Disclaimer: See chapter one

A/N: Sorry it took me awhile. I'm finishing college and there's a lot of work to do... The song in this is called "It had to be you". It's an older song, and while I don't know who wrote it, I think Sinatra might have sung it. Also, while not lemon, this chapter does have nudity and references to acts of a sexual nature. IF YOU AREN'T OLD ENOUGH, DON'T READ IT!

If it had been merely a matter of strength, it would have been the shortest courtship flight in Saiyan history.

But Bulma made up in speed what she lacked in power. It took everything Vegeta had to gain on her. They spiraled across the sky in an aerial chase that pit saiyan against saiyan. She held nothing back; if he really wanted her, he would have to catch her.

(It had to be you. It had to be you.)

Vegeta closed on her, intending to drop from above. But she anticipated his move, and as he reached for her she dropped like a stone and rocketed in the other direction. He smirked at her gutsy-ness, particularly impressive in one who had barely been flying for two days.

He shot higher into the air, using the sun to hide him and suppressing his ki to keep her from catching his next trick. As she hesitated in the air, trying to figure where he'd gone, he dove upon her like a stooping hawk.

(I wandered around, and finally found, somebody who)

At the last instant she caught sight of him from the corner of her eye, and rolled out of the path of his dive. Now she climbed, higher and higher, him pursuing. The air grew cold and thin. Just as Vegeta was about to catch hold of her, Bulma reached the apex of her climb and let herself fall backwards and earthwards.

She turned the fall into a dive, but did not expect Vegeta to shoot PAST her. Even as she struggled to pull out of it, the wily prince had reversed and climbed back up to meet her. In a heartbeat he had closed on her.

(Could make me be true, could make me be blue)

His arms closed about her, ending the chase. In the next moment, to his delighted surprise, she was all over him, growling, kissing, licking, nibbling. It took all of his self-control to keep them in flight as she ravaged his face and neck. They descended together, with Vegeta the only one actually using his ki to keep in flight. When they landed on the soft grass of an exposed hillside on the island, Bulma began to stroke and knead base of his tail. Growling, he ripped open her top with one sure yank.

Bulma laughed and squirmed out of the remains.

"No fair," she breathed. "You're still all dressed."

(Or even be glad just to be sad thinking of you)

She took hold of the collar of his training outfit and pulled. The spandex gave easily under her grip, and in moments Vegeta was naked as the day he was born. He smirked at her open admiration of his body.

"Now who's more dressed, woman?" he growled. She giggled and started kissing her way down him from the neck on downwards. Somehow he got her lower clothing removed in the middle of that sweet torture, and then there was nothing but skin between them.

(Some others I've seen, might never be mean)

It was hours before they spoke again, other than the gasps and cries of lovemaking.

"Blasted woman," he murmured, wrapping his tail around her.

"Stubborn saiyan," she replied, nipping his nose lightly.

(Might never be cross, or try to be boss, but they wouldn't do)

He growled and kissed her. This time when their blood mingled in each other's mouths, it was sweet, sweet.

"I love you," she said, when they came up for air.

"I-" Vegeta struggled; even now having difficulty making such soft words come from his mouth. Bulma took his face between her hands.

"I know," she said, smiling, and to his surprise began to move insistently against him again.

(For nobody else gave me a thrill. With all of your faults I love you still.)

It was much later, when they were both too thoroughly exhausted and sated to do more than lie purring in each other's arms, that Vegeta finally asked the question.

"What happened with the GR?"

She nuzzled his neck.

"Some of the circuits were bad. It started to overload at only 200x gravity. I realized what was going on and started for the door. But I didn't quite make it - I got blown out the door and into a tree. I must have been knocked out, but then I heard you scream and I woke up." He looked a bit uncomfortable at the mention of that, but she just smiled and nipped at his nose lightly.

"You were the most amazing thing I've ever seen," she said softly. And squealed as a golden aura exploded around them. Vegeta had gone super- saiyan again. The aura was so intense, but she stared at her mate's green eyes and laughed at his wicked smirk. "Bastard." She kissed him again.

(It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you!)


In the otherworld, a very smug Saiyan queen leaned against her mate.

"You nudged him into biting her when she gave him that serum," King Vegeta accused.

"Yes," she agreed pleasantly.

"And then you put the words of the mating challenge into her mind."

"Yes again," the Saiyan queen smiled mischievously.


"Even fate needs a hand now and then," she retorted, and laughed.