Kel was walking down the gloomy hall to her rooms when she heard a door slam. 'That's odd', she though considering that her hall housed mainly very old rickety nobles that could hardly walk let alone slam a door.

She made her way to her room and opened to door to find a very winded Dom sitting at her desk.

Kel jumped and issued a muffled scream. Hearing her, Dom stood up and looked around seemingly embarrassed. "Ahh, umm, I was running away from Lord Raoul" Dom stated sheepishly.

Kel started to smile at this and asked, "and why exactly were you doing that?" "Well," started Dom "see, I was just minding my own business when he came running out like a madman screaming something about tooth-cleaning powder and he started chasing me." Dom said wide-eyed. "And he was foaming at the mouth, probably because he was cleaning his teeth when he came at me so I ran".

"So why would his teeth cleaning powder make him angry at you?" Kel asked amusedly. "Well, as you know milord Raoul is getting married in a few days, and he's a little bit...let's just say uptight. So my squad and me decided that we would play a little... trick on him to loosen him up, because he usually finds those sorts of things funny. Anyway we switched his tooth-cleaning powder for hot chili powder." He finished.

Kel just stared at him blankly. "You what?" At that precise moment there was a knock on Kel's door. Kel ushered Dom into her dressing room and opened the door. A very angry looking Raoul stood there. "Kel have you seen Dom?" He asked bluntly.

"Umm, no, I haven't seen him sorry" she lied. "Ok, well if you do tell him I would like to see him immediately" he replied sullenly. With that he left to supposedly search for Dom some more.

Once the door was once again closed Kel called Dom out of the dressing room. They both burst out laughing. After a few minutes their laughter subsided and they say down. 'Hey Kel...thanks" Dom said.

Kel just looked at him for a moment. After coming out of her trance she said "oh yeah, no problem." "He's going to be as mad as a hornet when he get his hands on me though" Dom sighed not looking forward to the prospect.

After sitting there lost in their own thoughts for a few minutes the bell signaling it was time for dinner rang. They both jumped jerked out of their thoughts. "Well, it's time for dinner" Dom said jokingly. Kel got up and they both started to head for the mess hall.

After dinner Dom pulled Kel aside and asked her "Kel, can I talk to you?" "Yeah, sure" she replied. "No wait, I can't I have a meeting in like two minutes with the other commanders, I have to give them all oral reports on New Hope's progress, sorry" she said. "That's okay, I'll talk to you later."

Kel ran off in the direction of the meeting room hoping that she wouldn't be late. When she was about half way there she bumped into Lord Raoul. "Sorry milord, I didn't see you there," she said apologetically. "It's Raoul" he said dryly "and what's the rush people always show up late for these things calm down a bit."

Kel relaxed. She was feeling a bit nervous seeing that she would be giving her report to several important people including the King, Duke Gareth, General Vanget, and General HaMinch not to mention several other notable people.

"So I see you found my delinquent of a sergent?" "Sir?" Kel asked. "Dom, you know that guy that I told you that if you found..." "Oh my Gods, I forgot all about that" she interrupted him. "Sure you did" Raoul replied slyly.