Happy New Year, my dear readers!
I hope that those of you who are still with me will forgive me for such a long delay. I will not bore you with my excuses, but please know that not a day has gone by that I didn't intend to continue with this story.
I am more nervous about this chapter than I have ever been... even more so than when I posted the first chapter of my first story. After such a long time, it was hard for me to get back into the rythym of writing, and I'm not sure that I'll live up to any expectations that you may have. A lot still has to happen, and this is wherethe plot (yes, there is one!)really starts moving forward. I also apologize for any errors in the formatting. For some reason, everytime I try to use ffn's quick edit feature, my spacing gets knocked out of whack, and some words get shoved together. I've spent all evening trying to fix it, and finally decided that I may just be fighting a losing battle. So, ready or not, here it is. Hope you all enjoy!
As always, questions, comments and constructive criticism are welcome, and all reviews arevery muchappreciated.
The ascent from the dungeons was made in relative silence, occasional words spoken only in hushed voices as not to alert anyone to the imminent departure of the Snape family. Remus had instructed Hermione to leave most of the packed trunks just inside the entrance of the family's living quarters, only carrying the essentials that would be needed for the first day away from the castle in a trunk that Remus was levitating ahead of them as they hurried to return to Elizabeth's quarters. The rest of the family's belongings would be delivered at a later time.
"Hermione!" Hurried footsteps accompanied the voice that was calling to her from across the entrance hall, just as she had begun to climb the staircase to the next floor.
She paused, taking a deep breath before turning to see who had called her name. Remus had already turned, his hand held fast to his wand as he as he eyed the other man cautiously.
"Oh, hello Draco," she replied, trying to sound casual even as her voice trembled.
Looking concerned, Draco asked, "Going somewhere?"
"Just, er..." Hermione hesitated only a moment before making her excuses, "going to spend the night with my mum. So she can, er... help with the children."
Draco eyed her trunk, which Remus had let drop gently to the floor at their feet, as he asked, "Where's Severus?"
Hermione's eyes darted to Remus before she looked back to Draco and replied, "He's not... not feeling well. You know, his headaches..."
"Does he need another potion?"
"Er... no. He's just taken the last of what you left with him last evening. He shall be fine after a good night's sleep."
"Hermione," Draco reached out hesitantly, as though to touch her arm, before he pulled back. Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed.
"I'm sure that you have your reasons for not being truthful with me, Hermione."
"Draco, I..." Hermione stammered.
"You don't need to make excuses."
"Draco..." Hermione replied tearfully, "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you..."
"Merlin..." Draco took a deep breath, "Your reasons are your own. All you have to do is tell me to bugger off, and I will! But please, do not insult me by lying to me."
Remus began to step forward to intervene, just as Draco took a step back, "I don't know what I need to do to assure you that I am trustworthy. But I promise you, Hermione, that I will prove my loyalty," glancing meaningfully at Remus he continued, "to all of you."
"Draco!" Hermione called as he began to walk away, "Severus will speak to you about all of this. Soon, I am sure of it."
Draco turned, this time reaching out and taking her hand, "Take care of that family of yours."
"You know I will."
Draco nodded and walked away, slipping quietly through the main entrance to get a breath of air.
Draco cursed quietly to himself as he crossed the grounds. He had hoped that enough time had passed to have proved his loyalty and to gain Hermione's trust. He hadn't, and now they were leaving.
"What do I have to do to prove myself?" he shouted his frustrations into the air as he reached the solitude of the forest.
"Maybe I can help you there, son," a voice whispered from beyond the trees.
Draco drew his wand and whirled about, "You!" he gasped in shock as a figure emerged from the forest.
"So much for slipping away quietly," Remus muttered as he once again levitated the trunk and began to make his way up the stairs. Following closely behind, Hermione whispered quietly, "Do you think that we can trust him, Remus?"
He raised an eyebrow as he glanced in her direction, asking, "Do you?"
"I... don't know," Hermione sighed. "I want to - because I know that Severus does. And I should trust his judgement. He knows Draco better than I, but... it's just not that easy for me. Although," she paused, remembering Draco's visit with Severus the night before, "I see how he looks at Severus. How much he seems to admire him. And he made the headache potion. And the look on his face when he held Nathaniel last night - he didn't know that I was awake, but I saw him -and he seemed so... so vulnerable. But, what if..." she hesitated, looking skeptically at Remus.
"It's all an act?" Remus voiced the thought for her.
She nodded sadly, her eyes downcast as they continued the trek to her mother's rooms, silently contemplating the situation with Draco. As they reached the floor where her mother's rooms were located, they could hear voices in the distance. Drawing closer, Hermione recognized the voices as belonging to her mother and her husband. It sounded as though they were quietly arguing. As she opened the door, she found Severus towering over Elizabeth, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he hissed, "I will not allow it!"
Elizabeth stood resolutely before him, "You have no right to forbid it."
Severus reached out and grabbed her shoulders, as if to shake her.
"Severus!" Hermione gasped.
"Unhand her," Remus growled as he stormed into the room.
Severus pulled Elizabeth roughly into his arms, embracing her as he hissed, "I'm so sorry. Only, I do not wish to see you in harms way."
"I won't be," Elizabeth replied firmly as she returned the embrace.
"What is going on?" Hermione asked, her voice trembling as she witnessed the scene before her. What had brought about such a harsh reaction from her husband, who had never before treated her mother with anything less than respect?
"It's nothing, Hermione," Elizabeth tried to assure her, as she pulled away, her eyes glistening with tears.
"It is most certainly not nothing," Severus demanded, glaring at Elizabeth who didn't even waver as she glared furiously back at him. If Hermione hadn't been so frightened of what was going on, she would have been amused by the sight of her her mother standing up to Severus, where most would have withered under the intensity of his gaze.
She received no response. The battle of wills continued.
Just when Hermione thought that she would have to step between the two of them, Severus broke eye contact with Elizabeth, flickering his eyes back and forth between mother and daughter for a moment, before turning to face Hermione.
"Your mother," he snapped, "has informed me of her intent to move out of the castle."
"What?" Hermione and Remus replied in unison.
Tearfully, Elizabeth turned to her daughter, "It is time for me to return to my cottage. You and the children are the reason that I have stayed so long, Hermione. Remus and I are not yet married, and I've got no business here once you are gone. I fear I've worn out my welcome."
Remus and Hermione were dumbstruck, and each opened their mouths to protest.
"Nonsense," a soft voice spoke up from the doorway before either of them could speak. Everybody turned to find the headmaster entering the room.
"You are more than welcome to stay, Elizabeth."
"I appreciate the offer, sir, but I can not take advantage of you kindness indefinitely."
"Hogwash," his eyes smiled sadly at heras he waved off her excuses, "You are taking advantage of nothing."
"I'm afraid that I must disagree, Headmaster," Elizabeth began.
"Albus, please, my dear," he corrected her gently.
"I'm sorry, Albus," Elizabeth grinned apologetically. "Your hospitality is appreciated, but I can not help but feel as though I'm taking advantage of your generosity," she held up her hand to silence the headmaster as he opened his mouth to protest. "I've stayed this long only because my daughter needed me."
"I need you," Remus reached out to place a hand on her shoulder.
"You have students that need you more," Elizabeth turned to smile at him as she reached for his hand, "I'll only be in the way."
"You could never be in the way," he tried to assure her as he kneeled before her.
"Only, then I would remain cooped up in my quarters while you're teaching classes or making your rounds. I can't live that way, Remus."
"I see," he growled as he stood and began to pace the room, "Then how do you intend to carry on here after we're married?"
"I'm sorry, Remus. I didn't mean..." she rose from her seat and glided over to him, falling into his embrace as he opened his arms to her.
Remus sighed, "I know you didn't," he tried to assure her, still sounding a bit put off, "I understand that you want the freedom to come and go as you please, and you feel that you won't have that freedom if you stay."
"You must know," he reached out, gently cupping her cheek as he turned her head to meet his eyes, "That I would never deny you that freedom. But -"
"You're afraid that I will be in danger," she finished his thoughts for him with a sad sigh.
Albus cleared his throat before continuing, "As I was saying, you would not be taking advantage of anyone. If anything, I feel as though we have all taken advantage of your kindness, Elizabeth."
Elizabeth nearly choked as she gasped, "My kindness?"
"Even before you took up residence in the castle, my dear. From the time the students arrived last fall."
Elizabeth looked at him skeptically, "How do you mean?"
"Do you remember helping me to comfort a few frightened Muggle-born first years the night of the welcoming feast?" Hermione reminded her.
"And the guest lectures you occasionally give the Muggle Studies classes?" Remus smiled.
"Not to mention the number of times I've heard Poppy praise how helpful you've been in the hospital wing. Especially during the flu outbreak, earlier this winter -sitting with the children and dispensing medicines while Poppy tended to more serious ailments," Albus' eyes were twinkling again as he added, "She has become quite fond of you, Poppy has."
"It was the least I could do," Elizabeth murmured, trying not to blush.
"I know that you expect nothing in return for your help, Elizabeth, and would likely be insulted if I offered compensation. But know this - you have more than earned your room and board. I will say it again - you are taking advantage of nothing."
Elizabeth sighed, blinking back tears, "I don't know what to say."
"Say you'll stay," Severus urged her.
"I... I will think about it. That is all I can promise for now."
"I trust that you will," Albus smiled. Turning then to Severus, "Shall we take our leave, then?"
Severus nodded, beckoning to Hermione to follow him from the sitting room to the bedroom, to retrieve the sleeping children. They lingered only long enough for Remus and Elizabeth to bid them goodbye before following Albus to his office.
"What brings you here?" Draco asked suspiciously of the familiar figure emerging from the woods.
"What could you possibly want from me?" Draco scoffed.
"The question is, what do you want from me? I can offer you whatever you want.... money, power. The world can be yours, Draco, if only you ask it of me."
"You can't possibly offer me what I want," Draco sneered.
"And what is it that you want, Draco? The mudblood, perhaps?"
Draco gaped in shock for a moment before raging, "How dare you insinuate..."
"Admit it, Draco. You envy Snape and everything he has. And he has her! Come with me, Draco, and I will see to it that you get what your heart desires."
Draco lowered his wand for a moment, smiling wickedly at the shadowy figure before him.
Hermione and Severus, carrying the sleeping children, followed the headmaster to his office. As the gargoyle began to move, they were startled by a commotion coming from the entrance hall. As Albus rushed away, Severus ushered Hermione and the children up to the office.
He threw a fistful of floo powder into the fire and shouted, "Lupin! Come through, quickly!"
"Stay here!" he hissed before kissing her swiftly and swept out of the office just as Remus emerged from the fireplace.
WhenSeverus reached the entrance hall, he was startled at the sight before him.
Draco was standing over the body of Lucius Malfoy, holding his wand to the unconscious man's throat.