A/N:I know I haven't updated "More than A Feeling" in a while (God that title sucks.... lol), but I had these Song-Fic ducks, who wont let me update that till I've written these (They used to be Bunnies, but I staple plot-bunnies to the walls....). That and Dallas, The Song-Fic muse is making me listen to Evanescence over and over again. Says I haven't done any Song Fics recently, so I owe some (I think shes just feeling redundant. Doesn't want to get fired and all.... lol).
Anywho, Enjoy, and remember: lyrics
Anything For
You - Evanescence
"Je suis desole Chere.... Remy really is..... But he don' t'ink dis be workin'...." The look on Rogue's face changed from one of contentment, to shock as she pulled herself up off the sofa and out of the Cajun's arms.
"Don't ya joke meh like that Remy...." She broke off, seeing the look on his face.
"Remy aint Chere."
"Remy please....."
"Chere, Rogue.... we bot' know dat dis isn't...."
"It is!" She insisted feverantly. "Please Remy...."
I'd give anything to
give me to you
Can you forget the world that you thought you knew?
Rogue scanned his eyes desperately, for even a glimmer of hope.
"Y' changed Chere. Y' not de femme dis Cajun fell in love wit'."
you want me,
Come and find me
Nothing's stopping
you so please release me
"Je suis desole...." he whispered again, shaking his head slightly. "Ever since y' got control Chere.... y' chang'd."
"Ah havn't.... Remy...." She paused, clearing her throat.
"I'll believe
All your lies"
"Not dat simple P'tite.... Remy don't.... I jus' don' love y' n' more." He sighed, fearing the worst.
Just pretend you love me
Make believe."
"Close your eyes...."
He sighed and shook his head.
"Y' not what Remy want n' more...."
"I'll be anything for you."
She whispered.
"Rogue..... P'tite.... y' not lis'nin' t' Remy. Remy need..... somet'in'.... don' know what yet...."
"Ya used ta need meh...."
"Rogue, don' make dis harder dan it already is...."
"Ya used ta LOVE meh...."
"What did Ah do?"
"Not'in' Chere...."
"Ah must have. Remy, Ah love ya, and Ah need ya. Don't do this ta meh."
Have you left to make
me feel anymore
There's only you and everyday I need more
"Chere, dis aint 'bout y'."
"Yes it is! Ya cant just turn 'round one day an' tell meh that ya don' love meh no more!"
"Remy jus' did Chere...."
If you want me
Come and find me
"It aint that simple Cajun. Ya just CANT. It aint allowed." She was on the verge of tears.
do anything you say just tell me."
"Rogue, Don'."
All your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe
Close your eyes
I'll be anything for you."
"Rogue.... Don'. Please, Don' cry." She didn't wipe the tear or make any effort to stop it from falling. Remy couldn't help himself, he reached out, and wiped it off her cheek with his thumb, before pulling his hand back as if he'd been bitten. The hurt expression on her face evident, and one all too familiar.
"Ah don't want ya to leave meh Remy.... Ah.... Ah love ya more than Ah love life."
"Please Remy. Ah don' want ta live without ya."
All your lies
"Just pretend you love me Remy. If ya can't do it anymore
for real.... jus' pretend."
"Remy can't do dat t' y' chere. Remy still care f' y'."
Make believe
Close your eyes
"Remy, if Ahm not what ya want.... Ah can
change.... Ya cant just
throw away Fihve years....
I'll be anything for
I'll do
for you,
Overcome your urge inside." Her voice had lowered in desperation, as
she moved closer to him.
"Chere, Remy knows dat
y' will. Y' f'rgive Remy?
Needed t' know chere...."
"Needed ta know WHAT Cajun?"
"Remy needed t' know dat y' loved him dat much...." A smile curved on his face. "M' love f' y'
Will ever never die." He reminded her.
"Chere...." He dropped to one knee. "Je t'aime. Will y' marry dis Cajun fool?"
Rogue laughed.
"Ah hate ya Cajun!" She kissed his cheek. "Of course Ah will!"
"I'll be, everything you need Chere." Remy smiled, kissing her back, repeating her words of earlier back to her.
"I'll believe
All your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe
Close your eyes
I'll be anything for you"