Summer Lovin'

By jessebelle

E-mail: [email protected]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you might recognize from the Harry Potter books for this entire story. I'm too lazy to write a disclaimer for every chapter, so this should cover everything.

Pairings: Draco/Hermione, a touch of Harry/Ginny in the first chapter.

Author's Note: Now that I'm finished with Who Woulda Thunk It? I have the time to type up this story that I started and hopefully you guys will enjoy it. It's another Hr/D story, so all of you who like MMB should like this one. Okay, review please and tell me if I should continue it before I put too much time into it. Thanks and Toodles, jessebelle.


Chapter One: Summer Talk and Plans

            The Hogwarts express pulled into platform 9 and ¾'s at the exact arrival time, six o'clock. The station was filled with parents, all awaiting their children anxiously.

On the train, students said goodbye to their friends, promising to owl each other over the summer. Some discussed plans that awaited them. Others planned to meet at Diagon Alley to get their school things.

            One such scene was taking place in the last compartment of the train. Four friends were happily chattering about what was to come now that they had completed their sixth year of schooling and the defeat of Voldemort that had occurred a whole six months previous.

            A certain Harry Potter was, for the first time, excited about the coming break from school now that he no longer had to stay with the Dursleys. He was chatting with his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, along with his girlfriend of one year, Ginny Weasley.

            "So, Remus has got full custody of me and he's bought a home with some of Sirius' inheritance. It's right next door to the Burrow."

            "Bloody Hell! You didn't think to tell us sooner?" Ron, along with his sister stared at Harry in shock"

            "Ron, watch your language! Harry, I think that's great. He'll be able to tell you more about Sirius and your parents, right?" Hermione smiled at her friend.

            "Sorry guys, I wanted it to be a surprise." He smiled at his girlfriend. "And yeah, he told me he'll answer all my questions, about everything. I'll be sure to tell you guys any real good stories. I'm sure we can possible recreate some of the Marauders' pranks." Harry had gotten over his grief over Sirius' death and was sure that his godfather was happy in the afterlife with his parents.

            "Well, I'm sure this summer will be great! We'll be legal too, and we can play quidditch together. Mum wants to have the whole family together so everyone's going to be home."

            At this Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I might have to come stay with you if things get to be too much. I don't think I can handle all those brothers"

            In response, Harry kissed her on the top of the head and pulled her close to his side. "You'll always be welcome."

            By now the teenagers had left their compartment and were on their way to get their trunks and meet their parents.

            Ron, disgusted at seeing his best friend and little sister make googley eyes at each other, turned the conversation beck to summer plans.

            "And what about you Hermione? What are your plans now that." He trailed off awkwardly unsure about how she would react to his question.

            Hermione however was fine with the question; at least she was now. Two months ago she would have still been a wreck. "You mean now that my parents are dead?" Ron nodded uncertainly. Harry and Ginny had stopped and were now staring openly at their friends. Even a few passerby's had stopped to hear her answer.

            Hermione's parents had been killed in a car accident right before Voldemort had been defeated. Hermione had been grieving for a while now and everyone had been touchy of bringing the subject up around her.

            Seeing the reaction her words had caused, she rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to burst into tears if you talk about it. I've mourned, I've cried. I'm over it, not completely because I don't think I'll ever be completely over it, but, you don't have to walk around on eggshells around me."

            The students in the hallway continued on their way now that they wouldn't be witnesses to a scene. The foursome also continued on their walk to get their things.  But Ron was confused. "Why would we walk on eggshells?"

            Hermione and Harry laughed at his confusion. "It's a muggle saying Ron, don't worry about it. Anyway, I'm going to be living with my Aunt Jessica. She's aware that I'm a witch and is fine with it. She's actually really interested in everything and has been owling me. This summer she's taking me to America for the family reunion."

            Before her friends got a chance to reply, a familiar voice came from behind her. "So, the know-it-all's going to America. At least now I'll be able to sleep better knowing you'll be out of the country."

            Hermione and her friends all turned around to see a smirking Draco Malfoy. But before they were able to respond, a high pitched yell came from the platform. "Draco, sweetie, finish talking to your little friends and hurry up! We need to get going!"

            Immediately Draco's normally pale face flushed pink. His jaw clenched and he responded through gritted teeth. "Coming mother!" he turned back to the foursome. "Later Gryffindorks." Then he exited the train.

            Hermione was, surprisingly the first to start laughing. Ron, Harry, and Ginny soon followed. They were still laughing as they exited the train with their arms full of their belongings.

            Mrs. Weasley, along with the twins and Charlie, were waiting with Remus for Harry, Ron, and Ginny. There were many hugs and greetings shared, with Hermione included. Hermione also received her share of pitying looks.

            After a particularly pitied look from Mrs. Weasley, the elder woman spoke. "Alright dears, we need to get going if we're to be home for Bill's arrival."

            "You mean he isn't here yet?" Ron's whiny voice grated on everyone's nerved.

            "No, but if you want to meet him we need to leave now. Hermione dear, I'm so sorry we can't stay and wait with you. Will you be alright? Is someone coming to get you?"

            Hermione nodded. "Yeah, my Aunt Jessie should be here soon. She's always late." The young witch was smiling, so the adults were definitely relieved. With the threat of Voldemort gone, they weren't as worried about her being left alone, and there would be other adults and parents that could keep an eye on her if needed.

            "Okay, if you're fine. You'll make sure to owl us if you need anything, right?"

            Hermione shared a smiled with the other people in their 'party.' They decided to help her out.  "Molly, Hermione's a smart girl; she knows she can ask us for anything. Why don't we go and meet Bill. Hermione will be fine."

            Hermione nodded with the werewolf's assessment and smiled at Remus. Mrs. Weasley looked conflicted, but after a few moments she nodded. "Alright, if you're sure. Make sure to keep contact this summer. I do worry about you." Then Hermione was swept up in one of Mrs. Weasley's trademark hugs. Hermione was released and then passed around, getting hugs from her friends and the rest of the Weasleys and Remus. The large group left soon after.

            Knowing her aunt would probably be a bit longer; she placed her trunk and her things off to the side and sat down on it, watching the rest of the people still on the platform. Besides watching Malfoy freak out after talking with his mom, nothing much happened. Looking at the clock, she sighed and pulled out a book, resigned to waiting. Hopefully her aunt wouldn't be too much longer.


            After his embarrassing encounter with Potter and his sidekicks, Draco made his was over to his waiting other. She wasn't alone; unfortunately, he could clearly see his new stepfather waiting with her. Masking his disgust for him, he put on a fake smile and hugged her. "Hello mother, Todd." It was clear in his voice that he was less then pleased to see his step father. However, if either of his 'parents' notice it, they didn't comment. His mother pulled him in another hug.

            "Draco honey, I'm so happy to see you, I've missed your presence in the manor."

            "Yeah Drake, it's been quiet without you.

            Draco just stared at his stepfather, and then he turned to his mother. "Well than I guess it's good that I'm home. And we'll be going on our annual vacation real soon, so there shouldn't be any more problems." The young Slytherin watched as his mother and Todd shared a look before moving closer to each other and turning to him. The looks on their faces had him worried.

            "About that sweetie, there won't be a vacation this year." Narcissa watched as Draco's jaw dropped. He didn't say anything so she continued and let the other shoe drop. "Draco, I'm pregnant."

            He stared at his mother in sock. His eyes bulged and his jaw fell, before laughing. "Ha, ha very funny, you almost got me. Now let's go home." He began walking to the exit of the platform. His stepfather's hand on his arm stopped him in his tracks.

            "Drake, your mother wasn't kidding. You'll be getting a little brother or sister."

            Years of practice of hiding his emotions was the only reason he didn't scream right them. Masking his features, he nodded. "Okay, I can deal with that. But why aren't we going on vacation?" His voice was whiny as he asked his question.

            His mother visibly relaxed seeing he wasn't about to blow his top about the baby. "Well Draco, as you know the manor isn't exactly the best place to raise a child, so Todd and I need to stay and fix it up before the baby comes. We know you'd be really bored, so we've already made arrangements to have you stay with your Aunt Amy and Uncle Michael."

            Draco had to remind himself to breath at this, but after thinking a moment, "I don't have an Aunt Amy, or an Uncle Michael."

            "Amy's my sister, and Mike's her husband. They live in America with their two kids."
            Now that changed everything. "WHAT! You're sending me off to America to live with some Yankee muggles I don't even know! And you're having a baby!"" He was aware of his loudness, and after seeing people stare at him, he quieted.

            Narcissa also saw the affect his yelling was having, so she took her son by the arm and led his towards the brick wall to leave the platform, Todd following with Draco's things. "Now honey, we'll talk more in the car, but I've already made my decision and you're going. Amy is a wonderful lady and I'm sure you'll have fun. And I thought I told you it doesn't matter if they're muggles, just be glad they know about the magical world through Todd. Now let's go."

            Draco just nodded knowing that no matter what his said, he'd be leaving, soon.