Disclaimer: I do not own YYH or IY.
Summary: Kagome, Keiko, and Sango are dragons visiting earth.
Lifeless-Kanna: Sorry for not updating for soo long. I had.. a lot of problems, which I'm sure you would not like to be bothered with.
For The Love Of A Dragon
"Bye.." said Keiko one last time, as she watched them leave"I'm so bored!" complained Sango.
Kagome nodded her head in agreement.
"Hey. Just because, they get to go outside, doesn't mean we can't, right?" started Sango.
"Yes.." whispered Kagome, "But.. then is it still raining?"
"Nope," replied Yukina staring out the window, "It stopped way long before."
"That's good!" cheered Sango, clapping her hands once together.
"How so?" asked Keiko.
"We can.. explore outside!" explained Sango.
"I'm not sure.." mumbled Yukina.
"Yukina, you should go with them. Have some fun once in a while." said Genkai.
"Oh.. Okay." said Yukina, bowing her head.
"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!" said Sango, running outside.
"Sango, Wait up!" shouted Keiko as she grabbed her backpack and ran after her.
While, those two were rushing the other two were walking slowly behind them, taking their time to look at the beautiful nature.
"Shouldn't we catch up with them?" asked Yukina.
"Yes. You go ahead." smiled Kagome.
"Aren't you coming too?" asked Yukina.
"Yes. In a while.."
"Okay." replied Yukina as she walked ahead.
While, Kagome was staring at the nature oblivious to her surroundings she accidently bumped into 'something.' [-Sigh- I seem to like making her crash into things don't I?]
"HEY! Watch where you're going wench!" shouted a boy.
"Are you blind or what?!?" he barked.
"I'm so-
"Because, it sure seems like you are! You stupid wench!" he spat.
Kagome's face was burning up...
"Well.. I guess it's okay. Since, you're one of those people with no life."
Kagome was.. about to explode.
"Come to think of it. You are worst than those kind of people. You-
"Okay, I had enough." yelled Kagome, right into his face.
"Y-you what?"
"I tried t to apologize. But to you? I think not. I changed my mind. You are the most retarded person I have ever met in my whole entire life!"
"I am NOT retarded, You stupid wench."
"I am not stupid. You are the baka. Don't you dare call me names, because all you're doing is describing yourself." said Kagome, crossing her arms ove her chest.
"Why you-
"Inuyasha." said an emotionless voice.
Kagome and the boy turned the heads towards the voice, to see an older version of the boy Kagome was fighting with.
"What do you want, Sesshomaru? Can't you see I'm busy!" said Inuyasha with his I'm-doing-something-pointless look plastered on his face.
"Busy arguing?"
Kagome was confused, 'Why had.. I shouted.. at him like that? That's so.. unlike me.. Something's wrong with me..'
"Yeah, So what?" retorted Inuyasha.
"Don't bother her." ordared Sesshomaru, "Go annoy yourself for once."
"I am not annoying!" yelled Inuyasha, defensively.
"Hehe.." said Kagome, nervously, "I'm sorry for everything I said.. I better be going now.."
With that, she ran away.
"Look at what you did!" shouted Inuyasha.
"What did this Sesshomaru do?" asked Sesshomaru, coldly.
"You scared her!"
"This Sesshomaru did not scare anyone."
"Yes you did! You made her run away! And, I was having fun arguing!"
"Why am I even talking to you?" muttered Sesshomaru, "There is not point."
"This place, looks creepy!" commented Yusuke.
"I know!" agreed Kuwabara, "The trees are all dry, ugly and it's dark!"
"Not so loud, baka." muttered Hiei.
"I'm not a baka! You stupid shrimp!"
"Stop." commanded Kurama, as they continued walking.
"Look! I think she lives in there!" exclaimed Yusuke, pointing to a haunted looking house.
"Come on." said Kurama as everyone followed him towards the house.
"Maybe we should.. go back?" suggested Kuwabara.
"You're not scared, are you?" asked Yusuke.
"No. Of course not! Why would I, the great Kuzuma Kuwabara be scared?"
Yusuke shrugged, as Kurama knocked.
"W-what? W-who's there?" stuttered a voice, from inside.
"We are spirit detectives." replied Yusuke.
"You work for Koenma?"
"Yes." said Kurama.
"I.. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm living peacefully! What does he want from me?" mumbled the voice, nervously.
"We just came to ask some questions." explained Kurama, "We won't hurt you."
The voice sighed, as the door opened revealing a girl, only her messy hair and stained clothes were seen.
"Whoa. What happened?" asked Yusuke, not looking at her face, but her clothes.
"I.. never had visitors. So, I never actually cared how I looked." she snapped.
"She's scary.." whispered Kuwabara to Yusuke.
"Well. What are you waiting for? Come inside. You have questions, ask then leave." she said straight-forward.
"Okay." said Kurama as everyone went inside.
It was dark, everything was unseeable til she lit a small candle.
"Are..you Kikyo?" asked Kuwabara.
"Yes. What do you think?" she shouted.
"Hey. He didn't mean it.. in a bad way!" said Yusuke.
"Okay." she said simply.
"If you don't have anymore questions, leave."
"No. Wait. We do." said Kurama.
"Yeah. Koenma said, the dragon princess and her two dragon friends are visiting." said Yusuke.
"W-What?" stuttered Kikyo.
"Are you really a dragon?" asked Kuwabara.
"Yes." replied Kikyo.
"Kuwabara, don't change the topic." scowled Yusuke.
"Kikyo, Koenma would like to know the name of the dragon princess."
"Why?!?!" shouted Kikyo.
"Use common sense." muttered Hiei.
"Koenma would like to know, because he would like her and her friends safe." said Kurama.
"Well, What's her name?" asked Yusuke.
"I can't tell you that!" mumbled Kikyo.
"Why?" asked Kurama.
"I'll get into deeper trouble."
"But.. we are just trying to protect her." said Kuwabara.
"I can't.. I cannot tell you anything about the dragons." explained Kikyo, "Even though I was kicked out and no longer accepted, I am.. still a dragon. And, you cannot make me do anything that's against my will. If you do, I will.. be forced to kill you."
"Okay! Okay!" yelled Yusuke, "So you're saying, we came all this way for nothing?"
"Correct." said Kikyo.
"Hn. I am not needed." said Hiei as he zipped out the door.
"You have nothing else to say, be like your other friend and leave."
"Fine." grunted Yusuke.
"No wait. I have another question." said Kurama.
"What is it?" asked Kikyo.
"Why were you kicked out of your home?" asked Kurama.
"I- I was.. too jealous for my own good." mumbled Kikyo, hoping they wouldn't hear her.
"Of what?" asked Kuwabara.
"I was.. jealous of my twin sister, for always being better than me." she murmured.
"Who's your twin sister?" asked Yusuke, curiously.
"The Dragon Princess." whispered Kikyo, stepping out of the shadows. She looked.. exactly like Kagome.
Lifeless-Kanna: You know.. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha has a very important role in this story, I just.. didn't tell you yet. =P Oh yeah.. sorry for this baddddddly written chapter. If there are any spelling mistakes, please tell me. If you can HELP me on my grammer by pointing things out, I would be very thankful. If you tell me that my grammer/spelling sucks.. you shall be ignored and forever hated/cursed! =D Btw, Guess what? I finally decided to do.. review responses. Yay! =]
Pinkjingling: Can it be a story that is NOT sango/hiei?
L-Kanna: Awww you hate Sango/Hiei? Whyyyyy? starts whining -1 hour later- cough cough Gomen-Ne. My favourite pairing is Sango/Hiei. But.. It depends on the voters! =D Or maybe you want Sango with Miroku?
Woohoo! No more questions!!! =D Ooopzzz No offence.. or anything... Gomen-Nasai. -bows-
Hiei/Kagome Sango/Kurama: 136
Kurama/Kagome Sango/Hiei: 97
Oh sorry.. but the threesome pairings has been dropped, along with Sesshomaru/Kagome. =[ But, I'll do some Sesshomaru/Kagome moments, to make people jealous.. maybe. =]
Vote or Review and I shall be as happy as that.. ermmm flying bee over there. -Points to a random bee-l