Chapter 72

"Eh Maddy just one more thing before we go," Jack said.

Madeline stopped. She didn't turn around, tears kept continuing to threaten. "What is it Jack?" She said quietly.

Jack moved closer to her and removed the pins in her hair causing it to fall down around her shoulders; he then jerked her around to face him. "Ye know I like yer hair down," he quipped then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her mouth. This kiss was a hungry brutal crushing force and when Jack's tongue plundered her mouth he meant it to make her moan. She did and put her arms around him, he broke the kiss as quickly as he'd started it. "Wouldn't want JJ to think I didn't care at all now would I," he murmured against his lips then released her. "Be a good girl and wait for me," he quipped and soundly smacked her ass.

Madeline was shocked but took everything he gave her. It had been so long since he had kissed her. She felt the sting of pain from the slap he gave her. But he didn't move away from her or she from him. "Do ye mean it Jack?" She asked.

"Go home Maddy or yer going to be swimming for shore," Jack said turning to look at Gibbs and Cotton who where untying the ship as he spoke.

Madeline moved closer to him so that she was right behind him. "I'll wait for you forever Jack Sparrow. Ye are the only man I'll ever love." She whispered so that he could only hear her. She turned and slowly walked toward the gangplank.

"Give me best to the Commodore too," Jack shouted back. Wait if ye want too but ye'll never have me, Jack thought angrily.

Madeline stopped cold in her tracks but didn't turn. Damn him. She continued walking and stood on the docks watching as the Pearl sailed away. She waved at JJ and blew him kisses. She felt her hair blowing in the wind and her fingers moved touch it. Remember Jack's words. She had been a fool and knew that Jack would never return his heart to her. She brushed her tears away and looked up and saw Jack watching her.

Jack called JJ over and helped him up on the apple crate, "It's just you and me son.... just as it should have been from the start," he told him.

JJ looked at his father. "Da. Do ye still love mum?" he asked quietly.

"No JJ, now never ask me again," Jack said firmly.

JJ turned back to the sea. "Aye Da." he said quietly.

Madeline stood until the Pearl was out of her sight, her arms wrapped around herself. She didn't turn when she heard footsteps behind her.

"Insulting right down to the very end," Norrington said as he approached her. He'd seen the whole ugly display and knew what and whys as to Jack's actions... after all he was a man too.

Madeline still didn't turn. "Must you James?" she asked angrily.

"Must you is a better question," Norrington snapped. "He doesn't love you Madeline, the sooner you face it the better off you'll be," he added and turned to walk away.

Madeline turned. "James."

Norrington turned, "I know I'm a bastard for saying it," he growled. "But to stand idly by and watch him insult and degrade you would make me a hypocrite," he added. "Good day Madeline," he said and turned around once again he walked away.

Madeline picked up her skirts and ran after him. "James, stop, please."

Norrington stopped but didn't turn.

Madeline came around to the front of him. "I'm sorry James. You're probably right, but I've loved him for a very long time. Please try to understand that." She said quietly. She reached up and took a hold of his arm. She was hurting so badly. "I know I have no right to ask this of you." She said in an almost whisper. "Would ye please take me home." She said with her head down.

Norrington cupped her chin, "I understand better then you think... after all I love you as much as you love him... more so," he said softly. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "It would be my honor and a privilege to walk you home Madeline," he said and linked her arm with his. He smiled at her, once again she'd given him the opportunity to show her what it was like to be loved... truly loved and cherished for he did cherish her.

They reached her home in a short time. Neither one spoke. When they reached her home Madeline walked in and looked around and listened to the silence. She turned to see James watching her. She wrung her hands together. "James." She whispered. "I need you."

"As I told you before Madeline, just ask," Norrington said gently.

She put her head down. "I can't offer you anything in return. Not now and I don't know when or if I can James. I'm sorry. I just should've kept my mouth shut." She said quietly and turned away from him. Her eyes looking at the pillows on the floor from the night before.

James put his hands on her shoulders, "He's led you to believe that you aren't deserving of love and that's just not true Madeline, he's the one who keeps punishing you when there's nothing you or anyone can do to change the past," he said. "Every time you reach out to me you think you aren't giving me anything but you are, you're giving me another opportunity to show you how much you do deserve to be loved and I can't ask for more then that," he said turning her around to face him. "Letting me love you is enough for me," James told her.

Madeline looked at him and bit her lip. She reached up and smoothed the lapels on his coat. "I don't deserve you James." She said quietly. "I don't deserve your love."

"I believe I am the one who should decide such things," James said and bent his head down. "Beautiful Madeline," he whispered and kissed her softly.

Madeline savored his lips on hers and wrapped her arms around his neck. Moving her body against his. "James." She whispered against his lips as she felt his hands on her dress. "Please."

James scooped her up in his arms, "Don't worry my darling, I'm going to take care of your every need," he said and carried her upstairs.

Madeline pushed his hat and wig off as he carried her up the stairs. She kissed his neck as he carried her into her room.

Norrington looked down at her, "I've longed to hear those words from your sweet lips for so very long," he said as he gently pulled her up so he could unfasten her dress. "Tell me what it is you enjoy, I want only to please you," he murmured against her ear.

Madeline helped him remove her dress and under things. "I am yours James, you do with me what you wish." She whispered as she nuzzled his ear.

James could barely contain himself. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Madeline... do you mean it," he asked in disbelief.

Madeline looked at him and cupped his cheek in her hand. "For this moment in time James, I am yours." She said quietly. She truly didn't know how much she could give him, but right now she needed him. She needed his love. "We take each day as it comes James and that is all I can give to you right now."

"Fair enough," James said and kissed her as he urged her down onto the bed again. His hand cupped her breast. He lightly teased her nipple until it was hard, "I love you," he moaned as he moved down to take said breast in his mouth and suck and tease it. His hand moved under her buttocks, he reached from beneath then behind to her center causing her to raise her hips off the bed. His cock was being teased and taunted by her pubic hair and lips every time she thrust them upward. He groaned. He didn't want to rush this. He wanted to savor her. He moved down her body until his head was between her legs. He bit lightly on the flesh of her thighs and she let out a squeal of torturous pleasure. Slowly he moved his mouth to her center. He tasted her and she was sweet and wet as he hoped she would be.

Madeline couldn't believe what he was doing to her. His lovemaking was so sweet and tortuous at the same time. It had been so long since she had felt like this. So long since Jack had made love to her. No she thought. She needed to keep him out of her mind, for the moment. She widened her legs and threaded her fingers through James' hair. She gripped tighter when she felt his tongue moving up and down her center. "James!" She cried out in a husky voice.

Hearing his name confirmed that he was in fact pleasing her, making her love and want him. At least he hoped she would not be able to control herself if he showed her that he was a man, a man who knew what passion was and knew how to please her and bring out the passion in her. His tongue found her nub and he clenched it in between his lips. She writhed beneath him and he inserted not one but two of his fingers inside her, stretching her preparing her for his engorged cock that throbbed with anticipation. Come my love; scream my name to the heavens, he thought as he held her on the edge of ecstasy.

Madeline was beyond disbelief. She never thought James would have so much passion. So much pleasure to give a woman. When she felt his fingers inside of her, it was almost too much. Her hands clutched at the bed sheets and she arched her back upwards as she felt his fingers moving. "Oh God James!" She cried out as pure ecstasy filled her body.

James felt her wall collapse and then she was squeezing his fingers as she nearly screamed in pleasure. Slowly James kissed up her body, "I must have you, I must make you mine," he moaned and then thrust his cock inside of her. His arm slid beneath her and he lifted her off the bed bending her backward so that he could capture her breast with his mouth as he savored the feel of her around his hard aching manhood.

Madeline arched against him and matched him thrust for thrust as he buried himself inside of her. She heard his words and knew that he meant them. He was angry as well and she knew it. Her long hair fell against her back. He fit her like a glove as she felt him move his cock in her. She felt her entire body tingle as she felt her wetness covering him. She reached down for his face. "James kiss me." She demanded.

James kissed her hungrily as he tried desperately not to come, he never wanted to come, he wanted to fuck her and never stop. Her tongue sought out his and he made his dance to her rhythm. "Anything for you my beautiful Maddy... oh god, oh god, Maddy, oh Maddy," he cried out as he came in a heated rush. He wanted to cry, no no no, but he couldn't. He continued to kiss her even after the rush subsided. His cock pulsed as if by being inside of her it lived, he felt he would die if he had to pull away from her.

Madeline cried out as he filled her. Her orgasm rushing through her like fire. "James. Oh bloody hell." She swore "James!" She cried out as she felt him still throbbing inside of her. She sought his lips again. Their tongues clashed. She felt his hands on her breasts again and she welcomed his touch.

James softened the kiss, made it gentler and more loving. His touch also softened as he caught his breath, "Madeline... my sweet... you never cease to amaze me," he sighed happily.

Madeline felt his lips soften and she slowed her own kiss down. She felt his hands move to her hair as he continued to kiss her. "Why do I amaze you James?" she asked in a whisper as he gently lay her body back down on the bed. He rested his head on an elbow and gazed at her. Madeline watched as his hand trailed back down to her breast.

"You held nothing back from me... it was as if you truly were mine," James said. He lay on his back and closed his eyes, if only she could be, he thought.

Madeline watched him. But I can't be she thought regretfully. She moved closer to him and laid her head on his bare chest. "For the moment I am." She said quietly.

"Longer then a moment... Sparrow won't be returning any time soon love," he said knowingly. He stroked her hair. "I want to make love to you again and again Madeline, I never want it to end... I do my best to hold off coming just to make it last a bit longer... I cherish every moment, every kiss, every touch as if it's the last, don't you see," he asked softly.

Madeline leaned up on her elbows and placed a kiss on his chest and looked up at him. She knew he was right. Jack would not return for a very long time and she knew that he would not be faithful to her. He had already betrayed her twice before this. As much as she loved him, she couldn't deny the pleasure that James gave her. "I do see James." She said quietly looking at him. She could see the desire in his eyes. The want of her.

"Then why waste time waiting," James asked.

Madeline laid her head back down but so that she was looking at him. "Please don't ask me that now James." She said drawing circles on his chest.

James sighed, "I suppose it is too soon," he said. "So what shall we do now," he asked. "Would you like to come with me to the Governor's house for dinner tonight? Elizabeth and Will are going to be there," James asked.

Madeline reached for his hand. "I suppose I should see them. I don't think they know I'm back or that JJ has gone with Jack." She said holding his hand. She looked back up at him and moved so that she was lying on top of him. "James, please be patient with me."

James kissed her, "I promise to be as patient as I can," he assured her. He smiled.

Madeline returned his kiss. "Thank you." She kissed him again. "What are ye smiling at Commodore?" she asked as she wrapped her legs with his.

"Just after glow," he said slyly.

Madeline smiled at him. "I see Commodore." She said with a smirk as she lowered her face to his and traced his lips with her tongue.

"Well and maybe some preliminary glow too," he quipped.

"Perhaps." she murmured against his lips. She slowly inched her tongue inside of his mouth. "What shall I wear tonight?" she asked kissing him.

"We've got plenty of time to worry about that, for now I think ye've given me other ideas," he moaned.

"I have?" She asked innocently. "And what would those be Commodore?"

James took her hand and guided it down between his legs to his newly aroused member, "You've awoken the beast," he chuckled.

Madeline began to stroke him although he was already hard. "The beast eh?" she asked. She raised her hips and slid down on him. "If that is the beast, then what am I?" she asked him as she began to ride him.

"A warm place to rest," he purred. He moaned, "Madeline... please."

"Please what James?" She moaned.

"Torture me," he grinned with his eyes closed.

Madeline rode him hard. Her hands in his. She bent down and licked his chest and bit his nipples. She trailed her tongue up to his neck and tugged on his earlobes. "Too much for ye Commodore? Shall I stop?" she teased, her breath hot on his skin.

James looked at her, pulling one of his hands free he reached between them and found her clit with his fingers, "Come for me," he groaned.

Madeline practically screamed as she felt his fingers inside of her. She felt him pinch her clit and she screamed his name as her orgasm filled her faster than it had ever had before. "James!"

James removed his hand and pulled her face down to his and kissed her with a fire as he'd never felt before. He reached down and held her by her hips, pushing her harder down on him as he lifted his hips sharply. He growled animalistic ally and felt his seed empty into her. "Maddy," he called out her name.

Madeline collapsed on top of him. Trying to regain her normal breathing. She didn't move off of him and felt his hands moving up and down her back. She sighed heavily.

"Told you it was a beast," he chuckled.

Madeline smiled slightly. "So ye did Commodore. So ye did." She said quietly. Her mind began to wander.

Not of the man in her bed. But of the man at sea. Jack. Her love. Her only love. Her pirate love.

The End????????

I want to thank all of you for the fantastic reviews you've written about this story. I am glad that you have all enjoyed it so much! Is this the end of Madeline, Jack, and JJ? Guess you'll have to tune in for the sequel!!! LOL!!

A Pirates Passion will be posted soon!! Again, I thank you for being such faithful readers! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me.

