Disclaimer: Fushigi Yûgi is not mine. Depressing, yes, but it's the truth. It belongs to Yû Watase. Remember that!
This isn't really a fic from anyone's point of view; I'll be bouncing around from character to character. I know that has a technical name but right now my brain is fried and I'm too tired to think of it.
Sister; "It's called 'third person', dunce."
Me; "Oh yeah" ::blush::
Uhm, I'm not to good at summarizes... so here it goes!
'I got no feelings, no feelings,
No feelings for anybody else.'
Loud music echoed throughout the godly white room. Sound waves ricocheted off bookshelves, oversized leather armchairs and off the large maple desk in the middle of the room. Feet clad in heavy leather boots tapped slightly upon the desk as the beat roared from headphones, casually slung about the neck of individual sitting in the leather armchair. Rocking back and forth, the leather boots couldn't help but scuff the varnished maple surface.
'Except for my self, my beautiful self, dear.'
"Ahem." A loud guttural interruption caused the young man to lower the volume on his walkman with a blatantly aggravated groan.
"What is it, Grandma?" Was his rude reply.
"You are here for your new schedule, not to blare that boisterous clatter you call music." The sagging, wrinkled face of the woman behind the desk suggested wisdom and sent warnings to the careless young man sitting in front of her.
The juvenile delinquent gave her a snide look in response as his arms crossed in front of his chest, leaning back on the armchair's back two legs, rocking slightly. The ancient woman leaned forward, propping her hands on her desk as she did so. She glared at him for a moment, as he looked about the room unconcerned with her or her warnings.
'Let's get this over and done with so I can toss this delinquent out of my office and onto his ass.' She thought as she watched the teen in front of her nudge the cheap looking symbol of authority with his foot, one that held her status etched on the front of it.
"Sure, Grandma. Hand it over so ya can get back ta yer harsh and grueling duties as the principal." The adjectives he used to describe his opinion of her position dripped with sarcasm as he spoke with the tone of a bandit.
She suppressed animosity towards the teen as he got up, the buckles of his boots clanging together as he took his feet off the elderly principals desk and gradually stood. She slid the slip of paper across the desk to his waiting hand before shooting a finger towards the open door that led to the crowded hallways of the school, bustling with young adults. The boy hastily grabbed his schedule before walking towards the door, raising the volume on his busted up walkman as left the room and principal in peace. He stuffed his new uniform in his backpack that he casually slung over his shoulder, not bothering to change for the day since he officially started tomorrow. Sticking his hands into his black sweatshirt pocket, he scanned the hallway, and began to look for a long lost friend.
After moving away from Japan right before he turned 10 and living 7 years in America, the boy was finally back home, away from all the bustle of the foreign country.
A mischievous grin spread across his lips, revealing thorn-like fangs, giving him the appearance of a vampire. He turned off his walkman as he caught sight of who he was looking for, casually walking up to the boy. The individual stood at a robins egg blue locker, face hidden in a mess of books. The only thing that gave him away was the midnight blue mop that sat on top of his head.
"Knock knock." He spoke with a grin of satisfaction on his face, hoping to surprise his long lost companion. "Who's there? It's Tasuki, friend of Kôji--" His strong imitation of his friend's usual greeting was cut short by a slamming locker.
"TASUKI!" The blue headed boy spun around to greet his old buddy with wide astonished eyes. He gave his friend a quick once over to see how much he had changed in 7 long years. The 17-year-old teenager in front of him had grown a considerable amount, standing tall at 5 feet 8 inches, but of course that was expected. His blazing red hair still had its disheveled look to it, and his vivid amber eyes were as bold as ever.
A sly grin spread across Kôji's face. "Ya jackass. Ya didn' tell me you were comin' back so soon!" His voice had the same, bandit tone his friend's held.
Tasuki's toothy grin widened as he began to speak, "I figg'rd I'd sur–– Whaddya want, women?!" He snapped as a fairly short maiden interrupted him with auburn hair tied up in buns on either side of her head, held there by red ribbons. She glared daggers at him with round, emerald eyes, her arms laying crossed over her chest as she tapped her food impatiently.
"Excuse me, but you're at my locker and I need to--" She felt a hand grab her chin and her eyes widened as a fairly tan face approached her own. Aqua and ruby earrings jingled slightly as they dangled from the Tasuki's ears, his face centimeters from the girl's. A faint grin appeared on his face, not afraid to show his fangs.
"Lemme guess....Ya need ta get ta class? How 'bout you 'n me skip class tagether..." As he spoke, his face got even closer, a small yet wicked grin on his face. "I could whisk you away 'n--"
The loud sound of colliding flesh echoed throughout the now empty hallway, all of the other students now in their classrooms. Tasuki winced and held his stinging cheek that beat red with pain as he backed away a bit from the girl.
"What th' hell was THAT?!" Tasuki groaned in slight pain. 'She's a feisty one,' he thought sorely, being reminded of his hatred for women.
"I should be the one asking you that! First you make me late for class and then you try and kiss me!" The girl spoke fiercely, arms at her sides and her hands clenched into fists of anger.
Kôji watched from the sidelines in silence and could not help but grin to himself at his friends misfortune. Tasuki had just arrived and already he wasn't doing so hot in the ladies department. But it didn't surprise him, knowing his buddies fiery hate for women. 'I suppose growing up in a house full of six raging females going through PMS can do that to a man,' Kôji mused silently with a sigh. He was brought back reality when Tasuki spoke.
"What's th' point in messin' with ya anyway. I don't like girls." He snapped with a grunt as he peeled his hands away from his face, which was still a little pink from her slap. He looked at her with wolf-like eyes as he crossed his arms in front of him. As he observed her roll her eyes, he felt something ripple and awaken inside of him. 'Maybe there's somethin' different about this girl.' He quickly thrust those thoughts from his mind. 'Damn women messin' with my head!'
Tasuki reluctantly moved aside, realizing she was glaring at him bitterly. Him and Kôji watched as the girl turned the dial on her locker, throwing the door open furiously, causing both the guys to jump slightly. She loaded her large beige backpack with the books she needed for the class she was missing, grumbling quietly about her unlucky encounter. She shut her locker and zipped up her bag, carelessly slinging it onto her shoulder. Her cell phone flew from an open pouch as she stormed off to get to class.
Kôji and Tasuki looked at each other in astonishment as the small silver phone fell to the ground with a loud clatter. They averted their gaze to the retreating girl who did not seem to hear the cell phone hit the ground.
Tasuki picked up the small metallic object and flipped it open with his thumb. His eyes scanned the screen and caught sight of a name.
"Miaka, eh?" He quickly snapped the phone closed before tossing it high into the air and quickly snatching it again with a sly grin.
Kôji watched the phone sail high into the air again. "Watcha grinnin' for, Tasuki?" His eyes watched the phone become surrounded by his buddy's hand again, slightly puzzled.
"She messed with the wrong guy..."
Miaka stepped into the classroom, all eyes were on her.
'Great,' she thought, 'just what I need. Detention.' She groaned silently as she cautiously stepped further into the room, walking to her desk next to a fellow with dark turquoise hair and light violet eyes. The boy smiled brightly at her as she took her seat and set her bag down.
Miaka smiled lovingly back at him as she whispered, "Good morning, my love."
"First your late to my class, Yuki-dono, and then you have the nerve to talk to Kishuku-dono while I'm teaching! I'll be seeing you after school." The teacher shouted at her through grit teeth. His lips pursed together in anger upon his chubby face, narrow eyes glaring at Miaka above a large, pig-like nose. His mustache and short beard twitching as his pudgy face moved.
"Gomen, Eiken-sensei" She bowed her head slightly as she grit her teeth to keep herself from talking back.
Eiken turned his large body around and started writing on the board again, going back to his lesson.
"Sorry for getting you in trouble, Miaka." The boy next to her leaned over as he apologized.
Miaka looked at him with another loving smile. "Don't worry about it, Tamahome. I had it coming anyway." She whispered affectionately.
Golden eyes stared at the two lovers conversed quietly across the room. Jealousy welled up deep inside of the boy as he nervously stroked the ponytail of long ebony hair that was casually slung over his shoulder. 'All we'll ever be is friends.' He mused silently. 'Why can't you give me a chance, Miaka?'
The boy felt something poking him in the back. He cautiously turned around in his seat with a silent groan, knowing exactly who it was.
"Hotohori." The feminine male behind him whispered cheerfully with a bright smile. "How are you this morning?" The male held onto a single, light plum braid that was tossed over his shoulder. Light maroon eyes sparkled with happiness, proud that he got Hotohori's attention.
"I am fine, Nuriko. Thank you for asking." Hotohori gave a half-hearted smile, his mind off someplace else. His eyes averted away from Nuriko and back towards the couple who were deep in conversation.
"So why were you late, Miaka?" Tamahome asked curiously as he leaned towards her a bit.
"Some new guy was standing in front of my locker..." She gazed down at her page in her binder. Doodles occupied the space where notes should have been kept. "And he tried to make a pass at me." She muttered under her breath as she picked up her pen and began to doodle.
Before Tamahome knew it, he was standing up and his chair was falling to the ground behind him. "He WHAT?!"
Eiken turned his head with a guttural growl. "Keep you're mouth SHUT, Kishuku-dono! Or would you like to join Yuki-dono and me this afternoon?"
Tamahome picked up his seat and apologized with as little remorse as possible. He took his seat again. "Who was this guy?" He demanded.
Miaka shrugged slightly as she continued to doodle absentmindedly. "He had flaming red hair and blazing amber eyes." She brought the back of the pen to her lips, chewing on the end attentively as she looked at her lover out of the corner of her eye.
Tamahome grit his teeth as thought, trying to remember if he had seen anyone of the sort earlier that morning. His eyes narrowed as a picture of a new kid stuck out in his mind. 'I'll find him and take care of that guy!' He vowed to himself before changing the subject.
Tamahome kissed Miaka goodbye on the forehead before leaving her for her detention. He then began his search for the mysterious redheaded new comer.
Out in front of the school he found the man he was looking for, clutching the neck of a beer bottle in his hands, laughing boisterously. The redhead took a swig before continuing his conversation with the blue-headed fellow beside him whom also held a bottle of beer.
Tamahome's hands formed tight fists as he stormed up behind the young redhead. His voice was low and provoking as he spoke.
"You have some explaining to do, asshole."
To be continued...
I'd like to state that I have no idea what kind of music any of the characters would listen to. I mean, who really would? I just picked some music that might reflect their attitude that I want to portray and such. Erf. So yeah. Hope you like the first installment!
PS- If anyone has WordPerfect9 or regular old Word for Windows and you know how to make things so they show up in italics, bold, etc...please contact me in some way! I've been trying with the i and the b and they just don't show up. Thank you so much!
This isn't really a fic from anyone's point of view; I'll be bouncing around from character to character. I know that has a technical name but right now my brain is fried and I'm too tired to think of it.
Sister; "It's called 'third person', dunce."
Me; "Oh yeah" ::blush::
Uhm, I'm not to good at summarizes... so here it goes!
'I got no feelings, no feelings,
No feelings for anybody else.'
Loud music echoed throughout the godly white room. Sound waves ricocheted off bookshelves, oversized leather armchairs and off the large maple desk in the middle of the room. Feet clad in heavy leather boots tapped slightly upon the desk as the beat roared from headphones, casually slung about the neck of individual sitting in the leather armchair. Rocking back and forth, the leather boots couldn't help but scuff the varnished maple surface.
'Except for my self, my beautiful self, dear.'
"Ahem." A loud guttural interruption caused the young man to lower the volume on his walkman with a blatantly aggravated groan.
"What is it, Grandma?" Was his rude reply.
"You are here for your new schedule, not to blare that boisterous clatter you call music." The sagging, wrinkled face of the woman behind the desk suggested wisdom and sent warnings to the careless young man sitting in front of her.
The juvenile delinquent gave her a snide look in response as his arms crossed in front of his chest, leaning back on the armchair's back two legs, rocking slightly. The ancient woman leaned forward, propping her hands on her desk as she did so. She glared at him for a moment, as he looked about the room unconcerned with her or her warnings.
'Let's get this over and done with so I can toss this delinquent out of my office and onto his ass.' She thought as she watched the teen in front of her nudge the cheap looking symbol of authority with his foot, one that held her status etched on the front of it.
"Sure, Grandma. Hand it over so ya can get back ta yer harsh and grueling duties as the principal." The adjectives he used to describe his opinion of her position dripped with sarcasm as he spoke with the tone of a bandit.
She suppressed animosity towards the teen as he got up, the buckles of his boots clanging together as he took his feet off the elderly principals desk and gradually stood. She slid the slip of paper across the desk to his waiting hand before shooting a finger towards the open door that led to the crowded hallways of the school, bustling with young adults. The boy hastily grabbed his schedule before walking towards the door, raising the volume on his busted up walkman as left the room and principal in peace. He stuffed his new uniform in his backpack that he casually slung over his shoulder, not bothering to change for the day since he officially started tomorrow. Sticking his hands into his black sweatshirt pocket, he scanned the hallway, and began to look for a long lost friend.
After moving away from Japan right before he turned 10 and living 7 years in America, the boy was finally back home, away from all the bustle of the foreign country.
A mischievous grin spread across his lips, revealing thorn-like fangs, giving him the appearance of a vampire. He turned off his walkman as he caught sight of who he was looking for, casually walking up to the boy. The individual stood at a robins egg blue locker, face hidden in a mess of books. The only thing that gave him away was the midnight blue mop that sat on top of his head.
"Knock knock." He spoke with a grin of satisfaction on his face, hoping to surprise his long lost companion. "Who's there? It's Tasuki, friend of Kôji--" His strong imitation of his friend's usual greeting was cut short by a slamming locker.
"TASUKI!" The blue headed boy spun around to greet his old buddy with wide astonished eyes. He gave his friend a quick once over to see how much he had changed in 7 long years. The 17-year-old teenager in front of him had grown a considerable amount, standing tall at 5 feet 8 inches, but of course that was expected. His blazing red hair still had its disheveled look to it, and his vivid amber eyes were as bold as ever.
A sly grin spread across Kôji's face. "Ya jackass. Ya didn' tell me you were comin' back so soon!" His voice had the same, bandit tone his friend's held.
Tasuki's toothy grin widened as he began to speak, "I figg'rd I'd sur–– Whaddya want, women?!" He snapped as a fairly short maiden interrupted him with auburn hair tied up in buns on either side of her head, held there by red ribbons. She glared daggers at him with round, emerald eyes, her arms laying crossed over her chest as she tapped her food impatiently.
"Excuse me, but you're at my locker and I need to--" She felt a hand grab her chin and her eyes widened as a fairly tan face approached her own. Aqua and ruby earrings jingled slightly as they dangled from the Tasuki's ears, his face centimeters from the girl's. A faint grin appeared on his face, not afraid to show his fangs.
"Lemme guess....Ya need ta get ta class? How 'bout you 'n me skip class tagether..." As he spoke, his face got even closer, a small yet wicked grin on his face. "I could whisk you away 'n--"
The loud sound of colliding flesh echoed throughout the now empty hallway, all of the other students now in their classrooms. Tasuki winced and held his stinging cheek that beat red with pain as he backed away a bit from the girl.
"What th' hell was THAT?!" Tasuki groaned in slight pain. 'She's a feisty one,' he thought sorely, being reminded of his hatred for women.
"I should be the one asking you that! First you make me late for class and then you try and kiss me!" The girl spoke fiercely, arms at her sides and her hands clenched into fists of anger.
Kôji watched from the sidelines in silence and could not help but grin to himself at his friends misfortune. Tasuki had just arrived and already he wasn't doing so hot in the ladies department. But it didn't surprise him, knowing his buddies fiery hate for women. 'I suppose growing up in a house full of six raging females going through PMS can do that to a man,' Kôji mused silently with a sigh. He was brought back reality when Tasuki spoke.
"What's th' point in messin' with ya anyway. I don't like girls." He snapped with a grunt as he peeled his hands away from his face, which was still a little pink from her slap. He looked at her with wolf-like eyes as he crossed his arms in front of him. As he observed her roll her eyes, he felt something ripple and awaken inside of him. 'Maybe there's somethin' different about this girl.' He quickly thrust those thoughts from his mind. 'Damn women messin' with my head!'
Tasuki reluctantly moved aside, realizing she was glaring at him bitterly. Him and Kôji watched as the girl turned the dial on her locker, throwing the door open furiously, causing both the guys to jump slightly. She loaded her large beige backpack with the books she needed for the class she was missing, grumbling quietly about her unlucky encounter. She shut her locker and zipped up her bag, carelessly slinging it onto her shoulder. Her cell phone flew from an open pouch as she stormed off to get to class.
Kôji and Tasuki looked at each other in astonishment as the small silver phone fell to the ground with a loud clatter. They averted their gaze to the retreating girl who did not seem to hear the cell phone hit the ground.
Tasuki picked up the small metallic object and flipped it open with his thumb. His eyes scanned the screen and caught sight of a name.
"Miaka, eh?" He quickly snapped the phone closed before tossing it high into the air and quickly snatching it again with a sly grin.
Kôji watched the phone sail high into the air again. "Watcha grinnin' for, Tasuki?" His eyes watched the phone become surrounded by his buddy's hand again, slightly puzzled.
"She messed with the wrong guy..."
Miaka stepped into the classroom, all eyes were on her.
'Great,' she thought, 'just what I need. Detention.' She groaned silently as she cautiously stepped further into the room, walking to her desk next to a fellow with dark turquoise hair and light violet eyes. The boy smiled brightly at her as she took her seat and set her bag down.
Miaka smiled lovingly back at him as she whispered, "Good morning, my love."
"First your late to my class, Yuki-dono, and then you have the nerve to talk to Kishuku-dono while I'm teaching! I'll be seeing you after school." The teacher shouted at her through grit teeth. His lips pursed together in anger upon his chubby face, narrow eyes glaring at Miaka above a large, pig-like nose. His mustache and short beard twitching as his pudgy face moved.
"Gomen, Eiken-sensei" She bowed her head slightly as she grit her teeth to keep herself from talking back.
Eiken turned his large body around and started writing on the board again, going back to his lesson.
"Sorry for getting you in trouble, Miaka." The boy next to her leaned over as he apologized.
Miaka looked at him with another loving smile. "Don't worry about it, Tamahome. I had it coming anyway." She whispered affectionately.
Golden eyes stared at the two lovers conversed quietly across the room. Jealousy welled up deep inside of the boy as he nervously stroked the ponytail of long ebony hair that was casually slung over his shoulder. 'All we'll ever be is friends.' He mused silently. 'Why can't you give me a chance, Miaka?'
The boy felt something poking him in the back. He cautiously turned around in his seat with a silent groan, knowing exactly who it was.
"Hotohori." The feminine male behind him whispered cheerfully with a bright smile. "How are you this morning?" The male held onto a single, light plum braid that was tossed over his shoulder. Light maroon eyes sparkled with happiness, proud that he got Hotohori's attention.
"I am fine, Nuriko. Thank you for asking." Hotohori gave a half-hearted smile, his mind off someplace else. His eyes averted away from Nuriko and back towards the couple who were deep in conversation.
"So why were you late, Miaka?" Tamahome asked curiously as he leaned towards her a bit.
"Some new guy was standing in front of my locker..." She gazed down at her page in her binder. Doodles occupied the space where notes should have been kept. "And he tried to make a pass at me." She muttered under her breath as she picked up her pen and began to doodle.
Before Tamahome knew it, he was standing up and his chair was falling to the ground behind him. "He WHAT?!"
Eiken turned his head with a guttural growl. "Keep you're mouth SHUT, Kishuku-dono! Or would you like to join Yuki-dono and me this afternoon?"
Tamahome picked up his seat and apologized with as little remorse as possible. He took his seat again. "Who was this guy?" He demanded.
Miaka shrugged slightly as she continued to doodle absentmindedly. "He had flaming red hair and blazing amber eyes." She brought the back of the pen to her lips, chewing on the end attentively as she looked at her lover out of the corner of her eye.
Tamahome grit his teeth as thought, trying to remember if he had seen anyone of the sort earlier that morning. His eyes narrowed as a picture of a new kid stuck out in his mind. 'I'll find him and take care of that guy!' He vowed to himself before changing the subject.
Tamahome kissed Miaka goodbye on the forehead before leaving her for her detention. He then began his search for the mysterious redheaded new comer.
Out in front of the school he found the man he was looking for, clutching the neck of a beer bottle in his hands, laughing boisterously. The redhead took a swig before continuing his conversation with the blue-headed fellow beside him whom also held a bottle of beer.
Tamahome's hands formed tight fists as he stormed up behind the young redhead. His voice was low and provoking as he spoke.
"You have some explaining to do, asshole."
To be continued...
I'd like to state that I have no idea what kind of music any of the characters would listen to. I mean, who really would? I just picked some music that might reflect their attitude that I want to portray and such. Erf. So yeah. Hope you like the first installment!
PS- If anyone has WordPerfect9 or regular old Word for Windows and you know how to make things so they show up in italics, bold, etc...please contact me in some way! I've been trying with the i and the b and they just don't show up. Thank you so much!