Kagome was slightly panicking as she looked out the dressing room door

"KURAMA…? KURAMA?!" there was no answer… the only words that were able to be processed in her mind were 'oh crap…' rushing to put her real clothes back on she left the dresses in a pile and ran from the store. In the middle of the mall she stopped and looked around… 'If I was a thieving fox demon from that past in a mall full of humans where would I be…' walking through the levels she over heard a couple talking.

"Oh my god this ring in beautiful it must have cost a pretty penny…" and just like that she knew where Kurama was. Sprinting through the mall once more she made her way to the jewelry store in record time to see Yoko walking out looking pleased with him self.

"KURAMA WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING," he looked up light a dear caught in head lights of a big wheeler, knowing that it would do more damage to him then he would to the big wheeler.

"I um… umm… got slightly bored…?" he looked to the ground his ears twitched underneath his hat. Kagome let out a sigh

"Its ok I was worried," in an instant the sad look on his face was gone replaced by a smirk

"So you were worried about me, you like me then," he smiled confidently swinging her up into is arms, holding her bridal style.

"I-I-I never said that…," she managed to stutter at their close proximity, Yoko smirk broadened

"I think you want me to kiss you right now…" he whispered in her ear.

"W-W…" before she could counter him his lips came down on hers in a demanding kiss which she gave into, for the moment. Just because he kisses her doesn't mean he can get away with murder… in this time period at least…

Ok I am back and better then ever… well not so much I still need a direction for this story I don't know where it is going or what I am going to do with it, it has been so long since I have last worked on it, that I am not so sure where I was going but I will contact my friend and she will help me finish it. Thank you to all of my wonderful reviewers who still believe in me and gave me the courage to continue on I was stupid to take what ever my professor said to heart, I have been thinking I want to break my track record and actually finish a story, I have had a plot bunny recently and I am working on a new story that will be an AU and a kag/mir san/inu pairing (I have been obsessed with those pairings lately) so be on the look out for that too but I want you all to know thank you and please be patient with me a little longer as I find out what I am going to do with this story I would like to say thank you to:

Photophantom- thanks for the support I hope you feel better with what ever ails you 3333

Dark kit- he was a douche bag I'm over it now and yes my muses have wandered back to me I feel whole again lol

Bloodcherry- I love you comment it made my day and helped me get my ass in gear to actually write this story lol

I dedicate this little filler chapter to you guys lol