transfiguration teacher standing in silence.

Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley were lying together in the same spot his parents had, what seemed like so many years ago. The professor could tell that they were talking comfortably, and dreaded the day he would have to give them the news.


Okay, so that was chapter one, I wrote it in one day but it took a hell of a long time; PLEASE REVIEW! Chapter two coming A.S.A.P. Centered on Harry and Ginny, present time.