OK this chapter is kind of short, but to the point. Rating is PG-13 for violence and naughty words. Please be kind and R&R. Also, I'm not the biggest LOTR buff in the world. If anyone can tell me something that I've done wrong, or any elf sites, you will get a visit from the kind reviewer fairy!


The lights were dim in the small Seattle apartment. Dishes were piled in the sink. Dirty clothes, a few bags of trash, and piles of empty beer cans were scattered throughout the living room. A young auburn haired girl laid in her bed, starring up at a cracking ceiling. Her knuckles gripped her comforter as a cream from her stereo faded into a scream from upstairs. She hated living in this hell hole. Why did her father have to be such a drunken slob?

The eighteen year old girl stood up. She picked up her black duffel bag and began throwing random items of clothing, CD's, and other things inside. She would be going to stay with her grandparents for the next two weeks. Ever since her mother died, and she'd been dumped with her dead-beat father, her grandparents had insisted on paying for her schooling, and anything else she might need. As long as she never had to stay with them for long periods of time.

Her head snapped up as she heard a door being slammed. She stilled immediately, as if she were a deer caught in the head lights. She could hear someone crash into something, and the loud, slurred curses that came after it. Her father was home. And he was drunk. Hw two were never a good combination. She quickly turned off the stereo and hopped into bed. There were some more crashing and stumbling sounds. The harsh light of the hallway that entered her room as the door was swung open stung her eyes. She closed them tightly and pulled the covers tighter around her.

"I told you to clean this place up. It's still a mess!" he yelled harshly. She gulped. She remember him yelling at her to clean up the apartment. And she had been planning on it. But her evil English teacher had decided to be an old hag and give the class only one day to complete a huge assignment.

"I…I didn't have time," she stuttered with as much courage as she could muster. "I had homework that had to be finished and I…"

He advanced toward her angrily. "Homework? That's your excuse. You ungrateful little brat." Before she could move, strong hands seized her arms. The sound of a fist connecting with her jaw line filled the room. She was thrown roughly to the floor. "Your not worth anything, you hear? Just like your mother. Your worthless!" She bit her lip to keep from crying out as he kicked her continuously in the stomach.

Just when she thought the worst of the beating was over, she was picked up and slammed against the wall. He continued to hit and kick her until she could barely stand on her own. He let her limp frame slide down the wall. Then he walked out of the room, and left her semi-conscious body on the floor.


Haldir of Lorien looked down with pity and curiosity at the girl whom he was carrying. He and a few of his men had been scouting around the wood. He'd been searching for intruders more often in these days of war. It was on one of these trips he had come across a young human girl. She had been badly injured, and she was in need of help. After talking it over with his men, Haldir reluctantly began the journey back to Lothlorien. Although the march warden did not really wish to expose his home to another intruder, he was not going to let the young woman suffer alone. That was why he was now carrying the strange maiden in his arms.

She had not yet awoken, but had made minor motions of stirring. Mumbled words and sudden jerks of her body were all. For the most part, she remained still and lifeless. She almost appeared to be sleeping.

The march warden wondered how she had come to end up in the Golden wood. She looked awfully beaten. The way she had whimpered when he'd picked her up let him know that she was indeed in great pain.

She appeared young, around eighteen to twenty years of age. Her long auburn hair was draped over his chest. She was wearing some strange kind of leggings he had never seen before. They were black, and had a leather belt, which was decorated in silver spikes around them. Her shirt was just as strange. It was white, and had the words "Normal People Scare Me" written on it in black and green letters. Haldir was also aware of how short this garment was. Every time he attempted to shift her position, to try and make her more comfortable, the shirt would come up, and reveal the pale skin of her stomach. There was some kind of strange metal thing that was attached to her naval. He tried not to notice.

They would reach Lothlorien soon. The elf hoped that Celeborn and Galadriel would take pity on the injured girl, just as he had. A few of his troops had been surprised when he announced his decision to take the girl to Lothlorien to heal her. Haldir was not always the most compassionate when it came to humans. He was not, however, so heartless as to leave a young girl out in the wood to die of her injuries. Celeborn would help heal her. Then they would find out where they young girl had come from, and how she'd gotten so hurt. And of course, why she dared to trespass in the realm of the Golden wood.


"You have brought yet another stranger here Haldir," Celeborn said softly.

"What would you have me do?" he questioned. "I could not leave her. And she does not appear to be a spy."

He nodded. "No indeed she does not. Though, appearances can be deceiving." Haldir thought about this for a moment. "Come. We will set up a chamber for her. I shall have Ruali bandage her wounds while she sleeps."

The march warden followed Celeborn though the brightly lit trees of Lothlorien. Haldir was still carrying the young girl in his arms as they came to a small terrace, where the girls room was set to be set up. The elf laid the girl on a soft mat. He bid Celeborn his farewells and left. A few moments later, a young blond elf came bustling in the room. She carried some bandages, herbs, and other various items of elvish healing to help the injured woman.

"Oh dear," Ruali exclaimed as she saw the battered girl. "What has happened to her?"

"I do not know. Haldir found her, and brought her here."

The elven hearler was surprised by the information "Haldir brought her here?" Celeborn nodded in conformation. "Do your best to help her. And call fro me when she awakens, for I very much desire to speak with her." Ruali looked at the girl with pitty in her eyes. "If she wakes up."


You made it this far? *claps.* Now, please click the pretty button to see an interactive picture of Haldir!

Haldir- That's not what will hap...

GO! Before something tragic happens to him.

Haldir- Gulp.