Disclaimer: I no own, you no sue.


Author's Note: Hey hey. Just wanted to do this story as soon as I could, I've had an idea about it for such a loooong time and thought it about time to....ya know...have fun. Kind of inspired by my fetish with the black waltzes....yes, after sewing a black waltz plushie and putting Number 3's picture on my desktop, I think it's safe to consider it a fetish. I apolgize for some of the lame names of Vivi's sons, you kinda run out of ideas after five of 'em.

This takes place about one year after the game. Hoorah.

Oh, and this has nothing to do with any of my other stories, so please don't ask. Heh, sorry for any past confusion.



Second Chance's

Chapter 1: Tired


A light breeze picked up in the mild summer afternoon, carrying the merry sound of children's laughter across the field outside Lindblum. Airships passed overhead, their engines roaring and rumbling over the bustling city's static noise. But despite the great machines' echoes, the children still romped and played, not taking any notice of the massive airships. A girl, the age of eight, called to one of the black mages in the group, egging him on to throw the ball he was clinging to defensively.

"Come on Vivi!" Eiko called. "It's dodgeball! You need to throw it!"

"Yeah, come on dad!" one of his sons pestered. His name was Sparrow and was seperated from his brothers by the peacock's feather he had stuck proudly in his leather hat.

Vivi looked around, trying to estimate the closest and easiest target. The mage gulped and chucked the ball with all his might at his oldest son, Quan, but the stout and non-athletic mage caught it with ease. Quan, although the oldest and by far the largest, was the target of innocent pranks and teasing from his brothers, not being the sharpest tool in the shed. He had earned his name for his early and apparent love of eating and cooking.

"I-I caught it! I caught it!" he panted, holding the ball over his head as proof. He turned to his father. "Sorry dad."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Vivi assured and stepped out of the game. Eiko smacked her head and yelled at him.

"Vivi! I don't care if he is your son! You have to at least TRY to throw it hard!"

"I-I did!" Vivi exclaimed.

"That was a pretty pathetic try!" Eiko scolded, crossing her arms and sticking her nose into the air. But she was humbled when Quan tossed the ball at her, tapping her on the shoulder.

"You're out!" the six brothers chorused.

"That's not fair!!!" Eiko snarled. "I-I had my back turned!"

"All is fair in love and dodgeball," a bespectacled mage said chirpily, he silver rimmed glasses glittering in the sunlight.

"Almanac's right," a scruffy little magician added. His pants and waistcoat were both held together with frazzles and mismatched cloths, raggedly stitched together by an inexperienced seamstress. His name was Jet-Jet, but he was often called Patches or just Jet.

"Sorry Eiko!" another added. His waistcoat was a deep forest green instead of the pale blue of his family. The small mage was very trusting and affectionate, loving all things nature. This had earned him the name of Fawn.

The smallest mage, Sprite, said nothing. Although he was the same approximate age of his brothers, he was nearly half their size and often was completely silent.

Vivi chuckled and shrugged when Eiko sat beside him, the rest of his sons continuing their game.

"So Eiko, how's everything going?" Vivi asked.

The girl smiled.

"It's fun being a princess!" Eiko grinned. "Too many rules, but it's still nice. What about you?"

"Living with six sons is alot more excitement than I though it would be," Vivi nodded.

"What did you expect?" a calm and soothing voice asked from behind them. Both Vivi and Eiko jumped, but realized it was just Freya.

"Oh, I-I don't know..." Vivi murmured.

"Hm, children can be a blissful handful," the Burmecian retorted.

"Oh really?" Eiko grumbled. "As if YOU know."

"In eight months I will," Freya said with a smile.

"What!? Y-you're gonna be a mom?!" Eiko said.

"Who's the dad?" Vivi asked.

"Fratley and I have gotten back together," she explained.

"Well? Where is he?" Eiko asked.

"He couldn't come with me to the play this time, he had some important business to discuss with the king of Burmecia," she murmured dejectedly.

"Aw, don't worry." Vivi said, patting her shoulder. "We're going, so we can travel together!"

"Just like old times!" Eiko added.

"Indeed," Freya nodded. Vivi sighed and watched as his offspring threw the ball at one another, missing most of the time.

"This game is NEVER gonna end, is it?" Eiko groaned, laying down in the grass. Vivi quietly plucked a nearby flower and tucked it behind Eiko's ear. The girl laughed. "Hey, I'm reserving my heart for Zidane!"

"Wh-what? Oh, no! I-I didn't mean it like that," Vivi stuttered. "It was pink and I knew you liked p-pink."

"Oh, okay," Eiko said, beginning to knock her feet together. Freya snickered at their defiance of their own feelings for one another.

Vivi yawned and stretched, suddenly feeling tired. His eyes flickered slightly as he fell to the ground with a thump.

"Vivi?" Eiko said. She got up and towered over her friend. "Vivi?"

The mage didn't make a move, his eyes closed.

"Freya! Something's wrong with Vivi!" Eiko shouted, getting the Burmecian's attention. The summoner quickly put her hand over Vivi's chest. His heart was still keeping a steady, but increasingly weak, beat.

"What happened?" Freya asked, running over. His sons had heard Eiko's yelling and tromped up the hill in hopes of helping.

"I don't know! He just went to sleep!" Eiko said.

The Burmecian lifted Vivi onto her shoulder, the mage's breathing was becoming slightly labored. "We should get him back to the castle. Come on."

Freya shifted Vivi slightly and then took up a brisk pace towards the town, Eiko and Vivi's sons following as quickly as possible. None of them were able to match the Burmecian's sprint, but that didn't stop them from trying.

"I'm going ahead," Freya announced, picking up her pace, leaving the children behind.

"Okay! We'll meet you in the guest room!" Eiko called, Freya's shadow disappearing into the gates of Lindblum. Eiko turned to the other black mages, many of them were already out of breath, but persisted on the chase, their concern for their father outweighed their exaggerated exhaustion. "Come on guys!"

Jet picked up his pace slightly, but the others were unable to do so, Quan actually falling over panting. Eiko stopped a moment.

"Oh come on! You're pathetic!" she scolded. "You guys run like a bunch of five year olds!"

"We're turning one tommorrow!" Fawn defended, lifting Quan up.

"Yeah, our birthdays are the same as dad's," Sparrow explained. Eiko sighed.

"Okay, well let's hurry up and meet Freya at the castle," she comforted.


Shapes and building passed by in a blur, so quickly Freya hardly noticed anything or anyone. The mage was growing heavy in her arms, but Freya continued running.

A girl stood by the side of the road, a brown hood steeped over her forehead and eyes. Only sparse strands of fluttering silver hair hung down over her face, giving her an eerie look. Her piercing green gaze shifted to the horizon, a few people stumbling over as Freya bounded through the crowds. A sly smirk crossed her pale face.

"Right on time pet," her voice sounded, silky smooth and razor sharp. Freya was only a few steps away. The girl stuck her foot in the path, a childish action, but an effective one in stopping the Burmecian. Freya litterally flew into the air and hit the ground several feet away, Vivi sliding in the dirt. The girl smiled and slinked up to the mage, fiddling with a crystal in her long and clever fingers. "Nearly time for you to come home little one."

The crystal glowed briefly, the girl's voice hissing an incantation. 'A humble favor from lord of the sky, Alexander...a blessing from the god underground, Diablo. A wish to Bahamut, on his fiery throne. A solicitation to the protector of life o mighty Pheonix. Bestow your power, your protection, your grace on this creature....' The words echoed clearly in Vivi's unconscious mind, drawing him back to life. His dim yellow eyes immediately lit beneath his lids with a start.

"Soon you'll be able to join your brothers in the sky," she said as she stood up and looked at a pocket watch she had stowed in her robe pocket.

"That was a close one, your ten year life-span just about ran up," she smirked. "Not to worry. You've got another good sixty now. Not without a price of course. Everything has one, right?"

The black mage stirred slightly, his eyes beginning to open. Freya jogged up, spear at hand.

"Leave him alone!" the Burmecian growled.

"I was helping this poor little creature you clumsy wretch," the girl retorted haughtily.

Freya narrowed her eyes.

"Well, you're done now, are you not?" Freya barked.

The girl sighed and looked to the path.

"Okay, I shall be off then," she said in an offended tone and began walking away nonchalantly. Freya spotted a red and black tail swinging from her robe's seat, but decided it was best to just leave the mysterious girl go. Vivi groaned and sat up, holding his head.