The Loop They Never Showed Us

Disclaimer: I don't own stargate , except in my own little world, I don't make any money

Season: 4 (WoO)

Spoilers: none

Author's note: right guys I think this is going to be the last installment so enjoy and hope you enjoyed the ride!!!!


Jell-o Joy

'Why don't you try some of my red jell-o?'

'No, I'm quite happy with blue, want some?'

'I'll never understand why you prefer that stuff: red is the best.'

Sam and Jack had been sitting in the commissary for their last hour and most of it was spent debating over which flavor of jell-o was best, the last 20 minutes to be exact.

'Oh really.' Answered Sam, she had had enough insulting her precious blue jell-o was the last straw. Loading up her spoon she took aim and lay in wait of the fear truly taking hold of her prey.

Jack gulped, almost choking on the goopy substance that slid down his throat, eyeing the spoon with a mixture of emotions, all of which were conveyed on his face.

'Yes,' he said smoothly, figuring she wouldn't dare, 'really.'

Letting loose her blue wobbly projectile it flew graciously across the table and effortlessly into the awaiting colonels mouth.

'Hmm,' mumbled Jack, 'not too bad.'

Loading his own spoon with his beloved red concoction, he grinned, turned towards Sam and said, ' My turn.'

Soaring, hurtling towards Sam was the dreaded inferior red jell-o, in a head on trajectory. She had a choice, a) catch it in her mouth and do like he wants or b) be covered in the sticky substance.

However her quick reactions offered a secret third option.

Plan three: always works.

Picking up a near-by and luckily empty tray she blocked the speeding projectile, smashing it into oblivion and sending the shrapnel of the demised jell-o to it's sender.

The odd sound of off target pieces hitting the floor reached Sam's ears from behind her barricade. Experimentally she lowered her shield to observe the chaos she had created.

Jack was sitting open mouthed in shock, his red tongue clearly visible, coordinating perfectly with the pieces of jell-o that decorated his hair.

Sam couldn't help but giggle hysterically at the sight, dropping her tray she barley held her seat.

'Sam!' he exclaimed standing, raising his arms slightly in protest.

This only caused Sam to laugh harder.

Stealthily Jack sought his revenge, creeping forward picking up the remainder of his sweet desert, he tipped the contents of his bowl over her head.

Sam gasped in shock at the coldness that ran though her hair and began it's winding path down her back.

'Oh you are soooo going to pay for that!' she said grinning wildly in his direction.

'Yeah,' his grin matching hers, 'How?'

She moved to pick up her bowl, she was just centimeters away when Jack caught her.

Figuring her could gain her forgiveness and disarm any plots of revenge in one go he swooped in closer, drawing her into a passionate kiss.

It worked.

Her hands slide deliciously up his back, reaching his neck pulling him closer into the kiss.

But then again maybe not.

Swiftly she pulled at the back of his T-Shirt and tipped the remainder of the jell-o over his head and down his back.

'That's how.' She giggled, giving him another quick kiss.

Running a hand though his soaking red, blue and silver hair he murmured, ' You did not just do that.'

'I think I did.'

Jell-o-less, no revenge could be taken, 'And this is how your gonna pay.' as he drew her into a kiss once again.

Suddenly the doors swung open revealing the form of a caffeine deprived General Hammond. Quickly surveying the jell-o ridden scene before him, his eyes fell on the kissing duo.

'What the hell do you think your doing?'

Slowly, reluctantly pulling apart, Jack answered.

'In the middle of making out.'

Smirking he resumed his task, lips locked, dipping Sam as he had done before.

His watch bleeped.

Stopping the kiss he spent his last few seconds looking deep into her eyes.

'I love you.

'I love you too.'


'Anyway that 's how I feel about it, what do you think?'

'Hell yes!' exclaimed Jack jumping from his seat as though it had been pumped full of electricity.

Seconds later his now worried form could be seen running from the room shouting, 'Shit, my truck. TEAL'C!'

Oh yeah thought Daniel sarcastically, Just another day in the life of Jack O'Neill


'So does that count as saving the world?' asked Jack sitting at SG-1's table, bowl of red jell-o firmly in hand.

'I'm not sure.' Answered Daniel from beside him, 'It's not as if the world was going to end.'

'Yeah, we'd still be here even if you hadn't done anything, sir.'

'I suppose, I'm sure I could have thought of something to keep myself occupied for a while,' he said grinning at his jell-o.

'Indeed,' a ghost of a smile appearing, 'As would I.'

Jack looked up, straight at Teal'c, 'Yeah learning how not to crash!' a hint of annoyance in his voice.

'WHAT?' came the chorus of Daniel and Sam.

'Nothing.' Said Jack, as Teal'c remained silent.

'Right, what did you guys actually do during those time loops?' asked Sam, not liking the fact that she was out on some joke between the colonel and Teal'c.

'Learnt Latin, stunt driving, golf, juggling, pottery did I miss anything Teal'c?'


'Yeah a couple of other things.' Glancing at Sam.

'Stunt Driving?' said Daniel finishing his coffee.

'Yes Daniel Jackson.' Answered Teal'c standing to dispose of his tray.

'Teal'c?' said Daniel following him, ' you don't mean actual stunt driving? And crashing? Teal'c when did you crash a car, I didn't even know you could drive, and who's car ...' And so went Daniel's ramblings following Teal'c out of the commissary, leaving Jack and Sam smiling at their table in the now quieter mess hall.

'So.' Said Jack almost hoping that Sam would change the subject.

'So what 'other things'?' asked Sam.

Nothing gets past her He thought

The look from the previous day returned.

'Well, a warm afternoon, with coffee and doughnuts, then a surprise bowl of jell-o, blue of course, but some red as well, then pointing out constellations as they appear though the darkness from under a warm blanket in the back of my truck. A perfect day don't you think?'

Sam sat stunned across from her CO.

'Major' he spoke but received no response.

'Sam' he murmured, she jerked slightly.

'How... how did you...' the words stumbled from her mouth.

He grinned at knowing the effect this had on her.

' I have my ways, I was pretty busy the last few loops. I needed to know. You know ... for future reference. '

Getting up he left allowing her to contemplate his words.

It took Sam six whole minutes to think over what he had just said. Coming to her senses she ran from the room abandoning her tray and went in search of the colonel.

Halfway down the hall she became aware of someone calling her name.

Jack had been waiting patiently outside for her, only to see her streak past without noticing him.

'I take it we talked during the time loops.' She said.

Jack nodded.


'Walk with me a minute.'

Reaching the end of the hall, they entered a specially chosen Janitors closet.


'Cameras Carter.' He murmured.

'And...?' she said repeating her question.

'Well I sorta resigned for a loop.' he said tentatively.

'Right.' She said almost disappointed, an idea of what happened. 'So...?'

Jack decide to take the initiative, he couldn't stand the disappointment in her voice nor continue with his stuttered recollection of events.

Leaning in close her lifted her chin, reassuring her before he captured her lips with his. He kissed her with renewed passion, knowing that she would remember it this time. And it seemed as though she did as well. Separating came reluctantly on both parts knowing this might be the only chance to let their feelings fly free for a long time.

Looking deep into her eyes once again. He grinned.

'And a hell of a lot of that. So we going be ok?'

'Yeah, promise me one thing?' she said backing away a little the 'major' taking over once more.

'Sure.' The military aura returning.

'The blue jell-o is all mine.'

'Yup' he grinned opening the door, 'As long as you don't throw it at me.'


That's all folks!!!!!!!

Hope you guys liked it

I'm thinking of doing a little follow up considering Teal'c part time career as a stunt driver!!!

So tell me what you thought of it!!!!!!!