A/N: I know, I know, not a very original idea or name for the chap but just deal with it. And as always, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own Trent Lane. And if you believe that then you obviously don't know too much about Daria.

Chapter 1: The Discovery

Daria looked at the test results again, her face a mask of disbelief, rather than her usual deadpan expression.

"I can't believe it. I cannot fucking well believe it. It must be a mistake," but she knew it wasn't. It was true. She was pregnant.

"But how could this, I mean, we've only done it once! Why, oh why did it have to be to get pregnant?! I don't want a kid, hell I am still a kid! Why me and not some delusionarily happy married couple who desperately wants a child? I'm 16 for Christ's sake! I don't even like kids."

As she ranted it dawned on her that, although she was home alone now, after this weekend was through, Quinn would be back from her stay at Stacy's and her parents would be home from their "romantic weekend away". It'll seem real romantic when they find out their 16 year old daughter is pregnant.

"Oh God. How am I gonna tell mom and dad about this?" her eyes went wide and she paled considerably at the thought, "How/m I supposed to break it to Trent?"

She had begun to pace the small amount of floor space in the bathroom, trying to come up with a way to break the news.

"I could just, not tell them. I could leave town, get a job, a place to live, I have plenty saved up...oh who are you kidding Morgendorffer?! I could get an...abortion," she swallowed at the last word and then shook her head, "No. No way am I doing that. I can't destroy a life, even if it is, no especially the life of what will be mine and Trent's child. That is not an option." Daria threw away the pregnancy test and went to her bedroom. She sat on the bed and did something she hadn't done in a very long time.

Daria Morgendorffer cried.

At first it was just one tear slipping slowly down her face, then another and another until she let the flood of tears break away the dam put in place to only show her cool, calm exterior and holding her emotions inside.

Daria lay down on her bed, buried her head in her pillow and succumbed to the heart wrenching sobs the wracked her body. She lay like that for a long time before she finally calmed down. This only happened when she ran out of tears to cry, and there were a lot. She hadn't cried in so long that once she began she couldn't seem to stop. But eventually they did. And when they did she had to, try and figure out she was going to tell Trent. She felt he had the right to know first, since he was the father.

She couldn't work it out. They used protection. The only explanation she could think of was that there was a tear in the condom they used.

She sat on her bed, taking deep, calming breaths, trying to work up the nerve to call and see if Trent was home.

They had been going out for about 3 ½ months now and slept together a month ago. She only took the damn test because she was 2 weeks late and for the last few days hadn't been feeling too hot in the morning, getting nauseous and headachy, she had also been a little ore tired than was usual for her. But she had been certain she wasn't pregnant. She simply wanted to exclude the possibility. 'Oh well,' she thought, 'time to face the music and call Trent.'

"Well here goes," she whispered as the began to dial.

The phone rang out about 7 times before a voice groggy with sleep answered.

"Hello?" said Jane.

"Ah hey Jane, it's me, is Trent there? Please?"

"Daria what's wrong wit you? Get a bad glitter berry?" despite the joke she thought it very odd that Daria would call and ask to speak to Trent ad she sounded kinda upset. For Daria anyway.

"Haha Jane. No I'm fine, just peachy."


"Ok, I promise to tell you later. Sorry I woke you by the way, I know it's only...2pm, God Jane!"

"I was up late last night working on a painting. Sorry Daria, I doubt Trent's up, he probably would have answered if he was. He won't have gone out though, too early. Wanna come over?"

"Uh, sure, but could you do me a favour and wake Trent before I get there? I really need to talk to him."

"Sure, I 'spose."

"Thankyou, I promise to tell you what this is about soon. It's really important. I'll see you in about 20 minutes."

"K then. Cya later amiga." As Jane hung up she puzzled over what was wring with Daria. She was really acting strange. Even for her. "Well I guess I better go and try to wake up sleeping beauty," Jane said as she climbed out of bed.

Daria sighed as she hung up. In 20 minutes he would know. She was terrified. What if he hated her? What if he left her...what if he wanted to be with her and their baby? All the possibilities were frightening. She went to the bathroom and washed her face, when most of the evidence of her breakdown was gone, other than a slight puffy redness around er eyes, she set off for Jane's.

A/N: So what do you all think? If you want more review and let me know, but go easy with the flames please. I've got heaps more written just not typed up yet, so if you want me to post I will. Thanks for reading, RW.