Disclaimer: I dun own Naruto, or its characters.

You Don't Know My Name

One Hyuuga Hinata hid behind a large tree, admiring her crush. Uzumaki Naruto is his name. He was training himself, away from the hateful eyes of the Konoha villagers.

The girl looked to the sky and frowned. She never did understand why they hated him so much. Sure, Naruto pulled planks on people, but, as far as she could recalled, the villagers hated him even before that. Her own father expressed that she should not get involved with the fox-like boy.

Her gaze softened as it returned to the blonde haired boy. They never tried to see Naruto for what he was. And he was a great, strong person.

'Stronger than I could ever be.' Hinata thought, not bitterly, just as if it were true. The boy before her had faced so much more pain than she could probably comprehend and yet, he just became even more determined to become Hokage. That was what she liked about him the most. She wished that she could have that type of determination. During the Chunnin Exams, with him watching her, she was able to have the strength the stand up to Neji-nii-san.

She was able to share some of his power and strength. Because of that, she felt that she had changed, just a bit, but changed none the less. She felt more confident and secure with herself. She was no longer ashamed of her weakness, she excepted it and strived to make herself stronger. To make herself more like him.

She had become a little bit bolder. That was how she was able to cheer Naruto up before the main matches. She was glad to be able to help him in any way she could. He, after all, had helped her change for the better. He was her inspiration, her shield that protected her from the depression that plagued her, even if he didn't know it.

He made her feel like she was a real person, not just the heir to the Hyuuga name. He treated her like a normal person, like a friend. He didn't care about her status in society or about his, for that matter.

He was bold, loud, a little stupid, rash, stubborn, clumsy, a little impolite, and did things his own way. Completely opposite from her, and yet, they seemed similar. They both wanted to be recognized for who they really are. They both wanted to be strong to prove others wrong, for him, it was everyone, for her, it was her family.

She had been watching him for a long time. Long before he even knew who she was. He probably forgot who she was by now.

A small smile appeared on her face. She knew that he would never forget anyone, especially those he called his friends. And he called her his friend. He stood up for her against Neji-nii-san, or so she was told by her little sister, Hanabi.

The boy stopped moving. His back rose up and down as he panted. He then stood up straight, "Who's there?"

The poor girl was startled, but regained her composure as she stepped out her hiding place from behind him. He turned around and looked at the girl. A confused look came over his face.


"Gomen, Naruto-kun…I-I didn't mean to interrupt your training……"a fresh blush spread across her pale cheeks.

The boy cocked his head to the side, still looking confused. "What are you doing here?"

The girl gulped as her blush grew heavier. She found herself playing with her fingers, a habit she picked up when she was embarrassed. "Ano…..I…I was…I was passing by and I saw you training…so I…" she grew quiet.

He gave her a weird look before excepting her story. She was wearing her normal fighting outfit and looked as if she had been training. He knew that he could trust the girl. "Well why didn't you say something?"

"Ano…." her lips moved but no words came out.

He gave her a quizzical look. "Hinata, you really should talk more." he declared before his stomach growled. As an instinct, he scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment, chuckling softly. The girl blinked repeatedly. She had never heard someone's stomach growl that loudly before. Her thoughts were interrupted when Naruto began to speak again.

"I'm going to Ichiraku to eat some ramen. Hinata, you wanna come?" he said with his foxy grin.

'Naruto-kun…?!' her eyes widened, still focused on the ground, as she found it hard to breathe. Did that mean he was asking her on a……

The blond misinterpreted her silence for unwillingness. His grin disappeared but his stayed shut as he frowned a little. "Oh well. Ja ne, Hinata." And with that, he began to walk away.

"C-Ch-Chooto matte, Naruto-kun." she called after him, causing him to stop for her to ketch up. When she did, she resumed to play with her fingers while replying softly, "I-I would like to go w-with you."

He grinned at her, "Great." He was thinking about asking the girl to buy ramen for him, but hey, at least she was willing to accompany him. It would be rude to ask her for two favors.

And so they went to the Ichiraku Ramen Bar and had some ramen. Hinata had only one bowl of shrimp ramen while Naruto devoured four bowls of miso. Hinata watched in amazement. She had never seen someone eat so fast.

'He always seems to be able to make me smile.' she thought as she giggled lightly causing Naruto to shoot her a confused look.

'What a weird girl Hinata is.' he thought to himself as he slurped the last of his ramen up. He thought he would never be able to understand women, and boy, was he right.


Oi, that was random. The title has nothing to do with the story…It's just one of the theme songs for NaruHina parings. It's "You Don't Know My Name" by Alicia Keys. ^^;;; I think it's kawaii. Anyways, yeah, my first Naruto fic. Got to love his foxiness! Ja ne
