AN: Me sorry!!!!!!!! I'm sorry. you can blame me and my laziness for not putting a disclaimer of AN mine you i did type one but me and me laziness *sigh* well you never know . I was just so happy. FOUR day weekend. I finally got to sleep. I don't know abour you people reading this but waking up at 6 in the morning every weekday. 7 hours of sleep is not enough. And more happily spring break is coming soon, I hope my teachers don't give me any homework *sigh* if only. It's all my fault, so you can blame me as much as you want. Me also so happy that you people all reviewed. I also have this other story that i'm writhing, but i'm not so sure if I want to post it, it's weird. Plus I think so of you might want me to finish this fic first. School is EVIL!!!!

Disclaimer: Let me try a poem:

My name is mik and this is my fic

the plot is mine so try no to steal

but the people belong to WB and CLAMP

I no own so please don't sue

(I know it's bad, but I normally don't write this type of poetry, maybe I'll post one of my better ones some other time)

AN: I knoww some people probably want to hurt me cause last time i updated it wasn't a chapter, but i'm sorry you get your chapter now. I hope you people are happy now. Also forget that Hermione was in the Sakura's class, it was my mistake sorry! Now you read and i'll go to sleep, wake me up when your done, mind you i might snore

-_- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

% Tuesday 8:30 %

~Syoran's POV~

You would think that waking someone up was an easy thing to do, right? Wrong, at least when it came to Sakura. Since 8 I've been trying to wake her up, yesterday she fobid me to wake her up with water again, sigh, I swear she could sleep through anything. Then I saw the stuffed animal coming into the room.

"Morning Gaki, did you get her to wake up yet?" Kero asked.

"No, she still sleeping, how does her brother do this everyday? And good morning to you too stuffered animal." I greeted back, then I felt a small bite on my finger.

"Ouch, what was that for?" I asked while trying to get the bite marks off my finger.

"You know what that's for, so stand back and watch an expert wake up the sleeping beauty." he said, and I put up a sound barrier, just in case.

"SAKURA, WAKE UP, YOUR GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!" he screamed.

"HOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" unfortunatly her scream was louder than Kero's and it broke the barrier. At least it woke up the very few people that were still in bed.

*~Great Hall~*

~Hermione's POV~

We were all eating in the Great Hall when I suddenly heard a hoe sound.

"Hey, guys did you just hear something," I asked the boys.

"Nope." answered Ron, "Maybe your hearing thing Hermione" Maybe he's right we've all been stressed lately.

"So how did Divination go, I forgot to ask yeaterday?" I asked. Then suddenly all of the both were so close and talking so fast that I had to back away before I get hurt.

"Slow down you two, one at a time please." I told them. Harry decided to speak for the two.

"It was so cool, she's a much better teacher than Trelawney ever was, and also we got to make our own deck of cards, I say it was the bast class so far." he said with a lot of enthusium. Wow, if she's that good, maybe I should have taken divination.

"Can I see your cards?" I asked.

"Sure." he answered, looking through his bag for his cards and handing them to me. As I looked though them I noticed that they were a lot different than what I remembered seeing in the Divination textbook. After I was done I handed the cards back to Harry.

~Harry's POV~

"There different then the normal ones, how did you make them?" I heard Hermione ask. Smiling, remembering how they where made I told her.

"They were all just plain cards then she but then she put her hands over the cards/our hands and it glowed pink for a sec and ... the cards were finished." I answered still confused of how it happened.

"That's odd, oh well it's time for class, lets go." Said Hermione. After she was done me, Ron and Hermione walked to Care of Magical Creatures.

*~In front of Hargid's Hut~*

"Good Morning class, happy you got to class on time." Greeted Sakura smiling.

"Good Morning" answered the class.

"Since today is the first day of class, we're just gonna review." said Sakura. I had a feeling that Li wasn't going to saw much this lesson. Then Sakura suddenly went into the forest, but not before wispering to Li. Since we (HHR) were the nearest to two, we could hear what she said. "I'll be right back, try not to hurt anyone while I'm gone, ok." she said in a teasing voice.

"You all may talk among yourselves till Ms. Kinomoto gets back and when she gets back I expect it to be quiet." Said Li, in an emotionless voice.

"What do you think she's doing?" I asked Hermione and Ron. Both shrugged.

"Who knows, but she probably getting an animal." Said Ron.

"But the question is what animal." Hermione said thinking.

"I'm betting it's not spiders or centaur, we haven't really learned about them in class." I said feeling like I'm forgetting something. I guess we'll have to wait and find out what she would bring. So she came back followed by two creatures, both pure white, the size of horses,

_ _

*SNORE* O zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


"I'm sorry I took so long, not all creatures are easy to find." she said smiling. I think no matter how many time I see a unicorn every time it's still a wonder to see. "Who can tell me something about unicorns." Everyone raised their hand. The smile on Sakura's face grew, but Li was the one who picked the person.

"Yes, Ms. Granger." he said pointing at her outstratched arm.

"(Bla, bla, whatever just make up something I have no idea myself, and I'm too lazy to find out. I swear laziness will be my undoing.)" answered Hermione.

"Good 10 points to Gryffindor" said Sakura, "They can also be very stubborn when they want to." she added more to herself then us. For the rest of the class we got to play with the unicorns and for our homework we just had to list everything that we had learned in COMC.


*poke* *poke*

[go away, let me sleep. -_-zzzzzzz]


[fine, fine, I'm up, *yawn*]

*throws fruit*

[ouch, what was that for]


[Ok, I know you are all mad at me, but let me live. *Begs on knees* If you must blame someone, blame my school. Actually I can't tell if it's evil or nice. Last, Last week there was a four day weekend, but last week, I had a test like everyday. But this week is springbreak *smiles ^_^* but once we get back to school, there's SAT and crap, wait what were we talking about again, Oh well, good night -_- zzzzzzzzzzzz PS. more reviews = quicker update *wink ^_~ wink* ]