Disclaimer: in the first chapter.

Chapter 17: So Cold

"Piper honey I need you to stay with me. I know your in a lot of pain but I need you to stay with me the babies are fine but I need you stay with me so that the babies will stay fine."

There was a pounding pain in her head. She couldn't remember where she was or what happened. She could slowly feel her self lose consciousness.


Earlier That Day

Piper looked around her room, and absentmindedly rubbed her swelling stomach. Her restaurant/club was doing well and had been open for 6 months. It was making more money than she thought it would and it helped pay off her loan and workers in less than 4 months with extra emergency cash. But it did help that she was located close the college and the beach.

Getting out of bed she walked towards the living room to cut on the news. She could smell toast being toasted but the smell was making her sick.

"In today's news, a 14 year old boy stabbed by 17 year old girl. Police think that it was gang related. Police are asking witnesses to come forward. In other news the hurricane season is going to be worst this year than last year..."

Sighing at what the world was being reduced to she went back into her room to get ready for the day.

"What do you mean you shipped out our shipment of alcohol to Nevada. I distinctly remember putting out a rush order. I have Nine Inch Nails coming out tomorrow and I'm low on almost everything except the mixes. Mm hmm. Well look get your shit together or I'll find another shipping agency one that more reliable than yours."

"Piper honey I don't that kind of stress is good for the baby." Penny said to her granddaughter as the drove to the doctor's office for her check up.

"Yea well I'm surrounded by asses at work it can't be helped. Besides the kids a Halliwell, stress is going to be their life."

"Speaking of it why haven't you found out your having a girl yet?"

Piper sighed in irritation and appreciation. "Because that numb nut Leo didn't want to know. Which is why I am happy that he isn't here, because now I get to know and hint to him. Besides it might be a boy those do run in his family. And Besides the doctor thinks I'm carrying twins. I look like I'm nine months pregnant at 7 months."

Sighing Penny wondered if she was the exact same way when she was pregnant. Looking at her glowing granddaughter she wished she was gifted with the power of foresight. Maybe it was dream or maybe it was deja vu. All she knew was that by the end of the night some thing bad was to happen.

4 Hours Later

"Piper honey I'm home." Leo called into the house that was a wedding present. He could smell her cooking that permeated the air in side the desert theme decorated house. Looking around his home for the last four years a sense of deja vu washed over him. Looking at the desert flowers he looked at the date and his heart jumped into his throat.

'10 years today, they've been buried and gone for 10 long years.'

Shaking himself out of his stupor watched as his wife waddled over to him. Biting his lip to keep from laughing at her walk. He met her half way.

"Hey honey how was the doctors appointment?" he asked all the while rubbing her distended stomach.

"Fine. I found out the sex of the baby."

"I thought we didn't want to know?"

You didn't want to know. I did". Walking back into the kitchen, they went back on with their nightly rituals.

A Couple of Hours Later

" I can't believe where leaving the house at one in the morning because you want phish food ice cream. You hate phish food ice cream."

"Hey don't complain. It's your twins that give me all theses cravings."


"Yes twins now go the light is green."

Pulling out into the intersction, they never saw the out of control truck that smashed into leo's side and rammed the car into the street light pole. Blacking out from the impact Piper could feel herself floating over her body.

' I hope we come out of this alive.'

A/N: I know some of you all have given up on me and this story but I have been writing. It's just hard now to juggle school, and assignments and looking for a job but now that it's break i'm beginning to have time. As soon as christmas is over i will be able to devote a large amount of time to writing..