First, there was only laughter ringing through the hall as Amy poked her head out. There was no one there. The candles had gone out: evening was settling in on them. She took one last look before turning around. The sound reverberated as she closed the door softly behind her. The sound was coming from all around her. She glanced around her room. Her reflection was just as puzzled. It sounded like a small child, burbling with peals of laughter. The mirth grew louder as she reached for the doorknob. Amy slowly pulled the door open again, and stepped into the corridor. She glanced around, her eyes darting through the shadows. The paintings showed no signs of life, contrasting to that of the castle at home.

Suddenly, the giggling ended. The echoes died away…silence was restored. A candle at the end of the hall flickered and went out, just as the rest. Cautiously, Amy walked down the hall. She felt her heart quiver inside her chest. A sense of foreboding was eminent with each step. A thin beam of light lay across the floor: a door. She pressed her ear to it. Nothing…wait. She heard faint talking from inside. The strangely familiar voices spoke of colorful topics. She stepped away, slightly sickened. This was all too strange.

A door far down the darkened hallway was flung open. Light flooded the end of the corridor. Peals of mirth were coming from the hallway again. Amy stood frozen, her whole body was ridged. The light was alluring, much as the water in the pool she had found. Slowly, she relaxed and felt herself walking toward the light. Her feet barely lifted from the ground. The light was piercing white. The world around dissolved into nothing.


She was about 10 feet from the light now. The radiance changed from bright white to gold, flickering like flame. Amy smiled lightly. She began to think of home, Ellen tucked into her bed, mother cooking in the kitchen, and she curled up by the hearth. She thought of Allie, her bouncing smile and sweet charm. A shadow moved across the light. Someone was in there.


Maybe that person could lead her home. The beam altered again the colors of the seas: deep blues and highlights of turquoise. The shadow moved again. Maybe the person could give her some insight to where she was. Or what she was. The thoughts of happiness faded to those of bitter confusion, the day when she found her mother's grave in the cemetery, the sting of the water from the pool.


Amy broke from her trance. There was blue light where she was standing. The hall was once again illuminated by the golden glow of candles. Down by her door stood a strange looking woman. She had violet skin that had sheen like a pearl. Long elf-like ears reached out behind her glossy sapphire-colored hair that fell lightly on her shoulders. The woman was dressed in colors darker than her skin with silver patterns that traced about like ivy. Her hair cascaded over the shoulder plates and left her stomach and most of her chest uncovered.

"Amora Eleanor, if I am not mistaken," said the woman. She walked without due consideration down toward Amy. Her eyes were solid white except for a small dark blue ring where a milky iris should have been. She had a thin line of what appeared to be a silver tattoo on her forehead, tracing her brow line like a vine. "It is an honor to meet you. I am Allique Zemoone, I bring no harm." She laid a strong hand on Amy's shoulder and motioned from them to walk.

"Did you say your name was Allie?" Amy asked, perplexed. What was she thinking?

The woman laughed heartily. A chill went through Amy. "My associates call me by that name, and I guess you are one too!"

They continued walking. Allique babbled on about how wonderful it was to have a newcomer in the palace, since things had gotten boring with the same people there everyday. They turned corners and walked though doors. Allique laughed again and stopped talking for a moment, her gazed paused on Amy's puzzled face. She had not been listening. Amy's mind had meandered. What was going on? Who or what was Allique? What was that noise in the corridor? Who was that person in the shadow?

Could they help her?

A/N-Well, there you go. It only took about an hour to write. Tell me what you think, since you all know what to do.