Haku peered out from his cardboard box-shelter. Watching the feet of the people running to get out from the icy rain, he frowned.
With rain there were no people. With no people there was no food. With no food, there was pain.
Haku decided he hated the rain.
Wrapping his arms about himself to ward off a chilling wind that blew in the hated wetness with it, he curled up in as tight a ball possible and drifted into sleep.
With sleep, there was no pain.
Haku liked sleep.
Naruto frowned as he watched the other children from his swing. Why would they never let him play with them? He never did anything to them, did he?
Shaking his head, he folded his arms across his chest.
If they didn't want to play with him, he didn't want to play with them.
Standing up from the swing, Naruto walked off, ignoring the other, sneering children and the stinging of tears wanting to fall.
Haku's vision blurred for a moment and he swayed, reaching out to balance himself on something. When was the last time he'd eaten? Two days ago? Four?
Shaking his head free of those thoughts and his dizziness, he continued his way to the pier. Maybe someone there would give him something.
Walking the docks, his wide eyes taking in the sights, a tall, sturdy man clapped a hand on his shoulder.
"What are you doing here, little girl?"
Pursing his lips at the man's unintentional gender confusion, Haku looked up at him.
"I'm a boy," he said softly.
The man frowned and shrugged it off. "Then what are you doing here, little boy?"
"I'm looking."
"Something…" Quietly, to himself, he added, "Or someone."
"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you won't find it here. Now get moving." Giving the boy a shove in the opposite direction, the man continued on his way.
Steadying himself after another wave of dizziness, Haku watched the man walk off. I won't find it here, he thought. I need…
He watched as a ship sailed out onto the water.
I need to leave…
Naruto sighed softly and sat on the edge of one of the piers. This was one of his favorite places – the people were always too busy here to do anything (or not do anything, as the case always seemed to be) to him. Kicking his legs, he leaned back on his arms, closed his eyes and let the cool sea breeze wash over him, calming his mind.
Haku peered out from the box he was hidden under. So far he hadn't been noticed. All about him, men shouted, preparing to unload at a place called "Konoha Docks," wherever that was. Noticing a pair of feet moving closer to him, Haku quickly resealed the box, determined not to be seen.
Naruto watched, fascinated, as the sailors unloaded their cargo. Picking up all those boxes and setting them down looked like a lot of work. Maybe he could do something like that someday.
As he watched the cargo, Naruto noticed a box near the back shift suddenly. Blinking, he saw the lid lift up and out crawled one of the prettiest children he had ever seen in his life.
Long, matted, black hair falling to the shoulders. Eyes, wide and black as night, looking around to make sure no one was watching. Long thick lashes around those same eyes. Pale skin bearing only a few abrasions.
Noticing no one looking (and not noticing Naruto), the other child took off from the docks, fast as possible.
Standing, Naruto, deciding to see who this pretty child was, followed.
Haku bolted deeper and deeper into this new village, avoiding all the stares and curious glances in his direction.
None of those men had seen him. For that he was thankful.
Now all that had to be done, was find out where he was.
Coming to a halt near a large tree with a single wooden swing hanging from the lowest branch, he dropped into a sitting position to catch his breath.
From somewhere behind him came the rustling of grass being trodden on. Turning about, he saw a young boy, around his own age of six, watching him curiously with soft blue eyes. An overly large pair of goggles held his mop of blonde hair back and he was dressed in a black shirt and blue pants.
"Hi," the other boy chirped, smiling softly. "My name's Naruto, who are you?"
"…" Haku bit his bottom lip. He remember people trying to get to know him and gain his trust before breaking and destroying it not even a few days later. Seeing the boy's smile fade slightly and his eyes dim, he frowned slightly.
This was a new place.
Maybe people would be different here…
Naruto took a step back – obviously this child was going to be like all the others. No matter where they were from, they would all hate him. He turned and was about to start walking away, when a soft voice spoke, "Haku."
He turned once more to face the child again.
"My name is Haku. It's nice to meet you, Naruto."
Naruto blinked before smiling broadly. "Hi, Haku!"
"I'm a boy!" Haku said suddenly.
With another blink, Naruto grinned and said, "So m'I! Wanna go play?"
With a tentative smile, Haku the boy nodded and was quickly swept up into a two-player game of tag.
Maybe his something or someone was here…
Yay! Done with first chpter!
Naruto: Now you need to get on with the next ones.
Angel: Bleh. Fine. I'll do it.
Nine: And that means she'll never get around to it.
Angel: Hey – shut-up. I do write things I say I will.
Kakashi: No you don't.
Angel: glomps him and pouts Everyone's against me today.
Nine: Comes with being an author.
Naruto: And with us.
Angel: Bleh… Whatever. I any of you readers have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask or… well, comment since I can't think of anything right now. Well, I don't own Naruto, so, till next time!