Disclaimer:  own nothing but the story idea.

A/N:  This is it.  End of the line.  Thank God.  I'm hating this story.  Rated R for language.


Val stretched out on her bed in silence and watched as shadows played on the walls of their room.  He was leaving.  And that was good, she told herself.  She certainly wasn't staying, no matter what Annie decided to do, so it was no skin off hernose.

Annie had left about an hour ago to attend classes and continue her exploration of the school.  Val could tell already that she would probably stay and that was good.  When she herself left, she didn't want to drag Annie with her.  The house in Montana was no longer available for use, not when Magneto had been there.  And she didn't even have a car anymore.  I need to come up with a plan.  When I leave here I can take the bus or a train, but where to?  She closed her eyes and let her mind drift.  

When she woke up hours later and rubbed her eyes she had an idea.  And she was hungry.  Rolling off her bed, she adjusted her clothing and glanced in the mirror.  Her hair was a disaster, but that was nothing new.  Pulling it back and winding it into her traditional low knot, she reassessed and said to her reflection, "Eh."  Even pulled back, her hair wouldn't just sit still.   There were loose ends coming out all over and she tried to smooth it down with her hands, but nothing worked.  "Fuck it," she finally decided and left the room in search of the kitchen.

She was still wearing her jeans and the borrowed tee shirt, but she'd added underwear.  She liked the tee shirt and was planning to keep it.  She'd probably never see her jacket again, she reasoned as she made her way down to the kitchen.  Her limbs were a little sore from the night before but her nap had definitely pepped her up.  In the kitchen, she found that she was famished. 

She poured herself a bowl of Fruit Loops, added three spoonfuls of sugar and then topped it off with a ridiculous amount of milk.

From behind she was startled by a voice.  "You don't add the sugar last?"

Spinning, she calmed at the sight of Logan and explained, "If you add the sugar first, it gets mixed in really good.  If you add it last, it just sits on top and you get the plain old loops underneath when you're done with the top."

"You've put a lot of thought into this," he mocked.

"Cereal is like science," she replied seriously.

Logan flinched.  Science made him think of Jean.  Now that's just stupid, he told himself.  It's like saying science gets you hot.  He almost chuckled out loud, but that would surely require an explanation.

Val sat on a stool at the island, crunching away at her cereal.

Logan sat opposite her and said, "So, I've been thinking."

She continued to crunch but met his eyes briefly to show him that she was listening.

"I'll be leaving by the end of the week."

"You said that already," Val replied, trying not to sound bitter…no trying not to bebitter.

"Have you thought about what you'll do if Annie decides to stay?" he ventured.

"A little.  I can't stay here.  I'll probably come back to visit from time to time, but this isn't my style, you know?"

"Mine, either," answered Logan with a nod.  "So why don't you come with me to Canada.  You know where that base it.  I was out cold when we left it.  I could use your help."

Val considered this before slowly nodding.  "Maybe." 

"Think about it," he said before getting up and leaving her alone in the kitchen.

By the time Val made it back to their room it was nearing four-thirty.  Annie was waiting for her with a thousand watt smile and an armful of books.  Val was very pleased to hear that she had decided to stay.

"Listen," she said slowly when Annie had stopped chattering away.  "I'm really glad you've made this decision.  I think it's a good one."  Val paused.

"You're leaving, aren't you?"  Annie guessed.

"This just isn't me," Val confessed.  "I need to be on my own.  But now that I know I can, I'll be back a lot to visit."

"Really?"  She pulled Annie into a hug and they held onto each other for a moment, before breaking apart.

"Really.  And you can always use your power to get in touch with me.  Now that we know you can get in my head, we'll have to see if there's anyplace that's 'out of range' like a cell phone," laughed Val.

Annie giggled and then said, "I heard Logan was leaving, too.  Rogue told me."

Val nodded.  "He told me he was, too.  He actually asked me to go with him."

Annie wiggled her eyebrows and said, "A bow chicka bow-wow!"

"Ha!  As if!" snorted Val.

"So are you going with him?"

"I think I might."

"Hot for teacher!" Annie crowed.

"He's not a teacher!" defended Val.

"He told mom and dad he was."

"Well, I'm not a student."

Annie giggled and opened her mouth but Val cut her off with, "Don't even think about saying something gross about the things he could teach me."

Annie collapsed into guffaws and fell off the bed.

"Graceful as ever," Val noted with a rueful shake of her head.


By Friday, Val had said good-bye to everyone she'd met and Annie walked her down to the garage where Logan was waiting.

"Take care and come back soon," Annie demanded.

"I will and I will," promised Val.

"You ready?" asked Logan as he straddled a bike. 

"Isn't that Mr. Summer's motorcycle?" asked Annie, concerned.

"He said it was okay," assured Logan with a smile that said he was lying.

Val cinched her backpack on tight and took the helmet Logan offered her. 

"Are you sure we can take a car?  It's the middle of winter," she whined.

"I don't do cars," he said.

"Fine," she pouted.  Then, she pulled Annie into one last hug and got on the bike behind Logan. 

Annie backed away and watched as Logan started the bike.  Val wrapped her arms around Logan's torso and held on as they rolled out of the garage and then sped off.  She waved and said into Val's mind, I'll miss you.

I'll miss you, too, honey, but we'll be back.  I promise.
