Category: MP/C, Centre/Drama

Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Up to IOTH Summary: Part eleven of the Labyrinth Series. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters and am just playing around with them.

"Shortest Day and Longest Night, Winter Coldness Penetrates All" - Madame Estrella

Beta Read by Maestra

Special thanks to Maestra, Riven Rebel Poet, and Bec-Bec!

by Madame Estrella Morning

Miss Parker directed the sweepers to search the other rooms of the small cabin. Broots had discovered the rustic home in the woods of nearby Rising Sun, Delaware while he was watching the evening news in the tech room.

The story was about a car fire and the disappearance of a woman and her young son, whose remains or any other trace of their presence had not been found. Police had told the news that the woman's name was Emily and were seeking members of her family.

Miss Parker had thought to admonish Broots for watching TV on the job, but this habit of his had led to other significant leads in their past pursuits. After all, they had discovered Kyle when Broots was watching cartoons and now they had discovered the whereabouts of the long dead pretender's sister.

Or, at least where she had been hiding out. The property's owner said he hadn't seen the woman since the car fire had happened and that had been nearly a week before. Aisling / Emily was long gone and so was Parker.

"Did she have anyone else with her, besides the boy?" Miss Parker asked Ralph Owens, the middle-aged man with more than a few pizzas' on his physique.

"Well, first there was that Bobby fellow, but I didn't see him after she moved in. She had a lady friend with her the last day she was here." Ralph replied.

"What did this lady friend look like?" Miss Parker asked narrowing her eyes.

"Kinda thin, had red hair, and a great smile." Ralph replied. Miss Parker nodded.

"Thank you, Ralph. Would you mind stepping out so that my people can finish processing the scene?" She asked politely, but with a look that said she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Sure thing, Agent Parker, anything for the FBI." He said and took a few steps back to the door before turning back. "Funny thing is, she seemed like such a nice girl." He said.

"They always do." Miss Parker said and then turned back to the hallway to examine the bedroom.


At the Davidson Psychiatric Hospital, Dannie Minor glanced up from his seat by the window as the door opened. He pulled his robe close over his pajamas and peered at the approaching figure from the corners of his hazel eyes.

The woman stopped before him and held out a large paper bag. She was a doctor, though from his vantage point he couldn't make out her ID. She was slender, with long, curly red hair. She smiled at the man who hesitantly took the bag and peered at its contents. He looked back at her and her green eyes flashed with conspiracy.

"I'm here to get you out of here." She said in a low New England drawl. "I'm having you discharged as we speak."

"Who are you?" He asked suspiciously. She smiled back.

"That's not important." She replied. She glanced back at the door then back at him. "Do you want to make Mr. Raines pay for what he did to you?" She asked.

Dannie narrowed his eyes as images flashed in his head of the evil man and thoughts of his other self.

"Yes." He said in a near growl. The woman smiled at him.

"Then you'll need to change." She replied.

Dannie stood and looked back at his visitor and then grabbed the bag and headed into the room's small bathroom before closing the door behind him.


On SL-23 Raines, Varian Sarff and Johansen Amaru watched through the observation window of the sim lab. This sim lab had been constructed following the destruction of the one on SL-27 and was one of the Centre's best kept secrets.

Within the room, Lyle stood over a young girl. She uneasily fitted the pieces of a physiological abstract together. Once she was finished she glanced up at Lyle, a look of infinite sadness on her face. She was no more than four years old and had shoulder length red hair and blue eyes which looked bright against her fair complexion.

"Where are my mom and my dad?" She asked in a faint voice. Lyle smirked, but drew his facade back to a placid one.

"They are no longer with us, Rowena. I am Lyle, and I will be taking care of you for a while." He replied.

Within the observation room Raines looked at Amaru and Sarff questioningly.

"Are you sure this is wise?" The old man wheezed. Sarff chuckled and clapped Raines on the shoulder.

"He has been reeducated successfully." Sarff boasted in his thick German accent, his eyes twinkled behind his round spectacles. "Not to worry, Raines, he is one of my boys."

Raines shrugged off Sarff's hand and glanced once more at Lyle and the girl and then back at the two men before he dragged his ever-squealing oxygen tank behind him as he left the room.

"He's spending too much time with this one; there are other subjects to attend to." Sarff stated. "An orientation should last no longer than a few minutes."

Amaru nodded. There were many more indeed that needed to be attended to.


Miss Parker and Broots looked over what they'd found at the cabin in Rising Sun. It didn't take them very long, they hadn't found much.

"The car could have been the one that Emily used to drive away from the airstrip." Broots said. Miss Parker frowned.

"So they walked out of there, right?" Miss Parker said and then grunted a laugh. "The vehicle model and paint color matches the one that was caught on surveillance at Pakor."

"The owner of the cabin said she had another woman with her." Broots said. "She probably had a car."

Miss Parker rose and looked over surveillance photos taken at the Centre, Triumvirate Station, and at Pakor. She thumbed to the pictures of the car outside the secret facility and shook her head.

"A woman. Well, that shoots our theory that it was Alex." Miss Parker said somberly. She sighed and set the photos back on her desk and looked at Broots wearily. "It couldn't have been her mother; Owens described her as being young."

"Someone else from the Centre perhaps?" Broots asked. Miss Parker nodded.

"Yes, I want all the files of young female redhead staff at the Centre and other Centre facilities." Miss Parker said as she headed toward the door and looked back at Broots. "And Broots, I wanted them yesterday."

Broots sighed heavily and then began typing commands on his computer.