Musings of the Paper Reader

                                                By vez

He sits by the window, back slightly crouched as he reads the paper. He doesn't do much – this blonde, robed human. The only movement is the breeze caressing the curtains and the pages of the newspaper. The sudden movement doesn't really bother him. All he does is to hold onto the paper a little more tightly.

He continues reading the words, oblivious to everything.

Isolation has always been his company. Wherever he goes, people seem to recognize a certain… something in him. A Something that makes them in awe of him. It's hard to connect with people who are too busy trying to cater to your every whim. So he just decides to ignore them. It makes no sense to try and be friends with the world anyway.

Sometimes he feels the paper is the only way he can reach other places. By reading the words, he can somehow understand what it is that has been plaguing the people. Just because he ignores the people doesn't mean that he doesn't care. He just wants to understand. Perhaps he wants a stab at normality too. Some would recommend that he read novels. So that he could immerse himself in a story of bravery and adventure. Isn't it more exciting than boring fact-ridden newspapers?  He snorts softly to himself, vastly amused. His current life now was an adventure in itself. Besides, he had no interest in being a hero. All he wanted was… hmm what did he really want? Peace and quiet? Perhaps a chance for vengeance. He was sure of the one thing he didn't want. He wasn't so fond of being bestowed the sutra and this taint on his forehead. After all this nonsense was over and done with, he would try his hand at being a nobody.  

He turns to the next page. Some of the articles were more serious than others. There were reports of youkai attacks here and there. Casualties were listed by numbers only, no names at all. There was also mundane news: Like how some woman won a cooking competition. Or something more worthy, a charity drive. To help the children who have been orphaned or families that need monetary help. Strange how people could live with the threat of death and pretend it wasn't there. No, maybe not pretend. Maybe it's more to conquer the fear. Ignorance and bravery have been easily mistaken for each other before.

He was too engrossed in the reading it took him a micro second longer to realize that someone was opening the door.

He really should be annoyed. Someone was disturbing his precious newspaper reading time. But then again, it all depends on who that someone is.

He caught a flash of green and then a cheery voice spoke out.

" Tadaima! Did you have a good time reading Sanzo?"

He looks up. He really should be annoyed. He was fine with being left alone in this nice quiet room connecting with the universe through the newspaper. Unfortunately, the paper deals only with the past.

Hakkai is here now.

Who cares about connecting with strangers right now? Sanzo puts down the paper and crosses the room.

"What took you so long?"

People say that he is a man of few words. He thinks people talk too much. He says what needs to be said, nothing more.


Author's note: It just occurred to me that Sanzo spends all his time either fighting youkai, smoking, abusing the two idiots or reading the newspaper. Since no one has written about his obvious interest in newspaper reading, I decided to, just for the fun of it. Hope you all enjoy! : )

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