Hidden Tears

Summary: Kikyo is the loveable and sophisticated twin, while Kagome is the plain and quiet one. What happens when Kagome gets close to someone unexpected... like Kikyo's boyfriend?

A/N: Yeah, surprised to see a chapter being updated? Same here…I felt really bad about not finishing one of my best stories. Soo…here it is!

Chapter 8: Fallen Tears

"Why does it bother me so much to see you alone, while I feel like I should be the one there for you?"

Kagome stared at Inu yasha in surprise. Quickly looking down she stammered, " I-I…didn't know you felt that way." Hearing those words come out of someone that she had admired very dearly seemed to lift a huge weight off of her chest. Her heart pounded as Inu yasha's words kept running through her head.

She heard Inu yasha chuckle as he started kicking the snow. "Yeah, it's weird. Honestly, I never knew that I could have such a strong feeling for someone I just recently met. I mean…I know that you don't need anyone to protect you, but at the same time I can't help thinking about you every so often."

"Think about me? Um, meaning…?"

"Don't get me wrong," Inu yasha grinned a bit. " I feel like you're a sister to me. Ever since Kikyo told me about you, I guess I've just formed this little bond with you. You know, I can talk to you about my problems so easily. You seem to listen to me so well. Especially since that Naraku showed up."

Kagome nervously laughed, "Oh, yeah. A sister. I…I feel the same way. Kikyo's a good sister and I want her to have the best. You guys go well together." A sister. That stung her. Why did she feel so terrible when he told her that he only thought of her as a sister? A friend seemed much better to her. Kagome bit her lip; a friend could become something more in the future.

What was she saying? Kagome shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and frowned.

"Hey, you okay?" Inu yasha asked worried. He saw Kagome nod and sighed.

Kikyo stepped outside and called out for her sister. " Kagome! Let's go, the bus is ready for us to go back" Their group of friends gathered around the bus and quickly got in to soak up the warmth of the bus.

Inu yasha scratched his head and laughed, " I guess she's still upset with me."

Kikyo shut the door behind her as she took off her coat. She made her way to the dresser and sighed. Combing her long hair through, she stared at her reflection ahead of her and saw Inu yasha enter.


Kikyo nodded towards him. She got up and made her way into the bathroom to change into her sleepwear. Inu yasha frowned and sat on the bed. "Kikyo please stop ignoring me."

He waited for her to response but received nothing. "Kikyo!" He was getting impatient now. From the bedroom, he heard the water starting. "Stop being like that. Talk to me, please? Kikyo!"

The water stopped running and Kikyo poked her head out of the bathroom. " What do you want?"

"Can't we just talk? I know you're mad at me, I apologize for ignoring you today." Inu yasha rose from the bed and walked towards her.

Kikyo stepped out of the bathroom and said, "Okay, is that all you want to say? If that's it, I'd like it if you'd leave so I could go take a shower."

"Why are you still ignoring me? I apologized, didn't I? I'm sorry for everything I did wrong. Sometimes I have other things to think about, alright?" His voice was starting to rise uncontrollably. "If there's something else that I did wrong, please, let me know. I hate how you won't forgive me for spacing out a little!"

"A little?" Kikyo scoffed. "How can you say that? Every now and then you ignore me. I ask you what's going on, and you don't tell me! Why? I have no idea. I'd really like to know. Every time I try to tell you something important, you end up not hearing a word I say. It's getting a bit old, Inu yasha. I feel that you don't want to be with me after all. You seem to be with Kagome all the time now."

From outside of the hallway, Kagome walked past the slightly opened door and heard Kikyo and Inu yasha argue. She heard her name being mentioned and stopped.

"Now you're getting mad at me for being with Kagome? I'm just doing what you want me to do. You told me to get to know her better and help her become more confident in herself. Apparently what I'm doing isn't right. Are you saying that?" Inu yasha shook his head and continued. " I wouldn't have ever become friends with your sister, let alone talk to her much, if you hadn't told me to do it. Everything I'm doing is to help you. How can you not understand that?"

Getting equally irritated Kikyo glared, " Yes, I told you to become friends with her and help her out. But it seems to me you're becoming something more than that! To me, it looks like you talk to her more often than me. I'm your girlfriend, Inu yasha! I'm supposed to be the one there for you. I'm supposed to be the one who's willing to listen to you and help you out! Why's that I haven't had one serious conversation concerning you in a while?" Tears of frustration started forming in her eyes as she wiped them away quickly. " I feel like you're starting to have these feelings for Kagome. I'm just…"

Inu yasha sighed and cupped his hands around Kikyo's cheeks. Using the pads of his thumb, he wiped away the tears running down her face. "She doesn't mean anything to me, Kikyo. Truthfully, I just want to help her. I feel really bad for her and I know you hate seeing her being lonely. I want you to be happy so I want to help you out in any way possible."

"I'm sorry…I just feel like we don't talk often anymore. I can't believe I'd think that you'd have feelings for her."

"Kagome will never be anything like that to me. What we have is more like a brother-sister thing. I would never do anything like that to you. Trust me when I'm saying this to you, nothing will ever happen like that. I can't imagine being with someone else other than you. I love you, okay?"

Kagome leaned against the wall and sat on the floor slowly. How could he say something like that after telling her how he felt that very day? Everything he did was all a lie. Tears streamed down her cheeks. He felt bad for her. Everyone felt bad for her. She stared into the crack of the bedroom and saw the two embrace into each other's arms. Why did it hurt so much? How could his words hurt so much?

She stood up and quietly walked into her bedroom. The tears wouldn't stop flowing as she then again sank down into the floor sobbing quietly. She felt cheated. For once, she had thought that somebody was willing to be there for her as a friend. How could someone lie about that? Kagome heard footsteps outside of her room as she hastily dabbed her eyes with a tissue.

"Kagome?" It was Inu yasha. He was the last person she wanted to hear from.

Kagome swallowed hard and sniffled. She heard him knock. "Kagome? Are you asleep? We're watching a movie in the living room. If you want to watch, come out."

Listening to his footsteps disappear, Kagome climbed into her bed and snuggled up. She wanted to forget everything. She wanted to erase what she had overheard. She just wanted everything to all go away.

Naraku quietly walked into the kitchen to see Kagome at the table eating breakfast. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Kagome replied giving him a small polite smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did. Thank you. How about you?"

Kagome bit her lips remembering what had happened last night and grinned, "It was fabulous."

The two ate their breakfast in uncomfortable silence. Kagome kept looking up to see Naraku picking his food and wondered what he was thinking about.

"Kagome, right?" Naraku asked breaking the silence.

Kagome looked up. "Yes?"

"How's Kikyo lately?" Naraku looked up to her and coughed. "I'm just curious. Is she doing well with her boyfriend?"

"I guess so. You could say that they're in love." Kagome rose from her seat. "Well, I'm going to go out for a bit. Do you need anything?"

"Ah, no. It's quite all right. You go on ahead."

Kagome excused herself quietly and wandered outside into the snow. She thought of last night and sighed. Picking up a nearby twig from the ground, she started making her way away from the cabin, tracing a line into the snow. She felt so betrayed. Her hands reached up to the necklace that Inu yasha had given her for her birthday. It felt fake. He had given it to her by the demand of her sister. She felt so stupid accepting such a gift.

"I guess you're up early again?"

Kagome winced at the voice. It was Inu yasha. She had forgotten about his morning jogs. She turned to face him and gave him a quick grin. "Yeah."

"You missed a good movie yesterday. Everyone was there except for you."

"Oh. I guess I was just sleepy. I felt tired." Kagome started to dig a whole into the snow. She looked down and tried not to make eye contact with Inu yasha. Trying hard to hide the pain, she said, " I'm going to head on inside and get breakfast ready for everyone. I'll see you."

Inu yasha stared at Kagome, who was slowly making her way back. "Kagome!"

Kagome stopped and turned around. "Is something wrong?"

"No. No, it's just…you seem down. Are you alright?"

"Oh, yes. Everything's great. By the way, how are things with you and Kikyo?" Kagome asked innocently.

Inu yasha squinted and replied, "Great. We're okay now. We just had to talk to each other. Are you sure you're okay? It seems to me that something's bothering you. You know you can tell me right?"


Sango tapped on Kagome's bedroom door. "Kagome? It's time to leave. We need to get back on time…Kagome?"

Kagome opened the door slowly and took her belongings with her. "Hi, sorry, I was trying to go over the things I brought. Um, let's go." They both made their way outside, climbing into the bus to take their seats. Sango had decided to sit next to Kagome while Miroku sat alone.

"You're not sitting with Miroku?" Kagome asked surprised.

Sango shook her head. "No. I wanted to talk to you. Plus, I thought, best friends come before boyfriends, right?"

Kagome laughed, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Inu yasha."

She froze. "What about him?"

"Yesterday night," Sango paused and looked at Kagome. "Yesterday, I couldn't help but overhear a certain argument that happened between Kikyo and Inu yasha. I saw you there…and I know that you're not alright."

"You saw? You heard?" Kagome asked, embarrassed to know someone had caught her eavesdropping.

"Well, I was in my room and my room's right next to Kikyo's. The walls aren't that thick either." Sango shifted in her seat and took out her water bottle from her pack. " I just want you to know that you shouldn't listen to whatever Inu yasha told Kikyo. They were having an argument and many people say stuff that they don't mean."

Kagome sighed. "Sango, when people say such things as what he had said, they mean it. It's not like it really matters. I'm used to having people think I'm some kind of burden. It doesn't matter anymore. What he said is what he thinks. I can't do anything about it."


Kagome continued and smiled. " It's all right. Let's not talk about it anymore."

"I won't. But I want you to know that you should never hide your feelings. You'll just hurt even more."

Ms. Higurashi welcomed the girls back from their trip and helped Kikyo take her belongings up the stairs. Kagome had struggled with her things and managed to get everything into her room succeeding without tripping.

"Did you have a good time, dear?" Ms. Higurashi asked Kikyo as she brought out some sweets for her. Kagome sat on the couch across from Kikyo.

"It was great I'm so glad that I went. Ask Kagome about the night hike. It was just beautiful," Kikyo smiled at her mom. She offered the sweets given to her for Kagome, but Kagome had declined.

Ms. Higurashi's eyebrows rose as she said, "So how was it, Kagome?"

"It's like what Kikyo had said. It was nice and peaceful. I'd like to go back there again sometime." Kagome looked down on her lap wanting to go up to her room. But it would've been rude if she excused herself at the moment.

"Well, you won't be able to go back. The house has been a mess ever since you've left. I'm telling you, we really need you home to do the house chores. Now go up to your room, I'd like to speak to Kikyo now."

Kagome quickly stood up and went up the stairs into her room. She sighed and decided to unpack her clothes. Kagome was disappointed that she was back in the house once again. She was back to her normal life where she had to work every day. Everything seemed so easy going when she was apart from her mom. She hoped an opportunity like the cabin would soon come up again.

Kagome's attention went to the window when she heard someone knocking on it. Inu yasha stood on the very tree where he was that last time. He made arm motions, indicating her to open the window and let him in. Having no choice, Kagome unlocked the window and slid it open for him to come in.

"What are you doing here?" Kagome asked surprised that he'd come visit her.

"Well, I came by to visit Kikyo and I saw her talking with your mom. I thought that maybe I shouldn't interrupt. They seemed to be talking about something important. I decided to come see you. So what are you up to?" Inu yasha asked as he leaned against the desk.

"Nothing really. Unpacking." She had no intention on having a conversation between Inu yasha and herself. Hoping he'd get the point to leave her alone, she put all her attention on unpacking.

Inu yasha nodded. He then looked up at Kagome curiously. "Are you sure you're not mad or anything? Because you seem really distracted that I'm here. Did I do something to make you mad?"

Kagome quickly shook her head in denial. "No, nothing. I'm really okay. Just…thinking about stuff, I guess."

"Want to tell me?"

Kagome smiled. She shrugged her shoulders. "No. I don't think there's anything to tell."

"Really? I know something's wrong. Just tell me, I'll help you out. It's not your mom again, is it?" Inu yasha asked.

"No. My mom and I are fine. It's really nothing. I don't want to burden you and start making you feel sorry for me…" Kagome trailed off realizing she had added a little extra that she wasn't supposed to mention.

Inu yasha stared at her. "What do you mean by feeling sorry for you? Where did you get that?"

Kagome shook her head. "Nothing. I don't know what I'm talking about."

"You think I feel sorry for you? Haven't we gone through this before?"

"Of course. I was just…" Kagome bit her lip and tried avoiding Inu yasha's gaze.

Inu yasha scoffed, "You think I feel sorry for you? How could you think that way when I told you about how much I care about you at the cabin?"

Kagome swallowed and scrunched her eyebrows together. He was lying to her. She heard from his very own mouth that he had felt sorry. "How can you lie like that?"


"You're lying to me!" Kagome exclaimed. "I know you're lying. Please stop it."

Inu yasha looked at Kagome in surprise. "You think I'm lying to you? What makes you think that way? What could you possibly know that points out I'm lying?"

Kagome pushed her clothes away from her and faced Inu yasha. Licking her lips nervously, she grimly said, "I heard your argument with Kikyo that night at the cabin. I know I shouldn't have heard anything, but you know what? It's a good thing I did. I won't have to look like a fool in front of you anymore, not knowing that you pity me! Why couldn't you just tell me the truth instead of lying about everything to my face?"

"Oh, this is new, an argument from you. First of all, why couldn't you just come talk to me about this before you jumped to conclusions?" Inu yasha asked arms crossed.

"Are you telling me that everything I heard was a lie?"

"I'm sorry you had to overhear me say something like that, alright? But I didn't mean it. I love Kikyo a lot and sometimes she just believes in whatever she wants. She started to think that I had feelings for you. If I don't make it absolutely clear that I have no feelings for you, what so ever, she'd think that something's going on between us," Inu yasha tried explaining. "Why does it even matter if told her something like that?"

Kagome sighed. "You told her the only reason you talk to me is because everything you're doing is for her. You're saying that you don't actually care about me in a friendly matter. That's what bothers me, Inu yasha. I could care less if you have no feelings for me! I know you don't like me that way. You made it clear to me that I was nothing more than a friend or sister…whatever you said." It hurt to say it out. Knowing Inu yasha could never care for her the way he did for Kikyo. She felt horrible.

"Honestly, Kagome," Inu yasha started. "It's true I would've never really talked to you much if it weren't for Kikyo."

Kagome forced a smile and shrugged. "I-I know."

"The thing is I'm glad Kikyo made me do it. You're like a friend to me, like Miroku and Sango are. I don't pity you! Maybe in the beginning I did, but towards the end I didn't."

Kagome listened to Inu yasha in silence. She rose from her bed slowly and nodded. "I'm sorry for getting upset about it. I guess it's really nothing. Thanks for making it clear for me." She looked up at him and gave him a small reassuring smile and left the room.

A/N: Aren't you guys proud of me? I updated. Yeah, so I said that I stopped writing…I lied. Kind of. I thought that since it was summer break, I have a lot of free time. It doesn't hurt to write again, I guess. I'm sorry that this chapter might have not been good, but I tried. It was a shame to not finish a story that started out good for me. SO! YOU GUYS BETTER THANK ME FOR UPDATING! Haha :D I hope I didn't lose all my readers. Oh, and just warning everyone, my next updated will probably be in a very, very long time. It took me this long to willingly write this chapter.