To Let Go?
By: Rainedrops

Chapter 2: Journey Through Memories

"It seems that before I punish Jaken, I'll have to punish you." Sesshoumaru said with a somewhat amused voice and looked at her with piercing eyes.
Rin shivered in fear, her eyes tightly shut. Is he going to kill me?

Rin's body stiffened as she waited for her punishment. To her surprise, none came. She chanced a peek and found that Sesshoumaru was just staring at her with his ever so expressionless face. His eyes never left her face, as if searching for something….
"Sesshoumaru-samaaa…" Jaken hollered from afar as he came towards the two. Sesshoumaru immediately turned around and took a few steps away from Rin.
"What is it Jaken?"
"Um… well… I was just wondering if we could move on now…" Jaken stuttered, feeling the irritation in his lord's voice.
"Jaken… It is I who decide when we shall move. Rin, change quickly. We are leaving."
Without another word, Rin turned around and obeyed.
The three walked on for hours without a break or any food. Rin was starting to lag behind. Her physical abilities weren't poor, but she was human after all. Her breath became ragged; her body became heavy. Aun was carry packages on its back so Rin couldn't hitch a ride.
"Aaah! I can't take this anymore!" Rin yelled as she stopped dead in her tracks and just sat down on the path. As usual, Jaken walked over to Rin and started complaining about the weakness of humans.
Sesshoumaru looked at the two bicker for a while and replied, "We will rest here today. Jaken, find a suitable place to set up a fire."
Jaken took off, leaving Rin and Sesshoumaru alone once more. Rin also got up and looked around.
"What are you looking for?" Sesshoumaru questioned.
"A river, or stream, or something where I can take a bath at least…" Rin replied in a weary tone.
"Head west."
West…? Which way is west? Rin thought to herself but didn't bother asking and just walked to where her instincts took her. She soon heard the sound of water as her reward. Once she reached the riverside she rolled up her sleeves and splashed water on her face.
"Uah~ This feels good!" Rin said to herself as she was getting ready to bathe. With her kimono off, she stepped into the river.
It's so cold… Why in the world do I put up with this? How did I even get here? It's great and all that I get to see my life-saver (literally). I would have been even happier if this happened a decade ago when Sesshoumaru-sama and Jaken-sama were my only 'family'. But now, I got used to the other world already. I have all my friends at school. This world is so far behind in terms of… everything! I mean, who in their right mind would believe in the existence of youkai? Yet I'm stuck here with 2 of them. And there are no cars. How can people stand walking around for hours? What's worse is that I have to hike with my bare feet!
"Aaargh!" Rin grumbled in frustration as she splashed the cold water around. Little did she know that from a distance, a figure sat on top of a tree was watching over her. Knowing that this location was not the best place to stop for a rest, Sesshoumaru had followed her to make sure she came to no harm.
It is true that she still has the same scent, but there are things about her that have changed… and not to my liking either. She is my possession; after all, I did save her life. And now that I've brought her back here she does not seem grateful in the least. On top of that she dares to talk back at me. I must make sure she remembers who she is dealing with and that she will forever have to obey me until I am tired of her…Perhaps a decade is too long for a human. Nevertheless she is mine to keep until I decide to throw her away…Nothing can rob me of my belongings, not even time…

The fire Jaken made was starting to die down. Rin had been sitting in front of it for hours, not knowing what to do. Normally she'd be in front of her computer talking to her friends online. But in a world more than 500 years behind, there was nothing of that sort for her. Rin looked around for somewhere to sleep but found none to her liking. She was surrounded by trees, bushes, dirt and leaves. It was as if she went hiking, except there was not tent to pitch, and no sleeping bag to snuggle into.
How was I able to live through this 10 years ago…? Wait… I didn't. Hm… what was that soft white stuff I used to sleep on everyday… Then she remembered as she took a glance to her right. Sesshoumaru was leaning on a tree with his eyes closed. The fluffy around his shoulder laid by his side. As if she did so everyday, Rin got up, walked over to Sesshoumaru and settled by his side. Laying her head on the fluffy, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

At least that hasn't changed… Sesshoumaru thought to himself.


A/N: Well here is another chapter. I think I'll need to change the title of this story when I finish writing it because I realized it has no relevance whatsoever with the story :P My bad ^^; Looks like the story will end next chapter, or at least that's how I see it at this stage. I seem somewhat unsatisfied with this chapter… but I think it's might just be my writing skills in general. Anyone got any suggestions on how I can improve? *sigh* English is my weakest subject in school after all :(
Thanks for all the RxR from last chapter~

Disclaimer: Sesshoumaru, Rin and Jaken do not belong to me (regrettably XD)~
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