LiLAznDevil: I apologize for this extremely late update.. I have been... neglecting it. - But I do have a surprise for you all... That is, if you hadn't notice someone missing from the story…
From last chapter…
"You used to be the best pick-pocketer and stealer in this town!" said Ryu. "What did Sakura do to you?"
Syaoran glared at him. "I am still the best pick-pocketer and stealer and if you say anything about Sakura again, I'll cut off your tongue," he warned.
Ryu held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry."
Jon thought and grinned. "So you say you're still the best there is?" he asked.
Syaoran slowly looked up from his paper. "Yeah, do I have to make myself any clearer?"
Jon smirked. "Why don't you prove it, Mr. Li?"
"Name the place and item," said Syaoran, leaning back into his chair.
"Kinomoto's mansion. Her father's Rolex."
Syaoran's eyes widened. "You don't expect me to steal from my girlfriend's father do you?"
"Hey, if you won't, then I guess you're not the best stealer there is here," said Jon, getting up to walk away.
"Wait," said Syaoran, thinking. "How long do I keep the watch?"
Jon smirked and sat back down. "Just until you show it to me and Ryu, then you can put it back. I'll give you 100 just to keep you hanging there."
Ryu looked worriedly at Syaoran. "Dude, don't do it," he whispered.
"Shut up," growled Syaoran. He turned to Jon. "All right, I'll do it."
Chapter 13
"Saturday, I'll do it on Saturday," Syaoran mumbled, leaning against his car.
"Saturday for what?" asked Sakura, making him jump.
"T-The dance on Saturday! I'm taking you to the dance," Syaoran stuttered, surprised to see her.
"That is… If you want to go with me," he said, raising his eyebrows.
"Of course!" she exclaimed, eyes glittering with happiness. "I wouldn't dream of going with anyone else but you."
He smiled and kissed her nose. "If your eyes keep gleaming like that, it'll reflect off your cute little nose to make you 'Sakura the green nose reindeer'," he joked.
Sakura scrunched her face, thinking of a response but failed. "Aahh... You, you little chocolate haired sundae!"
Syaoran laughed. "Don't I need a little cherry to go on top of that?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
She stuck out her tongue. "Sorry, ran out!"
He smirked. "You're my little cherry. Cherry blossom, actually," he said, cupping her cheek.
He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and pulled apart from her. "Where do you want me to drop you off?" he asked.
"Tomoyo's house. She wanted me to come over after school," she replied.
"Alrighty," he said, jogging to the passenger door to open it for Sakura.
"Thank you, monsieur," she giggled, sitting in the seat.
"Your welcome, ma petite," he replied with a French accent.
They both laughed and they headed to Tomoyo's house. Syaoran stopped in front of her friend's house.
"Do you want to come in?" asked Sakura, hand on the door.
"No thanks, I have to study."
"Oh, okay." Sakura smiled, understanding. "I'm so happy you're putting so much effort into your schoolwork."
Syaoran made an uneasy smile. "It's because I love you," he replied, leaning forward to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll pick you up later."
"Okay," she said, opening the door. "Bye."
He nodded and she closed the door. Study? Yeah, right… Study on how to steal from you father… he shook his head, guiltily and drove away.
Sakura sighed. She walked up the pathway to Tomoyo's house and stepped up to the door, raising her hand to knock on the door.
The door suddenly pulled open with a squeal from Tomoyo, "Sakura, guess what?!"
She got no answer and realized Sakura was leaning against the wall, eyes wide and breathing hard. "Sorry, did I scare you?"
"A… A little," Sakura breathed out.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry! Come inside." She went over to Sakura and pulled her inside. "Okay, now guess!"
"Umm… Eriol proposed to you?" Sakura asked.
Tomoyo blushed. "No… Hopefully someday soon!"
Sakura laughed.
"So what is it?"
Her friend smiled and ushered her into a room. "I made you a beautiful dress for the senior ball!" she exclaimed, pulling off a covering and revealing to Sakura her new dress.
Sakura shrieked. "OH MY GOSH! It's absolutely wonderful! I love it! Thank you so much, Tomo!"
Tomoyo beamed. "I knew you'd like it."
She watched her best friend put the dress to herself and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "I hope Syaoran likes it…" Sakura mumbled, staring out the window.
"Of course he will!" Tomoyo patted her back. "I made it!"
Sakura laughed and put the dress down. "Thanks a lot, Tomoyo," she whispered and hugged her.
Tomoyo hugged her back. Sakura went back to her dress, talking about how beautiful it was while Tomoyo looked out the window, pondering.
Sakura stopped, noticing that Tomoyo was quiet because she wasn't responding to her comments when normally she would be ecstatic and really hyper.
"What's the matter?" she asked, placing her dress on the bed and walking to her friend by the windowsill.
Tomoyo shook out of her daze and smiled. "Oh nothing, Sakura. Just thinking."
Sakura frowned. "Something's wrong. Please tell me," she pleaded, looking at her with puppy dog eyes.
Tomoyo laughed softly at her friend's naivety. She sighed and looked back out the window. "I was just wondering. You know how Syaoran is taking all these business courses, improving his grades, attendance, and attitude?"
"Yeah…" said Sakura, wondering what Tomoyo was getting at.
"Your father said he would not like you two to get married because Syaoran's not rich and isn't capable of taking over his business. Do you think Syaoran is trying win over your father so you two would get married?"
Sakura's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "You think Syaoran wants to marry me?" she asked after finding her voice.
"Yes," replied Tomoyo. She tilted her head to the side. "I believe I do. But do you want to marry Syaoran?"
"I-I…" Sakura stuttered. "He is unlike any guy I have ever met," she finalized.
"You better make up your mind, Sakura. As far as I can see, Syaoran is getting serious about this," said Tomoyo, seriously. "He loves you, anyone can see that. And I know you love him too."
Does Syaoran really want to marry me? Do I want to marry him? I love him, I really do. But is it really for real? Would my father accept him? His reputation was a notorious delinquent but did I really change him? What if he goes back to his old ways?
"When are you going to get it by?" Jon asked.
"I'll have it by Saturday," replied Syaoran coolly.
"Saturday is a bit late, ain't it?"
"Don't push it, Jon. I don't want to risk my relationship with Sakura even more." Syaoran said angrily.
"What is Sakura to you, Syaoran? Are you just going for her because she's beautiful and rich?" Jon snapped.
There was silence on the phone line and Jon chuckled.
"Shut up, Jon. Sakura means more to me than that. I love her, and I bet you don't even know what love means."
Syaoran hung up the phone and sighed.
There was a knock on the door.
"Tomoyo, there's someone at the door!" Sakura yelled, trying on the dress.
She heard a gasp, rustling, and door slamming. "Could you get it for me?" Tomoyo muffled voice asked through a different room.
Sakura grumbled and walked to the door. She opened the door and saw Eriol. No wonder Tomoyo wanted me to get the door…
"Hello Eriol," greeted Sakura, smiling.
Eriol's eyes were raised. "And to you… Getting ready for the senior ball so soon?" he asked in amusement.
Sakura frowned. "I'm just trying it on," she replied, waving him in and closing the door behind him. "TOMOYO, YOUR LOVER BOY IS HERE!!!"
She heard something fall and thumping noises in the rooms. Sakura and Eriol looked at each other with curious but confused faces.
"I'm… Here!" gasped Tomoyo, running into the living room, holding her side. "Ahh… Side burn."
"What were you doing, working out?" Sakura asked,
Tomoyo frowned. "Nothing, nothing."
Sakura smiled. Must have been changing extremely fast… she thought, realizing Tomoyo changed clothes. "I'll leave you two alone and I'll change… Syaoran should be picking me up soon…" she said sweetly, edging towards a room.
Eriol chuckled and Tomoyo glared at her.
Sakura came back out moments later dressed in her normal clothes. She froze when she saw a third person in the living room. Syaoran… She moved out of view and leaned against the wall. What's wrong with me? It's only Syaoran. She stood straight and took a deep breath. I would not let what Tomoyo say affect me… she thought, and walked to the living room.
He saw her coming from the hallway and stood up. "You ready to go?" Syaoran asked, hands in pockets.
Sakura nodded and went to Tomoyo to give her a hug. "I'll see you later," she said, quietly.
Tomoyo gave her a smile that showed that she knew something was wrong. She looked at Eriol but he only shrugged.
"Bye Eriol," Sakura waved from the door and walked with Syaoran to his car.
There was silence on the way to the car and when he was driving. "So… On to your house?" Syaoran asked, making conversation.
Sakura nodded and looked out the window. She saw a man throwing a football to his young son and families getting out of a car to their home. Does Syaoran want to have a family?
Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Huh?"
"Kind of drifting off there," Syaoran chuckled lightly. "You okay?"
Sakura nodded and smiled.
"We're at your home if you haven't notice…" he said with amusement in his voice. "You sure were zoning."
"Oh!" she exclaimed looking back out the window to her familiar house. A light pink color rose to her face.
She reached for the door when Syaoran held her arm. "Let me get it." He smiled and got out of the car to assist her.
Syaoran held out his arm and Sakura took it graciously and he led her up to her door.
"Thank you, kind sir," said Sakura, playing around.
"Anything for you, pretty lady," replied Syaoran with a smirk.
"Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" She added with a British accent.
Syaoran laughed. "I never drank tea before."
A black limousine pulled up in Sakura's driveway. "That must be my father," she stated, eyeing the limousine closely.
"Certainly is," Syaoran replied, seeing her father come. "But who is that?" he asked, fixing his eyes onto a tall handsome man chatting with Sakura's father heartily. Don't tell me it's another one of her suitors!
Anger flooded through his veins and Sakura noticed. "Syaoran, calm down. I don't think my father would want me to marry that man. He looks sort of familiar…" She said, drifting off when realized who the mysterious man was.
"Touya?" she asked, her voice in a slight whisper as she walked forward to the tall man.
His eyes flickered to her direction, his hard brown eyes softened. "Sakura…" He walked to her briskly and scooped her up in his arms. "It's been so long."
Syaoran stood there, red flooding to his cheeks. What does he mean, it's been so long?!?! Look at the way he looked at her! Who is this Touya guy????
"It has been 6 years, Touya. I thought I would never see you again," she said, tears filling in her emerald eyes.
Touya smiled and wiped away the newly formed tears. "Father told you I was in America for business, yes? You have grown up considerably."
He heard a voice clearing and turned to glare at Syaoran. "And you are?" he asked, mistrust evidently in his voice.
Sakura gasped and rushed to Syaoran's side. "Touya this is Syaoran Li. Syaoran, this is my brother, Touya," she introduced, using her hands for indications.
Syaoran's glare at Touya faded. Her… Brother??? When did she have a brother? He is going to make my thievery even more difficult!
LiLAznDevil: This chapter was a bit short but i'll update the next chapter very soon considering how long you had to wait for this one. Please read my other CCS fanfics: The Worst Thing That Could Happen, Little Wolf, and my new fic, Doragon Blossoms. Thanks for your reviews!
Don't: If you don't like it, don't read it. I am a boring person so most likely it'll reflect in my writing, especially when I'm under stress, frustrated, or not exactly in the mood. At that time, I wasn't really in a good mood and I was in a rush since it was not my computer so my ideas at that time were a bit on the down low. Although, I do agree with you that it is an easy and boring way to hurt their relationship but you don't know what is going to happen and neither do I, so I'll do my best to make it entertaining for you and for others…
Cute-Cleo: Yes, I do remember you! Sorry for the loooong update... Please don't hate me! tear