What the deaf mute heard

By: LunaGirl2001

Chapter one: Inuyasha the no-eared freak

"We're here!" Kagome's mother said waking her up.

Kagome slowly opened her eyes and looked out the car window. They had been in that thing for three hours and they were finally at Tokyo. Kagome had been very excited to move to a big city. No more small town stuff for her! She pushed awake her little brother Souta and got out. Her jaw dropped.

"Something wrong kagome's dear?" her mother asked carrying a box of stuff into the house.

"I...I thought we were moving into a place in Tokyo." Kagome said.

"We are dear!" her mom said, "now get your stuff out of the trunk and help me unpack."

She was looking at an old shrine that hadn't been used in about 20 years. There was an old tree out front and a smaller temple that was boarded up. This by far was not what she expected. She had been living in and out of old shrines all her life! And just when she thought she was finally going to move into a modern house...this was what she got. Kagome sighed and grabbed a box of clothes.

By the time the day had ended, Kagome was able to unpack everything in her room. Tomorrow was her first day at her new school, and she hoped that she would make a good impression. She plopped down on her bed and stroked her extremely fat cat, Buyo.

"It's not fair," Kagome said, "Every time I get to make now friends we move again. And now when we actually own the property it turns out that it's an old pile of museum junk."

Buyo opened his eyes and purred.

"Hmp. you don't care were we move, as long as you get fed." kagome said falling slowly asleep.

'You'd better believe it sister' Buyo thought as he walked toward the kitchen.

~~~The next day~~~


Kagome grabbed her new uniform and raced to her bathroom. She quickly grabbed her brush and toothpaste. "Mom!"

"Yes, Kagome dear?"

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Kagome shoved her brush into her mouth just to find that she put toothpaste onto a mascara brush.

"I figured that you'd just use your alarm clock." her mom said coolly.


She, quickly as she could, ran out the door...and ran back in to get her shoes. She ran into the street, and suddenly she felt a strong hand pull her by her stomach. A car zoomed past while the driver shouted to her, "Get out of the road! What 's the matter with you?"

"Creep!" Kagome shouted back. She turned around and her rescuer let her go. He was a boy and he was wearing a navy blue school uniform, and a baseball cap on his head.

"Um...thanks." Kagome said. 'he sure is cute..' she thought.

He just blinked at her.

'Golden eyes?...I guess he has contacts.' Kagome thought, "uh...what's your name?"

No answer.

"I'm new to Tokyo. Can you give me directions to the high school nearby?"

He said nothing but pulled a notepad out of his pants pocket. He wrote something down on it and handed it to her. He put his pen in his pocked and walked off.

"Talk about rude!" Kagome said. She looked down at the notepad. It had a very detailed map on it and circled was a drawing of a building. At the bottom he had written, 'this is the quickest route form here to there. Better hurry, class starts in five minutes.' she looked up from the pad and saw that he was nowhere to be seen. "Who was that guy?"

Using the pad she was able to get there just in time. Her first class was English with a

Ms. Haruna. Nice name. She opened the door and was welcomed in.

"Hello madam, are you miss Higurashi?" ms. Haruna said.

Kagome nodded.

"Welcome!" she said, "you can sit next to Inuyasha in the third row." she pointed to a boy with long white hair and a baseball cap. He was looking out the window, and appeared to be drawing a bird that was outside. Kagome walked to the desk next to him and sat down.

"Thank you for your help." she whispered.

He said noting and continued to look out the window.

"I still have your notepad, would you like it back?"

He still made no remark and didn't move.

This was getting annoying. Kagome noticed two tufts of hair on the side of his head. She tugged gently on it but still got on reply. She pulled harder this time. But when he moved around she saw something she didn't expect. There was NO EAR underneath! Kagome gasped and pulled away form him.

"Something wrong miss Higurashi?" ms. Haruna asked.

"He has no ears!" Kagome shouted. The class laughed.

Inuyasha said nothing but scowled at the class. They shut up.

Ms. Haruna sweatdroped. "Oh...yes. I forgot to tell you. He's-"

"He's a no-eared freak that can't talk!" a boy with long black hair shouted. The class started laughing again.

"ACTUALLY..." Ms. Haruna said settling the class down, "he's deaf and mute."

"Yeah," the long haired kid said, "and he's also a loser!"


"Yes, ms. H." he sighed.

'So that's why he wouldn't talk to me...' Kagome thought settling back into her seat.

She handed Inuyasha back his notepad. "Here." she said, "thank you."

He took the pad and stared at her smile.

"Oi, Kagome!" a voice called out to her after class.

She turned around to see the boy with the long black hair running after her.

"My name's Kouga." he said, "and I have something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Kagome asked.

"I have decided to make you my woman!" he said proudly.

"Nani?" O_o

"You will be my future bride!" Kouga said. He put an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "So I suggest you don't make any plans."

"LET GO OF ME!!" Kagome slapped him across his face.

"Ow. That hurt." Kouga let go of Kagome.

"You shouldn't be so pushy!" Kagome shouted, "no one can love you if you act like that!"

"Say...you don't like that dog-turd Inuyasha, do you?" Kouga said.

"WHAAAAAAAT!" Kagome shouted, "I just met the guy today!"

"So that's a no?"

Kagome glowered.

"Hey dog-turd!" Kouga shouted. He ran to Inuyasha who was walking past. He slapped him on the back as hard as he could. Inuyasha did nothing but he did stop walking away.

"Looks like no one likes you still!" Kouga said with a grin, "I just asked the new girl Kagome and SHE doesn't even like you! I guess you're doomed to be a loser forever!"

Having no idea what Kouga said, Inuyasha just closed his eyes and grinned. Kouga slapped him on the back again and Inuyasha started to walk away. Kagome couldn't help but notice how sad his eyes looked as he left.

"Inuyasha! Wait!" Kagome shouted before remembering that she was talking to a deaf guy. She reached out and grabbed his arm. He stopped walking and looked at her. She pulled out of her pocket a notepad of her own and wrote down something. She handed it to him.

note: when the writing format is different (It's written script style) it means that they are writing down what they say instead of actually speaking it.

It said: 'Inuyasha, will you show me around school? I just moved here and I would be grateful for an escort. '

Inuyasha smirked a little and then came back to his usual expression.

Inuyasha: I'd like to, but I can't speak.

Kagome: that's what notepads are for! ^_^

Inuyasha smiled again. Kagome wrote again in the notepad.

Kagome: shall we go?

Inuyasha: ok.

And together they both walked out of the hall to the next class, history.

By the time the class was over, Kagome and Inuyasha became good friends. They were always "talking" to each other throughout the period.

Inuyasha: wow, there's a lot of homework tonight.

Kagome: yeah. I can't believe that you still have to do all this work despite your disability.

Inuyasha: I'm deaf. Not dead.

Kagome: sorry. So do you live nearby?

Inuyasha: yeah. I live with my brother not far from where I saved you.

Kagome: Only with your brother?

Inuyasha: hai. My parents died when I was a kid.

Kagome: I'm sorry.

Inuyasha: why? You didn't kill them.

Kagome decided to change the subject.

Kagome: I live in an old shrine about a block away from here. I just moved in yesterday.

Inuyasha: I've been there.

Kagome: you...have?

Inuyasha: yeah. When I was a kid, I used to play over there. It's been abandoned for about 50 years. Although, I haven't been in there for 12.

Kagome: Really?

Inuyasha: yup. Just look in the attic some time. You'll know someone was there.

Kagome: what does that mean?

Inuyasha: you'll see.

Kagome: I'm not going to see a bunch of cockroaches and junk am I?

Inuyasha: no. just a few decayed rats and maybe some mold.

"Yuck!" Kagome shouted.

"Something wrong miss Higurashi?" the teacher asked.


Inuyasha: if I could speak I'd be laughing my head off. I'm just kidding. You should have seen how red your face was!

Kagome: ha. Ha. So, how well can you read lips?

Inuyasha: I can tell when some one's laughing and when someone's crying. I can tell when someone's embarrassed and when someone's in pain. I can also understand what people are saying if they have a clear speaking tone like you.

Kagome: wow! You can tell just by looking at them?

Inuyasha: I'm very gifted.

Kagome: and how.

Kagome was disappointed when school ended.

Kagome: I've got to go.

Inuyasha blushed a little and wrote on kagome's notepad.

Inuyasha: I could walk you home. I don't live far from you.

Kagome: ok.

Inuyasha picked up his backpack offered to help Kagome with hers. She shook her head no. Inuyasha smiled and walked with her.

Inuyasha hadn't been happy in a very long time. Kagome could tell. By the way he always acted, so sad and lonely, she was happy that she met him. When they finally got to her house, he seemed almost sad that she had to leave. Kagome smiled and knew that she had a whole lot to write in her diary that night.

"So, you've found yourself a girlfriend eh?"

Inuyasha continued walking.

"Inuyasha, being your brother I think it's Necessary to remind you-"

Inuyasha said nothing and turned away from his elder brother.

Sesshoumaru zoomed right in front of him. "You can't keep this act up forever. Some day someone's going to find out. And then if you fell in love-"

"Shut up! I know! I...I just want a friend." Inuyasha slammed the door and stormed up to his bedroom.

" 'I want a friend'? " Sesshoumaru sighed. "He's more pathetic than I thought." Sesshoumaru leaped into a tree and stared at he shrine where he saw his little brother left from.

"Hmm. Mabye I should have a little 'talk' with this human girl. After all, all if she's dead, then he can't fall in love." Sesshoumaru smirked and flew off with one of his swords.

So there you have it. I hope this was a good story! So, if I get ONE review, then I'll update it. Please like it! Please!! Ok that's all. See ya later! ^_^