A Day In The Life of Rogue

Author: Sparkling-Diva

Summary: A day in the life as the title suggests. A P.O.V. story from Rogue's perspective on the whole L/R relationship. My first X-Men fanfic so comments are greatly accepted. Please e-mail me at [email protected] Enjoy!!!

Disclaimer: All credit is given to Fox and Marvel and anybody else dealing with the X-Men.


I can't stand Monday mornings.

I swear sometimes that just like Sunday was made to worship God, Monday was made to worship the Devil.

I roll over and look at my alarm clock.

7:00 A.M.

Stupid thing didn't go off and now I only have an hour and a half of time all to myself before classes begin.

Sighing, I finally manage to scramble out of bed and got to the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror.

Christ alive.

I'm a total mess!!

My hair is all over the place wanting to get its fair share of attention while under my eyes appears bags.

I haven't been getting much sleep lately since lately my mind has been too preoccupied thinking of…-no I mustn't think of him. It's absurd. It isn't good, nor is it healthy. I must stop thinking of him at all costs and that's it.

I take a warm, hot shower as I begin to softly sing to myself sad love ballads. Mostly ones on heartbreak and ones of unacceptable love since you "can't-be-with-that person" ones.

I finally finish and get into my white robe. My hair is soaking wet and I'm waiting for it to dry.

I walk over to my window and peer over the curtain enjoying and taking in the somewhat silence peace that the morning tends to bring.

The sun is rising over the fields and trees and the pink and orange sky gives a creepy yet warm, romantic feel into the atmosphere.

I turn around and walk over to my closet and take out what I plan to wear. This is a difficult task with my poisonous skin and all.

I finally settle for a red sweater, black nylons, a black shirt, and of a course, a pair of long black gloves.

Time for breakfast.

I go down to the kitchen where there already is pancakes waiting for me on the counter.

"Morning," Scott, Jean, and Storm chimed all at once when they saw me enter the room.

"Hey," I say grumpily as I sit on a stool.

"Ready for school?" Storm asks.

I just nod.

It's clear to everyone that I'm not in the mood to talk so we all somewhat remain silent.

"Mornin' everyone."

My heart skips a beat and then stops. I can always recognize his sleek, but yet gruff Canadian accent.

He moves across the room to the counter where I'm at and pours himself a glass of orange juice.

"Mornin' kid."


Out of everyone else in the world it had to be him.

He had to be the one who let me enter his life, his world, and he promised-he PROMISED- he promised that he'd take care of me.

I couldn't ever forget that.

But then I thought about reality. He only saw me as a sister and even a best friend. But I saw him differently. More than a best friend, an older brother, a means of support…..

I was in love with him.

I knew that I shouldn't have thought that way but it was true.

I loved Logan.

"Morning," I said quietly as I could feel myself blushing.

"You're going to be late for school if you don't hurry up," he said.

"I know," I said hesitantly after I picked up my backpack off the floor and hurried out only to catch a small glimpse of everyone else with the certain "I understand" look and Logan looking dumbstruck.

They knew. It was all too obvious to them. Storm talked to me once after class since I was having trouble concentrating and paying attention. I would spent most of my time just staring out of the window. She was so determined to find out why. I couldn't speak. I only broke down in tears.

"Is there something going on that I should know about?" she asked kindly.

"No," I replied.

"Then why are you crying?"

It took a moment but then I started by saying, "It's-," I couldn't say anything more than that.

"Oh. I see. I get it now. It's Logan, right?"

I simply nodded as I felt more tears roll down my cheeks. Understanding this, she just gave me a hug and said no more about. I soon left after that.

There was another time when I was walking into the kitchen at the mansion and caught Logan flirting with Jean. He was leaning towards her trying to get a kiss and telling her things that I only wish that he could've just said to me. Too bad Scott was around since he would've definitely had a fit.

Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, he didn't pick up my sense. Jean did and managed to push herself away from Logan and say something to him that I couldn't hear. With a tear on my cheek, I had enough time to get out unnoticed.

I was so heartbroken and so shocked to understand that it was true what the others were saying. Logan did have a thing for Jean. It all dawned on me that my chances of being his girl were completely impossible. I just cried myself all night with nothing but the light by bed on. It was also raining outside. The pit and the patter made a somewhat comforting sound as it hit against my bedroom's window.

Suddenly, I remember there being a knock at my door.

"Mind if I come in," I heard Jean say.

I didn't say anything but she managed to open the door and let herself in. She moved forward and sat on the edge of my bed beside me.

"I talked to Storm a while ago."

Oh Great, I thought to myself. Why wasn't I surprised?

"You love Logan don't you?"

Oh gosh. Once again my very own little secret had been spilled once more. I just had to stare out into the distance, out of my window unable and unwilling to answer.

"I know that you might not want to talk to me right now but at least listen to me, okay?"

I nodded.

"First of all, I want you to know that I am not in love with Logan. I understand that yes there is a certain je ne ces't que about him but that doesn't mean anything to me. Second of all, I love Scott. Only Scott. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our relationship. Lastly, I don't like it either one bit that Logan is flirting with me just as much as you do. He should really stop it and realize that he and you are the ones that should be together and that you care about him more than anything. It's unbelievable that he just seems too dumb to notice. But if I know one thing, I know that he cares about you. A lot."

That got my attention.

"Yup. And he's always talking about you and asking about you to the Professor… he wants you to have the best and be happy. I'm not one for spoiling secrets but did you know that he has even talked with the Professor and Beast and they have agreed to helping you find a cure or at least something that will actually let you control your power?"


"He did?" I asked in shock.


"And he never even told me?"

"Well, like I said, it was a surprise. He knows that you hate what your skin can do and that you want to be able to have a better grasp of it. He's trying to help you. He doesn't want you to suffer any pain."

There was a long pause of silence.

"He cares about you so much, Rogue. You're basically the only good he has. You should tell him how you feel and I bet you that he'll tell you what he feels about you too.

"How do you know?"

"I can feel it. Plus, don't forget, I'm psychic."

With that, Jean left me there drying tears quickly and pondering if what she said was true.

Was she right?

Is it true?

Could Logan actually feel the same about me?

All I can remember after that is not being able to sleep that night. I just tossed and turned over and over again thinking of him.

That was a while ago. This was now.

School was hectic today. Storm noticed how I wasn't paying much attention in class but had the guts to leave me alone.

Bobby was a different case.

He just couldn't stop bothering me.

"What's wrong with you Marie? Come on and talk to me. I'll listen. Just tell me what's wrong," he told me while we were waiting for the food in the lunch line.

I simply ignored him, turned around, and went to go sit with Kitty and Jubes.

I know that what I had done just then was harsh to Bobby and all but I couldn't help it.

What Bobby and I have is an attraction for each other. As far as I am concerned there is no real passionate love. The reason is that we know that we are both something that we just can't get. I needed-I wanted something more than that.

I needed….

I needed Logan.

He likes me just as I am and not because of the attraction on what's on the outside but what's on the inside as well.

How could I tell him though?

Kitty and Jubes fortunately, were aware of the situation and knew when to back off. They left me alone all during lunch and continued chatting with each other and debating the latest "Fashion Do's and Don'ts" as made famous by Joan Rivers.

I went to Logan's room after school to hang out like I sometimes did but found out that he wasn't there.

I went to find the others. They were all talking with Charles. They told me that he had left in the morning to go back and check some stuff about his past up North.

Why didn't he tell me?

I was always usually the first to know about all these things.

I could only go up to my room, not caring what the others thought. I slammed the door so they would all take the hint. I was about to flop down on my bed to cry when low and behold. I realized that there was a note and small package on my pillow.

Curiously, I picked up the letter that said "Marie."

There is only one person that could ever call me that and that had that writing.

It was from Logan.

Something told me to put it down and open the package fist. So that's what I did.

Carefully, I unwrapped it and opened the square box there and could not believe what I saw.

It was half of a heart that said Marie at the top of the heart and for- at the bottom.

Then it occurred to me.

Marie and Logan forever.

Logan must've had the other part. I sat back down on my bed and put it around my neck. I felt myself begin to cry. It took me a minute or two before I was able to control myself enough to pick up the envelope, open it, and read the letter to myself:

Dear Marie,

I know that it was all sudden my leave and everything, but darling, I just had to go. I kinda found out last minute.

You've seemed to be kinda depressed lately and you hardly speak or eat. I can tell that you've been worried about something and that is just worrying me. I swear darling that I wish I could be with you and there for you doing your moments of pain and need.

A new lead on my past has been found so I have gone to explore. I don't know how long it'll take for me to come back but I promise you that until that day comes, you'll always be on my mind, my head, and most importantly, in my heart.

Your birthday is next week and chances are that I am going to miss it.

I have a surprise for you. Wheels, Beast,  and I have been coming up with a cure or something of the sort that can help you to be able to control your skin. I know that this is what will make you happy and that's what I want too. For you to be happy. For us to be happy.

You probably got your other gift by now. I thought that the dog chain thing was kind of weird so I got you a friendship necklace that we can both share that will have a greater importance for the both of us.

Just like I am, I want you to wear it around you at all times and keep it close to your heart. That way you'll know that I'll always be there for you.

I promise I'd take care of you, remember?

And until that day comes where we will meet again, I'll always dream of the day when I can wrap my arms around you and hold you to death.

Take care darling.

Lots of love,



You're no "kid" anymore.

I put down the letter and through the tears I silently cried, I smiled to myself.

I was able to sleep a lot better that night than any other night in months.

Now I could relax and know that no matter what happens, I'll always have Logan.

Author's note: Hope that you enjoyed it and feel free to review. Thanks and a hello goes out to my family and friends. I'll be back soon with more stories. See ya.