Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of its characters.

"Hey we're home!" Fett heard Leia yell as he awoke with a jerk. Well now Fett knew he was screwed, he had caused a lot of damage to the Solo's house and he was ready for Leia to start yelling. But she didn't apparently she didn't notice the gaping hole in her apartment. Well if she didn't see that then she would definitely see the dead body of Zellosk laying on her bed.

Fett walked out into the living room Leia just finally started to look around. Oh Shit…, Fett thought to himself.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY APPARTMENT!" Leia yelled at Fett making him jump back a little. He wasn't afraid of a lot of things but she could be pretty damn scary. "You've blown up everything in the damn place!"

"Well your kids are okay." Fett said.

"It sure is amazing they are after what you've done." Leia yelled Han just stood there and looked at her he really need to say anything. Of course its not like he could get a word in over Leia's screaming. "I'm so mad I can't even think."

"You have a lot of trouble with thinking." Han said as a joke…that wasn't a good idea.

"Han just shut up!" Leia yelled walking toward her bedroom.

"Sounds like you guys had a good vacation." Fett said sarcastically. Han glared at the bounty hunter then hit him on the top of the helmet.

"FETT!" Leia yelled. Fett winced he knew what happened. "WHY IS THERE A DEAD TRANDOSHAN IN MY BED!"

"Ummm….I killed him." Fett said quickly. Leia walked up to him and stared right into his visor then screamed and walked away.

"I don't think she's very happy with you." Han said to Fett.

"Really." Fett shot back.

"Have you been traumatizing my kids like this the whole time we've been gone?" Leia yelled. Apparently she wasn't very pleased with the fact that Fett was killing things in front of her three children.

"They were asleep through that fight."

"There was another fight?" Leia asked. Fett thought the little pulsating vein in her head would pop any second now.

"N…no…" Fett said stuttering. He wasn't sneaking his way out of this one. He figured the faster he told Leia about what happened with Luke the faster he could get out of the palace.

"Well you see Luke didn't exactly know I was baby sitting." Fett said to Leia. She looked at him as if he was an idiot. Well he kind of was an idiot for taking this job.

"So…" Leia asked Fett.

"So….he thought I was trying to kill the kids and then tried to kill me." Fett informed Leia.

"So I'm guessing you got the pink armor and feathers because of the fight? Han said with a snicker. Fett narrowed his eyes at Han. But of course he was under helmet so this form of intimidation didn't really work to well. So instead Fett responded to Han's snide remark with a swift kick to the shin.

"Owww…that hurt." Han said wincing. This made Fett happy after what had gone on the past week he was glad to kick the man he made these children. Fett turned around to look at the demons…er…kids. When he turned around he saw that the kids were using the force to swing a vase dangerously near his head.

"No…" Fett quietly whispered to the kids.

Anakin smiled at Fett, "Sorry bucket head." As Anakin finished saying that he threw the vase at Fett but he moved causing it to hit Leia in the back of the head.

"Oww…" She said falling to the ground.

"Hey Fett what'd you do that for?" Han said as he bent down to help Leia. Ah, the kids had just found a new way of getting him into trouble. Fett saw another vase go flying through the air, but Fett had caught this one.

"Ha ha!" Fett said triumphantly, the vase raised above his head. From Han's view it seemed like Fett had the vase raised to strike at him with. So Han kicked Fett in the back igniting his jetpack sending him back up to the Nemoidian's apartment from chapter 10. But this time he was not in the Nemoidian's bathroom; he was in its bedroom. He just decided to close his eyes and not say anything after he saw the two Nemoidians doing something disturbing. Just then Fett felt himself being hit by a blunt object.

"Piñata!" All the kids screamed.

Fett heard the piñata war cry. No…not again, Fett thought to himself.

"Piñata!" Han screamed gleefully as he grabbed a blunt object and started hitting Fett with it.

"Han!" Leia screamed.

"Piñata, Piñata…" Han continued not hearing Leia.

"Han!" Leia screamed trying to bring Han back to reality.

"Hmmm?" Han said snapping back.

"What are you doing?"

"Piñata." Han said pointing at Fett.

"Arrg…Han let me see that stick." Leia said politely. Han handed her the stick then she bludgeoned him with it. "I'm hurt your supposed to be helping me!" Leia shot at Han.

"Okay fine, meanie." Han said bending down to help Leai. Finally Fett wriggled enough and Fell to the ground. The kids however were still beating him.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Fett screamed running to the other side of the room. Han finally helped Leia to her feet and he walked her over to Fett. "I want my money…NOW! Fett screamed all he wanted to do was get out of there but these kids….anyway.

"Okay, you want your money…fine. Well let's see we owe you 100,000 credits. Ok here it is." Leia said holding out the money. "But wait there's those two holes in the ceiling that's about 25,000 creds so now you have 75,000." Leia said about to hand Fett the money. "Oh, then of course theres the hole in the wall that's around 50,000 and all of the priceless vases and things broken that would cost around 25,000. So you get a total of zero credits for this job. But heres two credits for a tip." Leia said holding out two credits. Fett couldn't believe it.

"Wha..Wh….what?" Fett said flabbergasted. "Tw…t…two…two credits? Aaagh" Fett said walking out of the apartment. He finally arrived to his ship and immediately took off. Finally after days of tormenting it was all over he could finally rest.

It had been a whole week since the incident with the kids he was glad to finally be back on Kamino. Fett decided to see if he had received any transmissions on his ship. He walked out to the ship and received this transmission. "Fett this is han our kids have been missing for a week we've looked everywhere but with you. If you have them…" Fett ended the transmission.

"Why would I have them?" Fett asked himself.

"HEY BOBBERS!" Fett heard from behind him.

Fett's eyes widened with fear, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

A/N: Hey everyone this is the last chap but you see I cliffhangered it so I could make a second one. I probably will a little bit later. Anyway R&R