Disclaimer: Plain and simple. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Lead-In: Y/Y Two people proficient in a world of seduction. Their profession frowned upon by society, yet revered by the noblest of classes. They aren't lost, but they are searching for that missing piece. Look no further than the body next door.

A/N: Hello, and welcome to Jasmine's Scent! This is my stab at writing in a different style. Short, quick descriptions that hopefully, hopefully tell the story I am trying to tell. The subject matter is a bit more mature, dealing primarily with sex and intimacy. Not having sex, but the concept of sex in general. So please, if you are uncomfortable with this, do not read any further.

For those of you still here, Kudos! and thank you for the leap of faith! I hope you enjoy this new story of mine!

~ Ocean


This story revolves around Yami and Yuugi, who are both elite prostitutes that work for a very exclusive club. Names and backgrounds are not known for any who work at the Arrowhead. It is a place where, for working, people are given a place to live and meals. So there is a benefit for those who have nowhere else to go other than the streets. Because names are not known, Yuugi and Yami will be going by different names for a portion of the story.

Yuugi will be called 'Jasper,' after the stone that represents the courage to speak out and personal independence. Jasper is also believed to balance energy, both emotional and physical, in the body.

Yami will be called 'Saber,' after the sword of the same name. Long, sleek, beautiful, dangerous. What more needs to be said? The man speaks for himself.

Jasmine's Scent

By Ocean


Chapter One: Proposition

The haze of seduction sprawled lazily on the air. Color was washed and faded as the music blared and barked and raced its way around the room. A soft murmur of voices played beneath the harsh beat of clinking glasses and dancing bodies on stage.

To walk into the Arrowhead was to walk into a sanctuary that demanded no appearance or expectation. Come to be entertained. Come to relax.

Come for sex.

A club hidden cleverly under the guise of a 'gentlemen's retreat.' Nothing important went on here. Neon lights and signs. Coaxing of patrons to drown their sorrows away in a foaming glass of amber liquid. Senses tantalized and stimulated and teased.

No cover charge. No invitation required. Walk up to the door, and if the bouncer – a large and muscled man, though neatly trimmed and dressed in his finest – stepped aside, then you were welcome.

A slow night. The lights low. Mystery, illusion, a cloud of sexual energy. A raised stage. Large poles that glinted in the dark. Round tables with a single candle that burned thick and heavy along its wick. Empty chairs that longed to be filled.

A soft sigh through parted lips tinted a rosy red through the vapors. A lazy scan of the room by tired eyes that longed to see. The lithe body continued to sway to the music, slender limbs wrapping around the pole with the ease of a well practiced skill. The routine was old. The music lacking in intensity. Everything was just so... dull.

Hands shackled by silver wrist bands to give the illusion of handcuffs grasped the pole and pulled the svelte body along its length. Legs encased in a second skin reached and twisted and captured the pole, holding on tight enough to support the body that now hung upside down.

It was one of his most provocative moves. The flexibility it alluded to. The tensing of muscles that had more than one purpose. The stretching of skin tight and smooth and contouring to his curves and sensuous features. He hung, arching his back against the pole as his eyes slipped shut and for a moment... for a moment, he was content.

Footsteps. Quick and purposeful. Interrupting the quiet solemnity of his sphere. A scowl on delicate features as eyelids sighed open to glare. The view of an upside-down world elicited a sardonic humor that caused his pliant lips to smirk in amusement.

"Tough luck tonight, Jasper."

A grunt. "Suppose you could see it that way."

An American, tall and burly compared to the other inhabitants of the Arrowhead. A thick accent that aided in his allure as a connoisseur; his job to direct the proper client to the proper employee. A genius when it came to reading exactly what fantasies the patrons desired, even if they were themselves unaware.

"Didn't bring you anyone tonight. None of your regulars came by." The tone was business, always was. It wasn't his job to care. Just to make money and smiles and repeat customers.

A tired sigh. A frustrated sigh laced with a sexual tension that on any other night would have been released by now. Or in the process of being released. Anything was better than doing nothing.

A swing of arms curled his body upwards against itself. Hands clasped the pole and feet slid down its length to land softly on the stage.

"You need hardly remind me." A cat-like stretch accompanied the words, an attempt to expel his body's anxious quiver.

Sympathy tugged at the eyes of the connoisseur. "Look Jasper, why don't you take the rest of the night off? Relax a little. Do something to please yourself rather than someone else."

Jasper flinched inwardly at the suggestion. A night alone? No, no that wasn't what he wanted. Not alone.

Sex was his way of not being alone. Of being with someone, anyone, even if the moment was fleeting. In that time he was needed, in that time he knew what to do, who he was, and where he stood. In that time, he had a connection with another human being.

He didn't want to be alone again. He had been for far far too long before he found the Arrowhead. He didn't want to feel that icy bite nipping at his soul like so much rain and madness.

"Who's off tonight?" he asked absently.

"Check the sheet," the American said, already turning to head back to his post. His tone slid to condescending. "What? Hoping to garner a little free action?"

That was exactly what he was looking for.


The living quarters. Nothing lavish. Stowed away behind and beneath the club. Long corridors that snaked and slithered ever onward. Dull lights that were either a yellowish-white or a whitish-yellow.

State of the art technology in its blandest form. White walls marked by gray carpets hid automated retracting doors from curious eyes. No color save for the smallest trickle of a low melody to distract from the task at hand.

Soft footfalls muted by fabric and ease. A light, seductive swing of shapely hips. An unconscious pouty smirk pulled on full lips. Walking, flowing sensuality in one small compact body.

Lazy eyes found the duty roster, hastily stapled to the loan piece of particleboard. They quickly scanned the names, ignoring harsh sketches and inked lines until finding a familiar name.

"Well, if it ain't 'Curves' himself! Down here with the low-lives!"

Lucid eyes rolled in agitation with recognition of the voice. Jasper reluctantly turned his attention to his fellow entertainer.

A nickname born of jealousy. Quickly had he become one of the favorites of the elite patrons. Supple curves washed with graceful limbs and his dangerous intelligence made Jasper a most fetching little plaything.

"What? Can't ya even bring yourself to talk to someone as lowly and out of your league as myself?" A foot taped in barely contained agitation.

A smile as smooth and lethal as an ocean's curl.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking of the vacation I'm planning, courtesy of the Boss. Did you say something?"

The rival's nostrils flared as he stomped away, muttering a colorful array of derisive words. His image quickly faded into the obscurity of his past.

Slim hands melted into slick pockets, the quickening pulse exciting him. That delicious name marking an equally delicious man had had a red star by it.

Saber had the night off tonight.

Perhaps he would join him for the night? Besides, how often were they allowed to experience their sexual prowess with someone of equal skill? Of equal beauty?

Lips moistened by a candy tongue as he made his way to Saber's room.

Just the possibility of spending the night with its child was rousing. To be wrapped in so much mystery and touch, a human blanket that delighted the senses. His body tightened in expectation.

He was the Arrowhead's exotic beauty. Thick thick lashes mirrored an equally thick accent. An expanse of hair soft and tantalizing and inviting and untouchable. Sand-blasted skin that glistened and smiled and teased with every movement.

Jasper pushed nimble fingers through his softened tresses, knowing full well that his sexual charisma was at its peak when his hair was tousled.

A loud and irritating chime filtered through the door. Deep sighs paved the way for the low rumble of a molten voice.

"Come in."

The door jerked open begrudgingly to allow the specimen of sexuality on one side to enter the realm of another. Atmosphere pawed curiously with expectation at the limber and unfamiliar body. Suspicious. Intriguing. Fragrant.

A flashing glance his way, artful eyes crisp with recognition. Snake-like grace pulled Saber from his dresser to his bed, where upon he began the rummage for his shoes.

"Your shift has ended early tonight?"

The words were seismic vibrations that coated every surface with a heated embrace. The smile on Jasper's lips widened as he hungrily absorbed the promise of that sultry voice.

"Yeah. Guess no one needed me tonight."

Dark eyes of Mars took notice of the body within their realm. Creamy skin that tried to project a veil of child-like innocence failed to conceal the burning passion and maturity of the intimate body.

"Hmm," was the throaty reply. "A rare gift, indeed."

Words that Jasper did not want to hear. He grumbled beneath heated breath. "More like a curse."

Again the hidden meaning behind those words were not missed.

Jasper turned to better emphasize his profile as he leaned against the mahogany desk, arms folded delicately in curvaceous form and head fetchingly tilted.

"What are you up to tonight?"

"Nothing of immediate interest."

"I find it difficult to believe anything concerning you would not be of immediate interest."

An eyebrow rose in regal amusement.

He stretched his arms back along the desk's surface and arched slightly into the musky scent of the room. Absolutely decadent.

"What is it you are looking for?" Saber's sly voice purred in amused arousal. His eyes peaked playfully from beneath flaxen bangs, adding yet another level to his magical appeal.

It's no wonder he's the most popular one here. I'd be more than willing to tie him to my bed and keep him for all eternity.

"Nothing special, really," Jasper mused. "Merely a companion."

The lighted interest in Saber's eyes immediately dimmed.

"A companion for a specific purpose."

"Our beds are made for two."

Saber quickly finished tying his shoes. A night free from sex was all he wanted this evening. And here it was in the most alluring of packages, like so much syrup and thunder. Energetically sweet. Welcomed danger. Willing and eager.

Tension doubled with flat out refusal.

"Just think of what it could be like with our skill." A voice tinged with anxiety and pleading. His last chance to be with someone for the evening was slipping through his fingers like sand.


Quicksilver panic.

Flushed eyes widened in fear as his hope made his way to the door. A warm hand reached out to clasp around the exposed arm.

Both felt the lap of arousal with the touch.

Warning eyes turned to look at his captor, patience thin.

"Please! I just--!" A pause. Stillness. A whisper. Confession.

"I just don't want to be alone tonight."


Jasper hated stillness. Movement of any sort was preferable.

Hidden behind stoic eyes were rapid thoughts of question. The words had been desperate and humble. Bleeding emotions of a nervous and fractured heart.

A moment longer. Sliding of a door as a single body left the room. Sable tresses sighed against the door in defeat as hopes rained from darkened clouds.

The door suddenly opened again. Surprised laden features stared openly at the sensual creature in the hallway.

A suede jacket was tossed his way, Saber's invitation for him to follow.

"No sex."

Jasper nodded, swinging his arms into the warm and heavy coat, eagerly following the long, lengthy legs that lead his path. Slight disappointment ebbed in their passing.


'No sex' was all they had agreed to.


to be continued