By Starflower Sakura

DISCLAIMER: Yu-Gi-Oh doesn't belong to me, but that isn't quite a surprise now is it?

To readers/reviewers: This is my first Marik/Malik chapter fic! So all you Marik/Malik fans, this is the story for you! I know that I haven't updated for a while on my other fics and all, but what can you say when I have ideas after ideas after ideas? *smiles innocently* Enough with the talking and on with the fic! I do hope you'll enjoy it!



"Malik-kun, there's a new patient for you," Ryou announced, handing the file to his friend.

"Thanks, Ryou."

Ishtar Malik was a very well-known psychiatrist in not only Japan, but all around the world. He took the file from his friend's hand and opened it. His lavender eyes scanned over the information about his new patient.

Name: Marik Ishiyama
Age: 29
DOB: October 24th 1975
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 123lbs.
Blood type: B
Relations: None could be found.
Comments: He is, from what we've seen so far, well-bred. He is considered insane for his actions and his claim of being the darkness.

Malik didn't read any more. If he needs more information, he'll read more later. Malik finally glanced at the picture clipped to the information. An amused smile landed on his lips. The picture reminded him of himself in some ways. The same colored-eyes except with closer observation, the person in the picture had sharper looking ones. The same beautifully tanned skin, and the same intriguing colored hair. Looking closely, Malik could see a malicious smirk played on the person's lips.

This is going to be a very interesting patient, Malik thought to himself, walking down the hall to the room where his new patient resided in.

"Here it is. Room 253," Malik mumbled to himself.

Hands on the doorknob, he carefully opened the door. The room was dark and the curtains to the window were closed.

Wait a minute. Why is there a window here?

Malik slowly entered the darkened room, leaving the brightly lit hall behind him. He felt a tremor of fear run through his veins as he entered, standing close to the doorway.

"Close the door," a voice commanded.

Malik did as he was told and then turned back to his patient that was still hidden in the dark.

"Ishiyama-san?" Malik asked.

A table lamp turned on with a soft 'click.' Malik blinked. He was unsure of what to make out of this situation. If he's a well-known psychiatrist, then you can be sure that he knew what to do with the patient, but it wasn't the patient that got him confused-it was the room. Of all the patients that he had, they were never allowed so much freedom as the one he had now. They didn't have windows it their rooms, nor did they have table lamps resting cautiously on a nearby stand. Malik looked around and noted that mostly everything this patient had, wasn't suppose to be in the hands of a supposedly crazed patient. He heard a slight chuckling and twirled to look at the owner of the voice.

"Does my room surprise you?" he asked, his voice deep, yet soft, and sounded like darkness, if the darkness had a noise to be distinguished with.

"Well, it seems that you have guessed it," Malik laughed, trying to brighten up the atmosphere and hopefully the room.

Malik shuddered suddenly, for ever without seeing it, Malik could tell that his new patient was smirking at him. A smirk that sent chills up and down his spine. He didn't like the feeling. Without saying more than ten words, his new patient had already made the impression that he was in power. Malik scowled and straightened up. He was not going to be intimidated with a mere patient when surely he has dealt with worse.

"Do you mind if I open the light?" Malik asked, heading towards what he assumes is where the switch is.

"Actually, I do mind. This lamp is enough light for the both of us, don't you think?"

"On the contrary, I don't think so at all."

Malik was once again unnerved by the fact that he could feel all of Ishiyama's expressions without even seeing it. This time, the expression was a lifting of the eyebrows. Once again, Malik scowled at the expressions that Marik was giving him.

"Fine, you may open a bit of the shades," Marik said, a tone of dark amusing seemed to linger in his voice.

Malik breathed a soft sigh of relief. He wandered towards the window and let small streams of light from the outside world stream into the dark room. He turned around and saw more fully what his new look-alike patient was like. He found him sitting on the bed, leaning casually on the headboard. His hair was up in spikes that went astray in all directions of his head. His face was sharp, but that didn't mean it wasn't beautiful. Golden skin, tanned by the sun, was spread evenly across his features and his arms like it showed in the picture. Malik was surprised to see that Marik was actually extremely well built and he wasn't one that liked surprises very much. He didn't look that insane, but looks can be deceiving.

"You are extremely surprising, Ishiyama-san," Malik stated.

"How so?"

"Well, for one. You certainly don't act like all my regular patients that I have to work with. Are you really, as they claim, insane?"

Marik threw back his head and laughed, a sinister laughter that made Malik close his eyes, trying to block it out.

When he was done, he said, "Even I don't know if I'm mad or not. I might be, I might not be. All I know is that I'm the darkness."

Malik smirked, not quite as menacing as Marik's, but a smirk all the same.

He's mad alright. How can anyone be the darkness? Malik thought, but something inside him protested otherwise.

"If you are the darkness, then I'm the light."

Marik looked amused, "Is that so?"

"Oh, yes, quite so."

"Then what is the dear light going to do to me?"

Malik grinned before replying, "My job. And for this case, I'm going to go and push out the darkness."

Marik laughed, "Push out the darkness? Then why not just push me out the door? It's the same thing."

Malik turned his head and suddenly all thoughts of how easy it would be to finish this case drifted out of his mind. His eyes locked with Marik's. His eyes were one of the features that he missed while he was studying him a minute ago. In the photo, he noticed the eyes, but clearly he had missed one fact. His eyes were a deep violet that held past secrets that burdened down the soul.

Maybe the case won't be that easy after all. Maybe he is the darkness. Whatever the case, those secrets within him won't stay secrets for long. not from me.

To be continued...


Oh dear!! I'm sorry!! As you might not know, I'm not a patient like Marik! So I really have no idea how this goes! ^-^;; I'm just making up stuff along the way and well. probably getting them all wrong. If you know how exactly it works then please email me! I love this ficcie and think that it will be interesting, but it's not exactly something that I'll be able to know the situation of. Only if I go crazy and end up where Marik is, but is that even likely to happen? . You know what, I'm not going to answer that! So please review and contribute on this poor cause the best you can!

Any comments? Questions? Suggestions? Reviews? Email me at--- [email protected] if you want to ask me anything!

~* Starflower Sakura *~