Note: Sadly, I still have absolutely no control over Cyberchase, because if I did they would've made a full length animated movie by now; I imagine Christopher Lloyd and Gilbert Godfrey would totally be down fer that! Make some calls, Hollywood; stop giving Michael Bay money for his crappy reboots and use it for this instead!

Additional Note: For anyone still reading, you have my upmost respect and gratitude; I know that I haven't shown this story much love over the past few years, and it's been breaking my heart. But like most stories that we writers love to get lost in, I had spent so much time on it that I finally just got burnt out on Cyberchase. It only has a few more chapters to go before it's actually complete, but you know how it is; indulging on too much of a good that can be bad, especially for you, the readers. I apologize for the lack of updates, and I hope you'll continue to bear with me as I try to get back into this story.

Also, I'd like to think that my writing has improved over the years, so I might be going back to earlier chapters to fix a few grammatical issues here and there. But we'll see…

My One and Only: A Cyberspace Story

Chapter 14

A Father's Sacrifice…

Buzz and Delete had never been able to handle themselves very well in a stressful situation, cowardice or stupidity always getting the best of them. Though it was a major flaw their creator was well aware of, nothing had ever been done about it. Hacker could've easily changed something in their programming to make them impervious to any emotions that might cloud their judgment. Naturally, he'd never put it on his to do list.

But despite their handicap, they force themselves to stay strong…somehow finding the courage to stand in the open doorway, silently looking on at the one they called "Boss". He'd given them specific instructions back on the Wreaker; wait for him to call…guard the device with their lives. They'd managed to follow his orders to the letter, only leaving the safety of the large ship when given the command to so, bringing with them the strange manacle-like device. Normally, they would fight and squabble over who would be the one to bring Hacker such an essential piece of equipment. But it was in the way he spoke to them; the way he'd explained what needed to be done.

This was too important…even they could see that.

Buzz—being the more competent of the two—holds onto Hacker's makeshift invention tightly, Delete standing at his side. Both express the same look of grief, watching as The Hacker goes to kneel beside the bed in the center of the room, The Wicked Witch on the opposing side, holding onto the hand of the small green girl. It's quiet for the longest time before the cyborg gives a defeated sigh.

"You're sure there was no change?" he asks, his voice low and emotionless.

"No," Wicked responds quietly. "She didn't even flinch when I stuck her with this." She holds up the specially designed syringe he'd made for her. "And…I know you told me not to give too much of my own energy, but-" She pauses to gain control of her wavering voice. "She's only a little girl. I just…can't stand to see her like this…I can't." She's now on her knees, cupping the smaller hand with hers, holding it close. "Oh, Ivy…wake up," she sobs. "Please wake up."

Hacker stands, moving over to lay a comforting hand on her trembling shoulder. He shakes his head. "Wicked," his consoling tone comes out in a whisper. "It's alright…you've done all that you can. And for that, I am eternally grateful." He stops to observe his daughter, chest aching at seeing her simply laying there; pale and still. After a brief silence, he clears his throat. "But, there's only one thing that can save her now…you know this. I'll need tuh-"

"No!" She's suddenly on her feet, throwing herself into him. "You can't!" She sobs into his chest, shaking her head frantically. "Please no…you, you can't. I won't let you. Please-"

"This isn't about me anymore," he says, embracing her. "It's about her…it always has been, and it always will be…I need you to understand that."

"But you could die!"

He's not entirely surprised at hearing these words, but rather the fear lining her normally unwavering voice. His heart immediately went out to the frightened woman in his arms when she'd brought her head up to look into his eyes, face streaked with tears. He brings up a numb hand to stroke her cheek. She instantly latches onto it tightly, not breaking eye contact.

"Wicked, If I don't do this, then she'll die…I'll never be able to forgive myself if that happens."

"But I can't risk losing both of you," she breathes. "Not like this."

He uses a thumb to brush away her tears. "I know this is difficult…but, it's what needs to be done."

"There has to be another way," she pleads. "This can't be the only thing you can do. It just can't!" She looks to Ivy, then at the large window to their left. "Maybe if…if you and Marbles had more time, you could come up with something together. Anything!" Her eyes are on him again, studying his solemn expression. "Y-You just need more time, right? I could help with that; I could find a time spell or something, back in Happily Ever After! There's got to be one that can give you the time you need to find another way! There just has to be!"

"There is no other way," he says simply, his tone low. "We could have all the time in the world but the results will still be the same…I'm sorry-"

"Hacker, no…please-"

"It has to be me." He forces a small smile, pushing a strand of red hair behind her ear. "It…It'll be alright." He gazes down at her for a moment before finally clearing his throat. "But…she's running out of time. If it's going to make any real difference, I'll need to start as soon as possible."

She doesn't say anything, no longer fighting her tears as she forces a nod.

Hacker backs away from her. "I'll…need help with this. I hate to say it, but…I'm going to need Marbles to monitor the transfer, and Ivy's life signs." He swallows a lump in his throat. "As well as my own. And, I hate to ask this of you, especially now, but…would you mind finding him for me? I'd, like to have a word with those two before I begin." He'd gestured at his henchmen standing quietly in the doorway.

Wicked nods again, slowly turning to go. But she only takes one step before going back over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her to give him a passionate kiss. Hacker's eyes widen from shock, but only for a split second before returning the embrace. Buzz and Delete— having stayed out of the way throughout all this— stare on at the couple in disbelief, their mouths hanging open.

She lets up on him, taking in a calming breath. "I uh," she croaks. "I'd, better go find Marbles." She turns to leave again.

"Wicked wait," he blurts, only to stare in silence when she turns to look back at him. Eventually he finds his voice. "I...I, want you to know, that…I-" He's stopped by a hand brought up to his mouth.

She gives him a sad smile, whispering, "I know."

Their eyes lock for a moment before she exits the room, going past Buzz and Delete to disappear through the door, in search of the doctor. The two bots had watched her unblinkingly, their attention once again on their employer at hearing his hoarse voice.

"Boys…come in here."

Without so much as a second thought, they obey, going to stand before Hacker. They fight the urge to glance over at the bed, for fear of seeing what was now just a shell of the little girl called Ivy. She was the only person to ever show them kindness…as well as the closest thing the henchmen had ever gotten to truly caring about someone. Deep down, they'd always known that Ivy was special. But when they'd learned that the villainous Hacker himself had felt even stronger than they did…there wasn't a doubt in their minds that the innocent child had become a big part of their lives…and the thought of losing her now was just too horrible for words.

Hacker needed her; they all did.

The green cyborg kneels down to them, surprising them by placing a hand on either of their shoulders. "Buzz? Delete?" He looks to each of them earnestly, his tone sincere. "I know that…working for me has never been easy; I'm malicious, abusive, and incredibly cruel…and in no way am I expecting you to offer any forgiveness as it would be far from deserving…I also wouldn't blame you for abandoning me if a far greater opportunity were to present itself, especially if something were to happen to me. To be honest, I'm actually surprised you're both still here."

They're about to protest to this. Though after exchanging a doubtful glance, can only shrug in agreement at the accusation. Seeing this, Hacker gives a slight smirk before continuing.

"I need you both to do something that isn't for me." He nods over at the bed. "But for Ivy. I've already made arrangements for her to be looked after if…something goes wrong today." He pauses to gain control of himself as they still look to him expectantly. He clears his throat. "This may be asking too much of you…but I need you to promise me that you'll still look out for her. She technically is your sister…and she needs you to be there for her."

Their eyes widen even further. He'd never spoken to them in such a way before. At first it was refreshing to not have to listen to the usual shouting and accusations thrown in their direction. But now it was becoming unnerving.

"I'm more than confident that Wicked will take good care of her," he says quietly. "But she still needs someone she can call family…and with me gone, that title falls to the both of you." His grip on them tightens. "Please just...promise me you'll look after them; both Ivy, and Wicked."

Buzz and Delete look to each other again, coming to a silent agreement on this before giving him a nod.

"N-No problem, B-Boss," Delete manages, on the verge of tears.

"Consider it done, Boss," Buzz says, his tone also low. "We won't let nuthin' happen to 'er…or Miss Wicked."

Hacker forces another reassuring grin, rapping them each lightly on the shoulder. "I know you won't, Boys. They're in good hands…Now then." He holds out his hand. "Buzz, I'll be taking that now, if you don't mind."

Buzz gives a sniff as he brings up both hands, presenting the device. Hacker takes it, then looking to the door. "The both of you can wait in the main control room for the time being. But I'll need you to stay close for when she wakes up…She's going to need a familiar face or two at her side when she does." He studies their reactions. "Is that clear?"

"Crystal." They offer a glum salute before leaving the room, both stealing a sad glance at their creator before they exit through the door, sliding it shut behind them.

Once they're gone, he stands up right, taking in a deep breath before turning to face the only other person in the room. A terrible pain swells up in his chest at seeing her—his little girl—lying motionless. He reaches out to her tiny green hand, only to pause. His stare doesn't leave her small face, trying to find anything that reminded him of her, mainly that sweet trusting smile of hers. But it's not there; faded away with her healthy dark green complexion, replaced with something that made her appearance sickly. Instead, he sits down in the metallic chair next to her bedside, watching her in silence. When his eyes begin to sting, he averts his stare to the device in his hands, his mind beginning to wander...

Never in a million years had he thought that he'd find himself in this situation; someone's life hung in the balance...and he actually cared about it. Not only that, but whether or not that life was spared was solely his decision. The longer he eyes his invention, the more feelings of uncertainty begin to build up within him. No one had ever relied on him until Ivy had come along. But she wasn't just anyone; she was family. His family.

He glimpses up at her sleeping form, only to quickly look back down again.

What are you waiting for? You have all you need to do this. So just do it!

The voice in his head surprises him, though he doesn't react to its urgency.

Just get it over with! You're wasting time; Ivy's time!

Hacker stands, beginning to pace back and forth. He forces himself not to look over at the unconscious girl, but he can still hear the rhythmic beeping of the medical equipment she's attached to, making her existence impossible to ignore. He moves to the corner of the room, setting the device down on a table. Once his hands are free, he looks down at them in shock; they were trembling.

He tightens them into fists, taking in a few calming breaths before slowly letting up on them, but to no avail. A small, involuntary whimper escapes him as his hands still shake uncontrollably. He shuts his eyes, now allowing the voice in his head to offer words of encouragement.

You can do this. You have to; for her. Do it for her.

When he sees there's no change, he lets out a growl of frustration. He makes a fist again, letting loose an angry punch at the wall in front of him, doing the same with the other one. He holds his arm in place, breathing heavily.

Stop being such a coward! That girl needs you! Without your energy she'll die!

He stays in this position for a moment longer, until his strength gives in and he goes limp, leaning up against the wall for support, still taking in deep breaths of air.

If anyone deserves to live out a long, happy life it's Ivy. And if it means you're not around to see that...then so be it.

What happens next is even more surprising than having the jitters; the Hacker had begun to cry, hot tears streaming down his green face. He grits his teeth in anger, lightly banging his head on the metal wall. The fact that he wasn't going to live through the night finally dawns on him. Not only that, but if the procedure was successful, then Ivy would wake up to find him at her bedside. Offline...permanently.

Something like that could scar a little girl for the rest of her life. Hopefully Wicked and the others would be standing by before it would come to that.

Another tear trails down his cheek, following suit with the others. He was genuinely scared, not just for his daughter's life, but for his own. The thought of dying frightened him more than anything, almost as much as losing the most important person in his life. After all, his whole reason for creating her was because of this exact fear.

Hacker gives a wet sniff, rubbing at his face with his sleeve. His breathing had finally slowed, allowing him a moment to calm down; he needed his wits about him before doing this.

He glances down at the table next to him, just now catching sight of a thin stack of papers in the far corner. He eyed them for a moment before forcing himself to leave the comfort of the wall, numbly reaching out to them. When he turns them over, he's unable to hold back a small smile at the shoddily drawn version of his henchman and of the Wicked Witch. He feels another wave of sadness the longer he stares at the unfinished drawing of himself...holding onto the hand of a small green girl with black hair.

In that moment, something in his mind finally clicks. He looks to the abandoned device in front of him, brow furrowing with determination. He clenches his free hand into a fist before finally reaching out and taking it. He looks between the two items he holds: a child's drawing, and the one thing that could save that girl's life.

Without further hesitation, Hacker strides back over to Ivy's bedside. He sets down the stack of drawings on the mattress beside her before sitting back down. Without looking up at her, he clamps one of the device's manacles around his right wrist, then doing the same with her smaller left arm, latching hers shut more carefully than his own. He grasps onto the girl's hand tightly, finally forcing himself to look at her. His sorrowful gaze doesn't linger, now focusing his attention on a small control panel on his own wrist. He punches down on a number of buttons, letting his finger hover above the last one. He stares at it, finally taking in a sharp breath before pressing down. Once it's been activated, both manacles come to life; a slight whirring noise coming from his own, while indicator lights continuously flash on Ivy's. It isn't long before a faint green color fills the thin tube connecting the devices. It pulsates every few seconds—brightening and dimming, over and over again—setting it apart from the other various machines connected to the small child.

This was no ordinary light. This one had a far greater purpose; a life giving presence that was unmatched by anything else in all of Cyberspace. The greatest sacrifice a parent could give their child: a second chance.

Hacker watches her closely, averting his eyes away from the luminescent energy draining from his own system, flowing into hers. He raises his unbound hand, lightly brushing away at a strand of her curly hair, gently rubbing his thumb over her sweat-drenched forehead. He studies every inch of her face as she sleeps, not wanting to forget a single detail. With each inhale the small child takes, the wheezing sound that escapes her causes his heart to ache.

After a quick glance at the closed door, Hacker lets out a shaking breath. He attempts to clear his throat, finding it dry, and threatening to close up on him. He tries to speak, only managing a gentle whisper.

"I, uh," he began quietly, gaze fixed on the tiled floor. "I don't know if… you can hear me."

He closes his eyes, already beginning to feel the effects of the transfusion. "I wish I could… tell you that, everything you heard between… Miss Wicked and I; about who I really am… isn't true." He shakes his head. "But that would be another lie.

"The truth is…" He stops to gather his thoughts; a sudden feeling of exhaustion washing over him. "I really have done some… terrible things over the years; I've cheated. I've lied, and stolen from the innocent and unsuspecting people of this world." He shakes his head again. "I've even gone so far as to gain everyone's trust… only to betray them, for my own selfish reasons...and because of that, countless lives could have been lost… had it not been for Motherboard's interferences…

"The worst thing I've ever done," he continues after again having to take a moment to catch his breath. "Was try to hurt those that have always been the closest to me; the ones responsible for me even existing…or even those that I could dare call friend." His thoughts linger on Wicked for a moment before he continues. "I was a valued member here at Control Central...and I threw that all away. And for what?" He shrugs weakly at no one in particular. "To claim Cyberspace as my own; to call myself its king? I just… don't know anymore."

He falls silent at the slight buildup of anger; it was becoming even more difficult to compose himself, and his emotions weren't helping.

"I suppose I was… trying to prove to them that I could do things more efficiently. That I wasn't just a mere lab assistant. But now, it… doesn't seem to be all that important."

Hacker clenches his left hand into a fist, grasping onto the bedsheets tightly. "You have every right to hate me; to be afraid of me. I would never hold that against you.

"But… if it makes any difference… I would've ended it all, and given up on this… ridiculous notion of, world domination. I truly would have… " He brings his head up; tears in his eyes. "For you."

He brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, feeling relief at seeing the gradual change in her appearance; her skin now a much healthier shade of green. He feels his lip beginning to quiver, having to avert his eyes away from her when the same feeling of guilt washes over him again. He sobs quietly, unable to block out the monotonous drone of the machines surrounding him…


He jumps at the small voice. When he's met with a pair of emerald eyes looking over at him, it's all he can do to not cry out in both fear and joy.

"Ivy?!" He goes to embrace her, but restrains himself, not wanting to upset the energy transfer still taking place. "Oh thank god you're awake!" Instead he moves his hand down onto the side of her face. "Are you alright? How're you feeling?"

"M'okay," she says groggily, rubbing at her right eye. "Jus' tired."

"Good. That's good. It's working." He strokes at her hair again, still grinning widely. "You're going to be alright."

Ivy stares up at him for the longest before giving a small sniff. "M'sorry I ran away from home," she croaks, shaking her head slowly. "I didn't really mean to."

"Nononono," he coos. "It wasn't your fault. It was mine." He uses his thumb to brush away a teardrop forming under her eye. "I never should've kept all that from you, Ivy. I'm sorry that you had to find out like that. I-If anything, I should've just told you from the very-"

"Did you mean what you said just now?"

He blinks. "Erm...about what?"

She sniffs again. "Not being the bad guy anymore. Did you really mean it?"

Hacker can only stare at the little girl as she gazes up at him hopefully, her innocent eyes almost piercing into him. For a split second, he thought he felt a glimmer of doubt in what he'd confessed a moment ago. But there wasn't, only the sudden realization to what he was about to say next, without regret:

"Yes, my dear." He nods once, giving her a small smile. "Every word. I-oof!"

Ivy had lurched forward, surprising him with a tight hug.

"I knew it!" she squeaks. "I knew ev'ryone was wrong about you being bad, I just knew it!" She lifts her head up. "Now we can all go home, and be a real family! Just like the ones on the t.v.!" She hugs him tightly again. "It's gonna be great, Daddy. You'll see!"

Hacker returns the embrace, though looks down at her sadly. The fact that she no longer hated him should be a relief, but it's not. It actually made the task of explaining to her the seriousness of her condition all the more difficult. When he'd thought she couldn't stand to be around him, the news of him having to give his life for her survival might have been less painful to hear. But clearly that was no longer the case.

"What're these?"

Her question pulls him away from his thoughts. He looks down to see her prodding at the green fluorescent tube cautiously, tracing it down to the source clamped around her arm. He sighs quietly; it was now or never.

"Ivy?" Hacker lifts her chin up so their eye to eye. He thinks about how to word what he says next before coming out with, "Did...Doctor Marbles happen to tell you why you're here?" He gestures to the room around them. "And what these machines are for?"

She gives a small shrug, still poking at the metal device. "Not really. Digit just said they were here to help me, and to make sure I'm okay." She smiles, her eyes once again sparkling. "Is that what this is for?"

He forces a nod. "Yes. It's there you." He takes his daughter by the hand, now looking to her earnestly, deciding to get this over with before the transfer left him too weak to do so. "My dear, there's something you need to know...something, very important...before it's too late."

Ivy cocks her head curiously, not familiar with the face he makes. "Daddy?" She takes her hand back, placing it on his forearm. "Are you sick? You don't look too good." She lightly pats him on the arm. "Want me to get Doctor Marble? He could make you feel better?"

Hacker closes his eyes, trying to focus his remaining energy. "I'm, afraid there's...nothing that he or...anyone else can do about that."

"Not even Miss Wicked? Cuz you look so much happier whenever she's around."

He doesn't answer, simply gazing down at his greatest invention with more affection than he ever knew he had. He takes a moment to memorize the only true look of admiration someone has ever given him, before finally starting from the beginning, telling her everything; who he used to be: what led him to his life of wrongdoing: how Doctor Marbles had relieved him of his power source, and why, explaining his never ending quest to find a replacement. The more he told her, the more ashamed he actually felt about what he'd become, a small part of him starting to feel remorse at his behavior over the years. But no matter how consumed he is with regret, the child continues to blink up at him with an extraordinary amount of understanding, and without judgement.

Unfortunately, the hard part hadn't been revealing his true self to the girl, but rather the reason for the device bonding them together. The moment the conversation shifts to what exactly it's purpose is, her expression changes drastically; she'd gone from understanding and curious, to horrified and confused. With each passing second, her stunned gaze drops, instead focusing on the glowing tube, falling silent as he continues his explanation...

"This was the only way, Ivy," he'd said after giving her a moment to reflect. "No other energy would've stabilized your genetic signature." It takes a bit of effort, but he lifts his free hand to rest on her small shoulder. "And even if something else could've been done there just wasn't enough time." He studies her glum expression, eyes still fixated on the pulsing green light. He gives her shoulder a light squeeze. "Do you understand?"

Ivy doesn't respond, now scanning the bedspread covering her. When she finally does, it surprises him; her head snaps up, a pair of wide frightened eyes staring back at him. She quickly shakes her head before suddenly clawing at her own device frantically.

Hacker doesn't react to this right away, as she'd done it so suddenly. He nearly cries out in shock. "Wuh-Ivy, no!" He makes a grab for her hand. "You'll interrupt the-"

"Turn it off!" she pleads, pulling her arm away, now pummeling on it with her tiny fist. "Turn it off now!"

"Ivy, stop it!" He grabs her by the wrist. "If the transfer is disrupted then you won't get the energy you need-"

"I don't want it!" She struggles without result. "Take it back, take it all back!"

"I can't do that," he says sternly, still thrown off by the tantrum. "Not enough of my energy has been transferred. If I turn it off now the effects won't be permanent!"

"I don't need it," she almost whines; her eyes shut tight. "I feel fine. Please, just take it offa me!"

"Ivy." He tries not to shout, though she was making things somewhat difficult. "Try to understand that if I don't do this you won't-"

"But it's hurting you!"

Hacker looks to her in alarm, seeing a glare of anger. He's about to respond when she beats him to it.

"Turn it off, Daddy." Ivy tugs on his white shirt, tears threatening to fall as she still looks to him angrily. "You can't do something like this, it's bad for you."

"You won't be able to survive on your own," he says, stroking his thumb on her cheek. "You're a lot more important than I'll ever be."

"But wuh-what about M-Miss Wuh-Wicked," she sputters. "She's gonna be so mum-mad at you! She doesn't like to see you hurt!"

"She understands, Ivy." His hand drops, needing to prop himself up. "We had a long talk and...we both agreed that this was the best thing for you."

"But I don't wanna hurt you...Please...No..." Her words become inaudible as she sobs into his front. "Daddy..."

Hacker holds her tightly, letting her cry. He glances up at the one way mirror, hoping there was someone on the other side standing by. He quickly looks back down, catching sight of his diminishing appearance in his reflection, finding it to be too horrifying. He could feel what little was left of his energy draining from his circuits.

"Ivy? Listen to me," he croaks, still comforting her so she doesn't look up at him. "You should know that...I don't have a lot of accomplishments that I can be truly proud of; that are worth holding onto."

He hugs her tighter, afraid she'll fade away if he doesn't. "But you are my greatest creation...and I would gladly give my life to keep it that way."

Ivy's muffled sobs are her only response.

"I love you, more than I ever thought I could care about anything else; even more than ruling the world itself." He strokes the back of her hair, taking a moment to focus his remaining strength into staying upright, as well as concentrate on what he says. "You're not like me, Ivy. You're innocent, and caring; traits that I've never been able to obtain for myself. Traits that need to continue living on in this world. And I know this is hard for you… but I need you to be strong for me." He shuts his eyes tightly, unable to stop a few tears from falling. "Cyberspace needs someone like you in it… to make it a better place. To make it worthwhile."

He feels her grip on him tighten before hearing her small sad voice; "But it won't be a better place. You won't be here with me." She nuzzles up to his chest even more, still sobbing. "I need you in this world, too."

"I know… I know." Hacker isn't sure of what else to say. As much as he wanted to keep offering her words of comfort, there just weren't any. All he could do was be there for her… for as long as his remaining energy would allow. He continues to hold her close; her life literally depending on it. Despite knowing there isn't anything else he can say to soften the blow of the situation, he still adds "But you're going to do great things… and no matter what, I'll always be so proud of you."

He kisses the top of her head, feeling his grip on her beginning to loosen. He tries to fight it, but he no longer has the strength. "My little girl…"

Hacker's vision begins to fade, his body wanting more than anything to give in to the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion.

"My… My Ivy…"

"Daddy… ? Daddy?! Daddy no!"

Hacker almost doesn't hear the panic in her voice as she calls out to him… as well as the sound of numerous feet shuffling into the room, just before a blackness overtakes him; consumed by a tranquil darkness...

Okay; I know this was a bit short(also, sorry about the cliffhanger) but it's at least a start. I've had it for a while now, and I'm finally at a point where I'm able to dedicate some of my time to writing. I hope this will tide everyone over, at least until I can get started on the next few chapters. Don't give up on me, and stay tuned...