~*~ Loving the Phoenix ~*~

Introdution of Laynie:

Name: Laynie Kim Age: 15 Birthday: February 22nd Race: European/Chinese Hair: Black, down to the shoulders with plenty of red streaks. Eyes: Green Likes: to be alone, to beyblade, the ocean, the moon, to paint, Dislikes: shopping, immature kids, stupid questions, to be commanded, all these girly stuffs (giggling, "girl talk", you name it), showing her blade for someone she don't like or trust. Beyblade color: Made of diamond, with silver stripes Bitbeast: Drizzler (a tiger, red of course with the elements of the weather) Attacks: Blizzard, and special attack; Sunbeam (so far) Clothes: Pretty much "boy" clothes. Black combat trousers, green halter neck top (when it's cold outside; a red sweater on) and skate shoes. She also has a tattoo on her stomach, above the trouser line. It's a tiger, ready to attack, with its fangs and claws out.

Laynie has been blading since she was six years old, and got her bitbeast at the age of eleven. She has won the In official World Championships and has beaten every street blader. She is undefeated and well known for her amazing power and focus. She is very independent and don't like to be commanded. When it comes to Beyblade, she's pretty much like Kai. But outside the battles is she kinda easy to hang out with. But when she needs to think, and that's often, she prefer the loneliness and don't like big party's and stuffs like that. When it comes to love, and feelings, she is very shy and hates to talk about it. She is a great artist and it will be many paintings of the Bladebreakers, especially of Kai.

(A/N:) I don't wanna confuse you, and myself, so I will try to straight some things out. Thoughts are written like this: [blablabla] and memories in cursive, blablabla. Letters and "small voices" too. And, as always, I've wanna warn you for the typing errors and weird grammar. I've done my best (my best friend is now the reference book) but a lot of stuff is probably wrong anyway. If you find something, please review the errors and tell me if you liked the story it or not.



Chapter one: The fifth blader

The Bladebreakers was in the stadium to sign up for the European Championships. It was only one problem.

- "Uh, Mr. Dickenson? What's with the fifth bladers name?" Tyson was a living question and Mr. Dickenson shook his head.

- "What a disaster! I completely forgot that you need five bladers to enter this tournament."

Mr. Dickenson looked pretty upset. - "Well, boys. Seems like you can have a day of, today, while I find a fifth blader."

Tyson and Max raised their fists and yelled: - "Alright!!!"

[Great, more time with Tyson.] Kai was not so pleased with this arrangement.

Ray hadn't spoke yet, his minds were on other places. Most including Mariah and the fact that he was going to see her soon. The White Tigers was also in the tournament.

- "Hey Ray! What are you thinking about?" said Max and looked at Ray.

- "Nothing." lied Ray and noticed a glance from Kai. They came along pretty well nowadays and Kai wasn't that rude and annoying. To Ray at least.

- "Now, go ahead boys and have some fun! I will meet you at the hotel." Mr. Dickenson pushed the boys away and Kai sighed. [Another wonderful day with Tyson.]

~*~ At Laynie's ~*~

- "Laynie, dear, I can see changes coming today!" Laynie's grandma looked at the tarot cards on the table between them.

- "Sure," Laynie sighed. "I'm stuck in this boring life forever."

Her grandma gazed at her. She had become truly beautiful, now 15 years old, with her long, light brown hair and big eyes. [If the girl only knew how to dress better] She thought, but regretted immediate. No, Laynie had always been a "tomboy" and was comfortable with it. And her black combat trousers fitted very well on her and the green halter neck top matched her eyes perfectly. Laynie was beautiful no matter, even with those worn-out skate shoes. Laynie stretched and grandma's gaze fell at the tattoo that Laynie had made only four weeks ago. Well, Laynie hadn't ask for permitting to do this tattoo, but grandma thought that the pain was punishment enough and didn't yell at her.

- "Well grandma," said Laynie with amusement. "What do I have to do, to meet those new changes?"

- "Nothing, if it's meant to be, the changes will come to you."

- "If you say so." Laynie got up and yawned. "I think that I go for a walk before I fall in sleep."

- "You do that, and take Drizzler with you."

- "My beyblade? Why?" Laynie frowned and her grandma gave her a secret glance. [What is she up to now?]

~*~ At the hotel ~*~

- "I wonder if Mr. D managed to find a blader in so short time?" said Tyson, who had been babbling for at least three hours.

Kai gave Tyson an annoyed glance and said coolly: - "And I wonder if you'll shut up?"

It wasn't a question, more like a command so Tyson kept his mouth shut until they came back to the hotel room and found a girl there.

- "Hey, what are you doing here? This is the Bladebreakers room." He said and frowned when the girl didn't move.

She stood, leaning on the wall and looked at the messy room. Bags and other stuffs were thrown all around the place.

- "Really? I thought that Champions was more proper?" The girl raised one eyebrow and took a look at them. [Tyson; undisciplined, Max; hyper, Kai; a little cold, Kenny; in desperate need of a hair cut and Ray; pretty normal.]

Mr. Dickenson came into the room and found Laynie shot death glares in class of Kai towards Tyson.

- "Hello, boys. This is Laynie. The new Bladebreaker." Said he and Tyson's jaw dropped. So did Max and Kenny, too.

- "I thought you said that you were gonna bring a beyblader?" Kai crossed his arms and snorted.

- "Tomboy." He muttered and closed his eyes.

- "How did you know I was?" Laynie gave Kai an angel- similar smile and Kai was a little surprised. Normally would a girl go crazy if he called them tomboy. Maybe she wasn't that week at all.

[And she's kinda pretty too] Kai slapped himself mentally. What was wrong with him?

- "Well, I guess I leave you then. Laynie, your bed is there." Mr. Dickenson left the room after pointing out a mattress on the floor.

Ray looked at Laynie and smiled gently. "If you don't wanna sleep on the floor, you can have my bed."

- "No, I don't have any problems with it." Laynie shook her head and gave Ray an appreciating look for caring. She made her way to the mattress and throw her bag on it.

- "But," Now had Tyson woke up from his paralyze, finding out that the new blader was a girl. "How do we know that you really know how to blade?"

Laynie nodded her head against Kenny's laptop. "Why don't you ask my stats?" [If there is any.] Then she leaned on the wall, waiting for the some pages to come up.

- "Wow, this is very impressing, but there's nothing about her blade." Dizzi's voice could be heard and the boys gathered around the laptop. Excluding Kai, of course, he was sitting on the bed in his usual position. (A/N: You know, one leg bend and one on the floor, resting his arm on the hitched leg's knee.)

- "So. You're undefeated and the winner of the in official World Championships, but why didn't you participate in the official? And why isn't there any stats of your attacks or bitbeast? Do you even have a bitbeast?"

Laynie rolled her eyes to all of Kenny's questions. "1. I couldn't go there, 2. I like to keep my attacks for myself and 3. I do have a bitbeast."

Kenny looked at her with little stars in his eyes. "May I see it, please? Please? Please?"

Laynie shook her head. "No, later maybe, but don't count on it."

Kenny seemed a bit disappointed and Max laughed at him. "Ha, ha. Laynie, you disappointed poor Chief here!"

But Tyson didn't look convinced. "What about a beybattle right now?!"

Laynie shrugged and smiled quickly. "I'm in."

They went down to the basement, and the training room. Tyson and Laynie got ready and waited for Max to count them down.

"Three. Two. One. LET IT RIIIIP!"

Laynie launched her blade and could hear everyone gasp when they saw what it was made of.

- "Is that.?" started Max and seemed surprised.

Kenny finished the sentence. ".Diamond?" He started to type on Dizzy for analyze.

- "Well, it's pretty smart." Dizzy started her lecture. "Diamond is a very strong material, so it's barely impossible to make any damage on it."

- "Hmm." Tyson gave up a laugh. "We'll see that after I've won!"

Max and Kenny sighed. That guy was just too naive sometimes.

- "Kenny." said Laynie, without take her eyes from the battle. "If you takes any stats, I promise I'll."

- "But,"

- "Later. Maybe." Laynie concentrated on her blade and started an attack on Tyson's blade.

- "Hey, Dragoon! Time to come out, huh?" shouted Tyson and pumped his fist into the air. Dragoon rose from his blade with a mighty roar and Laynie rose an eyebrow.

- "So your bit beast is a dragon?" She smirked. "Then I'll prove my worth by not using Drizzler."

Tyson lost his temper, as usual, and attacked Laynie, but when he hit the spinning blade he was knocked out of the dish. Laynie called back Drizzler and caught the blade in her hand.

- "Can I blade or not?" She looked at Max and Kenny, whose jaws had dropped.

- "That was amazing!" Max's eyes were widened and Kenny looked disappointed.

- "If I just could have record any stats." He mumbled and Laynie rolled her eyes.

- "As I said, LATER!"

Then she turned to Kai. She gave him a gaze who told "well-what-to-you-say- now-about-that-girls-cannot-blade-huh?".

Kai just glared at Laynie and disappeared with a "humph".


It was 4 am and when Laynie woke up. She had only been sleeping for five hours, but was rested and not sleepy at all. She sighed and cursed her sleeping habits. She took a look around the room. Ray, Max and Kenny was sleeping in proper manor, but Tyson. He had got himself all tangled up in the sheets and was half-away down from the bed. And those snorings. It would be enough for waking up the dead ones.

- "I wonder what the other will say I strangle him right now?" said Laynie loud for herself.

- "I wouldn't mind." Laynie turned her head when someone answered. It was Kai.

- "Why are you up so early?" said Laynie and frowned. [Bad question, why am I awake then?]

- "I'm up this early most of the days. You didn't think that it was Tyson who woke up first, did you?" said Kai with a slight tone of sarcasm in his voice.

- "Oh?" Laynie decided to tease Kai a little. "So you can actually talk?"

Kai glared at her and Laynie laughed. She went out of bed and wandered of to the table where Kai was sitting.

[What is she doing? She better not expect some kinda conversation from me.] Kai raised one eyebrow when Laynie pulled out a chair and took a seat.

- "Can you give me the backpacker over there?" Laynie nodded against a black backpacker.

Kai grabbed it and handed over it.

- "Thanks." She said and Kai just shrugged.

[Oh, he's just sooo cold!] Thought Laynie and wanted to slap him or something. Then she pulled out her sketch-block and a soft graphite pencil. She took aim on the sleeping Tyson and began her sketching.

Kai couldn't resist taking a gaze to see what she was drawing. [She's pretty good!] He thought when the picture of a disgusting, sleeping Tyson grew.

Laynie frowned in concentration and thirty minutes later was the picture of the sleeping Tyson finished. She held up the picture in front of Kai.

- "I think I'm gonna name it; Sleeping Beauty. What do you think?"

Kai glanced on the picture. [Sleeping Beauty? That was a good one.] But he didn't say it. - "Humph."

Laynie took a deep breath and glared at Kai. "Maybe you not noticing this, but I'm trying to be nice here!"

When Kai didn't do any moves to say something. She just tossed the block into the backpacker and threw it away. Then she grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom.

[Aaargh! That guy is probably gonna make me crazy!] Laynie got dressed in the bathroom.

[Maybe I shouldn't be so hard at her.] Kai thought. After all, the girl hadn't do anything wrong, she was just trying to be nice for some reason. Kai wasn't use to that people thought of him as a friend, well, Ray did probably but he was the only one who Kai trusted.

[I could take it a little easy on her, by the way, she isn't like Tyson (immature and annoying), or Max (hyper and cheery) or Kenny (nerdy).] Kai's gaze fell on the black backpacker on the floor. The sketch-block had fell out and without even notice doing it he picked it up. He skimmed through the pages, but stopped when a picture of himself came up. [Why is she drawing me?] Kai was surprised.

Laynie was finished in the bathroom. [Okay, he can be rude and ignoring to me, but I'll make him trust me.] Laynie liked challenges and this was something in her way. [I'll make Kai like me.] Laynie smiled and opened the bathrooms door. [All I've to do is to show that I care for him and.] her thoughts were interrupted when she saw what Kai was doing. In his hands was her sketch-block.

- "What are you doing?" said Laynie and gazed at him. Kai gave her the block and shrugged.

- "Nothing." Was the simple answer and Laynie sighed.

- "Sooo. How did you guys end up together?" Laynie took a seat.

Kai glanced at Laynie, he thought that she was going to ignore him after his quite company some minutes ago. "I was in the final of the Single Championships vs. Max. Ray was against Tyson. Tyson beat Ray and I beat Max."

- "What?" cut Laynie off. "Ray lost against Tyson!?"

Kai sighed. "Don't interrupt me!" He said and Laynie looked guilty.

- "Sorry, continue."

- "Anyway, I lost to Tyson in the final and to keep my title as the Champion I had to join the Bladebreakers." Kai finished his story and Laynie put her chin in her hand.

- "I can't believe that you lost to Tyson." Laynie gazed at Kai, who chose to be quite.

- "When is our first battle?" asked Laynie.

Kai gave her a paper. All of the battles in the tournament were written there and when she scanned down, she suddenly froze. - "The Black Cats." She whispered.


Okay, that's it. Please review and make my day… :)
