If We Meet Again

By: InuLover

A/N: Sorry for the long break but I just haven't had the muse to post this chapter. Don't worry, I'm going to finish the story and I will have a plot but I just haven't been in the mood to post any chapters up. Spring Break is done and over with so I might not post another chapter in a long time.

Questions/comments: when is Inu gonna come in HM?

I'm getting to it I promise. I have plans for him to make an appearance
next chapter if all goes well ^^

If this is considered better than your prior works, I'm glad I didn't waste time reading them.

Yeah well no one really is holding a gun up to your head and making you
read this now are they? I'm sure you a much better writer then me (most
people are) but let me atleast bask in my glory of my story.

InuShemeeko right you are right you are!! I'm going to go read your story now ^^

Thanks to: InuShemeeko, Ryous-Crystal, aznchicki, animegirl91, Sihara, waterlily216, inuyasha-rocks2003, and Riftwar-Slave

You guys rock!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha

Kagome arose at 7 the next morning feeling groggy. She shuffled her feet slowly to her bathroom and turned on the hot water for her shower. She made her way down stairs 30 minutes later fully dressed but still not quite awake.

She took a seat at the table beside her brother and laid her head on the table.

'Could my life get any worse?'

Ms. Higurashi hummed quietly to herself while she served breakfast to her children and took a seat.

"Kagome dear, I think its time for you to get a job. Your 18 now and I cant baby you forever."

Kagome sprung to life as soon as she heard the word "job" and she jumped up quickly.

'Well, I guess that answers my question.'

"Why should I have to get a job? I mean, cant I stay here and work at the shrine?"

"Honey, that's your grandfathers job. Your lucky I'm not making you move out. Heres a newspaper you can look in while I'm cleaning up the kitchen. You gotta grow up sometime."

Kagome sighed. Well, her mothers right. Kags ripped open the newspaper and started skimming for jobs. She circled a few with a red marker and folder up the newspaper with a sigh.

"Well, I'm off to find a job I guess"

"Bye dear"

______________________________on the high way_____________________________

"Lets see here, the first job I have is at a department store. This should be an easy job and it pays well."

Kagome entered the store called Silver Locket and immediately was in awe. It was a teen clothing store and it had the best taste in clothes not to mention that it was huge and crammed with people. She wandered the hallways until she found the customer service desk.

"Hi, may I help you?"

"Uhh, yeah I was looking for the manager. I'm here to apply for a job."

"Well, you found me! I'm Shanda! Fill out this form and then we'll give you an interview okay hun?" Shanda pushed the clipboard in Kagomes face before Kagome snatched it away from her.

"Yeah, uhhh sure." 'I do NOT like her preppy attitude. Its to happy and its just freaking me out. Maybe I need to work on my people skills.'

After Kagome filled out the necessary forms, she entered a large office that belonged to Shanda. Shanda motioned Kagome to have a seat while she looked over her forms.

"So your 18 and never had a job?"

"Uh huh. I guess you could call me spoiled."

"So what makes you think you can get this job?"

Kagome fiddled with her hands for a while trying to find the right words.

"Well, umm... I know my fashion pretty well and I thought this was a good job for me."

Shanda looked deep in thought for a while and then studied Kagomes appearance. Kagome was wearing black slightly baggy jeans with a blood red and black striped shirt to match. Her bracelets were studded and matched her shirt perfectly.

"Sorry, we aren't hiring at the moment."


"I'm sorry, Goodbye."

Kagome rolled her eyes and slammed the door on they way out.

"well, one down two to go." She mumbled under her breath and opened her car door in the parking lot.

As Kagome opened the door, tons of little kids can screaming at her.

"KIDS!!! GO PLAY!!!" A scream could be heard over all the children. A woman made her way through the crying and screaming children and reached out her hand to Kagome.

"I'm Carol, I take it your looking for a job?"

"I'm Kagome and yeah I'm looking for a job. You are hiring right?"

"Of course we are. Fill out this sheet and come see me when your done okay?"

"Okay" Kagome sat down in a chair and filled out the same sheet a second time. The screams and crying about drove her to break her pencil as she was filling out her form.

She loudly slammed her pencil down on the table and made her way to Carol.

"Sorry but I uhh..ummm... left my curling iron on at home! I gotta go!"

"But your hairs straight, why do you need a curl..."

"I just gotta go!" Kagome spat out and ran for the door.

She shut the door loudly and slumped against it. 'If I had to stay in there one more minute, I would do something I would regret later on.'

__________________________on the road again_____________________________

"My last job I have circled. If I don't get this, I'm screwed." Kagome turned up her music and sped up blurring the scenery around her.

The sun was setting when she arrived in the bad part of her town. Her eyes scanned the horizon trying to look for the building that held her future job.

Sighing inwardly, she gave up and exited to the highway once again. 'I do NOT want to be in the slumps during the night time. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to be a bum for the rest of my life.'

As she took her exit her eyes fell upon a very familiar building with the sign "HELP WANTED" in the front.

Kags turned into the parking lot sharply, getting a few horns honked at her as she cut off traffic, and ran to the building.

__________________inside The Cats Meow_____________________________

Kagome approached the empty bar and sat down waiting for the club to show some life. She was met with the same bartender as before. The bartender smiled widely and approached Kagome.

"Hi, I'm Rin! Is there anything I can do for you? This Club usually doesn't get started until 8 or so."

"I'm Kagome Higurashi and I'm here to apply for a job if that's okay. I have been here twice and I love it here."

"Yes it is a wonderful place isn't it?" Rins eyes scanned the room as Kagomes eyes followed.

She never noticed the wonder decorating of this place since all the lights were out when she got here. The walls were stained a deep crimson red and were decorated with modern art from some of the most famous artists. The seating also followed the modern theme.

"It must have cost a lot of money to build and decorate this." Rin glanced back at Kagome and nodded profusely. Rin slipped from under the bar to join Kagome in sitting down.

"So you wanted a job here? I'll have to set up an appointment for you with the manager but I'm sure you'll get the job. We are really short handed here and could take anyone."

"That's great! When do you think I could stop by and get interviewed?"

"Uhh... hang on... Mr. Tai!!!!" Rin screamed at her manager. A tall and dark man appeared from behind a curtain. His unnatural silver hair spilled over his shoulders and blew behind him when he approached Rin.

"God damn it Rin you could've blown my ear drums out! What the hell do you want!?" The mans eyes gave away he was angry if you couldn't tell from his tone.

Rin just giggled at his anger while Kagome eyes were as big as saucers. You could tell by the way that his eyes softened when Rin laughed that he cared for her a lot. But he was still scarey none the less. This guy was defiantly intimidating. You could tell from his tight shirt that he worked out a lot.

"Kagome wants a job here, is it okay if she comes back say 4 ish tomorrow to get an interview?"

Mr. Tai sighed and then looked at Kagome. She was slightly taken aback from his mood change and gulped when his eyes locked onto hers. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of honey she had ever seen. It was almost as if they were a golden color.

"Nice to meet you Kagome, I'm sure you already know my name because of my loud mouth employee here. Tomorrow would be great to get an interview with you. You can meet the other employees tomorrow too. Now, I got to finish up some paper work" Mr. Tai reached out his hand and quickly shook Kagomes before running off to his office.

"You'll get used to his madness someday." Rin giggled and smiled.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow Rin. Nice meeting you!" Kagome said and smiled back.

"You too. Bye!"

Next chapter is the interview ^_^ I hope you were able to guess who Mr. Tai was O_o yeah and to answer any of your questions out there, Rin is the same Rin that Sesshomaru took care of in the feudal times ^_^ Review with any comments, questions, or helpful tips ^_^