I am so sorry! I have had technical difficulties with the story, but I finally have the third chapter to cooperate with me. I wish for everyone to review again, and new people to review as well. It feels weird for doing all this work and not getting any appreciation or pat on the backs for getting it all back together. Anyways, on with the story.


       The pulsation mixed throughout every center of the earth. At least it seemed to have been going that far. The vibrations and beats were so loud and smoothing it seemed as though your own body submerged in a heat of some kind, filling you with excitement and adrenaline. I guess that would explain the screams and out bursts of the millions of people that you could scan with one eye alone among the hundreds of masses spread across the huge land used for this event.

     Lights flashed and music would have its own moment where it would go into a relentando moment, just at the same exact moment the singing would slow but soon get back to a jumpy pace, causing people to scream for next for minutes until they took five or ten and went right back at it. The shimmering beams of oriented colors would go across all of the people and back to its rightful place. The lights were so bright that it could possibly blind someone. In that case, everyone was too busy having their attention to the stage to get their eyes flashed out.

The band was magnificent, enough to put any international or foreign pro on their knees in complete awe. They have inspired many amateurs, gained millions of adoring fans and have become one of the most well known musical bands of all time. They made many golden records, topped the best, and are still going in their glory. Strangely enough, even after the three-year break up they once had. The three members were perfectly consociated. It was beautiful.

The vocalist was the force behind it all, the one keeping everything alive. He was the one that made everything worthwhile about going to their concerts, buying their CDs and just being a fan. Sure, the music was great, the beat was nothing anyone could compare and the songs had lyrics that could amaze any poet. Nevertheless, the vocal sounds were extraordinary. Sakuma Ryuichi. That name alone is known worldwide for his greatness. His voice was so unique in its own profound greatness it even brought his listeners to tears.

"Thank you very much," he would finally say, just as he does after each song ends. He would wear a large smile that sent fans gibbering in screams and squeals, "I appreciate you all coming out to watch and listen. I am very happy to have come here, just as you are. Thank you for your support and I hope you always will support us,"

 "Nittle Grasper."


       I could feel the sun resurfacing and hitting my eyelids from the corner of my shades, I had closed in order to continue my slumber. I did not even feel like getting up at that exact moment so I tugged around to find an open piece of cloth, and threw it over my head, rolling to my side with a groan and tried to get back to my dreams.

        "Tatsuha," I heard the voice of my father say to me as he came into my room, "Get up and put on your robes, I let you sleep in enough already." He coughed with the most nonchalance and turned to walk away, "I don't want you to turn out anything like your older brother."

My older brother, huh? I pulled the top of my cover down a bit to look around my room; it was filled with magazines, CDs and clothes. My walls were covered with Nittle Grasper poster and all of them centered around Sakuma Ryuichi, my God. I had dreamt of them at their latest concert I had attended to again. I usually always dream about it over fifty times or so until the next one comes. I guess I am pathetic in a weird way.

             Even though, as much as my father despises even the name of my older brother, Eiri, I almost envy to be like him. He is everything I wish I could be. Out of the house and father's dumb ass rules, and doing what he wants as a job. He can do what he wants and not have disapproval and forced to quit by anyone except for maybe Shuichi. Moreover, even in that case, I wish I could be like him.

         "Strange of me to think of shit like that," I grinned with self-confidence as I pulled my self out of bed, and grabbing a piece of paper that somehow found a way to crawl underneath my pillow, "Oro? What's this?" I began to think it was probably some stupid reminder father left for me but it was the usual,


I have no real need to wake you up right now, seeing as you are in a deep slumber. You are so cute that way. Back to the main subject, I just wanted to say thank you for the greatest night of my life last night. I never knew it was that enjoyable to do that. I hope we can meet up again soon and maybe get to know each other better by going out somewhere or something of the like. Give me a call sometime you know my number.

 Love you!



            "Ugh," was the only thing I could think of as I crumbled the tiny sheet of yellow paper and tossed it over my shoulder, with no concern whatsoever how she felt if she never got a call from me. It is not as if I wanted any of those girls, just the sex. Hell, I do not even really think about them at all even when I am having sex with them. Eiri was the same way; keyword was. I do not know when he stopped being the player he used to be, but he just did. He got so sucked up with Shuichi that he rather forgot about those old days.

            Once again, I envy my older brother. He is missing out on some fun things, though I guess. However, I have never seen him happier. Shuichi has done so much for him in benefit. It is amazing that he could just settle down with someone that quickly. I could never do something like that, even if I do seem as if I can more than my brother does. I cannot bring myself to commitment. How does my brother do it?

I smirk as I put the last finishing of my monk attire on. Strange of me to think of something so deep.

        "Ah, Tatsuha!" My father gives me a warm greeting with pride. He looks at my as if I am a fallen angel that replaced his fallen, 'bad' son. He knows nothing of me or my life yet thinks he controls it. If he knew the real me, he would be so disappointed. Strangely enough, I kind of respect the old man.

"So what is the plan for today?" I ask him with my biggest, fake smile of enthusiasm and hoped he bought it. And he probably did, like every day.

"Praying." He informs in a tone that makes you cringe. He sounds like it is something to look forward toward.

It is always the same schedule everyday. I never really object to it, maybe because I don't think much of it. I will do my duty as a monk and then spend the rest of my day in my room. I will go out every now and again to pick up women or just have a smoke or a drink, but I would rather just stay in my small capacity of my room and listen to Nittle Grasper. I am pathetic, I know. I would rather live my life as a fool, dreaming of something he shall never catch than be a bigger fool, facing the hard sunlight of reality. I will never change. Nothing will ever change how I am. I will always be the pathetic sixteen year old as I am now.

        I walk into the family room after my day of praying to sit on the couch and grab the remote. I turn on the television to hear a babbling.

"Welcome to the special edition of MUSICFAN!" the idiotic announcer said ecstatically, waving his arms up and down. "We have a big surprise for all of your Nittle Grasper fans out there tonight!" My attention was captured at the words of my favorite band. I listened attentively to what the announcer said, "We are to be announcing the winner of the raffle contest right here and right now!"

What? Raffle contest? I had not even heard of a raffle contest dealing with Nittle Grasper. How did this slip my mind?

 "The winner is to win a dinner with Sakuma Ryuichi!"

My mind went blank and heat overcame me. How did I miss this opportunity? Where was I when this all happened? I knew at that moment that Sakuma Ryuichi, my God, would have to be dining with some bimbo girl who talks nothing else but cheesecake.

"And the winner is," I found myself praying that the name announced would be mine, but that was useless knowing the fact I did not even enter the contest. My life was ruined. "Shindou Shuichi!!"
      My heart stopped and I was drowned in heat from my forehead. How could this happen? I could not even find words to say, but when I opened my mouth the only thing that escaped was,


AN: Wow, changes… changes. Short, shorter.

I am a manga fan if you did not know. I care nothing for the anime. Behold my Gravitation manga knowledge!! MUSICFAN inside joke for those who have read the manga.

Manga lives!!

Har. Man, I bet everyone is wanting the third chapter. Review for this one and the second and than maybe I will post it. XD

I do not own Gravitation