Title: Flip Side

Author: CuriousDreamWeaver


Summary: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are one of a kind. Maybe. Alternate worlds are meant to stay separate but not everything turns out the way they're supposed to. How much trouble can two Draco Malfoys and two Harry Potters get into? Especially when someone decides to up the ante and make things a whole lot worse for them all. Slash, het. HP/DM, HP/DM, RW/HG and more.

Warnings: There will be slash, mostly from the HP/DM department, um, violence in later chapters, and maybe a few lime scenes (very mild though).

Pairings: HP/DM, RW/HG, JP/LE, LM/NM, SB/RL/SS

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters in it. J. K. Rowling does and she's more the richer for it.


Blah. Writing

"Blah." Talking.

--------------------- Denotes a change of scene

Big spaces between paragraphs show a change of perspective.


The above is an example of a flash back.


Flip Side

Chapter One: And So It Begins (revised)

Harry almost groaned out loud when Snape started to hand out the assignments they had handed in a few days ago.

"Bloody Hell." Ron muttered as he waited for his, his eyes following Snape moving across their row with trepidation.

"All of you could learn from Mr. Malfoy. He, as always, received the top mark in class. Ten points to Slytherin." Harry sent Draco a resentful look at the triumphant smirk on the silvery haired boy's face. He must have caught Draco's eye because the boy turned slightly to sneer at him, his soft lips twisting in a way that drew Harry's eyes unconsciously.

Who would have thought that something so pretty could twist in such a hateful way, Harry thought to himself as he contemplated Draco's lips.


He jumped and barely refrained from letting out an undignified squeak when Snape slapped his parchment down on his desk. "Professor." Harry replied, congratulating himself when his voice came out clear and unshaken.

"It seems you have better things to do than to pay attention in class. Which is probably why you received the mark you did. Five points from Gryffindor for not paying attention." Snape stalked off to the next desk and Harry tuned out his commentary as he grimaced at his mark. Another fifty-two. How in the world had he managed to do so badly? He looked at the red ink that covered most of his parchment and sighed. Well, that explained a lot. He sighed and rolled it up before stuffing it into his bag and slumping in his sat.

"Blimey Harry, I got another fail!" Ron moaned from next to him and Harry gave him a sympathetic glance.

"I almost did too. What did Mione get?"

Ron leant over and then sighed. "Another ninety-five."


"I did tell you two to put more effort into this assignment." Mione's matter-of-factly voice replied. Ron made a face and shoved his parchment out of his sight.

"What does it matter? He'd fail us given any kind of excuse." Harry muttered as he desperately waited for class to end. It was the class before lunch and he was starving.

"Yeah, he's right Mione. What's the point in trying?" Ron agreed with Harry and started to doodle on his parchment, drawing various pictures of Snape in dresses, snickering the entire time.

"Don't you two have any pride?" She asked with a huff.

"No." They both chorused and then chuckled.

Hermione rolled her eyes at them. "Well then it's no wonder you two are failing."

"Awƒ Mione." Ron whined as he lay his head down on his desk. His girlfriend just rolled her eyes at him and turned back to reading over the comments that Snape had given her.

"Well, the majority of you did abysmally as expected. However, there are a handful of you that received decent marks. Perhaps you should take a page out of their books so to speak and try to improve your marks." Harry waited, blocking out Snape's rant in favour of slowly counting down the time in his head for the bell. He didn't have that long to wait as the bell chimed a few moments later, stopping Snape in mid rant as the class quickly filed out of the room. Harry picked up his stuff and escaped quickly with Ron and Hermione but a slow, familiar drawl reached them as they walked along the hall.

"Failed again Scarhead?" Harry groaned inwardly and turned.

"What do you want Malfoy?" He asked politely.

Draco seemed taken aback by the civility of his reply and sneered to cover it. "You should take some tutoring from that mudblood friend of yours."

"Take that back!" Ron yelled as he defended his girlfriend, ignoring her concerned glance as she tried to drag her friends away.

"Make me." Malfoy sneered, happy to be back in familiar territory. He smirked as Ron's face started going red at the challenge and stepped forward towards him with his hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Watch yourself Malfoy, your Daddy won't be able to save you now."

Draco went white at the mention of his father, the Malfoy Patriarch having been arrested and sent to Azkaban for his connection to the Death Eaters. Harry thought he saw a flicker of something, grief perhaps, in those cool grey eyes before anger made them glitter. "What was that Weasel?" His voice had dropped several degrees and Harry could almost see the ice forming around him. Or was that his imagination?

"Ron, come on, let's go to lunch." Hermione said softly.

"Yes, listen to your mudblood girlfriend." Draco sneered as he straightened his posture and schooled his features into a distasteful expression. Ron snarled and launched himself at the smaller blonde before Harry could stop him.

Unbeknownst to them, something similar was happening in another place. Something that was going to change everything.


"Miss Malfoy, perfect as always." Harry looked over to see the silvery blonde girl, Dee, smile in satisfaction as she looked over her paper. He sighed and looked up when Severus stopped in front of his desk, his elegant face pinched with annoyance.

"Well Mr. Potter, it seems that Miss Malfoy's tutoring has greatly helped to improve your marks." Severus moved off with a sneer to Ron's desk and Harry heard him give Ron the same comment, though it was Hermione instead of Dee. He vaguely heard Severus compliment Hermione on a job well done in regards to her own paper, which made the shorthaired brunette smile at her professor.

"Dee, thank you so much." Harry said reverently as he leant over to kiss his girlfriend's cheek. His emerald green eyes sparkled at her from behind his shaggy bangs and he held a hand over his chest. "I don't think I could have done it without you!

She gave him a cool smirk tinged with affection as she wagged a finger at him. "All it took was a little... incentive, mon amour1." The soft rolling of her ïr's gave the tell tale sign of her French heritage as she spoke. While she had grown up speaking French at home, she tried not to speak the language in front of people who couldn't speak it, her mother having ingrained it into her that it was rude. Of course, true to the Malfoy name, she used it to her best advantage in other circumstances.

She gave Harry a sultry smile and winked making Harry grin goofily as he thought about what her incentive had been. "You're not as dumb as you think you are. Just do try a little harder in class and you'll do so much better on your own.

"But it's much better getting tutored by you." Harry replied with a leer as he leant closer to her.

"Mr. Potter! This is not time for idle chitchat! Pay attention!" Harry almost fell out of his chair when Severus slapped a hand down on his desk.

Dee gave her uncle an innocent smile. "Professor, Harry and I were just discussing what part of my tutoring he thought made him do better his time.

"I'm sure you were." Severus was fully aware of Dee and Harry's relationship and couldn't help but imagine, to his horror, just what Dee could be implying. He scowled darkly at Harry, making the tall teen shrink slightly at his forbidding look, before stalking to the front of the room. "As you can all tell, your papers were marked to the same standard that I would have marked your final papers. I am sure some of you are disappointed," his dark eyes flashed around the room, "but I am sure that many of you are quite happy with the marks you have received. I will be holding a revision lesson on Saturday after lunch if anyone is interested.

"Professor?" Hermione raised her hand and Severus nodded.

"Yes Miss Granger?

"How far will you be revising?

"Good question Miss Granger. I have decided that I will be revising the last two papers you handed in. It will cover the Mandrake Restorative Draft through to the Wit-Sharpening Potion, which I might add, we did in Fourth Year so you have no excuse as to getting anything in that potion wrong." Severus said as he looked around at his Sixth Year class with a scowl. "And it might be a good idea for some of you to take it!

"Yes sir." They all intoned, several of them looking quite worried and cringing at his abrasive words.

"That's all then. Go over your papers so that any mistakes you made can be corrected in your minds so that you know not to make those mistakes again." The bell chimed and the students began to file out.

"Dee, I need you to stay behind." Severus sat down at his large ebony desk and steepled his hands in front of him.

Dee nodded and packed up her things quickly. She saw the rest of the Court, consisting of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Blaise, Pansy, Vince and Greg, waiting at the door and shook her head. "I'll see you in the Great Hall." They paused, and she made shooing motions with her hands. They left but Harry sent her a reluctant look before he let Hermione lead him away.

"Loyal as ever." Severus drawled as he watched from his desk.

Dee smirked and walked over to him, sitting on the edge of his desk. "So what was urgent enough for you to delay me for lunch, mon oncle2?" She asked, crossing her left leg over her right. She drew her left index finger over his desk, trails of ice following after it.

"Dee, stop that." The seriousness in his voice made her look at him, her silvery eyes focusing on his deep brown. "This is important." He stressed the words and she sat up straighter, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Your father sent me an owl this morning with a letter for you. It came while you were in Herbology this morning and it is essential that you read it." He gave her a white envelope that was sealed with blood red wax, the crest of the Malfoy family stamped firmly into it. She gingerly took it from him, her eyes questioning as she noted the tense look to his normally cool features. She broke the wax carefully and unfolded the letter with long, elegant fingers.


She gave a fond smile at the usage of her real name, her father being the only one to use it. It was a boy's name that her mother detested as she considered it far too masculine for her delicate and elfin daughter. She was going to name her Hypatia but at the time of her birth, Lucius had gotten himself stinking drunk in an effort to prevent him from becoming a blubbering wreck at the sound of Narcissa's agonised screams. Her mother had passed out soon after her birth and the woman who had been overseeing the birth had been foolish enough to call him in. Lucius, being in the drunken state that had been in, had mistaken her for the boy he had been longing for and blurted out ïDraco' when asked for a name. It had been written down on her birth certificate the second that Narcissa had awoken, to her horror. She quickly added Narcissa Hypatia Lucretia Amelia. She thought that perhaps the abundance of female names would outweigh the dreadful male name that Lucius had given their daughter. They had come to a compromise, after Narcissa had thrown everything there was to be thrown at him and decided to call her Dee for short.

But that's neither here nor there and Dee read on.

As you well know, I am the Minister of Magic.

Dee rolled her eyes at her father's sense of melodrama. Yes, she knew full well how he was the Minister of Magic.

As such, I have many enemies. It has come to my attention that there has been incidences in which a group of anti-muggle born activists have begun to make their opinions publicly known. They are the same group that terrorised the Magical World during my schooling days and around the time of your birth and a few years after. You know what they are and what they represent.

Dee frowned and rubbed at the small scar on her forehead unconsciously, the silver lightning bolt scar hidden by her long bangs.

Due to this, your safety is my utmost concern. As such, I am no longer allowing you to leave the school grounds on trips to Hogsmeade, with or without accompaniment.

"What?" Dee cried, sliding off Severus' desk and looking at him incredulously, not even bothering to finish off her father's letter as she crumpled it in her hand. "Ce n'est pas juste!3 What does he mean by forbidding me to leave the school grounds?

"He is only concerned about your safety. He doesn't want a repeat of what happened when you were a child." Severus said gently, choosing his words carefully. Like her father, Dee reverted into French whenever something upset her. To say something wrong would send her into one of her rebellious moods, which would no doubt result in her putting herself in danger just to defy them. He was rewarded when her eyes softened slightly, the ice thawing from the silver depths. He felt the air stop tingling with power and breathed out. All he had to do was to make sure that his next words were enough to make her take heed of her father. "It'll only be for a little while. Besides, there aren't any trips for Hogsmeade scheduled for the next three weeks.

Dee bristled visibly, her large eyes narrowing into slits and Severus winced. That had obviously not been the right thing to say.

"That's beside the point Uncle. I will not be confined to the school grounds like an unruly child!"

"It's only a temporary situation Dee. Please, don't do anything rash. It's only because we love you so. Don't make things harder for your father. He's trying his best to track down the Death Eaters as soon as possible. It would destroy him if anything were to happen to you." He gave her an earnest look that touched at her softer side and she turned her face away, her full lips moving into a pout that he recognised well as it indicated that she would acquiesce to their demands, albeit reluctantly.

"Fine. I agree to do as Daddy says. I promise won't leave the school grounds and I'll be extra careful."

Severus nodded, knowing that she never broke a promise.

"Vous et mon pere sont horribles4." She muttered.

"Thank you Dee. You may go to lunch now."

Dee rolled her eyes and huffed, refusing to acknowledge him as she sulked, and swept out of the room, her long black robes swirling around her.

Severus sighed softly in both thanks and annoyance at himself. He hated having to resort to emotional blackmail with Dee because he loved her dearly. He had been one of the many, many people who had spoiled her rotten all her life and he could never stand her being upset at him, in fact, he was already thinking of ways to get back into her good graces. He sighed at her departure but didn't think too much of it, his niece being prone to being just as melodramatic as her father. He watched as she walked out of the room, pointedly looking away from him and shook his head. At least she had agreed not to do anything until her father decided it was safe for her. For his brother's sake, he hoped that Lucius would be able to solve the problem as quickly as possible. A sulking Dee was never a good thing.

Mon dieu!5 Who does he think he is? Confining me like a child. As if I don't know how to defend myself. What kind of moron would attack a school full of Mages? Honestly, they must be pretty stupid.

She paused as the sound of raised voice drifted to her and she turned the corner and stepped into the large courtyard to see Ron yelling at Mcnair, the dark haired boy sneering at the redhead. Harry was standing next to his friend with an angry expression, while Pansy was comforting Hermione who looked calm, but the hurt in her chocolate brown eyes was evident to those who knew what to look for. Blaise, Vince and Greg were sneering at the other four boys behind Mcnair and seemed to be doing a good job of intimidating them.

"Did I hurt your mudblood's feelings?"

Dee stopped short, her eyes widening at the insult and then narrowing into mere slits of silver as she stalked forward, the grass at her feet turning into spikes of ice as her temper surfaced. The air suddenly fogged around the group, their breaths coming in short puffs of mist. The five boys facing off against the Court paused and turned towards her, their faces filled with something akin to fear. They triedto move but when they couldn't, they paled further. Their feet had been encased in ice from the ankles down, her magic having moved quickly and without their notice. She let a slow smile curve her full lips, the predatory glint in her eyes making them look away uneasily.

"Je suis desolee6. I didn't hear what you said. Could you please repeat that Mcnair?" The soft purr in her cold aristocratic voice made the older boy shiver in both nervousness and desire. He couldn't help but want her despite his fear. Narcissca Malfoy was well known for her beauty and had passed her gorgeous facial features and figure on to her daughter while from Lucius, Dee had inherited the trademark Malfoy silver hair and eyes, her creamy white skin a characteristic she shared with both parents.

"Watch yourself Mcnair." Harry's voice hissed as he glared at the way Mcnair was blatantly sliding his gaze up and down his girlfriend.

"Make me." The other brunette sneered while he kept his eyes on Dee's approaching form.

"That wasn't very nice Mcnair." Dee murmured as she stopped next to her boyfriend after giving Hermione a soft look.

"I can't believe you hang around with these twits Malfoy. You're a pureblood, you should be with those who could make you great."

"Really... that's quite fascinating coming from you. You're a rather pathetic excuse for a pureblood. Even though they may not be as ïpure'", Dee drawled insultingly at the last word and Mcnair flushed slightly at the insult to his ancestors, "they are far superior to you in both power and intellect." She said smoothly and watched as an angry flush rose up along his cheeks.

"You're such a hypocritical bitch." He snapped.

"You-" Harry stepped forward, sparks of red lancing up and down his arms.

Dee coolly held up a hand, stopping him in his tracks. "If you're going to insult me Mcnair, do try to be a little more original. I don't have time for childish cretins such as yourself." She paused and narrowed her eyes again. "And I do believe you owe my friend an apology."

"I will not apologise to that filth." Mcnair spat.

Dee's face went blank, her hands curling into fists. "Cela n'etait pas tres gentil7." Her voice was a whisper and Mcnair instantly knew he had stepped over the line.

He panicked and pointed at her. "Terra labefacto8!"

Dee frowned and threw up a protective shield as his spell slammed into the ground causing the entire courtyard to shudder.

"Ignis erumpo9!" Harry yelled angrily as he watched the ground slam up against Dee's shield. A brilliant burst of fire exploded from his outstretched hand and screamed towards Mcnair. Ron's own fireball followed after Harry's and the redhead let out a whoop of satisfaction when it caught the edge of one of the other boy's robes.

Mcnair ducked behind a wide column of rock that he had hastily summoned and cursed Harry loudly.

"Terra conntremisco10!" Greg and Vince's voices grunted as they sent their own Earth spell towards Mcnair's group. Hermione and Pansy had stepped back towards the safety of the awnings and looked on cautiously. They were powerful Air and Verdant Mages, respectively, but they weren't as good as the others in combat and would probably only hinder them.

Blaise sneered and pointed at the ground. "Shadow Fall." Dark shapes bled out from the ground around the other boys and started surround them making them cry out in fear before one of them managed to cast a Fire spell that sent the shadows shrinking away, but not before they had sufficiently terrified the Hell out of them.

"Ignis rota11!" A huge wheel of fire barrelled across the courtyard and hit Harry's second fireball and Dee narrowed her eyes at the resulting explosion. Damn it, the teachers would have heard that by now and she didn't want to have to have another chat with her Uncle right now.

"Glacialis umbra12" She murmured and watched in satisfaction as ice formed in all the shadows around them, effectively trapping the five boys in a small alcove of glittering ice facing off against six very powerful mages. It was very convenient that they had stayed in a tight group; most of her spells were short ranged and had a small area of affect.

"You wouldn't be so cocky if you didn't have your little followers." Mcnair spat resentfully as he watched his way avenue of escape freeze over.

"Do you really think so?

"You think you're so great. The Girl Who Lived."

Dee smirked and shook her head. "No, I'm great not because I'm the Girl Who Lived. It's not because I'm the Heir to the Malfoy Family. It's not because I'm the Heir of Slytherin. It's not because I am the most powerful Water Mage of my generation that I'm better than you." She was moving forward as she spoke, until she was right in front of Mcnair, her flashing eyes looking up at him coldly. "I'm just better than you, we're all better than you, because we don't abuse our power over other people to ruthlessly and shamelessly exploit them. We're better than you because we give respect to where its due and we do not belittle others for the sake of sadistic glee." She stepped back as she heard the sound of footsteps slapping down the stone floors of the hallways around them. She turned away and walked towards Harry who was glaring at Mcnair over her shoulder.

"We could have been great together Dee."

Dee turned around with a frown at Mcnair. He had never called her by her first name before. "And why do you think that Mcnair?

"You have so much power, passion. You would have made an incredible Dark Mage. It's too bad that you won't have the chance." Mcnair shook his head and sighed deeply. Harry reached out and caught Dee's elbow just as Mcnair threw something at her. She caught it out of reflex. She belatedly registered the strange magical signature around the object before her slender fingers closed around it. Her back arched as the sudden onslaught of mind tearing pain spiked through her. She felt Harry's large hands move to grasp her upper arms and his cry of alarm just before she felt a tug at her navel and passed out.

"What" Blaise and Ron asked in horror, as they looked at the spot their two friends had been, a smoking black circle of energy the only thing left. Greg and Vince had immediately stepped forward in an attempt to help their friends but hadn't reached them in time. Hermione and Pansy had let out shrill screams when they had seen Dee arch her back impossibly as black lightning danced over her.

"What is going on here?" Severus thundered as he reached the courtyard, his robed billowing around him. He took in the charred circles from the Fire Mages, the upturned dirt from the Earth Mages and the glittering ice that was obviously the work of Dee. He felt his heart squeeze as he realised Dee was not amongst the group, or Harry for that matter. "Where's Dee? And Harry?" He barked.

Pansy pointed at Mcnair. "He threw something at her and she caught it! Then all this black lightning started shooting out from it and then she and Harry disappeared!"

"Mcnair said something about her not having the chance to be a Dark Mage! Oh Professor, what happened?" Hermione cried and she and Pansy both looked like they were on the verge of tears as they recounted what happened to their friends.

"What? Harry's gone too?" Sirius Black and Remus Lupin asked in disbelief as they looked around, desperately looking for any sign of their Godson. They walked quickly over to Severus and watched as Mcnair shrank back from them. Remus Lupin was a well-known werewolf and Sirius Black was infamous for his temper when it was roused.

"What black lightning?" Severus snapped as he stepped closer to Mcnair, his eyes blazing with rage, flanked by his two lovers.

"I-I" Mcnair flinched and looked behind him for support from his friends but they refused to meet his eyes, the terror at having Professor Snape practically dripping with Shadow Magic was more than enough to make them speechless.

"What. Happened." Snape was practically frothing at the mouth, his anger and fear was so acute. Sirius laid a hand on his shoulder, only to be rebuffed by a defensive charge that made him clutch his hand in pain. Remus looked worriedly at their Third. Whatever was going through Severus' mind was going to spell big trouble for those boys if they didn't start speaking now.

"I was only following orders!" Mcnair blurted before he slapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes widening in horror.

"What was that?" Severus whispered.

Mcnair shook his head, averting his eyes desperately.

"Severus, we should go talk to Albus. And Lucius and Narcissa as well as James and Lily have to be notified." Remus said softly in an attempt to calm down his lover. "We'll deal with Mcnair, just go to Albus.

"Fine." Severus snapped. His eyes bore into Mcnair's and the boy shivered at the unhidden disgust and anger in the man's eyes. "You had better hope for your sake that she is safe, wherever she is. Or I. Will. Have. Your. Head." Severus spat out, his voice laced with enough venom to make Mcnair whimper in fear. Severus straightened and turned. He paused and then looked at him over his shoulder. "If Lucius Malfoy doesn't take it first."

Mcnair fainted dead away.


Harry threw himself into the fray, desperately pulling at Ron in an effort to get him off the delicate blonde. Ron hadn't managed to hit Draco yet but it was only a matter of time before the furious redhead would overpower the slighter built boy. Crabbe and Goyle stared dumbly for a moment before joining in, both of them grabbing at Ron and hauling him off the Malfoy Heir. Ron swung out and managed to his Crabbe in the cheek before pulling himself out of Goyle's grip and back towards Draco.

"Stop it!" Hermione cried, pulling out her wand and casting a quick Petrificus Totalis on Crabbe and Goyle before turning back to Ron and Draco, who muttered a quick Finite Incantum on his two companions. Before she could cast any other spells, however, there was the sound of thunder cracking above their heads and everyone paused in surprise. A strange breeze began to swirl around them and they all exchanged uneasy glances, backing away from each other in alarm.

"What's happening?" Ron whispered as his eyes darted towards Draco as though he would know what was happening.

Draco looked at him incredulously and sneered at him. "You think I know? This is probably one of your stupid spells gone wrong!" Draco yelled. His silver hair whipped around his face and Harry couldn't help but notice how attractive it looked. When a book slapped into the back of his head, however, he quickly decided that it would be better if he paid more attention to his surroundings.

"Dee!" Harry's head snapped up at the sound of a voice that sounded vaguely familiar. A look at Ron and Hermione convinced him that he had heard it before. There was another crack of thunder and then a wide circle of darkness opened on the ceiling and pulled at them.

"What the bloody Hell?" Ron yelled as he held onto Hermione as though to shield her from the pull. Draco let out a yelp as he slighter frame was picked up by the winds that had turned into a tempest around them. Crabbe's hand just missed grabbing onto the blonde's long robe and Harry leapt forward, snagging Draco's wrist tightly and pulling him towards him. Harry tucked Draco's head underneath his chin and held onto him as tightly as he could.

"Don't worry Draco, I've got you." He muttered as he felt Draco clutch at his robes.

"Dee!" The voice sounded again and a moment later, two figures fell from the hole, the larger of the two twisting to hit the ground first, protecting the smaller one they were clutching in their arms.

The larger figure scrambled into a sitting position, cradling the smaller one to their chest. "Dee? Dee baby, please wake up. Dee?" From the voice and shape, it was obvious that the one awake was male but with their head bowed, it was almost impossible to tell what he looked like. However, the one sitting on his lap looked quite familiar. Her silvery hair coiled on the floor by them in a thick braid, her pale skin almost deathly white and her delicate brows her drawn together in a pained frown. Her hands were clenched tightly around an object and the boy gently pried it from her frozen fingers. As soon as it left her hand, it began to melt away, disappearing in a haze of steam. The boy stared at the spot it had been before slapping the girl's cheek lightly but getting no response.

"What the..." Ron trailed off as he stared down at them. The boy looked up in alarm as he suddenly realised that he had an audience and Harry drew back in surprise, a shocked gasp coming from under his chin from Draco.

He was looking into a face that was exactly like his, minus the glasses and the scar.

"He looks just like you Harry" Hermione breathed in amazement.

"Who are you?" Harry breathed, his arms tightening around Draco as he struggled to understand what he was seeing.

The boy looked at him in surprise, the same shocked expression mirrored on his face. He had paled several shades and looked quite sick. "I'm Harry Potter. Who the Hell are you?"


1 My love

2 My uncle

3 It's not right

4 You and father are horrible

5 My God

6 I'm sorry

7 (that's) not very nice

8 roughly: Gound shake(r)

9 roughly: Fire burst

10 roughly: ground shake(r)

11 lit: Fire wheel

12 lit: Ice shadow

Okay, I revised this chapter. See, I had originally planned to leave it without the French but I was so bent on having Dee French that I figured I might as well do it. So there, I did it. Please note that my French is really bad. I only studied the language, and quite badly if I may say so myself, for three years. I'm only working with what I can remember and I'm really very sorry if anyone who knows how to speak French (a very pretty language to be sure) is offended by how terrible my translation is. Of course, you've also noticed the lack of accents with certain words. I had to remove them because the HTML kept getting all screwed up which meant that they didn't dhow up as characters. Therefore I just left them without. I'm really very sorry about that!

Hope you liked it! LOL

Basically, this is a story that wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it. It's not too shabby, I don't think. Definitely not the best, but not too bad. LOL I'll prolly write a few more chapters without any kind of incentive but after thatƒ I'm not too sure. LOL

Anyways, review or criticise, I don't mind, just please, let it be about the story and not a small grammatical error.