Serenity sat in her class, drawing on her notebook. She sighed as Mokuba passed her a note when the teacher turned his back. She unfolded it under the desk and read-

Hey, your brother in the next duel tournament?

She looked up at the teacher's back before nodding to Mokuba and going back to her drawings. Finally the teacher stopped writing on the board and turned to the class.

"Hello every one. I have a very big surprise for you all! Over the Christmas break you will all be given an assignment to complete-" Moans from the class, "But it won't be like any thing I've assigned before." The class began to whisper. "You well all be assigned to an older student mentor who you'll be staying with over the Christmas break." The class began to roar with chatter. The teacher held up his hands. "Of course you'll not be forced to spend all of the holidays with your mentor, but at least a week and a half of the two week break. Your mentors well be assigned tomorrow. Any questions?"

Serenity raised her hand excitedly. "Can we choose our mentors? My older brother is in the senior class, but we don't live together."

"No Miss wheeler, you won't be aloud to stay with any relation, it must be some one who isn't your family." Serenity shrugged. She knew most of the older class and figured her mentor would be Yami or Marik or something, or even, go forbid......Bakura and Ryou. She shutter at the thought of the two boys. They were open enough in public to have to see them in the privacy of their own house would.......better not to think about it.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The next day~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Serenity walked in to class, chatting with her friends and Mokuba and soon found her seat. She sat down exactly, waiting as like the rest of class with baited attention. The teacher came in and looked at them all. "Well" He said, seemingly in wonder at how they where acting. "Maybe I'll not tell you who your mentors are so I can have a perfect class?" He paused as the class muttered evilly under their breath and laughed lightly. "All right, all right. You all have to wait a few minutes while the older students come in."

Serenity sighed and allowed her attention to wonder. She wasn't the same timid girl she had been two years ago. She was stronger, tougher, more like her brother-only a little smarter. There was a knock at the classroom door and the Senior class teacher opened the door.

"Hello," She said cheerily, and moved aside so her students could come in. Honda, Joey, Yugi and Ryou smiled at her and waved.

"If you'll find a seat?" The teacher, Mr. Bink, said curtly. Joey walked over to Serenity and plopped down next to her, pushing off the seat a little.

"Hey sis." He said smiling.

"Hey Joey." Serenity said, as Joey's friends came over and sat down near them. She watched Kaiba walked blatantly by them and stand behind Mokuba's desk. Serenity rolled her eyes, having long since dismissed Kaiba as the heartless pretty boy she had been taught to know.

"Now," Said Mr. Bink. "When I call your name I want you to find to younger student you'll be mentoring and get to know them a little. We'll go by last name of the younger students."

The first student, suprisingly, had Joey for a mentor. Joey gave his sister a quick hug before getting up to meet Luke Andrews. The line went down and soon they got to Mokuba. Serenity turned to see who her friends mentor would be, but soon snapped back around when Yugi's name was said.

How ironic. She though and Yugi, a bit surprised went to stand by Mokuba. Serenity noted, with a touch of amusement that Kaiba's knuckles where white from gripping the back of Mokuba's chair. Finally, oh finally! Serenity's name was called. There was a pause then. "Seto Kaiba."

Joey jumped to his feet, but only received an icy glare from Seto. "sit mutt." Serenity saw him mouth. Her brothers lip twitched, but he sat down as Kaiba walked over to Serenity. 'Oh Karma!' Serenity thought sadly, she had 'laughed' at Kaiba and now she was stuck with him for a week and a half.

"Now, tomorrow being the first day of break you'll go after school to your Mentors house, I'm sure they'll tell you what you need to bring. And remember, you need to take notes on your partner, at klleat two pages!" Said the senior Teacher brightly. "You can have the rest of the lesson to talk."

Serenity looked at Kaiba. "You?" She muttered.

"Me." He said scowling.

"This is going to be a long tow weeks." She said, starting to draw again.

"Two weeks?"

"My mom said I had to stay two weeks because she's ditching me for some old boy friend at Christmas time." Serenity said darkly.

"Did it occur to your Mother that UI might have prior engagements?"

"Well problem not. Though I did mention to her. See she can't think about more that her self and her boy friend at once, it hurts her head and she drinks!" She was telling the blunt truth, but it still hurt her to admit it and she felt a little pain in her voice.

Kaiba felt it too. "What a sad story." He said spitefully. "Here's a list of what you'll need." He passed her a list and she scanned it quickly.

Well you're quite the organized fellow?" Joey said walking up, a plastered smile on his face.

"Hello mutt." Kaiba sneered. "What do you want?"

"I just here to make sure you stay the hell away from my sister." Joey said, still smiling.

"Oh, and I suppose it hasn't occurred to you that we have to live together for two weeks because of your stupid mother?" Kaiba spat.

"You know what I men Kaiba, and she's not MY mother." He said under her breath.

"please I have no inntresst in your sister." Kainba said.

"joey." Serenity said quickly as she saw his temper rise.

"If you'll exquse me, I have to talk to your little friend the prick." Kainba said cooly, looking over to where Yugi and mokuba where dueling.

"Don't you dare call Yugi that!" Serenity said, jumping to her feet.

Kaib looked down at her. "Yet another mutt ready to jump at me at any time."

"If you ever call him that I'll-I'll!"

"you'll what? Slap me?" Kaiba laughed.

'No, but I'll beat the crap out of you money bags." Joey said sharply.

"You and who else?" Kaiba laughed.

"Just me, unlike you I don't need men to do my dirty work." Joey spat. Kaiba glared and turned to snarl at Yugi under his breath.

"Oh, I hate him!" Serenity muttered.

"Sorry sis, I wasn't much help huh?" Joey asked.

"No, you were great big brother!" Serenity smiled, hugging him tightly.

"Thanks Serenity, well, I'll see you tomorrow, come by later tonight if mom isn't home. I have some left overs you can have." He laughed.

"Mom's been gone a week Joey." Serenity said quietly.

"WHAT! That bitch! Why didn't you tell me? I would have had you stay with me!" Joey burst out.

"Because, I can take care of myself Joey. This time last year you were celebrating you first year living in your own apartment and away from dad. I can handle a week." Serenity said, hugging Joey again as the bell rang "I'll see you later!" And she dogged out the door.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The next day~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Come on girl! What are you waiting for!" Kaiba yelled, honking the horn of his car impatiently as Serenity grumbled carried her stuff from her apartment. "I've been five minutes to find something, give me a break!" She said, shriveling against the cold and climbing in the back.

"I want to get home before the snow piles up, and the leather is ruined when it gets wet." He snarled.

"So put the hood up." Serenity said as Kaiba took off.

"It's broken." Kaiba snarled, turning a corner and sloshing snow onto the sidewalk.

"And you can't pay to get it fixed?" Serenity said sarcastically.

"The shop isn't open on holidays." Kaiba growled.

"So fix it your self! Even I can do a few things for a car." Serenity laughed.

"Why fix it when some one else can do it for me?" Kaiba spat as they pulled up at a gate. Kaiba slashed a key card thought a lock and the gates slid open slowly.

"Wow!" Serenity said as they pulled up to the mansion. "Nice crib!"

Kaiba snorted as he pulled to the front drive where a butler stood waiting to take the car. His door was opened and he got out. "You can leave your things in the car the bell boy well take them up." Kaiba said. Serenity reached for the door handle. But it was already being pulled open by the butler.

"Thank you, I feel like royalty." Serenity laughed getting out of the car and following Kaiba up the marble steps to the front door.

"Every thing in this house is computer activated. Dinner is served at promptly 6:30, the servants go home at 8:00, and they have the Christmas break off. I'm at work most the time so you'll be alone a lot. If the phone rings, don't answer it. If you're hungry, you can find the kitchen, it's on the bottom floor." Kaiba led her up a winding staircase. 'This place isn't that big, you'll find a map in your room. This is your room." He walked down a hall and stopped in front of a door. "To open it from the out side you have to enter a key code, your number's 5141. All the doors are computers activated. All you have to do to go into a room is enter your key. If your not supposed to go into that room the door wont open and your attempt well be documented on my computer. My room is across the hall and three doors down. You missed dinner, so you might be able to find something in the kitchen if you're hungry. I have every one working late before the break." He pushed open the door her had entered the key for. "Here you are, your things well be brought up soon." He turned and walked down the hall to where Serenity supposed was his room.

Serenity shrugged and shut the door. The room wasn't very extravagant, it was done in black tile with stainless steal furniture and a black coverlet on the-king sized bed? She smiled and opened a door to the right to find a simple bathroom. There was a desk under the window with a computer. She walked over to it and Jiggled the mouse.

'Enter key' Came up on screen. Serenity typed in 5141 and hit enter. 'Code not excisable' flashed up on screen. Serenity shrugged and lay on the bed. A nock came from the door. She opened it.

"Hello Miss, your bags." Said a guy, holding her things.

"Oh, thanks dude." Serenity said smiling. She took her things from the guy and shut the door as he walked away. After a few minutes she had put all of her stuff in order. The clock on the bedside table read 9:00pm. She sighed again. And walked to the door and down stairs looking for the kitchen.