Disclaimer: I do not own Berserk. This was written just for the hell of it and if anyone sue al they will get are some shiny dice.

A/N: The way this fic works is I will do one chapter for each episode. For flashbacks in the series I will most likely end up doing something original to keep with the plot.

Chapter One: The White Swordsman

October 8th 2003

Eric P.O.V.

It was raining again, much to my dismay. There was a damn hurricane off the coast and though it was not close enough to close down the schools it was close enough to dump obscene amounts of water on them. Now I had to trudge three miserable blocks through rain to catch the bus home. Damn hurricane. Muttering under my breath I opened up my umbrella and began the unpleasant task.

I had been trudging down the street trying to keep my stuff from getting soaked when I got the strangest feeling. It felt like a small cramp combined with pressure right behind my eyes. Growling under my breath at the new annoyance I rubbed my eyes to dispel the feeling. Then I made the mistake of opening them.


I was now standing in the middle of a sunny forest glade with absolutely no idea of how I got there. My jaw dropped as I stared in shock. Whirling around, I only saw more forest. Looking down in horror I saw that my tracks just appeared out of no where on the ground. I ran back to where they started and just kept on going. Whatever had happened, I was now stuck in some unknown forest. Slumping down on a log I cradled his head in his hands.

"What in the hell am I going to do now." I mumbled staring off into space. I tried to figure out what I should do but my brain was still addled. I couldn't think of a single thing.


The scream ripped me out of my empty thoughts like lightning. I was on my feet and running towards it before I even knew I was moving. The sheer amount of terror allowed me no alternative. Crashing through the forest brush I soon heard up another voice.

"Zu'tour phor elg'caress!" The male voice cruelly shouted.

The malice in the voice only spurred me on. Soon I broke into a clearing with three knights huddling around a woman. They obviously had less than chivalrous thoughts at the moment as the woman once again shrieked and tried to back up. My conscience would not let me stay idle so I grabbed the first weapon that came to hand and rushed the men. Smirking I finally got to do something I had always wanted to do; use my 60 pound back pack as the bludgeoning weapon of mass destruction that it was. The first blow met the sent the middle man careening to the ground. Whirling around to keep my momentum I took advantage of the remaining men's shock to clobber the one on the left in the temple. He dropped like a sack corn and stayed down. The third man finally reacted to my presence by unsheathing his sword. Unfortunately his target was no longer in striking distance as I had tripped over the hysterical woman.

Startled by the woman's new scream I tumbled over into the third man sending them both to the ground. Through skill, fate, or dumb luck my shoulder connected with the man's groin immediately disabling him. By then the first man had regained his feet and was already swinging his sword at me. Scooping up the third man's sword I was barely able to block the swipes. I was rapidly loosing ground when fate, ahem dumb luck, smiled on me again. Tripping on a root I fell backwards completely evading a swing meant to take of my head. I flailed trying to stop my fall when I felt the sword hit something solid. Looking up from my back I noted that my sword was now embedded in the man's skull.

Gasping in horror I dropped the sword as the man slumped to the ground. I couldn't rip my gaze from the man's now frozen face. I had just taken a life and felt no remorse. What in god's name was happening to me? A noise behind me caused me to snatch up my sword and whirl around. I had managed to catch the second man in the neck right before I would have been impaled. The second man dropped to the ground almost without a head. Swallowing my bile I turned to the third man bloody sword in hand. The third man had fled leaving quite a trail of broken branches and brush.

Sagging to my knees I felt all of my energy evaporate. All the adrenaline my body had been running on in the fight flushed out of my system. I could do no more than breathe and try to come to grips with what I had just done. I stared down at my bloody hands, the same hands that had now claimed two lives. Worse I felt no regret about my actions and that scared the hell out of me. Who knew that taking lives was this easy? It was supposed to be a heinous offence that only the remorseless would commit. Yet the motions had been simple enough. I was ripped from my train of thought by a soft body impacting me.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Mantela P.O.V.


I screamed as the soldier backhanded here. Scooting back I tried to get away from my assailants.

"Shut up bitch!" The center fighter yelled at me. I screamed again and scooted farther back. The Chudan regulars had chased after me when I was separated from my Lord's convoy. Scared out of my wits the I had bolted into the woods beyond the protection of the Band of the Hawk that was hired to give safe passage for my lord. Now my worst fear was about to come true. The middle soldier was about to pin me down when a green blur slammed into his side sending him away from me. The stranger swung the bag around again knocking another soldier out. Then the klutz tripped on my legs.

OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! I screamed at the sudden pressure. Bringing my legs back once the stranger got off them I rubbed my shins. Looking up I was astounded to see that the stranger was holding his own against the foot soldier despite his lack of skill. Stumbling on a root I knew my would-be rescuer had just signed his death warrant. Then his sword connected with the soldier's temple shocking me, and the stranger. My hopes were dashed though as he dropped his sword in horror. He had his back turned to me and didn't see the other soldier rushing him with sword drawn. Yet the stranger surprised me again by whipping around and nearly decapitating the man. Then he did the strangest thing yet. He dropped to his knees and looked like he was on the verge of weeping. Feeling relief well up in me for my savior I got up and tackled him in a hug.

"Thank you my savior." I mumbled into his strange shirt over and over. Trying to get closer to I gripped him tighter. Then I felt his arms encircle my shoulders comfortingly and I broke down into tears. I had never felt safer.


* * * * * * * * * * * *

Eric P.O.V.

"Bel'la dos ussta daxunyrr." What ever that meant, the woman kept mumbling it into my shirt as she held onto me tighter. I sat there stunned as the woman broke down and wept on my shirt. Blushing at completely forgetting the poor woman I wrapped my arms around her before looking down to get a better look. Shocked I noted that she was no older than 15.

"Huh?" It finally dawned on me that she was wearing medieval clothes, not to mention I had just beaten three knights. It also apparently dawned on the girl how old I was and what position we were in. We both blushed and sprang apart.

"Um sorry?" I apologized rubbing the back of my head.

"Vel'bol zhah dosst kaas?" The girl asked. I had no idea what she was saying but it didn't even resemble any language I had ever heard. Things had just gotten much more complicated. I wondered how I was going to communicate to her.

"Shlu'ta dos naut telanth?" Now the girl sounded disappointed. Quickly I pointed at myself and said my name while smiling nonthreateningly. Then I pointed at her wit a questioning look on my face.

"Mantela." She said smiling.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Mantela P.O.V.

'He must be a foreigner.' I thought as the boy in front of here smiled. He was not only dressed quite odd but also could not understand a thing I had said. I smiled at Eric to show that my gratitude. At least I knew he was not going to harm me. Now all I had to do was repay his kindness. Standing up I helped the boy up and dusted him off. Eric looked had a curious but confused look on his face. I was thankful for his intelligence; I did not want to think of what I was about to attempt if he had been some dullard. Standing up I walked back to the boy's green pack he had dropped. Lifting it I found it much heavier than it looked. Handing it back to the inquisitive boy I started walking back in the direction of the convoy. I smiled as he fell into step beside her. He had brought both swords with him. The boy was definitely smart to bring the weapons. He would probably need them. A grunt from the boy brought my attention back to him and what was in his outstretched hand.

'What?' The boy was offering me one of the swords. What in the gods name would possess him to do such a thing? Surely he could see that I was a peasant, more importantly a woman, and had no business wielding a sword. Dumfounded I just stared at the boy.

'He really must be a foreigner.' Though I did not feel comfortable about it I still accepted the sword. Smiling at him I started walking again.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Eric P.O.V.

I trekked besides Mantela deep in thought. The fates must hate me. I was in the middle of some unknown forest, completely cut off from everything even remotely familiar, following a girl knowing only her name. Oh and I had just killed two men and looted their bodies. Yep the fates definitely hated me.

Sighing I followed Mantela through the forest in silence. A small smile played across my lips as I finally noticed how peaceful things seemed now that I accepted my situation. The birds were singing, the leaves were swaying in the breeze, the sound of metal meeting metal.

'What the hell?' I sprinted ahead with my sword drawn. It sounded like there was a full scale war happening up ahead and there was no way I was going to let Mantela back into danger. Breaking through into the clearing I saw that some sort of convoy was under attack by the same soldiers that I had just saved Mantela from.

'This must be who she was with.' I realized grimly. Well I had saved her once before and I saw no reason to stop now. Motioning to Mantela to stay hidden I entered the fray. Knowing only what I had seen in movies I decided not to get into the thickest of fighting. That would have been suicidal. Rather I stayed to the periphery taking on only what appeared to be the weakest opponents. Hacking and slashing as if my life depended on it, which it did, I managed to take down my first opponent. As earlier I was ill prepared for mortal combat. Mainly the sheer amount of blood and gore almost made me hurl where I stood. Yet I steeled myself and continued to fight. I did not know how long I fought only that I was quickly tiring. Suddenly I slipped in some pooled blood and collapsed on the ground. My foe sneered over me ready to deliver the killing blow. However before his sword could fall a saber punched through the man's chest ending his life. As the man fell forwards I gaped at my rescuer.

'He's a knight in shining armor!' I gawked at the man before me. White horse, white armor, white hair, the man radiated purity. Even his skin was a pale, almost albino, color. The other worldly image was only enhanced by the cold blue eyes staring me down over the saber.

"Vel'uss ph' dos?" the knight's silky voice demanded of me. I could only stutter in awe.

"Ush'akal Griffith!" Mantela shouted running from the forest drawing the knights attention away from me.

"Vrine'winith! Uk zhah natha abbil!" The knight's eyes widened.

"Ph' dos l' noamuth wanre ligrr Mantela?" he asked.

"Siyo ush'akal Griffith." Mantela huffed finally at our side. They launched into a rapid conversation that I had no chance of following.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Griffith Cam

Griffith was not a happy camper. The day so far had only held annoyance and irritation. Gruel and cocky lords were never a good combination. Then the damn Chudan regiment following the convoy had finally made their assault causing the peasants to scatter in terror. Most had returned but there was still a few missing. He just knew he would end up having to hunt them down latter. Then again battle was an excellent stress reliever.

Shoving his saber through the final soldiers throat Griffith came upon the weirdest person he had ever seen. Tight fitting clothing that surpassed any lords in quality coupled with his strange pack fade for a very odd appearance.

"Who are you?" He demanded of the stuttering stranger.

"Sir Griffith!" His eyes snapped up to a peasant girl running towards them.

"Stop! He is a friend!" She shouted.

"Are you the lost servant girl Mantela?" He asked the girl.

"Yes Sir Griffith." She said. "Please do not hurt my friend. He saved me from the Chudan soldiers."

"Hmn what is name." Griffith demanded.

"His name is Eric, Sir Griffith. I can not tell you more because he can not speak our language. He is a foreigner from far away." Mantela explained.

"Really know. And how did he come by those swords." Griffith continued.

"He defeated three soldiers and took them Sir."

"I find that hard to believe Mantela. He does not look to be a warrior."

"True but he did manage to win." She persisted.

"Fine then. Let him join the convoy but he is your responsibility." Griffith commanded riding away.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Eric P.O.V.

"Ula t'yin. Ori'gato ukta valm l' akh drill uk zhah dosst kyon." The knight Griffith finished turning his horse away. I had no idea what they had said but when Mantela turned around too help me up I smiled. For some reason Griffith reminded me of someone and there was no way in hell I was going to leave now. Besides it wasn't like I had anywhere better to go.

A/N: Well that's it for episode one. Please review. Oh and the first one who can tell me what language I used for Chudan I will put them in the story.