Repmet- Short chapter...ha ha ha SUFFER!!!!!!

Fluff- REPMET! We're so sorry this is short.

Repmet- WE OWN YU-GI-OH!!!!!! .





















...Not, you idiot.

Serenity sighed lightly, still dazed over this morning. She brushed her hair in the mirror, thinking hard. Slowly she set down her brush and walked out of the bathroom, pulling on a pair of hip huggers and a bright orange tank top.

She walked out of her room, hearing the click behind her as it locked. Slowly she walked down the stairs and into the dinning room, pulling open the door to find Seto sitting at the head of the table. She smiled a little and walked in, sitting down next to him.

He looked over his news paper and glared. "What do you want" He asked with an icy glare.

"What you mean?" Serenity said, frowning.

"I mean, exactly what I said" Seto replied coldly. "What do you want"

"I thought you and I-you know-you said..." Serenity trailed off at the end, blushing furiously.

Seto closed his eyes and winced, groaning. "I can't go out with you Scamp" He said, opening one eye and curling his lip up.

"But this morning-you-what? Why? Huh? I'm confused" Serenity began to turn even redder, eyes watering with confused tears.

"This morning was a mistake."


Seto looked her over. "You're to young, your big broth is an idiot, you're best friends with my worst enemy, and this is a school project. There are many more reasons. And as for that being your first kiss...well that's just to bad huh"; Seto went back to reading his newspaper.

Serenity stared, aghast. "You've got to be kidding me-SETO KAIBA YOU ARE A BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, bring her hand back and slapping him squarely in the jaw.

The sound of the slap echoed around the dinning hall, though it had gone, it still rang in Seto's ears. No one slapped him like that. No one ever hit him with out paying dearly. He stood up, eyes level with Serenity's. "Never touch me, again"He said, his voice cold as ice.

She brought her hand back to slap him again, he garbed and snarled. "I told you, never touch me again."

Serenity's eyes were full of fire as she wrenched her hand from his grip. Then you never speak to me again. Because if you say one word, I swear to god, I'll rip your guts out. She snarled, truth dripping from her lips, echoed in every word.

She stormed from the room Seto watched her go, still fuming. Slowly he sat down, hearing the crash as Serenity slammed her door.


This can't be happening. I can't be doing this. She so much younger than me, she's Wheeler's sister! This is not real. I'll wake up and it'll be over.....lord please!!!!

I looked at my cold toast, suddenly to sick to eat. I forced myself to take a sip of orange juice, then left my plates for the servants to get, walking stiffly to my office. I sat down at my computer, watching the bright green screen turn white, then black, then finely the little icon's appeared. I opened up my emails, read my agenda, and was soon typing rapidly on the key board, my 200 worlds per minute typing speed jumping to 225. I sighed as I finished my report, leaning back to read my next one. I had three more reports left for that day, then an audit to edit. After that working long hours into the night on my next product. I started typing again, my mind only on my work.

4 hours later

I leaned back in my chair., making the final corrections to the end of that damn audit. I printed, waiting the full three minutes for the things to start, before shutting that program and entering a gaming program. Only 100 lines of code, and it came out in February, I was screwed. Mokuba was going to kill me when he found out I had to work Christmas.

Repmet- SEE SHORT!