A Ranma/Sailor-Moon crossover fan fiction

Started - 1 February 2004
Completed - pending

Last revised - 9 November 2007
Reason – fixed typos, added a few scattered scenes and a new chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Ranma ½ and Sailor-Moon and all associated characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi or Naoko Takeuchi and are used without permission. This fan-fiction isn't intended for commercial use but is rather a tribute to the Ranma ½ and Sailor-Moon universes. There may be 'cameos' of other anime series but I make no claim on them and disclaim any profit.

This story starts after the end of both 'cannon' story lines. Ranma is the same age as Usagi.

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The Earth Princess by Cloud Dreamer

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Chapter Four - Nab-Ohki and Friends

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Author's note: I have been asked several times if this is going to be a Tenchi crossover. The answer is no. Tenchi is a cameo featuring only the idea of cabbits. There will be other cameos as well of other unspecified series, there are several in this chapter alone but they will not be identified nor will any of the characters from those series be making an appearance.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Kasumi smiled warmly as she greeted yet another guest for Nabiki's wedding reception. She led them to the back yard and dojo where other guests were gathered about the various refreshments.

Akane shuddered as Taro smiled at her. He was trying to be nice, but kami, it was almost scaring the piss out of her. She had tried malleting him once only to discover that chivalry wasn't a word he understood.

She sighed as she looked over toward her sister Nabiki who was cuddling with her husband Ranma. It didn't help that the two old farts, a.k.a. their fathers, were drunkenly dancing about singing how the schools were finally joined.

Akane sighed again, this time for lost chances. Her sigh was echoed by both Ukyou and Shampoo.

Cologne smiled, though there was an edge of sadness to it as she watched the reactions of all the young folk to the announcements that Ranma and Nabiki had made. Marriage was surprising in itself, but a baby on the way was somewhat unexpected based on what she knew of Nabiki. She paused as she realized she was thinking of the girl she'd first met instead of the young lady she'd matured into. The first valued money, mischief and her independence. The second loved Ranma to the exclusion of everything else.

She chuckled as she watched Nodoka hovering over her daughter-in-law; scurrying to fetch anything Nabiki even seemed to want. 'Mother-hen' was a most appropriate figure of speech to describe her behavior she thought to herself.

Just before the party ended, Nabiki finally managed to get Kasumi alone. "Sis," she began, "I think it's time you began to pursue your own dreams." With that she handed Kasumi a bank letter guarantying the cost of her college education.

"But . . . but, father . . . Akane, I mean . . ." she dithered for a moment before Nabiki interrupted.

"They are both adults and can take care of themselves," retorted Nabiki. She paused, then added softly, "Kasumi-chan, please think about this. Mother would not be happy with you denying your own dreams just to be housemaid and servant to those too lazy to do their own chores."

Kasumi stilled at the mention of their mother. She looked searchingly into Nabiki's eyes before she hesitantly nodded and replied, "I'll, I'll think about it. I promise."

As they re-entered the party, Kasumi asked, "Nabiki, where did you get the money for this?" gesturing with the letter.

Nabiki smiled mischievously and said with a louder voice than necessary, "Oh it was no problem Kasumi; you see, after Akane told me about her recent trip, I found these casks of Nanniichuan stored in the basement. I auctioned them off on e-Bay and I got more than enough money to pay for everything."

Soun and Genma started to stutter but Nabiki cut them off curtly. "Neither of you earned those four casks. Neither of you paid for the expenses nor have either of you worked to earn any money for the dojo. That means those casks were mine to do with as I please since you used the money that I earned to go get them. Don't like it - TOUGH! They're gone and there is nothing you can do about it." With that, she doused them both with water.

Genma hesitantly held up a sign 'I'm a cute panda'. The crowd didn't buy it as various farming tools mysteriously appeared in their hands. He vanished under his cloaking technique.

Soun, mean time was wailing about how his daughter didn't love him. Everybody just ignored the crying woman; too used to the sound to pay much attention to the new visage of the source.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Cologne was sitting on the grass under one of the large shade trees in the temple grounds idly talking with her younger sister. "Har Bou," she began (in Chinese) "what do you think about telling all these outsiders of the most ancient of our people's prophecies?"

Hairbow sighed and offered her opinion, "If they are truly allies, do we have any choice in the matter? Besides, we must tell the Queen at the least and I think that our own warriors should be reminded as well even though we normally restrict this information to only Amazons." After a pause she added, "Well, the full version is only known to the elders and their heirs, though I believe that the first few stanzas are still taught as part of our history."

Cologne sat in thought a bit longer before she signaled to one of the other Amazons, "Call Shampoo to me and ask the Queen if she will come also." The maiden nodded and ran off to do as she was bid.

"Hiya old ghouls," snickered Ranma as she seated herself beside Shampoo and before the two elders.

'Thunk!' Two canes impacted the ground almost as one as Ranma dodged backwards while remaining seated; a wide mischievous smile on her merry face.

Shampoo had a confused expression that suddenly cleared as she exclaimed in sudden understanding, "Shampoo now remember! Shield-sister master tea ceremony and is quick on toes, No?"

Ranma just chuckled and seemed to glide back to her seat beside the other girl, "Yeah, it was one of the weirder styles I've ever mastered but it does come in handy at times."

Hairbow and Cologne just sighed in resignation and the matriarch began, "Shampoo and Ranma, there is an ancient prophecy a bit over six thousand years old that my sister and I believe you two, the other Amazons and the senshi should know about. I believe Shampoo already knows part of it but not the whole thing. I'd like the two of you to gather the others together this afternoon in the main temple meeting room so that we can discuss it."

Ranma and Shampoo nodded and did as they were asked.

A few hours later, the three Amazon elders were seated together at the head of a rather large circle of people. Besides the senshi (civilian form) and the contingent of Amazon maidens, the three monks, Nabiki, Nodoka Mousse, Ranma and the two moon cats were in attendance.

Hairbow started the meeting by saying, "There is an ancient prophecy that I think may apply to Ranma and her allies. It has been translated from the old tongue and then again into Japanese and as a result much of the poetic nature has been lost but the essence remains. It goes as follows:"

"The cursed champion far from home
Chasing yin and yang chaos reborn
Becomes shield maiden and guardian
For the Amazon Queen forlorn.

When the Earth Princess claims her past
Amazon maiden sundered from dues of family
Finds the curse a star filled blessing
And dances with princess and loves finally

A forgotten realm found by twisted children
Sent by a merciful Earth Princess unknowing
Helps the Queen lead the Amazons to war
Lest the long winter fall on the world unending

Reborn from depths of time and battle,
Crossed circle heralds Amazon Queen
Once husband but now shield-maiden
Twice kissed, wild stallion prevails,

Lunar cat forgiven becomes guardian
Free from law with honor restored
Amazon Princess of Gaea, master of war,
When light dims, heritage of Gaea prevails,

Storms and disasters foretell battles,
Mercy will conquer lost kingdom,
Remembering what once was yet
Finally becoming what could be

Twisted by evil; wood, stone and metal rebel,
Lost ones seek roots and find unexpected allies,
Ancients long lost and cousins eager to help,
Storming evil gates lost ones are won,

Given renewed life, they prevail over old master,
Twisted allies rally to defeat death home
Freed moon servants become guardians,
Silver warriors conquer winter avatar,

Princess's wife will ascend to heavens,
Flying cat eats moon and adds three twice,
Thrice for life, thrice for battle,
Redheaded wind walker strides crystal towers."

For the next several hours they discussed interpretations. Some were straightforward. All agreed that the crossed circle referred to the symbol for Terra that Ranma wore.

Hairbow sighed and observed, "There is no doubt about whom chaos reborn is."

Shampoo grinned and said, "Shampoo is cursed champion lunar cat and now shield-sister to Ranma. That part of old words come true too."

Nodoka observed, "The yin and yang obviously refers to Ranma's curse and I suspect she's the redhead but the wind walker and crystal towers make no sense."

Cologne nodded and said, "Ranma's relationship with Gaea has already shown that she could use those powers to fight the loss sunlight.

"And Shampoo kiss twice like old words say," she added.

Usagi smiled and interjected, "Whoa, I guess it was a good thing that Ranma protected those Youma, mercy was a good thing for us and them too."

Nabiki snickered and finished that thought, "I would like to point out that Demona and her two friends appear to play a role in the future events as well. Ranma allowed them to leave and the prophecy seems to say that they will be successful in finding allies for us."

Hotaru shyly observed, "Maybe we are all supposed to redo our planetary links if that is what the prophecy means by the words 'freed'."

Usagi smiled and nodded, 'yes,' to that suggestion, reaffirming her earlier decision.

Setsuna sighed and spoke for the rest, "All of that makes sense, but the rest of the words are ridiculous. I mean, eating the moon! And who ever heard of flying cats either!"

One of the monks snickered and countered with, "Oh, yes, let alone talking cats or magical girls; I mean that is impossible. Right?"

The others grinned and on that note, the meeting broke up. It was agreed that the matter would be revisited once everyone had had a chance to think about the prophecy a bit more.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Nabiki and Ranma were lying side by side on the roof of the 'Temple-dojo' watching the stars; grateful that the background lights were minimal in this area.

"Ranma," murmured Nabiki huskily, "isn't the moon romantic tonight?"

Ranma yawned but then looked to the side a bit and up at the moon. He studied it for a moment before responding, "Mumm, Nabs, what's romantic mean again?"

Nabiki sighed and just snuggled into his chest a bit more; "Never mind Ranma," she sighed.

A few minutes later Ranma idly observed, "I wonder what it's like on the moon. Might be kind of fun to go there if we had a way."

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Haruka hesitantly held the recently purchased mini-cask in her hands. Kami knows that they had paid enough for it, but the results were guaranteed and from Ranma's experience, they knew that it wouldn't affect her senshi powers. She glanced at her life partner questioningly. Michiru blushed and nodded. Haruka stripped and then stood in a shallow basin before pouring the magical waters over herself.

The games then began in an all new way for the couple.

It was a scene repeated many times all over Japan for those who had won the bidding war that had erupted over the magical waters Nabiki had sold on the 'Sailor Senshi Forum'; one of the few venues where the readers avidly believed in magic. Her research had shown that each standard cask could be stretched to 'curse' six or seven people. Nabiki had repackaged each cask into six mini-casks and provided instructions cautioning each buyer that the contents of each mini-cask would only work for one person and they should soak themselves in it for a little while to ensure it worked fully.

Kodachi had purchased one and was cackling gleefully as she contemplated her future revenge on the 'scarlet harlot'. Odd the way her 'rose' colored glasses permitted her to understand the cursed water without letting her see the truth about Ranma.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Mousse had a secret. He had been in correspondence with his distant cousin the Jusenkyo guide and had finally convinced him to send a cask of Nanniichuan; chaos was there for the delivery to the Cat-cafe.

The scene was set. Business was slow so 'innocents' were few. Shampoo was in the back corner sitting at a low table in her cursed form quietly talking with the two moon-cats; all three were in their cat-humanoid hybrid forms. Ryouga had wandered in; Cologne had taken pity on the lost boy and fed him after she'd placed a call to Akari to come get him. Genma had wandered by so that he could harass his son but had decided to steal his food instead. Nabiki and Ranma had just sighed and moved to a different table leaving the meal to the glutton.

A delivery man entered, "Package for a Mr. Mu Tsu," he announced.

"MY Nanniichuan!" yelped the blind master of hidden weapons joyfully. The stillness within the business was absolute for ten seconds before the battle began.

Ryouga didn't care if the water cured him or mixed with his curse as had happened to Genma, either way he would no longer be helpless.

Genma had gotten desperate since Nabiki had sold the casks he and Soun had acquired and had quickly forgotten the warning from the guide about using the cursed water too soon.

Genma and Ryouga both jumped toward the package held by Mousse but collided in mid-air as Mousse abruptly sat on the floor to open the package. The three men were immediately entangled together, none of them noticing as the cask rolled out of the way to stop at Nabiki's feet.

Nabiki picked it up and frowned at the familiar metal tag. A tag that was absent on the casks she had recently repackaged and sold.

As the three battling males launched themselves toward Nabiki, Ranma's aura flared and blasted them all away from her. It also sent the cask flying toward the three cat-folks in the corner.

Seeing the cask escaping his grasp, Mousse desperately flung a chain toward it. He almost missed it. Almost meant that the cask was destroyed, drenching the three humanoid cats with its contents.

The three cursed males began to wail about the loss of their cure only to quickly stop when they noticed the dozen or so Amazon warriors surrounding them; frowning Amazon warriors armed with weapons that they were very skilled with. The beating that ensued was brutal.

As the three males regained consciousness shortly after the beating ended, the angry visage of Cologne was what they first saw. It was a wonder that none of them had heart attacks.

"You three have caused an Amazon warrior to be cursed as well as cursing two allies of the tribe." She glared at Mousse and asked, "How did you get that cursed water? The guide promised me he would not send any more here."

Mousse swallowed and replied, "I . . . I told my cousin it was a gift for Ranma. That was the only way I was able to convince him to send it."

Cologne glared at him before pronouncing sentence, "Mu Tsu, you are no longer an Amazon, you are banished. If you ever again contact or attack an Amazon, you will be hunted down and executed; GO!" she said before punting him out the door.

Turning to the other two, she snarled, "You have both betrayed the hospitality of the Amazons, neither of you has any honor worth even mentioning. Both of you are banned from any contact with Amazons. If either of you forces contact or attacks an Amazon, you will be hunted and executed." She turned to the warriors witnessing these events and ordered, "Toss this trash into the alley."

Ranma quietly witnessed all this and said not a word, turning his back on them in silent comment.

Nabiki meanwhile was in the back corner looking at the three recently cursed individuals. She sighed as she realized that it was the same cursed water she had gotten; apparently Kiima had attempted to strike again. She frowned as she noticed a difference then. All three of them still looked mostly cat-like other than their ears were a little longer as well as their back legs but it was not as pronounced as for Nabiki. Instead of a rabbit's tail, the three new moon cabbits had feline tails. Shampoo was lavender in color and had a gleaming blue-green earth gem in her forehead similar to what Nabiki's cabbit form had; she also had light blue markings. Luna was now a dark grey instead of black though she did have black markings and the crescent on her forehead had been replaced with silvery full moon gem. Artemis was still white for the most part but had neon pink 'Siamese' markings and had a reddish full moon gem on his forehead. Both of the moon gems were similar in that they slowly rotated showing the various features characteristic of the Lunar landscape. Like Artemis, Shampoo's and Luna's alternate markings covered their tails, feet, ears and bit of their heads as well.

Luna took one look and Artemis and began to snicker despite the discomfort of being drenched. Finally she said, "Arty, you look good as a redhead."

Nabiki interrupted their byplay when she said softly, "Have I a lot to tell you three." Nabiki had not told anybody about her newest evolved form but thought that these three probably needed to know.

Cologne walked over with a kettle of hot water and poured it over the three.

Nabiki grimaced as the three were briefly enclosed in a dome of light that caused all three to arch in brief agony. "Off hand," she observed, "I'd guess that that wasn't a good idea to do to basically magical creatures while they were all three still drenched in the magical water as well." A few moments later all three of them changed into their human forms seemingly none the worse for the experience.

Nabiki hesitated then commented, "You know, I don't think that is how the two moon-cats normally change into human form."

Cologne sighed as she rubbed her head, feeling a headache coming on as she racked her memory for data about how Jusenkyo curses interacted and behaved with respect to each other and other magics. "I think that the magical water that the three were all sitting in caused their various magics to connect with each other when I attempted to activate the reverse function the first time on all of them together." She frowned in thought, "I would guess that Shampoo's initial Jusenkyo curse bled over to the other two affecting their own magical alternate forms thus setting their 'base' form as human instead of cat since all three were in their humanoid form when they were cursed. The fact that all three were actually cat hybrids modified the curse to be a mix of cat and whatever that 'demon' water form really is." She smiled and said, "It is apparent in retrospect that the Jusenkyo magic seemed to interpret their alternate moon cat like form to be equal to a Jusenkyo cursed form when it was establishing their base curse form since all three of them had a human form as well." She paused and concluded, "That was probably because the two of them were already magical as well."

"That's what I said," smirked Nabiki.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Ryouga and Mousse wandered far and wide. Many wondrous sights the pair could have seen had Ryouga only looked up or Mousse put his glasses on.

Occasionally fate does something nice.

"Auuuuuggggggggghhhh," 'splash, splash'

Guess who just fell into the 'virtuous young priest (man)' spring

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Akari flared her nostrils as she asked again, "What do you mean you are cured?" Her lips flattened into a straight line and she added, "You better be talking about your directional curse."

"Ryouga?" exasperatedly hissed his wife as the 'virtuous young man' fainted backward in a spray of nasal blood after she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, "how can your cursed side be even more shy than you were? That's just not possible. Ryouga? Wake up! How are we ever going to have kids at this rate?"

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

In his cursed form, Mousse silently watched Shampoo from across the street as she bounced from task to task, bubbly and perky as always. He sighed, with his cousin's help he had managed to lock his form so that he was now merely anonymous to the Amazons instead of despised or hunted. With his newfound understanding, there was so much that he regretted doing. It was somehow symbolic that with his new enlightenment came perfect eyesight as well. All too well could he now see what he had done wrong in his pursuit of Xain Pu.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Ranma and Nabiki were exploring the moon. Their intention had been to search for technology but Nabiki's cravings had started surfacing with a vengeance shortly after they had arrived.

Nabiki had beamed Ranma into a surviving environmental envelop buried a kilometer below the scared surface and then had phased herself in cabbit form next to the newest senshi. For safety, Ranma was in her senshi form. She was disconcerted to note that she still had a link to Terra through Luna. Apparently moons were secondary power foci for planetary power. That made her wonder what Sailor Moon was really connected too.

A half hour later and she had the answer to that question. The palace, though ruined on the surface was largely intact below ground. Ranma could tell that the palace was a foci all its own. It seemed to be linked to every celestial body in the solar system except the earth though it was linked to the moon so there was a secondary link instead of the direct link as the other planets had. Ranma and Nabiki continued to explore the outskirts of the palace, reluctant to actually enter the massive foci structure itself. Ranma studied the foci as they circled it. It was obviously a construct and its power signature echoed that of the Ginzuishou that Usagi had used on Ranma so many months ago.

Nabiki was stuck in her cabbit form at the moment and was not at all happy about it. Not that the form wasn't cute, but the cravings had become overpowering in this form since her arrival on the moon. She had just eaten an entire weapons vault, starting with the doors and then all the contents and it had been a huge structure. Now all that remained were the bare walls and those had teeth marks. Somehow her cabbit form had been able to freeze the AI guarding the vault; she had not only eaten the AI but all the explosives that would have been used to destroy the vault too.

Ranma picked up her wife and cuddled her close. She smirked, "If I had any doubts that you were a Saotome now, those are gone. I'd say you were a grand mistress of the Saotome unlimited eating style." Her gentle laughter softened the comment only causing the cabbit to blush; a blush that deepened as she hiccupped and half of a small metal gear bounced across the bare floor.

For the moment Nabiki's form was frozen, partially from the waves of pleasure as her husband petted her but also from the successive waves of information she was processing from the consumed AI. Apparently, some things that her cabbit form consumed went into subspace where they were integrated into her space ship form instead of being destroyed for minerals. 'Oh this is interesting!' she thought to herself.

The odd couple continued to explore, Nabiki's cravings were eventually satisfied it seems as after nine hours under the surface, she was finally able to shift to her human form. "Kami, I feel bloated!" she blurted almost immediately.

Ranma had only laughed. The vault had been the only large victim of the feeding frenzy that had possessed Nabiki during this trip, but there had been numerous items of what could only be described as scrap or ruined laboratories that her cabbit form had consumed. She asked her spouse, "Any idea what happened?"

Nabiki nodded, "Yes. I found the information when I was able to open some previously hidden files that described the cabbit life cycle. It seems that when I was first empowered as a spaceship it was years, maybe several decades in advance of what should have happened based on my cabbit form's apparent age. But when I was caught in the backflow of your ascension to your senshi form, I involuntarily transformed into the spaceship form in order to save my life as that form was the only one capable of handling energy of that magnitude. Apparently I used some of the excess energy to create some of the components that I needed."

"Sor . . ." began Ranma only for Nabiki to put a finger over her lips.

She explained, "We both know it was neither your fault nor mine. Sometimes things happen. In this case, I was in the wrong place. Well, maybe; it turned out for the best in the long run. My ship form is active years earlier because of it and nothing seems to be wrong otherwise, I think the stuff that the cabbit form ate was for spare parts or maybe just because I'm pregnant."

Ranma smiled and hugged her, "Ready to go home?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" responded Nabiki as she transformed into her cabbit form and phased to the surface where she assumed ship form.

She reflexively beamed Ranma aboard before figuratively freezing. "What the hell," she exclaimed as Ranma materialized on the command deck.

Ranma arched a scarlet eyebrow as she took in the changes. The command deck was almost four times larger in each direction and Nabiki's overall form as visible via the view ports, seemed equally larger as well. There appeared to be a lot more instrumentation and other equipment as well.

"Nabs, you know what happened? Some how I never expected a space ship to have a growth spurt," Ranma asked.

"Accessing," muttered Nabiki absently. "Got it!" she said. "Oh, my" she said in an almost perfect rendition of her elder sister's voice. "Ranma, remember how I said that the early power up of my ship form didn't have problems. I take that back. What was powered-up was the bare skeleton of my ship form that was just able to save my life. What you see now is the complete form now that my cabbit form was able to find and identify what was needed to finish this ship form." She added softly, "I've also stored enough material for the baby as well."

Ranma sighed, "I'm glad we came here then. I would hate to have seen what would have happened if this feeding frenzy thing had happened back home."

Nabiki sighed, "That was never a concern, dear," she softly replied, "I don't think the necessary components were anywhere on earth."

"Special then," Ranma hazarded a guess.

"Magical," responded Nabiki. "Most of the weapons and even the wreckage had magical components from the Silver Millennium. Even some of the technology was special in that it was warped into multidimensional configurations that could not be engineered on earth at present. Because this form is a living spaceship, I am able to reshape all of this into usable forms that enabled me to fully build and empower this form." She paused and added, "I didn't even realize that I was missing FTL engines or weapons until those systems came on line just now."

Ranma paused and then asked, "What do you think about scanning the ruins and maybe bringing some of this technology back for Ami to play with?"

"Excellent idea," she responded. For the next ten hours, they slowly circumnavigated Luna, beaming up and storing tons of potentially useful technology. One of the more awesome finds they made was of a relatively undamaged hanger containing space ships in various states of repair and construction. Energy readings indicated that none were powered even minimally however. Nabiki guessed that the state of the ships was what kept them from being targeted during the fall of the silver millennium.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Demona and her two companions dodged the attacks with skills taught them by their mistress. That was all that was saving them. They had stumbled onto a pitched battle between a small group of dwarfs and a slightly larger party of elves. Both of the warring fractions had frozen at the sight of the three reformed youma and then instantly attacked them together; their previous hostilities forgotten.

Becoming desperate, Demona had finally shouted, "We come in peace."

A snarling dwarf had hissed, "There shall be no peace with the distorted . . ."

Only for an elf at his shoulder to finish for him, ". . . spawn of Beryl. Pieces of you we will have though!"

"We come in the name of the Moon and our mistress the Earth Princess; not the forsaken one who has been slain," replied Demona again.

At the name of the Moon, the elves had paused. The dwarfs had frozen in place when the earth princess had been mentioned.

Still facing the three youma, the dwarfs gathered to one side, equidistant from both the elves and the youma. The elves had also regrouped themselves. The leader of each party warily approached the youma and the dwarf demanded. "Tell us what you will, but for your sake pray that it is the truth."

The three youma exchanged glances and at a nod from Demona, all three sat down, deliberately placing themselves at a disadvantage should the battle resume. Demona began to explain. "Long ago, we were not thus. Our ancestors were stolen away from their people by evil. Beryl was the name of that evil. By magic and technology we were created and spawned into a mindless army constrained by magic to obey without question. Death was freedom which we all sought to some degree. Yet the army spawned was large if unskilled and poor in spirit. With this army and betrayal did Beryl bring down the Moon kingdom until the Queen herself yielded her very life to cast Beryl and her army into prison. Less than a year ago Beryl was finally slain by the reborn daughter of the Moon as Beryl attempted to escape her prison." Demona gestured to herself and companions and continued, "Of the youma spawn created by Beryl and brought to earth, we three are the last we believe though there could be more yet remaining in the realm that was Beryl's prison. We were cleansed of the taint of evil by the Moon daughter and renewed in the gift of life by the reborn Earth Princess and are sworn to her service. She in turn is friend to the Moon daughter and her reborn court."

"A likely tale, twisted one," mocked one of the dwarfs only to be silenced by his leader's up-raised palm.

The leader of the elves asked, "Why have you come to Jade. For beings of magic, this is a sanctuary from the evils of technology, especially that used by Beryl."

"Unknown foes attack the earth seeking to destroy all life by casting the world into eternal winter," replied the youma spokesperson, Demona. "We have come seeking knowledge of our ancestors and perhaps allies for our mistress in the battle to save the home of all."

After a few moments thought, the dwarf chieftain sighed deeply, "By the ancient god Crom, there is no help for it," he stated. "Elf! We have no time to play with you and your kin. This is news that must be taken to the caverns." He turned to the youma, "One of you must accompany me. We leave at noon."

The youma exchanged glances, wondering what to do. Finally, the wooden warrior responded to a faint feeing of kinship to the dwarfs and boomed, "With you, go I will."

The elf warrior had been standing in contemplation while this had been happening before he nodded in agreement and asked, "And which of you will accompany me?"

Demona hesitantly responded, "I will," but then glanced at her remaining companion, the bronze centaur.

He in turn rose to his four legs and gestured to the massive forest that they were on the edge of. "Can you tell me of this forest? I would know why it seems to call to me; summoning me deep within it."

Both the dwarfs and elves looked apprehensive at that statement, but the elf answered nonetheless. "This forest was ancient even before Jade was discovered. Long ago when the peoples of Jade were enslaved, only here in this forest was there sanctuary though the cost to the forest was dear. Even now it is less than half of what it once was. Because of that, this forest is revered by all of Jade. It is called the Ent-wife home but none know the meaning of the name."

Stepping slowly toward the forest, the centaur replied in his bell like voice, "They are summoning me. I must obey, even if it is to my destruction, my very being tells me this is the right thing to do." With that he disappeared into the forest.

The dwarf chieftain boomed a deep laugh, "Well, imagine that!" He gestured to the wooden warrior who was now among his own group, "If the forest was to call anyone, I would have thought that the wooden warrior would have been called."

The elf leader chuckled in turn before gesturing to Demona and retorting, "Yes, and that the stone one would be the one accompanying the burrowers instead of the elves." Both laughed and peaceably parted ways.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Shampoo was frustrated; there was no other word for it. She silently swore to herself, 'If I hear the word 'cute' just one more time . . .' She tensed as yet another little girl picked her up and gushed . . . that awful word. She glanced over to where Artemis and Luna were also being victimized by the horrors inhabiting this preschool. Somehow their moon cabbit forms were irresistible to the little demons. She signed, wishing they could restore their original pure feline forms. She couldn't believe that Nabiki had managed to not only 'rent' them to the school but had convinced them to agree to it as well. She truthfully suspected that it wasn't for the money but the mischief factor that Nabiki had done this awful thing to them.

She was so depressed that she didn't even notice when her phasing powers momentarily activated for the first time and she fell through the little girls arms. . . and the floor. She did notice when she landed in the old emergency shelter beneath the school in a plume of dust in the dim flickering light of emergency lighting. Puzzled, Shampoo glared at her surroundings, taking in the stacks of obsolete equipment that bureaucracy prevented the school from disposing of, much of it useless office equipment. She wondered how the heck she had gotten there.

Shampoo had this odd craving that she did not understand; I mean there was not a drop of chocolate in sight.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Nabiki and Ranma had returned several days ago from their trip to the moon with nobody the wiser as they had told everyone that they were going on a weekend training trip and honeymoon. Neither intended to reveal Nabiki's space ship form just yet if ever.

Nabiki was perusing the morning paper while waiting for Shampoo to pack their bento's, something the young Amazon insisted on; when an unusual news article caught her attention. "Ranma," she said, "look at this. Isn't it strange that somebody stole or vandalized a bunch of obsolete equipment at the same school Shampoo, Luna and Artemis were at yesterday?"

"Eeep!" sounded from the kitchen doorway drawing attention to a deeply blushing Shampoo who was now standing there.

Nabiki might not have made the connection had Jusenkyo not helped out by 'somehow' causing a cup to fall from a shelf, landing in a pan of water and splashing Shampoo. Nabiki looked at the newest cabbit, back at the article then recalled where Shampoo had been yesterday and then recalled what had happened to herself on the moon. Connecting the dots, she took a guess and smirked to Shampoo, "Tell me, did the computers taste good and were you surprised that that little form could eat equipment and so much of it?"

Amazingly enough, the little lavender moon cabbit managed to blush through the thick coating of fur. Nabiki gaily laughed and tossed her hot tea over the Chinese girl who quickly dressed though she did not mind Ranma seeing her unclothed.

Shampoo sighed and said, "Shampoo not believe legends told about 'demon-cat' until now. But old legends tell of cute little rabbit-cat that eat magical tools of Amazons as well as most of weapons. Grandmother not happy when see Nabiki's form and immediately store all magical items in personal stuff space. Grandmother glad that she do when three more cabbits appear."

Nabiki laughed until she noticed the serious look on her husband's face, "Ranma? What's wrong?"

Ranma sighed in exasperation and said, "I wish she'd given us warnings about that. I'm not happy she kept that little fact a secret." Ranma wearily rubbed the back of her neck and said, "It's nice that Cologne is protecting her magical articles but what about the Sailor Scouts. They have Luna and Artemis with them. What will happen when the cravings hit them and Mercury's computer is eaten, or the time-staff or silence-glaive or their communicators or . . ." She paused, there really wasn't any need to continue but the thought did occur to Ranma, 'kami help us if one of them got a craving while at the time-gate'.

Both Nabiki and Shampoo's faces had gotten progressively whiter as Ranma had spoken. Nabiki had then gotten an abstracted look on her face and Ranma quieted Shampoo before she could say anything that might have interrupted Nabiki. Ranma recognized the expression as one that indicated that Nabiki was accessing the extensive computer files available to her from her ship form.

Nabiki finally sighed with a bit of relief. "Luckily it won't be a problem at their current power levels. They won't go after such items until they have accumulated the necessary minimal level of power or they get caught in a power cascade like I did. For now they will seek to accumulate bulk metal and electronics. It would take at least a decade before their power levels would mature enough for them to be attracted to magical items." She paused and added, "Humm, though the fact that they have silver millennium connection may change that. But still it should take awhile before Shampoo or the moon cats raise their power levels high enough to be able to process magical items."

Ranma sighed and added, "Or they accidentally get hit with a Scout magical attack or something similar."

"Oh shit!" the three uttered in unison.

Noticing the somewhat confused expression on Shampoo's face on how the other two knew about this problem, Ranma vaguely explained how Nabiki had recently learned about the voracious and eclectic appetite of the cabbit form especially when hit with a bit of magic.

Nabiki's face was blank as her ship board super computer evaluated data and scenarios. Finally, she sighed and declared, "There is no help for it given Shampoo's martial arts skills and the silver millennium links of the other two and the fact that the Sailor Scout artifacts are in use and can't really be protected from the moon cabbits." She sighed and added, "For a normal person who fell in that spring, I doubt they managed to live long enough to find the materials sufficient to allow another form without a massive external power boost."

Nabiki caught Ranma's eyes and announced, "Dear, we are going to have to recreate the circumstances that matured my form. That means another trip you know where for us and the three new moon cabbits."

"Next weekend?" asked Ranma.

"That would be the logical thing," responded Nabiki, "after all, what could possibly happen between now and then." The three paused and then sprang into action.

"I go tell grandmother, Shampoo be going with shield sister," announced Shampoo.

"I'll call the school to let them know we will have to miss today and maybe tomorrow due to family emergency," said Nabiki.

"I'll call Luna and Artemis and tell them to get over here immediately," said Ranma.

After Shampoo had left, Nabiki remarked, "You know I think I just figured out the prophecy references to 'wife ascends to heaven', 'flying cat eats moon' and 'three for battle."

Ranma grinned, "Yeah I caught that too. The old ghoul is gonna be surprised when she finds out not to mention Pluto."

Nabiki snickered and added, "At first I thought the 'Princess's wife ascends to heaven' meant our honeymoon activities but . . ." She stopped and laughed at the deep flush on Ranma's face.

An hour later, Ranma, Nabiki, Shampoo, the two moon cats, Usagi, Nodoka and Cologne met in the center of the 'Amazon' shrine in a large clearing where the trees gave concealment from outside observers.

Only Ranma and Nabiki truly knew why they were there though Usagi didn't care as she was just excited to miss school. Having Usagi join them was an afterthought of Ranma's. Nodoka insisted on going with them wherever they were going if it was important enough for her pregnant daughter-in-law to miss school. Cologne insisted on going after Shampoo admitted that Nabiki had an idea on how to cure the moon cabbits from possibility eating her magical artifacts.

Ranma turned to the group around her and softly said, "Nabiki and I have kept a few secrets from you. The main two are about to be revealed and neither of us apologizes for not telling you until now." With that, Ranma crossed her wrists over her head and pulled the earth power up and over herself. The others only saw Ranma taking a stance, a bright flash of light and then there the Terran Senshi was standing before them, visible to the public for the first time ever.

"I am Sailor Earth," announced Ranma before she was engulfed in tight hugs from her mother and Usagi.

"Oh Ranma," gushed Usagi, "I'm so glad you are finally a senshi like the rest of us." She blushed and then softly added, "I may be the reborn daughter of Queen Serenity, but I know that means I'm not your Princess even now."

Ranma gave her a quick hug back and whispered, "I have something to show you later, sis."

Nodoka was speechless though Cologne and Shampoo just chuckled as another piece of ancient prophecy came true before them.

Nabiki changed into her cabbit form and nuzzled Ranma as the Terran scout picked up and held the cute little critter. Everyone was shocked when Ranma tossed the cursed form of his pregnant wife high into the air. They froze when she transformed into a massive spaceship, towering over a hundred meters above them and almost three hundred meters in diameter.

Ranma glazed fondly at her wife's powered up form. A form that meant Ranma didn't need to worry about protecting the one she loved so much. They covered each others back very effectively.

Shampoo's jaw was dangling in the wind as she stared at the slightly oval crystalline form hovering above her. Nabiki's form was mostly golden with reddish trim. The six silvery spikes jutting toward the ground were equally spaced and flared outward to the sides shortly after beginning. Shampoo could see the tips of sets of matching spikes on the upward side of Nabiki's new form.

Ranma chuckled and announced, "This is Nabiki's alternate form. It is actually the mature form of the cabbit but it takes a lot of specialized materials and a lot of power to get there."

Ranma didn't get time to add anything more before Nabiki beamed the entire group to the command deck. "Oh, yes, I should add, this form is a space ship, a very powerful space ship" Ranma finished.

Nabiki's gay laughter washed over Ranma and the fainted bodies surrounding her. Even Cologne was sprawled out unconscious.

They were half way to the moon before the others roused. Each took a look at the growing sight of the moon before them and the shrinking visage of earth behind them and sighed in resignation and acceptance though Cologne was heard to mutter under her breath, 'flying cat, my wrinkly ole arse.'

This time they beamed into the middle of the palace. Usagi was almost frozen as she felt the Imperial power lines gradually activate and embrace her. The others watched in both concern and awe as the Princess renewed her heritage.

When it was done, Usagi collapsed in a heap on the floor and began to helplessly sob as ancient memories told her of what was now lost. Nodoka enfolded the crying girl in her arms. Nabiki gestured the others to come with her though Cologne elected to stay and watch over the pair.

Back aboard her ship form Nabiki and Ranma explained what had happened to Nabiki to cause her to gain this form. Ranma ended by saying, "What I plan is to place each of the three of you in different spots on the moon near wrecked complexes that contain enough of the needed materials, technology and magical artifacts to enable you to reach your final forms. I will use my link to Terra and the fact that the moon is one of its foci to provide the necessary power to enable you to make the transition."

Nabiki added, "Be prepared, it will be painful, but well worth it."

Ever practical Luna sighed and muttered, "As if we have the choice given that these curses are permanent and these changes will eventually happen anyway."

Artemis nodded and reluctantly added, "Better to do this now under controlled conditions instead of later and possibly with disastrous uncontrollable results."

Shampoo giggled and added, "So this what old words mean, 'demon cats' eat moon and change to flying cats and fight better."

Once the moon cabbits were in place, Nabiki and Ranma returned to the others. From there Ranma drew up cocoons of planetary power over the three new moon cabbits and fed it to them only as fast as they could absorb it. It took an hour before the first cravings hit. It took almost six hours for them to finally reach satiation and fall asleep next to an unfinished meal of silver millennium scrap.

Ranma was exhausted by this time. Nabiki smiled fondly down at her sleeping female husband. A smile echoed in a similar way by the other three females.

Prior to this, while the moon cabbit empowering had been happening, Usagi and Cologne had been gradually wandering the underground portions of the palace; in awe of the majesty, sad at the damage.

Shortly after Ranma had fallen asleep, Nabiki announced that it was time to return to earth. Usagi had glanced about her surroundings once more before coming to a conclusion and a decision.

Dropping the disguise she had maintained since leaving the time-gates, Neo-Queen Usagi announced, "I will be with you shortly. There is something I must do and it is best done when I am the only one on this planetoid."

The others arched their eyebrows, not only at her matured form but her calmly commanding voice. However, Nabiki understood that in calling it a planetoid, Usagi was attempting to designate that the moon was part of a binary planetary system instead of a planet-moon system.

"That won't fly," calmly rebuked Nabiki on behalf of her sleeping spouse. "The moon belongs to Ranma. She has already claimed it as a foci of her power and domain today as you saw."

Usagi sighed in acceptance but lifted her chin, "But the palace is mine!"

Nabiki nodded, "Yes, Ranma recognizes that already. Even when we were here alone, we took care not to trespass into the palace." She added, "We know that the palace is an exceptionally large artificial magical foci structure that is linked to the whole solar system except for the earth. Ranma will allow you to link to the moon but not to the earth directly. That is her domain, a responsibility that was never part of the silver millennium. She and I have talked about this and she decided that she would share the moon with you but not give it up."

Usaig nodded in acceptance and shortly afterwards was the only living being still on the planet. Nodoka and Cologne watched her from space via the screens Nabiki activated. They saw her carefully pull her power into herself before gradually feeding it into the palace structure. It took over an hour, but when Usagi finally collapsed in exhaustion, the entire palace had been restored.

Nabiki beamed the sleeping princess aboard and into one of the many bedrooms to join the other sleeping companions and then started back home.

From the time gates, Setsuna froze in momentary shock as the command link to the palace re-established itself and the restored palace appeared momentarily in the time-gate image.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

About a fortnight after the accidental cursing of the moon cats, Ranma called a senshi meeting. The other senshi were grumbling since it was in a somewhat remote location that took them most of the day to get to. Usagi knew what Ranma was going to do and added her voice behind Ranma's.

Once they were all assembled, Ranma demonstrated her senshi form.

Ranma spun in a whirlwind of rainbow colored streamers as she drew up the power of the earth. She was re-clothed in her own version of senshi garb. It was an almost standard sky blue fuku, but the stylishly ragged earthen brown and green leaf patterned skirt was offset by built-in sky blue mid-thigh biker shorts. The edges were trimmed with golden-yellow and green with a short yellow ribbon in the back at waist height; none in the front. Instead of tall boots with heels that the other senshi wore; she had short dark blue socks in a pair of slippers covered with tiny feathers of every color imaginable. Her only jewelry was a golden tiara and her short fingerless gloves were yellow.

The other senshi were stunned at first before Rei exclaimed angrily, "Why is her uniform different? I want mine to look like hers. I'm tired of flashing my ass to everyone when we fight."

Usagi agreed but had no idea on what to do.

Hotaru, however did have an idea. One Saturnine transformation later, the youngest senshi was standing there in her normal garb. Focusing her powers internally she vanished only to reappear back but in a different uniform. The colors were the same but instead of fuku, she wore a vest like blouse that reached to her hips and her legs were covered with loose pants that came a few inches past her knees.

Pluto looked startled before she also vanished only to reappear five minutes later wearing an evening dress in her colors.

Usagi was the one to state the obvious, "It seems that if your powers are no longer bound by the silver crystal, then you can change your uniform but only if you are on your own planet."

"A lot of good that does," retorted Rei, "it does us no good unless you happen to have a spaceship in your pockets," she sarcastically added.

"Not my pockets," giggled Usagi as she reached into her backpack and pulled out Luna who had already seen all this and had been taking a nap. "Ready?" she asked Luna. Seeing the moon cabbit nod, Usagi tossed her up into the air.

For the first time ever, a moon cabbit transformed into a spaceship. Her transformed form was only about an eighth of Nabiki's mass and the shape was different as well. Luna was somewhat teardrop shaped with four long spikes making 'fins' on the pointed end and four shorter spikes surrounding the nose of her new form. Luna beamed the others onto her deck where there was just enough room for all of them.

Nabiki frowned and asked, "Luna, any idea why your form is so different from mine?"

Forestalling the questions that this question stirred, Luna replied, "Accessing . . ., I believe the most likely explanation is because the original cabbit curse form was modified by the previously existing magical forms that Artemis and I had. That may affect Shampoo's form as well."

Both Nabiki and Shampoo thought about it a few moments ignoring the questions the senshi were tossing out. Finally Artemis asked, "Luna, dear, if you would, please transport Nabiki, Shampoo and myself out side so that we can transform."

A few moments later the senshi were staring in surprise at the forms of Shampoo and Artemis which resembled Luna's, differing only in color and shape of the spikes. But the form that earned their awe was Nabiki's massive and powerful form.

Ami smiled and asked, "So when can we visit our home planets?"

Ranma smiled and said, "Well that's up to Luna and Artemis I guess." Anticipating the question, Ranma added, "No, Nabiki is not available for ferrying you because of her pregnancy and Shampoo is my guardian and won't go unless I do and I'm staying close to Nabiki."

"What are the main differences between Nabiki's and the other forms?" asked Ami.

Nabiki was the one to respond, "From the data readings that I was able to make, the moon cabbits seem to transform into fighter type spacecraft with high speed and a limited number of powerful weapons designed for close combat. My form is more of a battleship with faster than light or FTL capabilities which they don't have and very powerful long range weapons." Of course, I'm still almost as fast as they are. They may beat me in the space-lane sprint but I can eventually overtake them however, they are much more maneuverable than I am."

A bit later, Nabiki, Shampoo and Ranma left the senshi to their planning discussion.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Two months later, Ranma laid on their bed and absently stroked Nabiki's bulging belly.

Nabiki slowly ran her fingers through the crimson locks as she studied her spouse's face. Finally she asked, "Ranma, you seem to be bothered by something?"

"I'm a little worried about the senshi. I know they said they were going to visit their planets. Luna was taking the Ami, Rei and Minako and Artemis was taking Michiru, Haruka and Makoto. Usagi was going to stay on the moon while the others are gone and Hotaru and Setsuna stayed to watch for trouble meanwhile. But their communicators are not functional over the distances involved. I'm glad that Setsuna has stopped by a few times to say that they all seemed alright. But I am still a little worried about them;" Ranma confessed.

"Is that all?" Nabiki asked as she put her hand over Ranma's on top of her tummy. "Worried about something else too maybe?"

Ranma froze in momentary panic before answering, "Yeah, a little." The silence stretched out for a few moments before Ranma continued, "You said that the kid changed too?"

Nabiki interpolated what Ranma was trying to say, "Humm, I take it you are worried that the babies will be born cursed?"


The mother to be chuckled, "Oh, guess I forgot to tell you that didn't I. The last time I changed into a spaceship a couple of months ago, I was able to do a full diagnostic on the pregnancy and found that we are expecting triplets." She paused and added, "No idea on genders though."

"Gaahhh, glurk"

With a wide grin she added, "I thought I might let you be the one to tell your mom". She held the trembling redhead close to her and softly suggested, "Maybe we could just let it be a surprise instead?"

Ranma relaxed with a slight giggle, "I don't think I'll ever get used to the way you can wind me up like that." Her face became pensive once again as she continued, "I'm worried about the babies though; are they going to be cursed too?"

Nabiki tentatively bit her lower lip in tension before she shared her views; views based on rather extensive thought and exhaustive conversations with the elders, "Ranma, I'm not sure. I've thought a lot about it and I think that 'maybe' is about as close as we can come to knowing for now. I think that it might make a difference on whether or not I'm in any of my three alternate forms when it comes time to give birth." She paused, on the brink of tears, "I know that the babies are affected by my cursed form when the magic forces me to change so I'm guessing that if they are born in one of those alternate forms, then that becomes their natural form. They might not be able to turn human in that case though." She hesitated and then softly added, "It's my hope that if they are born human, then the transformation magic might not affect them after that." She sighed and finished, "It is also just as probable that it will make no difference whatsoever and they will be just as cursed as I am since both parents have curses."

Ranma sighed as she thought. Eventually she suggested, "Humm, maybe tha' ole ghoul might have some information considering how long the Amazons have lived next to the cursed springs."

Nabiki shrugged and responded, "That's what I thought too. I decided that it couldn't hurt to ask I guess considering that they consider you their Queen." She sighed and continued, "The answer I came up with was based on their input, but crossings where both parents are cursed is something new for them. It's possible that the Musk might have more information, but that doesn't really help at this point."

Nabiki added thoughtfully, "You know she's going to go 'ape-shit' crazy once she finds that the second of the prophesied 'thirds' is happening?"

Ranma sighed yet again but said nothing in response.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Ami studied the controls intently before finally referring back yet once again to the manual she had found. She muttered to herself, "If I am reading this right, and I'm not completely sure given the language problems, then I should be able to restart the biosphere controllers. On the other hand, this word could mean 'self-destruct' or maybe 'initialize', now which is which?"

Ami sighed again and wandered back into the library of Palace Mercury to study while her planetary bond was reformed. Her dreams lately had been a bit odd, almost as if they were memories yet none that she had experienced as far as she knew.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Author Note:

I am in my sixties and while I have the time to write, I do lack the energy to write as much as I did in past years. Considering it took over three years for the last update, I thought I would provide my outline so my readers could see where I planned to go with this story.

Outline notes,

Snow Queen, Lich and Chief Youma herder (deformed human-youma hybrid) have combined forces to destroy earth. Snow Queen (SQ) for revenge and to 'spread her snowy empire'. Lich to expand realm of undead and the boss youma (BY) to supplant humans. Both Lich and SQ contribute negative (death) magic; Lich and BY chaos & tech; SQ and BY negative chi/ki. Because of overlap from differing sources, hard to specifically detect individual contributors.

SQ tries to affect weather patterns
Lich darkens sun with interposed matter
BY targets environmental destruction, dams, fires, etc.

Scouts re-bond with Planets, begin restoration environmental envelopes
Terra with Ami help disrupts adverse weather patterns

Chibatake lead for scouts on planning against BY eco-terrorism, Scouts fight larger battles but the 3 living youma bring reinforcements from Jade (Gold-Diggers folks off on miscel. Adventure) after they find their roots. Jade folk do bulk of terran defense against BY and Lich agents but Ranma is main defender of earth especially if 'armies' show faces.

Terra leads Scouts and Jade folk to invade youma realm, the 3 reformed youma kill BY, Terra demonstrates ability to restore youma, who then go back to Jade and launch attack on Lich realm. Because of youma origins and dual link to earth (via Terra) and Beryl realms, they can function in Undead realm, begin battle there. Ensuing battle becomes a civil war also resulting in destruction of Lich and loss of backing for darkening sun. However, it will take decades for effects to disperse. Beryl realm becomes part of Undead realm but merger makes both realms a bit more hospitable to living beings as the negative magics in both tend to destroy each other instead of combining as positive magics would.

Terra gets in pitched battle with SQ but then other scouts use a massed sailor teleport to transfer battling pair to icy moon of Neptune; they then bring Terra back but leave SQ stranded forever dancing entranced in a liquid nitrogen fountain.

Because of ongoing damage to Terra Biosphere, all the above is going in parallel to colonization efforts of other planets in effort to both reduce 'load' on earth and to save (spread) some of the Terran threatened ecosystems.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Author's note: Additional fan-fiction can be found on my Web Pages, see author profile for more information.

C & C to cloud (underscore) dreamer2000 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Web-page www (dot) geocities (dot) com (slash) cloud (underscore) dreamer2000

C & C to Cloud Dreamer (see e-mail address at author's site), or use the review function below.

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