Loving Lily

Chapter 4 - Busted. Caught.


            The impatient tap of a heel was definitely present. Lily opened my eyes sleepily and found herself staring straight into the eyes of a very peturbed Professor McGonagall. Her eyes snapped wide open and she stood up immediately.

            "Professor," She started to explain worriedly. "W-we were ju-just... finishing our project... I g-guess we must've fell asleep..." 'I am going to kill that bloody dunderhead for not waking me up, I swear it,' Lily thought angrily to herself.

            The bloody dunderhead Lily was talking about was still sleeping quietly on the mahogany desk. Quick breaths of air came in and out as he inhaled and exhaled.

            "Potter," Professor McGonagall spat, trying to wake him up.


            "Potter," She seethed at him.

            Again - nothing.

            "Potter!" She yelled angrily. Her voice echoed through the library. Madam Pince was glaring daggers.

            Still noth- oh wait, he was moving a bit.




            "That does it," McGonagall said, "I am taking off 5 points for each and every minute Mister Potter, here, makes me wait."

            "Professor!" Lily cried out, shocked.

            "I am sorry, Miss Evans," McGonagall said, closing her eyes, hoping this was surreal. "Even though I do not want to take points off, I must."

            "James, wake up!" Lily yelled into his ear.

            This seem to do it because James started stirring. He stretched out his arms far and wide and yawned. "Hi Lily," He mumbled sleepily. He caught sight of McGonagall and said, "Hi Professor." And rested his head down again and started to snore softly.

            "James," McGonagall said sharply. "Wake up. I am in no mood for your games."

            "What games?" James murmured softly. Suddenly, he was very aware that two pairs of eyes were glaring at him, and one of those eyes belonged to the head of his house - Gryffindor.

            "Oh!" James' head shot up. "Hello, Professor McGonagall, I couldn't help but notice you look absolutely ravishing today, doesn't she, Lily? Sorry about falling asleep in the library, I guess we were just working so hard on our Animagi essay, time just flies! But you kno-"

            "James," McGonagall interrupted. "Your flattery won't work on me, I've told you a million times. But, I am glad to see your work ethics are improving," and at this point, she shot Lily a proud smile, "so I won't take off as many points. 20 points for sleeping in the library - that's against the rules, you know."

            "Very sorry," James replied solemnly.

            "Very well, apology accepted," McGonagall replied briskly. "Back to your dorms, you two, I doubt you got any sleep, sleeping on the desks like that."

            Lily gathered her stuff up and shot a glare at James. He just gently shrugged his shoulders saying 'What?'. She narrowed her eyes and just walked away.

            Wow, Lily mad at him and a bad night's of sleep? Things were looking down for James Potter.

- - -

            "That ignorant bastard," Lily seethed. She threw her hands in the air in fury. "Thinks he can do whatever he wants. Damn him!"

            "What now?" Circe replied irritably, rubbing her eyes. "Is it that James Potter again, Lils?"

            "Yes," Lily replied furiously. "I hate him!"

            "Why?" Circe asked, raising an eyebrow. "And where were you last night?"

            "Potter and I were studying in the library," Lily replied, shrugging it off. "Accidentally fell asleep, woke up, got busted by McGonagall... and stupid Potter couldn't even wake up the whole bloody time! I feel like wringing that tiny neck of his!"

            "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Circe said, holding her hand up. "You fell asleep with James Potter in the library? I wonder what naughty business you two might've gotten into!" Circe grinned wickedly.

            "Oh, please," Lily said, rolling her eyes. "There is nothing between me and Potter. Not even a spark."

            "I bet that's not what you said last night!" Circe teased, laughing happily. "Oh, dear me! This is just so ever cute - Lily and James Potter. I already hear the wedding bells! Oop, what else do I hear? Aww, the crying of a little baby. Ohh, this is just too good!"

            "I'm glad your having a good time," Lily replied sarcastically.

            "Sorry, sorry," Circe said, wiping away her tears. "It's just ironically funny."

            "Ironic?" Lily asked, tilting her head to the side, calming down quite a bit. "Explain, dear."

            "Well, you go on and on about you hating Potter... yet you fall asleep with him.. in the Library for a whole night! That's just weird. You never do things with guys. Perhaps you like this one?" Circe suggested, looking hopeful.

            "Please," Lily said, rolling her eyes again.

            "Please what? It seems like it's true," Circe grinned. "Mm, I can so imagine it."

            "Yes," Lily replied. "I know, babies crying, wedding bells.. ick."

            "Don't say that about your future!" Circe pouted. "That's just being mean to ickle Circe Jr."

            "Ickle Circe Jr?" Lily asked unbelivably. "You've got to be kidding me."

            "Nope!" Circe replied happily. "Of course you'll name your first child after the one and only, Moi! Regardless of the sex of course." Circe winked.

            "I feel so bad for my future child," Lily replied woefully, teasing her. "Thanks."

            "For what?" Circe asked. "Teasing you? Being sarcastically cynical? Getting you to name your child after me? No problem."

            "No," Lily said, smiling. "For calming me down. I needed it. Plus, the Library isn't that comfortable for sleeping."

            "I wonder why," Circe said, rolling her eyes. "Maybe they should keep that in mind when and if they ever do rebuild the library - they should obviously base the construction on how well it suits the students by their comfort." The sarcasm in her voice was so thick, you could slice it.

            "Glad you're keeping my best interests in mind," Lily muttered.

            Circe poked her tongue out. "Nah nah."

            "Oh, do shut up," Lily replied irritably, grabbing a pillow and thrusting it in her face.

            "That was uncalled for," She declared. "Therefore, I will do the unthinkable..." She threw the pillow back at Lily.

            And Lily retaliated by throwing another one back at her. Hard.

            It went like this for hours.

- - -

            "Fell asleep with a girl in the library, eh?" Remus asked slyly. "Nice."

            "Believe me, it was far from nice," James muttered, rolling his eyes. "She won't stop constantly bitching at me, it's fucking insane."

            "Ouch, Jamesie having trouble in the ladies department?" Sirius asked curiously. "Now there's something you don't see everyday."

            "Not since Lily Evans entered the picture," Remus pointed out. He shot James an apologetic grin. "Sorry, mate, couldn't help but tease you. It's not like this is an everyday occurence."

            "Damn right," James said. "You know what? I'm going to find her and see what her problem is with me."

            "You go ahead and do that," Sirius replied with an amused smile. "Find your other half."

            James glared.

- - -

            Feathers were scattered throughout the room at random places and sizes.

            "That was tiring," Lily said as she collapsed onto her bed.

            "Indeed," Circe agreed, nodding. "Plus, look -- our room is a mess. All your fault, Evans."        

            "Shut up! It takes two to tango," Lily pointed out.

            "Oh, when where we having sex?" Circe teased, breaking out into a laugh.

            There was a loud knock.

            "Hm, I wonder who that could be," Lily said, while slouching on her bed. "Circe, darling, be a dear and go get that won't you?"

            "Hm, do I want to stay here and rest or follow Lily Mummy's orders to be a dear and get the door? Hmmm, I wonder," Circe pondered, weighing out the two situations.

            "I wonder if it's like this when we'll be room mates," Lily wondered aloud.

            "Definitely not," Circe argued. "You'll be the one answering the door. Muwah."

            "Fine, I'll get it," Lily replied, groaning with annoyance as she got up.     

            "That's more like it!" Circe couldn't help but surpress a grin.

            Lily strode over and opened the door.


            James Potter.

            And what did she do?



            Slam it shut in his face.

- - -

A/N: Sorry about the mixed emotion things going up and about in this chapter. I don't know where this story is going and I really need to take some time and plan my writing more thoroughly. I'm trying to keep up with the character development but - *shrugs*. Agh. Stress is killing me, plus I need sleep.


iris Thank you. Your review meant a lot to me and cheered me up :)

clyana Thanks for reviewing and James hasn't said anything about a stag because obviously he doesn't want Lily to know or anything. Maybe later he might reveal a bit. :)

mione-xavier Mm thanks.

Lady of Masbolle Aww, I rock? Thanks. You rock too :)

shrk-bait Hello, love! Thanks for adding me on livejournal ;D. Muchos brownie points for you, m'dear. Thanks for reviewing too.

Hayley You are added onto the new mailing list, lol. Don't you feel just so ever special? Hehe.

Summer Walters Love love love you! Thanks for reviewing :) You're awesome.

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Oh yah, sorry for the long delay. :/ By the way, my MSN is: ickleronniekins[at]hotmail.com. Of course, replace the '[at]' with '@'.

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Until next time,

- Angeline