"You made me say all those cheesy things and you don't have a response? You know what kind of torture Luke has put me through the last few days?" Sure enough, her response came.

Padmé stared exasperated at the man standing before her. Who did he think he was to just burst into her house and throw all those cheesy holosoap lines at her?

/Luke had something to do with this…/ Padmé accurately thought. She threw an accusing glance at her son, who grinned brightly at her. Padmé mentally shook her head and turned her icy eyes to Anakin. Anakin swallowed hard.

/Here it comes…/

"Now what do you expect me to do? Do you want me to throw myself to your arms and cry hysterically begging you to stay and never leave me? You want me to make a big dramatic scene with lots of tears and… and unnecessary crying and… you want us to start from scratch just to realize everything's the same, that we're still the same people we were back then but we're gonna stay together anyway because deep inside we never stopped loving each other," she took a deep breath and watched as Anakin slowly approached her. He was getting closer and closer… Padmé choked on a sob and tired to gain her strength.

"Do you want me to say 'to hell with the past' and just start this all over again forgetting everything that happened eight years ago? You want me to cook us dinner every night and ask you 'honey, how was work today?' and be funny and understanding to you? Do you want us to live with our children in this dream house... and grow old together and have our grandchildren here and… and stay together and live happily ever after?"

"Yes," Anakin said firmly, gathering her in his arms and lowering his head. "But you don't have to call me 'honey'"

"Oh, but I do...," she sobbed. Anakin covered her lips with his; effectively cutting her mid-sentence in a kiss that had waited years to take place. Padmé sighed in surrender and placed her arms around his neck, urging him closer.

Luke smiled in relief and exchanged knowing glances with his sister. Leia winked and looked at her parents. A tear escaped her eyes when she watched as Anakin placed soft, tender kisses all over Padmé's face. The Senator laughed softly and allowed him to clean her tears with his thumbs. Anakin smiled reassuringly at her and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I love you, Padmé," he whispered. Padmé smiled and pulled his hair.

"I love you too, Ani". She pulled his head down and kissed him again and again, making up for all the time they spent apart. Luke and Leia cringed in distaste and looked elsewhere.

"They're not gonna do that all the time, are they?" Luke whispered to his sister.

"Good Gods, I hope they don't," Leia replied. "People actually enjoy that?" she asked. Luke shrugged and turned to his parents.

"Cut it out already! I'm hungry!" Luke complained.

"I just lost my appetite," Leia muttered.

"Oh, I still have mine," Luke countered. Leia laughed.

"Not after I tell you what mom told me. I think I'll never eat again"

"Do we really need to watch this?" Luke said. Their parents broke the kiss and turned to look at them.

"Gimme a break!" Anakin joked. Leia giggled and ran to her father's arms. He picked her up and held her on his waist while Luke climbed to Padmé's arms. Anakin placed his arm around Padmé and looked at his children. "Well, isn't this a cute family?"

Padmé looked up at him and smiled, new tears forming in her eyes. Anakin placed a brief kiss on her lips and tousled Luke's hair to then kiss Leia's cheek.

"Dad..." Luke said, nodding towards his mother.

"Oh, right!" Anakin said, turning to Padmé. "I know this is a stupid thing to ask, but Luke made me promise to ask this in front of him and Leia," he explained. Leia frowned and looked at her brother. He just raised his eyebrows. Leia gasped and looked at her father. "Will you marry me...again?"

Padmé laughed and looked at her children and then at Anakin. She sighed and kissed Luke's cheek. "What should I answer?" she asked her son playfully. Luke held his chin and gazed thoughtfully at the ceiling.

"Well... he IS a little annoying... and messy... But he's a good guy," he said.

"And he talks with his mouthful of food during dinner," Leia added.

"And he snores at night," Luke cut in.

"You don't have to tell me that…" Padmé said. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Are you always going to pick it on me?"

"Yes," came the three replies. He shrugged and smiled.

"Good enough for me". He turned to look at Padmé and lowered his head. "So?" he prompted. Padmé's eyes roamed over his face, re-memorizing his features and his kind smile.

"Yes," she answered. Anakin's smile widened and he was about to kiss her when... "Wait!" Padmé interrupted. "Where are we going to live?" Anakin smiled.

"Wherever you want," he said. He was going to kiss her but Padmé stepped back.

"What about our jobs? You have to be in Courascant and you travel a lot," she reminded.

"We'll figure something out," Anakin assured. He leaned in but Padmé stopped him. Anakin rolled his eyes knowingly.

"And I have to work, I'm very busy".

"I don't mind," he shrugged.

"What about the kids?"

"What about us?" the twins asked simultaneously.

"You already said yes, you're not getting out of this, milady," Anakin warned, smiling. Padmé smiled teasingly and grabbed his collar, pulling him down for another kiss. Luke and Leia looked at each other.

"This is even more disgusting when you see it this close…" Leia complained.

"Okay, break it up!" Luke ordered. Padmé and Anakin broke the kiss and looked at the children.

"Sorry, kids," they apologized.

"So, mom, are you marrying him or what?" Luke asked impatiently.

"Of course I will," she replied smiling. Anakin kissed her cheek.

"Thank you".

"Don't thank me, thank the kids," Padmé corrected. Anakin turned to the twins, confused.

"The kids?" he asked. Luke nodded to Leia and she cleared her throat.

"Yes, we take all the credit and recognition for the reconciliation taking place in this very moment and I hereby proclaim Luke and Leia heroes of the Skywalker family and I demand we're both awarded with bigger rooms and new pets because everyone here hates Jar-Jar," Leia stated. Anakin and Padmé glanced at each other and shrugged.

"Okay," they agreed to then hug and kiss their children.

"You're going to be the death of me…" Anakin predicted. Luke and Leia giggled maliciously.

"Thank you, my darlings. Now go and pick a new room, any other room in this house," Padmé said cheerfully. The twins squealed and they were placed on the floor again. They ran to the hall and closed the door.

Padmé turned to Anakin and smiled wickedly. Anakin chuckled.

"From now on you're the official kid distracter".

"See? This is how politicians learn to lie…" she mused out loud. They stepped closer to each other and Anakin leaned down. He was about to kiss her when Padmé slapped him. Anakin winced and held his cheek.

"What the hell?" he asked confused.

"That's for getting engaged to that sneaky, lying, back-stabbing, stupid, shallow, cheap-dressed girl!" Padmé explained. Anakin rubbed his cheek.

"Okay," he said, still shocked. Padmé pushed him.

"You stupid nerf herder! You couldn't find anyone better than that to replace me?" she demanded. Anakin swallowed hard and smiled forcefully. He had to choose his next words carefully if he wanted to get away with his.

"No, because no one could ever replace you," he said. His strategy worked because soon he caught a satisfied smile on Padmé's lips.

"Good," she declared. She reached up and kissed him. Anakin frowned by her sudden change of emotions and mentally shrugged, deciding to forget about it. He wrapped his arms around her and they held each other tightly. They broke the kiss and pulled back laughing. Padmé touched his face, concerned. "Your cheek is all red". Anakin smiled.

"That's okay, I deserved that". Padmé giggled and kissed his cheek. "I hadn't been called 'nerf herder' in years. Now I remember why". Padmé smiled.

"I love you, nerf herder". Anakin smiled charmingly.

"I love you too, legs". They laughed and looked at each other, enjoying the moment. Anakin tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and Padmé touched his cheek tenderly. It seemed like their love had never died. It was just sleeping. Smiling at the thought, Padmé pulled his head down and they kissed again, not worrying about the twins walking in.

Meanwhile, in the hall…

"Mom is quite the little nexu when she's with dad, isn't she," Luke asked.

"Looks like it," Leia agreed. "You think she realized we knew what she was planning?"

"Nah, she was too busy getting rid of us," Luke answered. "Why did she kick us out, anyway?" he asked. Leia leaned closer to him to whisper something into his ear. When she finished Luke picked up the pace and walked faster. "I think I'll play on the other side of the house," he jumbled out. Leia nodded meaningfully and sighed.

"Me, too Luke. Me too."

The End


Anakin and Padmé got re-married. But that's kind of a given, so on with the interesting stuff:

Luke transferred to Leia's school on Naboo. At first he thought it would be great to be in the same school as his sister until he realized it was an all-girls school. For years his Padawan friends from Courascant teased him about it. Things turned out better for him when he hit puberty and he was the only male in the place and girls were all crazy about him while his Padawan friends were stuck in the temple with bad haircuts.

Leia was too embarrassed to admit Luke was her brother until they grew up and Luke introduced her to her Jedi pals. There was some serious partying going on in Courasant. And an infamous golden bikini was involved…

Krista returned to Courascant single and heartbroken. She moved to Tatooine were she met an athletic Hutt. They are now the proud parents of three very unattractive humanoid worms.

The Skywalkers abandoned Jar-Jar in an empty lot. The Kaminoans adopted him and decided to clone him. Not the best idea.

Began, the Gungan war, has.

A/N: Okay, children! That's about it with Galactic Trap. Thanks for your loyalty and your reviews, I really enjoyed reading them. By the way, it wouldn't bother me to hit the 200 review mark, so review away, sailors.

I have another story coming up about Jar-Jar's journey with the Kaminoans. I'm kidding, it's an Episode III based story and I've been working on it for quite a while. As soon as I have the first chapter ready (all I have by the moment are fragments and specific chapters) I'll post it to your delight.

Once again, thank you. I shall retire. For the moment…