A/N: So, this is the end. I don't know if i'm going to continue writing for a while. 1-flat out of ideas 2-just not enough time anymore, other than weekends. But if you have ideas, fire away! Enjoy the last chap...

So warm, I thought, so comfortable. So not alone in the room. Bruises, cuts, broken bones, a headache. I forced my eyelids open, meeting mom's comforting brown ones. It's amazing that I can remember the exact detail of her eyes. I haven't seen her for so long.
"Moira!" She gasped, squeezing my hand tightly, as she hugged me. If I had, had the heart, I could have told her that she was squeezing a bruise, her hand on a cut, and I couldn't breathe. Good thing I didn't have a heart at this point (figuratively speaking of course) I didn't want her to let go. "Goddess, I couldn't tell what was going on with you. I couldn't heal any of your cuts, or broken bones. Thank god your awake!" I hugged her back the best I could. She stood up, wiping tears away quickly, and looked me over. I couldn't look to great. I could feel the gash across my cheek, and one between my shoulder blades. Judging by the way I couldn't move my leg, or arm, they must have been casted. I couldn't even begin to count how many bruises graced my aching body.
"What the hell were you thinking! Going up against the whole Amyranth coven! Why the hell didn't you tell anyone from the Charter? They could have done it the easy way. You had us all so worried. At one point, you weren't going to wake up. Do you know what it feels like to be told your daughter and her group just ripped every bit of magick, from the most powerful dark coven in the world, by a stranger?"
I felt incredibly bad for mom. "You know we were the only people who could do it, mom." I said quietly.
"She's right, Morgan." Dad walked into my room, holding a can of diet coke. Mom's favorite. "How are you feeling, Moira doll?" His face weakened into sympathy.
"Like I got run over." I started to laugh, but it hurt. "What happened? How is everyone else? Please don't tell me they look worse than I feel?"
"They are all perfectly fine." Mom said. "Not a scratch on any of them."
I smiled. "So they're fine? All of them? Thank the goddess."
Dad came over and kissed my forehead. "Always thinking of everyone else. As for what happened, we couldn't tell you. We haven't really asked any of The Boom since it happened."
"Which was how long ago?" I asked uncertainly. Mom and dad looked at each other, probably doing the mental math.
"Six weeks." Mom said finally.
My jaw dropped painfully. "I've been out for six weeks!?"
"On and off. You'd wake up every now and then, look around, maybe say something, and go back to sleep. Had us all on edge."
"But Amyranth?"
"Stripped, and in a resting home."
"So we did it? We actually damn well did it." I exclaimed, more to myself.
"Moira! Watch your mouth." Mom scolded. I bit back a grin and apologized. "You gave your Aunt a heart attack you know. She woke up and you were all gone. What the hell kind of note is, went to visit Moira's grandfather, and take care of some business. She was hysterical when I called there."
"Language mom." I rolled my eyes. "At least we left a note. Got to give us some credit for that."
"No I don't. I'm still mad at you. When we get out of this place, your grounded. Till your eighteen. And I mean it."
"Fine by me. As long as you two are home, I'm fine with it." Mom's eyes teared up. Dad took her shoulders, and started directing her to the door.
"I'm going to take her for a walk." He smiled. "Don't fall asleep again. I expect a full explanation when we come back."
"How can I give you that, when I don't remember what happened?" I yelled after him. "Well bugger this." I started to try and move. "Ok, bugger that then." I fell back lightly into my stack of pillows.
"Shouldn't get up." Noah said, entering my room with a handle full of flowers. "Your ankle is broken."
"After six weeks, you'd think it would be healed." I joked. Noah didn't look to happy. "What's wrong? You feel weird."
"You scared me. I didn't think you'd wake up." He said seriously, discarding the old flowers, and replacing them with the new ones.
"But I am awake." I told him. He sat on the edge of my bed, and grabbed my hand. "What happened? And not that I'm not grateful, but why am I the only one that looks like crap?"
"You don't look like crap. You look like you saved the wiccan world." I smiled brightly. "We did follow the plan. The dark wave was dismantled, taking Amyranth's magick with it. When the cloud disappeared, we found you on the ground, looking like this."
"The blood bond, three fold law." I said quietly. In a wave, everything came back to me.
"The what?"
"He, whether I liked to admit it or not, was a blood relative. And that to the three fold law, and you get this." I looked at my battered body, which was only covered by my dad's old t-shirt, that hung to my knees.
"I think I get it." He said slowly.
"So, mom said I was out for six weeks. What have you been up to?"
"Catching up with my mom, and sisters. Teliah had a baby girl just a week ago; I'm an uncle."
"Congratulations. I bet your dad is happy. Didn't you tell me..." His eyes darted away from mine. "Noah? What's the matter."
"Dad didn't make it through the last big wave." Ignoring every cry in my body, I lifted my arms and hugged Noah as hard as I could.
"I am so sorry. Me and my big mouth." I pulled back.
"Don't worry about it. I've come to terms."
"What are you doing here then? You should be at home with your family. With your new little niece. Not with me."
"He died, M, I can't change that."
"I know that Noah, but you should still be with your family. You've been with me non-stop for two years, and only seen them once in it."
"It's not enough." I heard Noah said, so very quietly.
"What's not enough?" I rubbed his hand. He looked me straight in the eye.
"Before the wave mess, my dad told me something. He'd almost lost my mom, because he was afraid to say anything to her. He was her best friend, and he was afraid to cross the line. The irony of it all was, mom was waiting on pins and needles for him to cross it. She had damn near given up, and moved on. It wasn't until mom was at her very worst when he did it."
I bit my lip, thinking of the best way to reply. "I don't want to be rude, Noah, but what does that have to do with not being enough? Or me?"
"I'm a clone of my dad, M. I've waited till my best friend was at her worst, to tell her that I love her."
"Why are you telling me all..." I clued in. I was his best friend, and apparently at my worst. He was afraid to cross the line. Did I want him to cross that line? Have I given up on him, and moved on? "Noah..." Why was he doing this to me? Was it truly possible that my best friend, loved me? "You've seen me look worse," I tried to smile, but a tear slid down my cheek. Why was I crying?
"I've never seen you look bad, M." His fingers were rubbing the back of my hand, almost numbing all of me. "Two years wasn't long enough to be around you."
"Are you sure about this, Noah? Are you sure I'm just not another sister?" My eyes never left his, as he trailed his finger down my gashed cheek. His face kept getting closer and closer, until our foreheads were touching. He kissed me; something I never thought he would get the courage to do. This was Noah, and I knew it. This was my best friend, I was kissing, and I knew it. He was my muirn beatha dan, and I knew it.
"I've never done that to any of my sisters." He said, pulling away from me. I opened my eyes, and smiled. "Happy birthday M."
"Happy birthday Noah."

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