A/N: Ooook kiddies! Here's the new update! I know it's been freakin forever I'm sorry, but here it is! I love all your reviews! Thanks! I've been watching my couple at school, lol they've been inspiration. Here's some more fluff...seriously IM SORRY! I'll try harder to update more! I really will!

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Last night as I lay dreaming, The strangest kind of feeling. Reaveal this secret meaning. And now I know.

I've never ever been to paradise, I've never ever seen no angel's eyes. I'll never ever let this magic die. No matter where you are, You are my lucky star.

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~*Chapter 4 – Paradise*~

Piper woke up to the rays of the sun snuggled up against Leo's chest. Her head shot up as she realized she had fallen asleep and her sisters and Grams would assume something. "Crap!" She mumbled as she rolled out of Leo's embrace unwillingly. Leo stirred as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry." She whispered, "I didn't mean to wake you." Leo smiled. "I don't mind waking up to see your beautiful face." She blushed. "Last night was wonderful Leo, better than I ever imagined waking up." Leo stroked her cheek, "I'm glad, I'll remember yesterday forever." Piper giggled as she looked at Leo's clock, it read 9:04. "Grams is going to kill me." She said as she turned back to face him. He shook his head, "Your grams likes me, just tell her the truth and if your lucky Prue covered for you." Piper leaned up and kissed him. "I better get going." "Okay." Leo whispered still in a sleepy state.


Piper peered through the back window looking into the kitchen. She saw no one there so she crept through the back door. She heard voices coming from the living room, she peered in to see Grams and Prue talking. She turned around and quickly rushed up the stairs as quiet as possible. Half an hour had passed as Piper was now dressed for the day sitting at her vanity brushing her long silky hair when she was disturbed by a knock at her door. "Come in." she called. Prue stepped in and closed the door behind her. "You're lucky you're home, Grams was just about to come check on you." Piper put her brush down and turned to Prue. "Thanks for covering for me." Prue shrugged her shoulders, "It's only fair, you've covered for me countless amounts of times." Piper nodded her head. Silence filled the room as Prue gazed at Piper intently. "Piper, did you have sex with him?" Prue said abruptly. "Excuse me?" Piper gawked at Prue's insolence. "First of all it's not really any of you're business and secondly no. Leo knows I'm not ready for that he wouldn't pressure me. We just fell asleep watching a movie I swear." Prue put her hands in defeat and sighed. "I know, okay I believe you, I'm sorry I asked you that I had no business, but I worry about you, you're only 16 you know." Piper rolled her eyes, "Yes Prue I know how old I am and I know that I'm responsible and not ready and when the time comes if I feel it's right I'll be informed and-" Prue cut her off. "Okay, okay. You get it I know I'll be leaving now." Piper smiled biting her lip waiting for Prue to leave. "Well..." Prue began. "...Can I at least here all the dirt about your night?" She asked. Piper laughed and motioned for Prue to come sit on the bed. Piper took Prue's hands in hers, "So okay, I got there and....."

......3 months later......

Leo sat at the top of a slide with Piper between his legs. The sun shone bright, the birds were chirping and it was a beautiful day. Piper nibbled on the last of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich leaning against Leo's strong chest. "Hey babe, you know what time it is?" Leo asked her kissing the tip of her ear. Piper put her sandwich in her lap and glanced at her watch, "Almost 12." She said. "We should leave soon then, can't be late for my calculus test." Leo suggested. Piper smiled, "We should do this more often, I like getting away from school, the people at lunch, it's like paradise, this is cute what's it called again?" She giggled tilting her head to look up at him. "A parknic." He stated. "Right..." She said shaking her head. "How did you come up with that again?" She asked. "Well..." Leo said wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulder. "We are having a picnic at a park. So it's a parknic. Clever don't you think." He said grinning. Piper laughed, "It's cute. Can we do this tomorrow?" Piper felt Leo nod his head. They went silent for a moment enjoying the breeze pass by. "School's almost out. Can you believe it?" Piper asked breaking the sweet silence. "Nope." Leo said. "Time is passing us by, only one year left of this place." Leo said beginning to stand up. "You want to leave?" Piper asked looking up at him. "It's past 12 we'll be late." He said reaching out his hand. "I didn't mean the park I meant, 'this place'." Piper said as she stood up. "Oh..." Leo shrugged his shoulders "I'm not sure yet." He said tossing their garbage from the top of the playground. He turned back to face her, "All I know is I'm not going anywhere without you." She smiled as he kissed her sweetly. "Cmon, babe. Let's get back to school." Leo said as they parted. He grabbed her hand and pushed her into his lap as the two whisked down the slide and walked back up to the rest of the school day.


A/N: Song Lyrics "Lucky Star" by Primadonna. Hope you enjoyed that! Once again sorry for the insanely long wait. Eeeeiiiiikkk –Mela

Harass me to update if you have to. AIM: mela stfu YIM: magical_mela333 MSN: Look at my profile thingy.