Disclaimer: "Yu Yu Hakusho", its characters, plots, etc. do not belong to me.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation from the series, not an alternate universe high school fanfic. "What He Said, She Said" would better fit the latter category.
This story is formerly known as "White" and retitled "Loop."

Chapter 1: Beginning

"Hm, good morning, Genkai-chan!" a girl with sky-blue hair and amethyst eyes greeted cheerily as she ran down the steep sidewalk to catch up with a shorter young girl with pink hair plaited into one braid. The smaller girl ahead turned around and smiled gently at her long-time childhood friend.

"Good morning, Botan-chan. Did you sleep in a little today?" Genkai politely waited until Botan caught up with her. After the other female had caught up, the pair resumed walking towards their destination.

Slightly panting for air, Botan replied with a merry grin, "Yeah, a little. Youko-chan turned off my alarm clock this morning--that little fox--and I also had a lot of homework to do last night. What about you?"

Genkai grinned smugly. "I didn't have a lot of work to do last night."

The other girl groaned at the unfairness, "Lucky. I always get a lot of homework every night."

"You should just quit private school and go to the public school, Botan-chan: you're just not cut out for it. Either that, or you should train your pet fox to do your homework for you instead of turning off your alarm clock."

After that comment and giggling at the thought, Botan gazed around to observe her surroundings. Spring mornings were always warm, well, at least in Botan and Genkai's neighborhood. The cherry blossom trees were already budding and would soon be ready to bloom. And as soon as they did bloom, the two high school girls would follow their childhood tradition and have picnics at Genkai's family temple.

The two teenage girls, both dressed in different high school uniforms, walked together to a nearby bus stop. Botan was dressed in a black jacket, a white-buttoned-and-collared shirt, a red bow around her neck, and a black knee-length skirt. Genkai wore a green jacket, a white- buttoned-and-collared shirt, a blue tie, and a chocolate colored skirt.

"Keiko-chan and Urameshi are running behind as well this morning," Genkai commented as the two girls stood and waited for the public bus. "Probably because Keiko-chan is waiting for that slacker of a boyfriend of hers."

Botan giggled. "Or maybe Youko-chan went to their houses over night and turned off their alarm clocks as well."

"No, I just forgot to check my watch," Keiko answered as she walked up right beside Botan. The young brunette was dressed in the same uniform as Genkai. "And Genkai was right, Yusuke just slept in, like you, Botan-chan."

"Mm, whatever," Urameshi Yusuke groaned tiredly as he walked up behind his girlfriend Keiko. The young man was dressed in matching green jacket, brown slacks, and navy tie, the Sarayashki High School uniform for boys. "Hey, I had to work late at night, just to let you know. And I'll tell you, it isn't easy juggling a job, school work, AND training beneath Genkai at the same time."

"Feh," Genkai huffed. "You're just a slacker, slacker."

Yusuke shot the shorter girl a glare. "Shut up. I'm not going to put up with your smart-ass comments today, Genkai. I just might not even come to practice tonight"

Genkai shot Urameshi an equally challenging glare. "And if you don't, I'll just charge you double for the lessons, punk. You better show up."

As Yusuke growled angrily and muttered profane words beneath his breath, Keiko and Botan just sighed at the normality of the argument; the four students continued waiting for the public bus. Today was starting just like every other day.

Botan silently watched a floating figure from behind, her heart not ready for the encounter she would have to endure. The ferry girl was so enwrapped in her depressed thoughts she did not notice the figure come up right to her face. "Oi, when do you think you'll be able to take me to Spirit World, Botan? When I'm a hundred-year old ghost?"

Botan jumped at the familiar voice; she was not prepared for this.


The poor ferry girl could feel her tears coming to her eyes once more.

"Botan, are you all right?"

Gentle fingers cupped Botan's chin and raised her face, her reddened amethyst eyes looking into warm chocolate pools. "Botan, it's all right. None of this was your fault," Yusuke whispered softly as he placed his other hand on Botan's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Botan."

The tears now came as Botan grabbed the front of Yusuke's shirt and cried into his chest, her head shaking in disagreement. "No, it is, Yusuke! It is my fault that all of this happened! If I had only found out sooner, none of this would have happened! I could have prevented it--I could have saved your life and Keiko-chan's! I could have saved everyone!"

"Ssh," Yusuke hushed as he hugged Botan, trying his best to comfort his friend. "Botan, I told you, it's all right. Keiko-chan and Genkai 'baa-san have already moved on, Kuwabara and his sister escaped, and now I'll be joining Keiko-chan in the Spirit World."

"Yusuke, Shizuru-san and Kuwabara didn't make it," Botan murmured, her speech slurred with sobs.

"I know," Yusuke sighed. "But at least, they told Yukina-chan what happened, right?"

"Kurama-kun and Hiei are being briefed what happened by Koenma-sama right now," Botan answered. "I hate Koenma-sama; he shouldn't have allowed for this to happen. Yusuke, I'm going to fix all of this."


Botan smiled at Yusuke as she wiped away her tears. "I'm going to find a way for you and Keiko-chan to fulfill your dreams."

"Yes," Kurama sighed as he sat at his spacious desk, on the phone. He pulled strands of silver hair back behind his ear, where all of his other hair was in a neat ponytail. "I will make sure my team gets onto that immediately. Do not worry, Kaibato-san. Everything will be handled accordingly and, hopefully, to your pleasure." And with that, Kurama hung up his phone and let out a groan of relief.

"Why the hell am I doing this again?" Kurama demanded himself, leaning back in his chair. "Er, why did I choose this life instead of the other one? At least that one, I would not be stuck in traps of my own design and kill whoever annoyed me." The handsome young man held his face in his hands, groaning some more.

"Come on, Kurama. Your life can't possibly be THAT hard. I would expect someone like you to be able to take more punishment like this," a haughty voice chuckled in the darkened corners of Kurama's rather large office.

"Feh, for someone who does not know the experience, you speak rather confidently, Hiei," Kurama shot back. A smirking figure then revealed his self from the shadows, a taunting look glinting in his blood-red eyes.

"Well," Hiei shrugged with indifference. "I doubt then this news will make your day any better: Koenma says he wants to speak to you."

"What?" Kurama attention was suddenly caught as he watched Hiei carefully. "Why?"

"Should I care?" Hiei sniffed. "Probably about the business we still have to finish."

Kurama's shoulder's sagged as a small, sad smile crossed his gentle face.