Disclaimer: I do not own LOTR.


Jaren, Kriss, and Legolas sat like the dead, along with the Imaldris twins as they awaited the arrival of their father.

Thranduil had been sent the message of his daughter's death and had hurried to grieve with his remaining children.

Finally, the king of Mirkwood arrived with his entourage. He made his way into the great hall as quickly as possible.

"Oh, my sons. I am so sorry," he sobbed. "Please forgive me for taking so long to arrive."

"There is nothing to forgive father. It was not your fault that circumstances prevented as much." Said Legolas in a dead, monotone voice that was completely unbefitting of him.

Thranduil embraced his sons, and they all ventured towards Elrond's quarters.

There Elrond dismissed the children telling them, "The Lady Galadriel has notified me that your brother is almost here why don't you await him in the great hall."

The children left, and the adults had a short reprieve.


Soon Mussassi made his way into Imaldris' impressive structure. He met his brothers waiting for him in the hall. Tears poured down all of their faces but he was impassive about that. He walked straight for Legolas.


The sound echoed throughout the hall.

"You have no right to grieve for her you miserable little whelp. It's because of you that she is dead."

"Mussassi, you have no right to speak to Legolas that way. There is no way he could have done anything different than the rest of us." Started Jaren.

"Stay out of this." Mussassi said with such vehemence that even Jaren quieted. "You stupid little brat," he swung at Legolas again, this time hitting his other cheek, "all you do is cause pain."

By this time his brothers had grabbed his arms and were trying to drag him away from Legolas.

"You are cursed. No better than the Nazgul themselves. I hate you. It's all your fault. It's all your fault." He screamed at Legolas.

Legolas turned and tore off down the hall, towards Elrond's study, and the safety of his fathers embrace. However, what he heard at the door made him pause.

"Elrond, is my son doomed to be cursed. Twice members of our family have died for him. Is he doomed to cause pain to others." There was more, but Legolas didn't stay around long enough to hear it. He never heard the rest of his fathers grief, nor Elrond's comforting reply. Only two sentences repeated themselves in his head.

'You are cursed. Doomed to be cursed.' He ran and ran until his legs could take it no more.

Later that night, he was found sleeping in the gardens near the pools. He was returned to his family.

The next day they set off back to Mirkwood for the burial ceremony for Ianna. Throughout the entire journey and for that matter a few centuries, Legolas didn't speak a word. Instead keeping unto himself so as not to cause others pain, because of his cursed life.


I am sorry that it is so short. But it is the last chapter of this story after all.

Here is the summary of the next story that I will hopefully post next Sunday.

Journey to Rivendell

After his sister's death, Legolas hasn't spoken a word. His father sends him to Rivendell, in hopes that Elrond might heal him. Now it's up to the twins, and a young Estel, to help him before it's too late.

Thanks to my reviewers:

ShadowKitty: Oh, they'll try at least.

De@DEyeSSEeNoFUtURe: it is neat isn't it. ^_^

fire faerie: Ianna is the oldest twin out of her and Mussassi. Legolas is the youngest, his mom died giving birth to him.

Amlee: Thanks, sorry that it took so long.

Please review.