Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed, if I did I wouldn't need to write fanfiction and I wouldn't really be a fan either so...

A/N: I'm so sorry for going for ages without an update, but I'm working on it now.

MiddleSister: Good point! But they better hurry up and get them back together soon!

Piperlover/Leo: thanks.

Leo/piper4ever: Thanks, that's my one fear-how crap my chapter are; but if u say it's fine I believe you.

Bob-the-bear: Yup, I'm glad he remembered too-we can't have the Charmed one all alone and whitelighter-less now can we?

Sci fi fan: Cool, thanks.

Chub: Thanks for both reviews. I'm glad too, but trouble is I know have to think of a way that they can get 'em out, so I'm off to think...starts thinking nope, that didn't work, but I'll come up with someat soon. I hope!

Classicchic: I'll try and I don't have a clue yet!

Pipery03: WOW!!!!! Someone loves this story...wow...

Piper xox Leo: Thank you...actually...it was surprisingly easy...I got inspiration and was on a roll...but I knew they'd be together so it was all good...I'll keep going...or I'll keep trying...

It's a strange emotion this, but there's still hope in this

As long as there's a breath...
Five for Fighting-Dying
As predicted Paige could come home almost straight away. The night after Paige had been released Leo was sitting on the couch with an arm around Piper who was leaning on his chest; and Paige was sitting in the chair opposite them. They were discussing the whole 'Phoebe' topic.

"So anyone have any ideas on helping Phoebe out?" Leo asked. Piper shook her head.

"How about we all go see her and then we can assess the situation and come up with something then?" Paige suggested. For a while they talked about Paige's suggestion. Or Paige and Leo talked, Piper just sat.

"Piper sweetie, you've been kinda quiet, are you okay?" In response to Leo's question Piper sat up and ran for the bathroom.

"I guess that was a no, then." Paige said as she and Leo stood to check on Piper.

"Piper, honey, what's wrong, are you okay?" Leo asked softly banging on the bathroom door. There was no answer.

"Come on, Pipe, we're just worried about you." Paige tried. Still nothing. "Well, if you don't mind; I'm kinda tired, so I'm gonna crash." Paige said to Leo, he nodded saying she could go.

Inside the bathroom, Piper was sitting with her back against the bath, she was in tears, staring at the door way.

"Come on honey, it's just me now, please let me in." Piper heard Leo pleading from the other side of the door. She slowly stood up, moved over to the door and carefully, slowly and warily pulled open the door. Piper saw Leo and collapsed into his arms and started crying again.

"Hey, Piper, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Leo asked his wife as he took her into their room and sat on the bed.

"Leo..." Piper said quietly as he stroked her hair.

"Yeah honey?"

"I...I'm...I'm really worried."

"I know you are, but we'll get Phoebe out soon."

"No, that's not what I mean. I want to go home...I miss it, I miss our old life."

"We all do, but there's no way we can get back without Phoebe, you know that-we haven't quite got everything figured out yet. I promise that that will be next on our list of things to do after getting your sister out."

"I know-but a part of me doesn't really want to go back-that's what I'm worried about; the consequences."

"Sorry Pipe, I'm not quite following you. What consequences?"

"Well...I think I'm...umm...pregnant." As soon as Piper had said this Leo stared at her-if eyes could pop out on stalks, Leo's would have! A smile slowly spread across his face.

"Wow! I mean...I thought...oh wow-I'm going to be a daddy!" Leo said kind of excitedly.

"Leo, shh...I don't want Paige to know yet. I'm worried because what if what happens in this reality doesn't happen in our reality-the real reality." Leo's face dropped as Piper said this, close to tears. Leo drew Piper into a hug.

"Oh, honey...I'm sure we'll find a way-we have to. I couldn't bear to see you go through the pain of losing something that big."

"Leo...what if there isn't a way?" Piper said weakly.

"No, Piper, you can't think like that-of course there's a way. There's no way I'm letting you lose this baby, not after everything we've been through." Leo said tilting Piper's head towards his, his lips brushed against hers briefly. "I'm just going to tell Paige you're okay-she was worried about you." Piper half-smiled.

Next day :

"Umm...Paige, there's something we need to tell you." Piper said at the breakfast table. Paige looked at Leo who was standing behind Piper with his arms protectively wrapped around her stomach.

"Okay...shoot." Paige said curiously.

"Well...we're...Piper's pregnant." Leo said before Piper could.

"Leo, I thought we'd agreed that I'd tell her." Leo sent Piper an apologetic look.

"Congratulations!" Paige said embracing her sister and (kind of; as in not in this reality-but he is in the real one) brother-in-law "The two of you must be sooo happy! Hey, I bet this could be just what Phoebe needs to hear."

"Kind of and maybe."

"Kind of-what do you mean kind of...what did you do with my sister???" Paige asked, slightly confused.

"I mean, that if this is just an alternate reality then what happens here, probably doesn't happen in our reality."

"Oh my God! You think you might lose the baby?!? I'm sure we'll find a way."

"I hope so." Piper replied. "I really hope so..."

Leo's heart broke at the sound of Piper's low, quiet voice...he knew this would hurt her much more than it would him. It's not that it wouldn't hurt him...it's just that Piper always tried to be so strong; but when it really came to it, the things that were close to her heart could always get to her... And it was just too soon to have another loss in the family, it had been just over a year since Prue had died-Leo was fairly confident that this would really crack Piper...

-Later that day-Phoebe's 'home'-

Hesitantly Paige knocked on the door with Piper and Leo standing just behind her. After receiving no answer, she slowly pushed open the door. And Paige was shocked at what she saw, her sister, usually so lively, was staring out of the window as if nothing was happening around her.

"Phoebe?" Paige tried to say, but all that came was a low whisper, "Phoebe, hunny it's me, Paige...and Piper and Leo are here too..."

Still Phoebe remained un-phased, Paige tried again.

"Phoebe, please...just say something," Paige was now very worried, and looked to Piper and Leo for...for what? To find the answer that none of them knew? For support, for help, for reassurance? One of the above.

A tear made its way down Piper's cheek as she crossed the room to sit in front of her younger sister.

"Phoebe, please. Phoebe, just listen to me...don't block us out, we want to help you-we know how you feel..."

Phoebe's head jerked up at this...

So...her sister thought she knew what she was going through? How dare she say something like that? Phoebe shook her head, her eyes empty and hollow, full of sadness.

"For God's sake Phoebe! Snap out of it! Do us all a favour and get over whatever's stopping you from talking to your own sisters...God Phoebe, do you know how much this scares us to see you like this? I know you feel all alone...like you're the only one who knows the truth, what's real and what's not...well, we do too, so you're not alone. I know you're probably still hurting from what happened in the real world...but we want to help you, and we can't if you don't tell us how. We also need you so we can get out of this hell hole! Get back to our house...the manor, our reality, where we're all much happier." Piper pleaded with Phoebe.

"Y...you...you need me?" Everyone was stunned to hear Phoebe speak again, they all thought she was completely oblivious to the world around her, and as much as they tried, they thought they'd never get a response.

"Yeah, we need you Pheebs." Paige said wrapping her arms around her sister's neck; Piper too joined the sisterly embrace.

"It's good to have you back with us Phoebe," Leo spoke up "However as much as we'd love to stay...we really should be headed back; don't worry, everything will work out fine."

"We're working on getting you out of here...so, you just get better missy." Piper said, standing by Leo.

"Yup...get better...and I'd do as she says...she's pregnant..." Paige whispered the last part following her eldest sister and Leo out of the room.

Phoebe was left with a smile on her face...now, determined to get better, for her sister's and to be part of Piper's unborn child's life.

So...tell me what you think people...oh and unless I get some very good inspiration this may skip a few weeks...with them trying to get back...