New and improved, hope you people enjoy.

Disclaimer: Nothing of this story do I own—just my fictional café and fictional props.


One – Work at SBC

-If no one has ever told you yet let me be the first… ahem, Life's a Bitch. I know this from either 1: sheer experience or 2: the hard way. I would rather prefer choice one for my father is a total bastard. It isn't going to be my fault if he gets caught playing his 'games' with me one of these days. -

Kagome startled awake to the sweet music of Shikon102.1 playing from a small stereo beside her twin-sized bed. Kagome glared at the alarm clock only to have it play slow R&B music in return.

'Mind as well as get up and get an early start at SBC,' thought the sophomore. Slowly she got up from her warm soft bed and headed for the bathroom.

On weekends most kids would rampage through their closet and throw on stylish clothing just to go meet their friends at a nearby mall or watching Scooby-Doo while eating Cocoa Puffs. But for a twenty-one year old named Kagome Higurashi… … it was different.

Weekends are Kagome's working hours. Having a job helped Kagome with collage and make sure Souta was happy, her kid brother who lives in Yokohama with Sayuri, their birth mother. Kagome worked at SBC, short for SakuraBlossom Café and not the phone company. The ebony-haired woman would either be playing the part of a cute waitress or #1 chef in the kitchen during the day but during the night she would be known as the Kirei Lounge Singer. Tips and salary from both jobs kept Kagome in Tokyo U.

Putting on a pair of black baggy jeans and a plain white shirt, Kagome headed down the stairs to grab herself a to-go breakfast and head out of the door. Before leaving the residence Kagome pulled on her black Adidas jacket and duffel bag that was waiting for her next to the front door.

On the way to the café Kagome thought over of what she could sing, play, or both tonight for her usual audience. Recently SBC's manager decided to have a band work there for every night of the week. Kagome was fortunate enough to land singing or playing every weekend. With her best friend's brother's friend pulling a few strings that is. Kagome cared less who they, as in management, got to sing/play for them during the weekdays—just as long as she was getting paid the agreed salary.

A few minutes after finally making up her mind to sing Long Walk Kagome made it to the café. Almost every table was filled with impatient costumers

'I Hope Sango's ankle healed well enough for this rush hour of a day,' thought Kagome.

The raven-head made her way to the employee's locker room.

The fair-sized estate that made SBC was notorious. Its features included every other need to make a café, only better food. In fact one of their cooks had been offered a chance to join Iron Chef, but that person declined. Kagome wondered about the fact of why publicity and certainly better pay had not piqued Kouga's attention. Afterwards she just shrugged it off. As long as she stayed in contact with the stubborn man, everything was all good and well.

After switching from her baggies and into her work clothing Kagome threw on her waitress apron and headed to the kitchen. With time still left to burn, Kagome thought it best to get updated on any necessary information.

"Hey Kouga, anything happen while I was gone?" the yawning woman asked.

"If news about Shuichi and his guests coming tonight isn't 'anything' then I don't know what is," replied Kouga while flipping over a sizzling T-bone steak.

"Why is he coming? There isn't any special occasion coming up… is there?" Kagome said with plenty of hope in her voice. She sat down on a stool for thinking. Kagome didn't like the thought of her manager coming this certain night… nope not one bit. After all, the college worker is going to be host of tonight's music entertainment.

"It may not be the holidays but he's coming just too show our future head-honcho around the place. The other people are coming just to have an exclusive tour of the famous café," Kouga said with more fake enthusiasm than needed. "I'd rather call this place a restaurant than a café."

The brunette then started decorating a plate with different colored sauces. It was true though. SBC wasn't your normal lovey-dovey café, it was big, decorated, and had enough employees to qualify as it's own restaurant. Most tabloids compared SBC to Jennifer Lopez's Madre's. It was pretty awesome, really, to be working for a business compared to such a place.

In disbelief of newfound knowledge, Kagome asked, "Mr. Minamino has a daughter, since when?" She didn't think the man who looked younger than the age he really is would have a family. But then again she doesn't really keep intact with what goes on at SBC on a regular basis.

"Since the last twenty-two years and secondly he has a son who is going to inherit this shack a few years from now. That's why the Minamino family is coming tonight—order for table fifteen is ready," Kouga stated while putting the T-bone steak special next to a few other dishes on a pick-up shelf.

"A son… and twenty-two at that… interesting. Well, I better clock in if I don't want to miss the great tips that are destined to be in mine," Kagome greedily said. She straitened her clothing after standing up from the kitchen stool. A good first impression always leaves positive feedback from costumers.

'That is if Sango didn't already snag 'em all…'

Kagome left the kitchenette with a light 'see you later' wave to Kouga.

Sighing heavily Kagome leaned back in one of SBC's cushioned booths. Her feet ached, her eyes stung from deprived sleep, and soreness began developing in her legs. Today certainly was rush hour. Every minute was filled with new hungry people wanting service. Luckily Kagome's hard work had paid off nicely. Since Sango's sprained ankle had temporarily sent her home for the weekend all tips were left for the raven-head to have.

Kagome smirked at the event in which resulted Sango in her current health position. In joy of receiving a touchdown Sango celebrated. Just as the jumping adult started descending downwards her foot landed wrong on top Kagome's. In reaction Sango's right ankle had been put into a brace. The doctor ordered, for quick recovery, for the injured brunette to remain seated as much as possible for two weeks. Since then Kagome had repeatedly apologized even if it technically wasn't her fault. But hey! Sango is her best friend after all.

Recollecting herself within SBC's cushy booth for a few minutes more Kagome finally stood with much dismay. Aching feet were definitely not the way to go. Ignoring such an inconvenience, the working woman started making her way to the dressing rooms. Fortunately it was located right across from the dressing rooms. Downside: everything was on the other side from where Kagome stood.

'I so can't wait to take a nice, hot, bubbly bath tonight…'

Opening one of the back hallways many maroon doors, Kagome entered the only dressing room. Around were darkly painted walls, barely lit lamps, and three overstuffed loveseats. The twenty-year-old dropped onto the center couch and rested her crossed ankles on the centered cherry wood coffee table.

Kagome relaxed before reaching over for a thick notebook that rested on top the coffee table. Inside were scribbled various songs and notes. The blue-eyed maiden collected different songs for her own enjoyment. It happened to be luck or destiny (although Kagome didn't look much into it) that she landed a job which her songbook became a useful tool.

Sixty-minutes later three certain individuals busted into the room, startling Kagome from her reverie. The college student instantly realized it was only SBC's centered band. After calming her raging nerves down, Kagome informed Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi which melody to play later that night.

Since all three studied Kagome's treasured collection once before, they knew what notes to perform.

"So you guys are set for tonight?" asked Kagome. Her friends sat themselves where seats were unused.

"Of course we're ready," replied a very confident Eri.

"Just make sure you don't mess up on the night the boss is supposed to show," cut in Yuka.

"And his cute son," added Ayumi.

Kagome nervously scratched a sensitive spot on the back of her neck.

'Jeez… even they know who's coming! Where was I when the news got around so quick…? Better yet, why am I getting skittish?'

The vocalist grumbled to herself. It was unlike her to get butterflies so suddenly on a normal episode. Then again, Shuichi Minamino and his posse and family are making an appearance. 'Wait a minute! Cute son?'

"Cute son? How do you know he's cute not just some wannabe?" Kagome asked to the trio.

"We know because Kurama is only the youngest man who ever graduated with a masters degree at his age and is already planning on starting his own company," stated Yuka in a it's-so-obvious tone.

"Don't you ever watch the news or read People, Kagome?" Eri asked to her fellow employee and friend.

"Umm… … no?" said Kagome. The vocalist began scratching her neck nervously again.

"His face has got to be just about everywhere you turn or look. He's what's hot now-a-days," scolded Ayumi throwing her hands in the air while looking at Kagome in disbelief.

"Well sorry if I'm not in tune with what's happening every few minutes like you guys," explained Kagome to Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka. Their looks were starting to scare the raven-haired woman. Well… it is scary to have three of your friends gang-up on you to a corner about some nonsense.

"Oh that's okay Kagome, that's why we're here isn't it? To keep you in check and to make sure you have a suitable boyfriend by the end of this year," replied Ayumi who calmed down and gave Kagome her sweet smile… it only succeeded in scared Kagome a bit more.

"Speaking of which, how would you like-"

"NO!" yelled Kagome cutting off Yuka in mid-sentence.

Ever since the Lounge Singer met the three band mates they have been trying to get her hooked-up with some boy. It was almost like that useless reason had become their life's mission since day one. It was freaky…

"Awe, c'mon Kagome! He's really cute, masculine, has money and-"

The blue-eyed woman agitatedly twitch then exclaimed, "No means no! Have you three forgotten the definition of 'no'?"

"Yup," all three chimed at the same time.

Kagome just made a default face and got up saying that she was going to prepare for the show that was going to take place in about an hour. Waving another light 'see you later' wave, Kagome headed back to the locker rooms.

Handmade tux, freshly polished oxfords, and almost perfectly groomed hair. Kurama was disgusted. Maybe even be sick if he weren't such a gentleman at heart. The red-head stared back into his antique mirror a few seconds more before finally sighing and retreating to his computer chair.

A week ago his father, Shuichi, had informed him that a tour of the notorious Minamino café would take place. Just like a pre-welcome party for SBC's future boss. Yes, Kurama knew he was destined to take over the family business, and yes, Kurama knew the tour would happen—just not so soon. It wasn't like Shuichi's heir was going to inherit such a place anytime soon. In fact, Kurama barely graduated!

Well… going to Sakura Blossom Café wasn't so bad. After all, it gave him an excuse to cancel a date with Maya, his recent girlfriend. Of course she had been a little down at first but then Shuichi purposed Maya come along with the whole family. At that, Kurama had been venomous if not a little mad for such an unexpected tag-along. At least the green-eyed male wasn't going to be the only one in his girlfriend's presence.

To take mind off present problems, Kurama signed into his penname. What a surprise to find his best friend logged-on, also. The musing male snickered for kicks.

-Yahoo Messenger-

YoukoKurama: Hey Hn

YoukoKurama: Did you get the tickets for Club Yellow?

ForbiddenChild666: You should be able to get in without the passes, but yes, I got the tickets

YoukoKurama: Good, I owe you Hiei. So, did you get that date with Yusuke's sister yet?

ForbiddenChild666: Why would I be interested in that girl?

YoukoKurama: Since I saw the look in your eyes when we first met her…

ForbiddenChild666: Hn, whatever

YoukoKurama: Lol Guess not. How about Yusuke, did he get Keiko to go out with him yet?

ForbiddenChild666: They're supposed to go on a date the same night the rest of us are going to Club Yellow

YoukoKurama: So there's going to be a free ticket?

ForbiddenChild666: Yes

YoukoKurama: Hmm… maybe we can get Sango to come

ForbiddenChild666: Why would you want her to come, fox?

YoukoKurama: The question is why wouldn't you want her to come seeing that I think you like her

ForbiddenChild666: Hn, whatever

YoukoKurama: You must like her a lot to have the same comeback from the last Sango related question I asked.

ForbiddenChild666: …

YoukoKurama: Lol I better go, father's calling me.

ForbiddenChild666: Later fox

YoukoKurama: Bye Hiei

-Minamino Residence-

Once Kurama logged-out, he grabbed his dress jacket and headed downstairs where his awaiting stepfather resided.

Shuichi proudly looked at his stepson who stepped down the stairs with ease. After hopping the last two steps, Kurama greeted his father with a handsome grin. Both men stepped out of their large estate and walked to the limo waiting for them.