Homework and Hormones
Chapter Five
DISCLAIMER – Nope not mine
AUTHOR NOTE – This is the last update till the 18th of September so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Next chapter fingers crossed will be in later September. Enjoy
Sirius glanced around his surroundings and gave a loud sigh. After the incident with Regulus in the library he had hurried away from the other three and gone up to their dormitory, grabbing a thick black cloak and leaving the warmth of the room to descend into the chill of the outside. He had been wandering around aimlessly for 2 hours now, perhaps a little more and even though he was starting to shiver with cold and his fingers were beginning to feel numb he had no desire in him to go back into the great castle that was looming just behind him.
He knew exactly what would happen if he did. James would take one look at him and then bombard him with questions about what had happened and James had an annoying way of not stopping and giving him peace until he knew every single detail there possibly was. Peter would also look at him with no doubt wide eyes and an anxious expression as if he expected Sirius to blow up any minute, he would spend his efforts skirting around the subject and dragging the conversation away from it anyway he could. Pete was good at that, he could tell when something shouldn't be touched upon and did everything he could to make sure it didn't happen. Then there would be Remus, Sirius stopped walking and instead glared at the ground, a puff of warm breath swirling out in front of him in the bitter cold air. Remus would give him that pitying look the one that would also be tinged with disappointment and sympathy, occasionally he would pat his arm as well and Sirius hated it, the mere thought of it would irritate the hell out of him. He didn't want Remus to view him with pity and sympathy, like you would an old lady that had fallen over in the street. He was more then capable of looking after himself and his issues but those looks from Remus always made him feel that perhaps he couldn't, maybe he was as helpless as the expression suggested. It was only Remus who could make him doubt himself in that way and only Remus who could undo the doubt.
He looked around him once more, eyes drawing to the endlessly dark sky, wisps of smoky charcoal grey clouds streaked past pin prick dots of twinkling stars and he sighed again, thoughts shifting to awe the infinite depth of that view. A voice suddenly spoke to him, knocking him clean out of his reverie.
"Well, well, well if it isn't the great Sirius Black on his own with none of his little friends around him" Sirius back straightened as the voice continued "there was such high hope for you, thank god there's your brother to take care of it all instead" Sirius turned round and confronted Snape with a look of disgust and disbelief on his face. Snape was standing there dressed similarly to Sirius and holding his wand in front of him; he had used the lumos spell to ignite the surrounding area in a bright white light extending from the shaft of wood,
"Snivellus" Sirius remarked running a hand through his hair out of habit "You're actually daring to talk to me? My aren't you brave when the sun goes down, why could that be I wonder, could it be because it's your natural habitat to be skulking around in the dark so no one need witness the horror of your hideous face" he watched as the cocky smug grin melted into a bitter scowl, Sirius continued as Snape remained glaring murderously in silence "And what would a complete moron like you know about my brother anyway, you spend your life nosing in dark art books trying to learn forbidden hexes, have you even noticed that you have no friends, even in your own house? Ever wondered why?" the look of loathsome hatred continued on Snape's face a few moments longer before it melted away and he instead twisted his face into a strange half smile, as conceited black eyes began glittering in the light of the wand
"Oh I know far more then you think I do Black." He spoke in a smooth voice that set the hairs on Sirius arms up "Far more then you and your pathetic friends would want me to" Sirius watched him for a second scowling to himself before he snorted, turning away the sound loud in the quietness surrounding the pair of them
"Pull the other one Snape, you know nothing so stop trying to delude yourself into thinking you're cool by talking such crap, because cool is definitely something you never will be, or liked, or even tolerated, wherever you go people will laugh at you" Snape ignored the comment as if Sirius had never spoken and continued his own little speech
"I know about James's little problem, trying so hard to be good at Quidditch and knowing he's the worst on the squad, yesterdays news, barely hanging in there, one wrong move and he'd be thrown out and replaced. How would his precious parents and his precious sister deal with that, how would the Gryffindors deal with that? It would be such a high fall for Potter to take, let's just hope his broom doesn't hit him on the way down." The smile widened as Sirius turned back and narrowed his eyes at him "then there's thick little loser boy Pettigrew he tries so hard doesn't he? Yet nothing he does is ever good enough. The first one in 50 years to be threatened with staying down a year, how wonderful he must feel but why should he worry when he has friends like you, friends who don't care what happens to him but let him tag along with you so he can offer you all adoration and praise." He mimicked a lovelorn gaze up at the sky cupping his hands over his heart, then cackled at his own impression. "He'll never be anything except a loser and a failure"
"Shut up" Sirius snapped his hands making their way into fists
"Oh, oh wait, and then there's Lupin" Snape continued unfazed, and stifling down his chuckles. Sirius's eyes widened before they narrowed into slits again and he began gritting his teeth together "little Lupin, always looking so pale and unwell, does he have a disease? I hope so, if he dies it'll do us all a favour, every Lupin is bad news especially him" Sirius took a step forward the rage overwhelming him but Snape continued still "And then there's you, the great Sirius Black. How does it feel to be so despised by your own flesh and blood? None of them would care so much to piss on you if you were on fire, if you were to die today they wouldn't cry, they'd probably throw a party. You're so completely unwanted by everyone who meets you, so hated by your family, something that will never change for who need's you when they've got Regulus? The good son to make up for the disgrace that you are. You see Black, I see more then you think I do." There was a silence between the two boys as they both stared at each other, one with a superior smug look and the other with a sour expression tainting a normally beautiful face. Sirius moved with the speed of a wild cat and slammed his fist into Snape's face with a staggering force the smack echoing across the chill breeze. Snape landed hard on the grass with a short skid thumping his chin into the dirt, he moved onto his back and stared groggily at the tall enraged figure above him, there wasn't any time for contemplation though as Sirius grabbed the other boy by the collar and slammed him into a tree trunk, with a crack as his head connected. Terrified black eyes stared wide with fear into hateful icy blue ones
"Oh Snape" he said silkily "You aren't as clever as you'd like to think you are, lets take a moemt to reflect on your situation right now shall we? You're alone with me, on the edge of the forbidden forest, my worthless friends as you so eloquently put it aren't here to stop me ripping you pieces, and I'm pissed off as hell to the extent I think I will, so where does that leave you?" he slammed Snape's head into the trunk again "This is why you shouldn't make me mad, I'm not James, or Remus, or Peter, I do have a serious attitude problem if you cross my line." he slammed his head against it again enjoying the sound. The groggy expression in Snape's eyes grew glassier and more disorientated the more times that Sirius banged his head against the bark of the tree, there was only a weak amount of resistance on Snape's part, firstly because he was finding it hard to stay focused on anything but the blinding pain in his head and secondly because he knew it was hopeless. Black was a damn good fighter, he always had been and now Snape was at the receiving end of blow after blow
"Sirius what the hell are you doing?" Sirius paused in fright at the sound of his name being yelled, like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He turned in time to see two figures rushing at him then the breath knocked clean out of him as he was thrown to the ground. Snape dropped as well into a heap, his hands automatically going to head to cradle the bleeding area. Sirius was trying desperately to fight off the people holding him down, but both of them were surprisingly strong
"Get the fuck off me" Sirius yelled hysterically struggling all the more "Before I kill you, get off" he screamed the last words when suddenly he felt a stinging thump against his left cheek that sent stars across his vision, he blinked the stars away leaving him with only dissipating flashing spots as the red haze he had been seeing through lifted slightly. Sirius opened his eyes and found himself staring into a pair of shocked amber ones that portrayed more then a little concern. Sirius blinked again staring into the eyes properly for the first time, he could feel the streak of a couple of tears down the side of his face and the sound of his own ragged breathing filled his ears. Focusing on the gaze staring down at him he suddenly realised he hadn't been aware before how nice Remus's eyes were, how if you looked deep enough in them you could see little flecks of blue and silver, the sign of a dormant wolf surrounded by gold. He was so enthralled that he didn't even noticed Snape crawl away from the three of them, getting unsteadily to his feet and staggering his way back towards the school.
"Sirius what's wrong? What happened?" Remus said, Sirius shook his head the feeling of hatred bubbling again within him and he spoke in a very calm collected voice so alien for him in its icy manner
"If you don't get off me right now Remus then regardless of who you are I will be forced to hurt you" He watched in grim satisfaction as Remus's eyes widened before they narrowed and his face fell into a frown
"Don't threaten me Sirius" he said firmly "You'll regret it if you do" Sirius met the eyes again for a second before Remus looked away, his eyes going to the second person who Sirius had completely forgotten about. He lifted his head to see James holding his legs down in a punishing grip, a look of disappointment and disapproval etched on his features
"What the hell are you trying to prove Sirius?" James asked in a loud voice, a few birds took to the sky but other then that there was silence around them.
"Prove?" Sirius said "I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone what I'm trying to do however is make Snape hurt… a lot, perhaps even kill him as well while I'm at it" he kept his tone sociable watching as James and Remus exchanged another long look, Sirius continued "However you're making it rather difficult for me to do so, so will you please get the hell off of me now" James glanced around then nodded at Remus and the two of them stood up, brushing the dirt off their robes. Sirius dragged himself to his feet rubbing his cheek gingerly. Remus hadn't half hit him hard. He turned his attention to the space where Snape had been then made a cry of anger swinging his fist round into the tree and looking back round to face James and Remus who were watching him again with the same look of distress
"He's gone" he yelled pointing at the spot "Fucking Git got away when I hadn't finished with him yet" he swung round pointing at the two of them instead "This is all your fault, why the hell did you have to interfere in something that had absolutely nothing to do with you" James stepped forward
"It's a bloody good thing for you that me and Remmie got worried and came looking for your stupid ass" James yelled back, hazel eyes glinting angrily behind his glasses, he took another step forward "What the hell were we meant to do? Watch you beat Snape to a bleeding pulp? Watch you go too far? You could have killed him and to make it worse I think you actually enjoyed hurting him" Sirius took a step forward, a part of his mind was pointing out that he was being unreasonable and that James and Remus had actually done him a favour, but the comments of Regulus and Snape had brought his hurt and confusion to the surface and with it his temper making it hard for him to think properly.
"I wouldn't have killed the bastard though he bloody deserves it" Sirius said trying vainly to keep his voice down and from shaking, a part of his brain remembered that Remus didn't appreciate shouting all that much "But I would have hurt him and taught him a lesson he needs to learn. I am so sick and tired of him being everywhere we are, trying to expel us and I'm sick and tired of doing nothing about it. We let him get away with everything and I'm not going to stand for it anymore!" James crossed his arms and faced up to Sirius his next words dripping in scorn
"I see, so because he spies on us he deserves to be beaten to the point he could easily have gotten brain damage and then what would have happened?" James voice turned hard "You would have been expelled, the Marauders would be separated, you could have fucking destroyed not just Snape's life but his family as well"
"Don't be so fucking melodramatic Potter" Sirius snapped a slight feeling of guilt beginning to blossom in his chest "There was no way he would have got any of that" James laughed a bitter sound in the air
"Perhaps you didn't realise how hard you were slamming his head against the tree then, he was fucking nearly unconscious"
"Whatever, after what he said to me he deserves it. Oh yeah you didn't hear that did you" Sirius said nodding his head as he caught the quick frown of confusion on James's face "The things he was saying about you, me, Peter and Remus" Sirius eyes flickered to Remus before they flickered back to James and settled there "Who the fuck does he think he is that he can follow me here, insult me and my friends and think for even a split second that he could actually get away with it?"
"Fair enough Sirius" Remus said in a cooler voice then the other two had been using, he stepped forward to James's side as he continued "The fact is that regardless on what he said and did, what you did was out of line, you shouldn't have done it. You went way too far" James nodded folding his arms like a disapproving parent and gulling Sirius into a worse temper still. He had been trying to protect the two of them though neither seemed to understand that and yet appeared to resent him, they had the nerve to stand there and lecture him instead.
"Oh yes I forgot" he sneered looking at Remus who watched him back his eyes narrowing "I forgot how perfect you are Remus, how everyone adores you and loves you because what could be wrong with Remus? Well let me just apologise for not being you!" His voice cracked at those last few words, and his whole frame seemed to crumple as he slumped down to the ground, his back against the tree, he ran a shaky hand through his hair and refused to look up or let anyone see the emotional conflicts battling in his eyes. Remus watched him with exasperation.
No answer
"Sirius, talk to us, what is wrong?"
"Fuck off" the words sounded bored and tired and firmly implied he didn't want to know any of them right now. Remus huffed and threw up his hands turning away
"I don't know why I even bother with you anymore. Look, I'm not perfect nor do I try to be. You just always have to be the centre of attention and I'm sick of it. Right now I am so pissed off with you that I don't even want to look at you so you can go fuck yourself mate as far as I'm concerned." he spat angrily before spinning around and stalking off in the direction of the castle, his back straight and his hands curled into fists at his side.
"Well done Sirius" James said turning to him and glaring "You're doing a fabulous job of pissing everyone off today. You've been a bastard to Remus, shoving him out the way earlier for no good reason, had a go at all of us, and tried to murder Snape. Now I want to know what the hell is wrong with you and what exactly you're playing at and I fucking want to know now understood?" Sirius tore his gaze away from the ground and snarled up at James.
"Get bent Potter," he snapped before dropping his head into his folded arms over his knees, shuddering. "Just leave me the hell alone" the now muffled voice pleaded weakly. James stood looking after him with a worried expression marring his gaze for several more moments before finally turning and slowly heading back after Remus. Just what the hell was going on with Sirius?
A/N – There you go, hope you liked it, please review and let me know but no flames please!