Knight of the Staff: Greetings mortals! I am back with yet another chapter!

Pinmon: You ever think that people get mad when you call them mortals?

Knight of the Staff: scratches head, looks at armor covered body, caresses legendary weapon the staff of power

Pinmon: shakes head Just thought I'd point that out.

Knight of the Staff: Okay then, anyways, I don't own digimon, no matter how much I beg Pinmon to get it for me for my birthday.

Pinmon: Hey! I'm getting you something else! Something better!

Knight of the Staff: You mean cheap right?

Pinmon: Exactly!

Knight of the Staff: Figures...

Henry watched as Takato continually poked at Kenta. They had been here for over an hour and Kenta still hadn't woken up. Henry was just glad that Kentas' parents were working, he really didn't want to try and explain why their son was unconscious.

"Come on Kenta, wake up!" said Takato as he prodded him yet again.

Henry sighed and moved over to stand next to Takato. "Takato, this isn't working. We've got to wake him up quickly before his parents come home."

Takato nodded, "I know! But nothing's working! You know...if MarineAngemon were here he could wake him up. He'd just have to speak and Kenta would sit up wondering what he wanted."

Henry looked at Kenta, "Takato look!"

Kenta had opened his eyes, "MarineAngemon? Where? Hey...Takato, Henry, what's going on?"

Takato laughed and Henry smiled, "Hello Kenta, it's about time you woke up."

Kenta looked at them confusedly, "Um...okay. I have a question, what are you two doing in my room, and why does my head feel like someone hit it with a sledgehammer?"

Henry laughed, "I know the feeling, here, can you sit up?"

Kenta nodded and carefully sat up. He looked at them blankly for a moment before a look of panic came to his face. Suddenly he was looking all around him, up and down, side to side, even under the pillows.


Takato watched his friend with concern, "Kenta?"

"MarineAngemon...he...he's not here is he?"

Henry looked down, "I'm sorry Kenta."

Kenta stared at the floor as tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. "He...he was real wasn't he? I mean...I know he is...yet at the same time I know he isn't."

Takato place a hand on his friends' shoulder. "Here Kenta...maybe this will tell you what's real."

Kenta looked up to see that Takato held a pearl and white digivice.

"That...that's my digivice!?"

Kenta took it into his hands and held it to his heart as if it were the most important thing in the world to him. Tears began to escape their prison and trickled down his face.

"So...he is real. Takato, Henry, what happened you guys?"

Takato sighed and sat down next to Kenta, Henry did the same on the other side. "It's a long story Kenta...but I'll try explaining as best I can okay?"

A poking at his side disturbed him. Ryo slapped at it and turned over trying to get back to sleep. The poking started up again and Ryo sat up to see what it was. Monodramon took a step back from his angry, tired tamer.

"Oh...Monodramon, what is it?"

Monodramon pointed at the clock, "You've been asleep for over an hour. Don't you think it's time that we started searching? I know you're tired and everything, but we have a job to do you know?"

Ryo yawned and stretched before swinging his legs off the bed and standing up. "I know, I know, well...let's get going. Come on, we'll go out the back."

Several minutes later Ryo was on the ground and helping his partner off the fire escape ladder.

"Now what Ryo?"

Ryo sighed, "I'm not sure would have been helpful if Azulongmon had told us more than just the name Takato and that his parents owned a bakery."

Monodramon scratched his head, "Yeah...well...where would you be if you were him?"

"I don't know...since there's about five more hours until dark, I guess I'd be spending it playing with my friends. But Takato is probably freaking out from having memories of the other time line that Azulongmon told us about. I still don't understand how Milleniumon was able to separate from you Monodramon."

Monodramon shrugged, "I don't know either."

Ryo stared at the ground for a minute, then slapped himself in the forehead. "Duh! I've been such an idiot. His parents own a bakery, so all we have to do is check out the bakeries in Shinjuku until we find the right one!"

Monodramon cocked his head and looked at his partner quizzically, "You sure that's gonna work?"

"Of course it is! I'm the Legendary Tamer, remember? When I say something will work, then it'll work! Besides, how many bakeries can there be?"

Kenta sat in disbelief as Takato finished explaining what had happened to him since he had woken up that morning.

"That's about it I guess. Now we're going to give all the tamers their memories back and try to get our partners."

Kenta stared at his D-Arc and nodded. "I understand...and what you're doing is right. I want MarineAngemon back, and I want the others to have their partners too. So...who do you have planned on 'awakening' next?"

Takato looked at Henry, "Well...I guess since you've your memories back, then Kazu would make a good choice."

Henry nodded in agreement, "Yeah...his detention ended a little while ago, so do you know where he'd be Kenta?"

Kenta stood up and placed his D-Arc inside his pocket. "Yep, he's probably at the card shop. They just got in a shipment of new boosters and he wanted some."

"Stupid card shop...why'd it have to be so far?"

Rika stood in front of the only card shop that was within walking distance of where she lived. Normally she didn't come here that often, and only then to buy or trade for specific cards. To her, her deck was perfect and didn't need any improvements. But supposedly this new set contained cards that could ruin her deck, and she wanted to see what she would be up against.

"Hmph! As if it matters anyways. I'll wipe the floor with anyone who's stupid enough to challenge me."

She glanced at her reflection in the shop window. She looked like she always did, broken heat t-shirt, hair tied up, and her normal scowl. In the background though she could see people walking.

"It can't be..."

She turned, and sure enough saw that Takato, Henry, and Kazu were headed her way.

"Argh! Can't I go anywhere without running into a Gogglehead, Brainiac, or nerd? Grrrr...I'll only be a minute, and if they bother me, well at least I'll be able to teach them not to do it again."

Laughing to herself, she opened the shop entrance and walked inside.

"Hey Takato, was that Rika?"

Takato nodded, "I think so Kenta. If that was then we may be in luck. We could get both her and Kazu to remember and not waste more time looking for her. Come on, let's hurry up before one of them decide to leave."

The three raced to the entrance of the card shop. Henry peered inside the window, and sure enough, saw both Kazu and Rika. Kazu seemed to be hunched over one of the glass cases and drooling. Rika, on the other hand, was ignoring everyone and glancing at various cards in binders.

"They're both in there, so how do we do this Takato?"

"Why are you asking me?"

Henry stared at Takato as if he asked the dumbest question in the world. "Because you're the leader of this little army. This was your idea remember, so you should think of what to do in this kind of situation."

"Oh...right. Okay then men, listen up! This will not be an easy assignment so I suggest we corner them one at a time. Kazu first, since he's less likely to hurt us for talking to him than Rika is."

Henry rolled his eyes, while Kenta raised his hand. "Um...Takato?"


"Won't we attract attention if your D-Arc does its thing inside the store?"

"Hmmm...good point Kenta. Okay then! I'm out of ideas...hehe."

"Why don't we just lead them to someplace secluded. That way we don't have to worry about any witnesses and people freaking out." suggested Henry.

Takato looked thoughtful for a moment, then grinned at the two of them. "Sure! That could work! Let's get to it men!"

Takato turned right around, opened the door, and marched inside the card shop. Henry and Kenta looked at each other, and Henry just shook his head in disbelief.

"He's taking this leadership thing a bit too dramatically, don't you think?"

"You know Takato...come on, let's get in there before he gets himself in trouble."

Kazu didn't know what hit him as Takato clapped him on the back.

"Hey Kazu."

Kazu glanced at Takato then returned to staring at cards. "Hiya Chumly, what do you want? You want another lesson on how to lose at digimon?"

"Not exactly, say, what are you looking at?"

Kazu looked at Takato excitedly, "It's a HiAndromon card! If I can get that then I can make my deck unbeatable!"

"Uh-huh...anyways Kazu, why don't you come with me so we can um....uh..."

Kazu raised an eyebrow and then noticed Takatos newest feature. "Who gave you the shiner Takato? Does it hurt?"

Takato touched his face and winced, he'd forgotten about Rikas gift.

"It's just a black eye Kazu, now come on, I need you and Rika to come with me to the park."

Kazus' face seemed to go white. "The digimon queen herself? Why on earth would you want to be around her? You know what she's like Takato, if you even look at her she threatens to pound you in the ground!"

Takato winced, "Yeah...I already know that. But this is important Kazu, you gotta believe me!"

"He's right you know." said Henry as he walked up next to Takato.

Kenta showed up as well, "Yeah Kazu, come on! What else do you have to do today?"

Takato did a double take when he looked at Henry. His nose was bleeding slightly and he seemed in pain.

"What happened Henry?"

Henry grimaced, "Well...since you were busy with Kazu here, I thought I'd try talking to Rika myself. I didn't think it'd be that good of an idea for you to, since she's already mad at you. I was thinking of the other Rika that I, knew, and I'm afraid that I got in her way. She's gone Takato, we'll have to find her some other time."

Takato groaned and shook his head. "Great...this was supposed to be easy."

Kazu looked at the three of them strangely. "Um...guys? I don't know what's going on, but if it involves the ice queen, I don't think I want to know."

"Aw...come on Kazu!" whined Kenta, "It's going to be fun! Besides...what else do you have to do today?"

Kazu seemed to think for a moment, "Well...there were those chores my parents wanted me to do. What are we waiting for! Let's get going!" Then he strode for the door as fast as he could, whistling while he went.

"Well...that was easy. How'd you know to ask him that Kenta?" asked Takato.

Kenta shrugged, "What else would get him to go? I know Kazu parents always have chores for him, so I figured this was the best way to get him to go."

"Okay then, let's go. We can find Rika later today, right now we need to work with Kazu."

The three boys quickly took off after their friend, not noticing a certain red head watching them from across the street.

"I wonder..." thought Rika..

Ryo dropped the phone book, causing Monodramon to jump in surprise. They were in the park using one of the public payphone booths. Monodramon and Ryo had gotten there through side streets and back alleyways, so that nobody would freak out if they saw Monodramon.

"I don't believe this."

"What's wrong?" asked Monodramon.

Ryo sighed and leaned against the side of the booth. "I looked under bakeries...and there are over 20 in this city. None of them are close together. It's going to take a while for me to search every one until I find the right one."

Monodramon scratched his chin, "Well, we've got plenty of time Ryo. It's not like we're racing against the clock or anything. We'll find Takato, don't you worry, it just may take a little bit longer."

Ryo put the book back and nodded, "You're right Monodramon, come on...we better get started."

Monodramon and Ryo started out of the park until Monodramon stiffened. "Ryo...there's a digimon coming."

"Sir! Another wild one has been detected!"

Yamaki grimaced, "Stop it! Do not lose this one Riley! We can't let it bio-emerge!"

"But sir! I don't know how effective..."

"I said now Riley! Are you questioning my orders!?"

"No sir...tracking program now initiated sir...locking on...we've got it! Target is...wait...sir! The wild one has broken free of the program! We've lost it sir, it's going to bio-emerge!"

Yamaki punched the nearest monitor, shattering it and slicing open his hand. "No! Damn it!"

The current lab staff stared at Yamaki in silence, none wanting to become the focus of his anger. Yamaki stared at his bloody fist, pieces of the monitor embedded in his skin. The pain was something he could focus on now, instead of his failure.

"Damn...someone call the hospital and get me an appointment for stitches. Oh, and Riley?"

"Yes sir?" Riley asked nervously.

"I want you to find out why our tracking program didn't work."

"I already know why sir..."

Yamaki raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Would you care to explain then Riley? Explain how some of our most advanced technology failed us when we needed it?"

"Sir...I tried to tell you, I believe that our methods weren't effective due to the Juggernaut incident earlier today sir. It scrambled most of our systems and the programmers are still working on it."

Yamaki clenched his fists, turned and left the room, trailing droplets of blood behind him.

Knight of the Staff: Whew! I think that was my longest chapter yet!

Pinmon: Argh!

Knight of the Staff: What?

Pinmon: You can't stop now! What happens next! What digimon bio-emerged! I want to know!

Knight of the Staff: Hmmm...I guess I could tell you.

Pinmon: Really?

Knight of the Staff: Yep, just as soon as I thank the extraordinary mortals who reviewed my last chapter.

Skittles the Sugar Fairy: Thanks for saying it was a great chapter! I can't wait for the next chapter of your own series, you are a very talented writer and one of my favorites! for Rika remembering, I was planning on doing it this chapter, but decided to wait a chapter for reasons that will be shown next chapter. Thanks for the review! But Pinmon ate all the cookies! (Yep! They were tasty! Yum!)

Azereath: The digimon will be making an appearance in later chapters. As for them remembering, well...I don't want to ruin the surprise, hehe. As for the power of the's been done so often...but who knows? Thanks for the review!

OmnicromXR: Thanks for the website! The info was very helpful. Although just what is Scenario 7? Thanks for the review!

D3Fan: Hehe, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Thanks for the review!

Kayono: I'm glad you find it awesome so far, and I'm sorry about the cliffhangers, but people want updates as soon as possible so I try to make them come back for more. Also, sympathies about the bloodwork...shivers I hate needles...and clowns. eh...don't ask. hehe, thanks for the review!

Xtaci: Thanks for the review, I'm glad you find it so interesting so far.

BloodyKitsune: Darn it...BloodyKitsune knows about the plushie Pinmon! (Hmmm...guess we'll just have to hide in the basement.) Yes! We will never be found there! Oh...and just so you know BloodyKitsune, nobody can touch my staff without my consent, if they do they will be trapped within their own mind, facing their deepest and darkest fears, paralyzing them in place until I retrieve my weapon. Since it's basically a part of me, I always know where it is. Thanks for the review!

GtaJake MK-II: Thanks for saying this isn't pure crap! Yes, any of the tamers that touch the digivice will regain their memories. I'm trying to get Milleniumons personality right, but if I don't I hope you forgive me. The only info I have on him is other fics and certain websites. I know he's obsessed with Ryo, and I will use that, but that will be shown in later chapters. Thanks for the review, and I love reading your work!

Peter Kim: Excuse me? What do you mean Juggernaut will awaken the D-Reaper? D-Reaper already existed and causing trouble before Juggernaut was ever activated. I know about Milleniumons obsession, and I have plans for Jeri. Thanks for the review and you observations.

Alex Warlorn: By the Sovereigns! This is the longest review I've ever received. I apologize if I said your questions were vague last time, I'll try to answer as many as I can now.

-No, the final digi-gnome has nothing to do with this fic. I had the tamers regain their memories so that they will be able to get their partners back and help Ryo defeat Milleniumon. Henry and Rika became work partners in school, because their teacher assigned them to work together. Yamaki has always known about the monster makers, even in the show, for he was the one that confronted Janyu about it in the show. Also, I never said that all digimon stopped coming to the real world, just the tamers partners. Hypnos still exists and so far has been able to keep digimon at bay. I know Calumon was the reason the devas came to the real world, which is why he isn't in the real world, I'll explain about him in later chapters. Right now the D-Arcs are blank, they aren't dead, but since they haven't encountered any real digimon yet the devices haven't activated. I know the proper spelling is D-Ark, but since I've kept with the American version so far, I think I'll stick with it. Rika is in a public school for several reasons, the major one being that in this timeline her grandmother died. I'll be covering that more in depth next chapter. Ah...Jeri, Jeri, Jeri, I have plans for her, but I don't want to ruin the surprise here. Yes, MM knows the tamers by name, remember he and Monodramon were joined, and he split from Mono and used his powers of time to...oops, hehe, almost spilled the beans. As for how he split from him, well, I wouldn't be surprised if you guessed how. He may not be a god...but he sure is powerful!

Thanks for the website by the way, it helped me a lot! Thank you for the review and I hope to hear from you again!

The-Guardian-Angel: Wow! Thanks for the glowing compliments! I plan on updating every week or two from now on. Thanks for the review!

Anton: Okay...guess you're a reviewer of few words huh? I don't mean any offense, but next time try to say at least one thing you like, or even hate!, about my writing, so I know what I'm doing right or wrong.

Pinmon: There! You're done answering the reviews, now tell me who the digimon is!

Knight of the Staff: Hehe, I'll give you one hint!

Pinmon: Okay, what is it?

Knight of the Staff: Ice

Pinmon: Ice? That's it?

Knight of the Staff: Yep! Any reviewer who guesses who it is will get a prize?

Pinmon: Like what?

Knight of the Staff: about a digimon plushie!

Pinmon: Pfft! who'd want one of those?'re not giving away my plushies!

Knight of the Staff: crosses fingers Never!

Pinmon: Okay

Knight of the Staff: Anyways, I hope you mortals have enjoyed the chapter, remember to R & R, and as always, Boo ha ha!